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2022五年级英语下册 Unit 4 When is the art show课时6教案 人教PEP.doc

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1、Unit 4 When is the art show?第 6 课时 Part B Read and write Lets wrap it up & Part C Story time教学目标:1学生能够理解kitten, diary, still, noise, open, walk 等单词。2. 学生能够运用与区分序数词与基数词的用法, 并能按要求完成语句书写。3. 学生能听懂并说出:They have white fur on April 21st. Their eyes are open on April 26th. They can walk on May 3rd.4. 学生能够运用

2、序数词标注日期,尝试记录观察日记,培养学生热爱生活、关心生活中的小动物的情感。5. 通过了解Zoom 努力准备歌曲比赛的故事,鼓励学生做事要有恒心,明白“只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针”的道理。教学疑难:1. 重点:学生能够运用与区分序数词与基数词的用法, 并能按要求完成语句书写。2. 难点:学生能听懂并说出“They have white fur on April 21st. Their eyes are open on April 26th. They can walk on May 3rd.”。教学方法:问答法,练习法,讲授法教学准备:多媒体、录音机及磁带、头饰、教学图片教学过程:一 复习与热身

3、1. 师生互相问候,出示节日的图片,运用一般现在时的特殊疑问句询问相应节日时间。学生在进行语句操练的过程中,巩固加深对序数词用法的理解。2. 快速翻译教师出示词组卡片中英互译,挑战学生的反应能力。二 导入教师用课件出示动物宝宝的图片和生日日期,如baby panda, baby kangaroo, baby dog, baby duck, baby elephant 等。三 新课呈现1. 学习Read and write。(1)引入课文。T: S1 likes pandas.S2 likes horses, and Sarah likes cats. Sarahs cat has two ki

4、ttens recently. Sarah loves them very much. She records their growth by keeping a diary. Do you want to know about them?Ss:Yes.T:Me, too. OK, next, lets read Sarahs diary to know about how cute the kittens are.(2)教师板书Sarahs diary 和 two new kittens,学生跟读。(3)教师展示第一张照片,让学生根据图片简单描述小猫的特征。然后再带领学生一起看看Sarah的

5、描述。以此方式引导学习新课内容。(4)教师依次出示四幅图片,播放录音,学生模仿跟读。(5)Read the text again, then fill in the table in groups.TimeAgeLooksCanCantApril 15thApril 21stApril 26thMay 3rd(6)完成课本练习。2. 学习Lets check。Listen and number.(1)教师先请学生看图描述每一幅图的日期,然后播放完整录音。学生听录音,完成标号任务。(2)师生核对答案。Listen again and tick or cross.(1)教师请学生逐一看句子,10

6、秒后播放本部分录音。学生听录音,判断对错。(2)师生核对答案。针对错误的句子,教师请学生说出正确的描述。3. 学习Lets wrap it up。(1)指导学生完成表格中110 的基数词与序数词的填写。(2)指导学生背诵本单元的10 个序数词。(3)教师简要讲解基数词与序数词的含义与使用范围, 如: 基数词表示数目,表示任务、物品个数、时间等用基数词。序数词表示数目的顺序,表示日期、楼层、名次等,用序数词。(4)完成句子。4. 学习Story time。(1)播放故事图片,并听故事录音。学习谚语:Practice makes perfect.(2)请学生打开课文,逐句模仿课文内容。四 巩固与应

7、用请学生挑选自己最喜欢的片段进行表演。五 当堂检测1. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Sarahs cat has _two _ (two)new kittens.(2)They can walk on July 3rd (three). (3)Our classroom is on the sixth (six) floor. (4)The kittens are twelve (twelfth)days old. 2. 按要求完成句子。(1)eyes, on, are, 26th, their, April, open (.)(连词成句) Their eyes are open on A

8、pril 26th. (2)has, two, my, new, cat, kittens (.) (连词成句) My cat has two new kittens. (3)can, play, Robin, they, with (.)(连词成句) They can play with Robin. (4)When is your birthday?(根据实际情况回答问题) My birthday is on November 20th. (答案不唯一)六 课堂小结Key words and phrases: kitten, make noises, hungry, fur, open,

9、walk.Key sentences: They still cant see. They make noises when they are hungry. Their eyes are open! The kittens can walk now.七 课后作业1. 完成相关练习。2. 将今天所学的故事分享给朋友或家人。板书第6 课时 Part B Read and writeLets wrap it up & Part C Story timeThey still cant see.They make noises when they are hungry.Their eyes are open!The kittens can walk now.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。课后反思在学生阅读过程中,要引导学生抓住关键词、关键句子,注重培养学生总结归纳的能力,如Read and write 中通过连线和句子填写,既考查了学生对关键词的敏感度也从侧面引导学生将短文内容进行归纳总结。


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