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2021届新高考英语二轮复习短文续写精准练(5) WORD版含解析.doc

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1、2021届新高考英语二轮复习短文续写精准练(5)1.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为150左右。The Hidden TreasureOld Man Donovan was a mean man who hated children. He threw rocks at them and even shot at them with a shotgun. At least thats what we had heard.His small farm bordered our neighborhood where my younger sister, L

2、eigh Ann, and I lived when we were growing up. His farm was long, narrow, and quaint. It held two treasures. One was his beautiful fruit.There were many varieties of fruit: pears, apples, and lots more I just cant think of. The fruit naturally drew the children to his land. It made them into thieves

3、. But my sister and I didnt dare to take his fruit because of the horrible rumors we had heard about Old Man Donovan.One summer day, we were playing in a nearby field. It was time to head back home. My sister and I were feeling very daring that day. There was a short cut to our house that went throu

4、gh the Donovan farm. We thought he wouldnt be able to see us run across his property around the luscious fruit trees. We were almost through the farm when we heard, Hey, girls! in a gruff, low voice. We stopped dead in our tracks! There we were, face to face with Old Man Donovan. Our knees were shak

5、ing. We had visions of rocks pounding our bodies and bullets piercing our hearts.“Come here,” he said, reaching up to one of his apple trees. Still shaking, we went over to him. He held out several ripe, juicy, red apples. “Take these home,” he commanded. We took the apples with surprised hearts and

6、 ran all the way home. Of course, Leigh Ann and I ate the apples.As time went on, we often went through Old Man Donovans farm, and he kept on giving us more luscious fruit. One day, we stopped by to see him when he was on his front porch. We talked to him for hours. While he was talking, we realized

7、 that we had found the other hidden treasure: the sweet, kind heart hidden behind his gruff voice. Soon, he was one of our favorite people to talk to. Unfortunately, his family never seemed to enjoy our company. They never smiled or welcomed us in.注意:(1)续写词数应为150左右;(2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Para 1:Every

8、summer, we would visit Mr. Donovan and talk to him._Para 2:The next winter, word got around that Old Man Donovan had died._2.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“Once there was a ship travelling on the tough sea and on the ship there was a pair of couple. All of a sudden, the ship met with an accid

9、ent and the couple had no choice but to run to the life boat without delay. After reaching there, they realized that there was space only for one person. At that very moment, the husband pushed his wife behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself, leaving his wife standing on the sinking ship, s

10、houting something desperately to her husband eyes filled with tears.”The teacher stopped her story-telling and asked her students, “Guys, guess what it was that she shouted.”Most students answered. “I hate you!”After listening to all this reply, the teacher glanced through the whole class again and

11、noticed that there was a boy sitting silently throughout. Then she asked him the same question.The boy answered, “I believe she would have shouted-Take care of our child.”Listening to his remarks, the teacher was surprised and asked the boy doubtfully. “Have you heard of this story before?”Shaking h

12、is head, the boy said softly and sadly, “No, I havent. But thats what my mother said to my father before she died of a deadly disease.”Moved and feeling sad, the teacher replied. “Your answer is absolutely right!”Then she continued, “Lets take up the story. The ship sank eventually and the husband w

13、ent home and brought up their daughter alone. Many years later after the death of the man, their daughter was tidying up all his belongings when she found his diary. In his diary she found that when her parents were on the ship, her mother had already been diagnosed (诊断) with advanced illness and at

14、 the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survival.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。In his diary, the man mentioned he wished to sink to the ocean with his wife but for their daughter he had to live. _The story was finished and the class was silent. _3.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之

15、构成一个完整的故事。The darkness was gathering as she wobbled(颤颤巍巍)in high heels (高跟鞋) along the side of the highway. The car had come to an unexpected stop, and like a normal teenager she did the only thing she could think of.get out and walk.It was cold and late, and home was far away. This could be a long

16、night. If only someone would stop and offer her a ride. She prayed for help and dragged herself forward.The lights of a truck shone from behind as it approached. Maybe he will stop, she hoped. The brake lights flashed on as it stopped. Next moment, the car door opened. A wordless invitation was exte

17、nded and she understood. Without hesitation, the girl climbed up into the seat and closed the door. Slowly the truck pulled back onto the road and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again.I woke up in a cold sweat, frightened. Was it a dream or was it a vision? It was unbelievably real, an

18、d the girl was my daughter! I jumped from my bed and ran to her room. Her bed was empty.I stood in horror trying to think why she hadnt come home. As the mental fog began to lift, I remembered she was visiting her friend that evening. Perhaps she stayed there for the night. It was 1:30 a.m., but I r

19、aced to the phone and dialed a number.Hello? The voice was heavy with sleep.Hey. Sorry to wake you. Becki didnt come home tonight and I was wondering if she stayed at your place.No, she left here a few hours ago. She should have been home at least by midnight! The voice on the other end began to ref

20、lect my own panic.Over the next forty-five minutes I alternated between lying in pray and pacing the floor in anxiety.At 2:15 a.m. lights appeared as a car turned up our long driveway. I could tell immediately that it was not my daughters car. 注意:1.所续写短文词数应为 150 左右;2.应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词;3.续写部分分为两段

21、, 每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:My face pressed against the window and found it was hard to breathe. _Paragraph 2:Mom, she gave me a ride home. Becki said. _答案以及解析1.答案:Paragraph 1: Every summer, we would visit Mr. Donovan and talk to him. We shared with him our colorful experience

22、 at school while he kept giving out his luscious fruits to us as usual. As time went by, we seemed to be more a family than good friends and his family gradually came to greet us with a warm smile. But one summer, we were informed that he was seriously ill and we were anxious and restless, feeling l

23、ike sitting on pins and needles. The next day, we rushed straight to the hospital to see his health condition. Weak as he was, he comforted us that it wasnt a big deal. It was from his family that we knew the truth. Old Man Donovan had fell from a tree while looking after the fruits and his head was

24、 seriously hurt and need an operation. The operation might not succeed and it was a gamble whether he would live or die.Paragraph 2: The next winter, word got around that Old Man Donovan had died. Hearing the bad news, my sister and I just couldnt believe it until we went back home and saw his smili

25、ng face on the wall. I felt a lump in my throat, tears welling up in my eyes. The family approached and welcomed us. “I m sorry for your loss.” I gave them a big hug. On my way back home, the wind whistled through the trees, as if mourning for the death of Donovan. I realized gone were the days when

26、 we sat together chatting with each other. I realized gone were the days when we were lucky enough to have a taste of the luscious fruit grown by him. However, he left us a hidden treasure- his kind heart, which shall never die away with the passage of time.2.答案: In his diary, the man mentioned he w

27、ished to sink to the ocean with his wife but for their daughter he had to live. Without him, their baby daughter would become an orphan. After drowning himself in sorrow for a short time, he uplifted himself and learned how to raise baby. Whenever faced with hardships, he would inspire himself with

28、his wife words“Take care of our child.” Seeing the little girl grow into a sunny, pretty girl with double love from both parents, the man knew he made it to keep his promise.The story was finished and the class was silent. Nobody talked or laughed as usual. Instead, it seemed that every student was

29、lost in deep thought, tasting the moving life story. The teacher was sure that the students were reflecting on their replies and that they had understood the moral of the story. Of the Good and Evil in this world, there are hidden secrets behind them. So we should not really focus on the surface and

30、 judge anyone without understanding them first. Put yourself in others shoes and then you can really understand their behavior.解析: 这是一篇读后续写作文。通过阅读所给文章可知,文章主要讲述了老师在课堂上给学生们讲了一个故事:故事的大致内容是一对夫妇在海上遇到事故,但是救生艇只能容纳一个人,最后,丈夫推着身后的妻子,自己跳上了救生艇,留下妻子站在正在下沉的船上,绝望地对着丈夫喊着什么。老师让学生猜想妻子说了什么,大多数学生的回答是“我恨你!”,但是一位学生却回答说妻子


32、样说话或大笑。相反,每个学生似乎都陷入了沉思,品味着动人的人生故事。老师确信学生们正在反思他们的回答,并且他们已经理解了这个故事的寓意。这个世界上的善与恶,背后都隐藏着秘密。所以我们不应该只关注表面,在不了解任何人之前就对他们进行评判。设身处地为别人着想,你就能真正理解他们的行为。【点睛】续写内容得当,使用了固定短语和高分句型。如:be faced with;take care of;make it;keep ones promise;reflect on;focus on;put oneself in others shoes等固定短语。Seeing the little girl grow

33、 into a sunny, pretty girl with double love from both parents, the man knew he made it to keep his promise.中使用了现在分词seeing作状语;The teacher was sure that the students were reflecting on their replies and that they had understood the moral of the story.中that引导的是宾语从句。3.答案:My face pressed against the wind

34、ow and I found it hard to breathe. The car pulled in front of the house, and out of it emerged my precious daughter, making her way up the steps. Tears stinging(使刺痛)my eyes,I threw open the door,pulled her inside and hugged her tightly. The dream was just too real and I could hardly believe I was no

35、w having my daughter in my hug. I wondered if it was because my pray was answered. Then through my blurred vision(模糊的视野)I saw a lady stepping out of the car.“Mom, she gave me a ride home.Becki said. “My car broke down on the highway and without her help, I would never have made it home in my high he

36、els. she continued, exposing her blistered(起泡的)ankles. My heart shuddered(一想起就怕/担心/难受) at the thought of how painfully Becki staggered(踉跄) along the dark highway. She must be an angel for Becki! I approached the lady and invited her inside. Now,I was definitely grateful to her for extending a helping hand.


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