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2013届高考英语二轮专题演练精品 单项填空5 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、2013届高三英语二轮专题演练:单项填空51(2011四川高考)How was your recent trip to Sichuan?Ive never had _ one before.Aa pleasantBa more pleasantCa most pleasant Dthe most pleasant解析:句意:你最近去四川的旅行怎么样?这是我所有旅行中最愉快的一次。“否定形式比较级”等同于最高级。根据语境可知此处用比较级与句中的never结合表示最高级。答案:B2(2010全国高考)My mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and s

2、poons.Aput away Bput upCput on Dput together解析:句意:我妈妈打开抽屉把刀子和勺子放好。put away把放好;put up举起,升起;put on穿上(衣服);上演;put together把放在一起。答案:A3Mrs.Brown always told her children to be good,warning them to _ trouble. Alive up to Bkeep out of Cput up with Dtake part in解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:布朗夫人总是告诉她的孩子要做好孩子,警告他们要远离麻烦。keep

3、 out of “避免,不卷入”符合题意。live up to不辜负; put up with容忍; take part in参加,均不符合题意。答案:B4We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are _.Alooking up Bcoming upCmaking up Dturning up 解析:look up 好转,有起色,向上看,查找;come up 出现;make up 构成,弥补;turn up (某人)出现,到,露面。答案:A5It is reported that the police will

4、 soon _ the case of the two missing children.Alook upon Blook afterClook into Dlook out解析:句意:据报道,警察将很快着手调查那两个孩子失踪的案件。look into意为“调查,检查”,符合句意。look upon意为“旁观”;look after意为“照顾,照料,管理”;look out意为“向外看”,均不合句意答案:C6(2012安阳月考)Will a sofa do?Sure.But if you havent,a chair is OK.There are some _.Aat hand Bin ha

5、ndCby hand Dwith hand7(2012合肥模拟)How do you know about the meeting?The chairperson made the _ that it was a success.Aremark BmeaningCdifference Dsignal解析:make the remark that.评论。答语句意:主席评论说会议是一次成功。答案:A8(2012平顶山调研)Hardly _ asleep when she heard a knock at the door.Ashe had fallen Bhad she fallenCshe di

6、d fallen Ddid she fall解析:hardly.when句型中,hardly置于句首,用过去完成时且倒装。答案:B9Doctors warn people that one may develop skin cancer with his skin _ to the sun too much.Aexposes BexposingCexposed Dbeing exposed解析:考查非谓语动词。his skin 与expose 是被动关系,且不强调正在进行。答案:C10(2012北京模拟)_ the _ of buying a house,it costs little to

7、rent a house.ACompared to;fee BComparing with;chargeCComparing to;fare DCompared with;expense解析:句意:与买房相比,租房的费用要少。compare的逻辑主语是“to rent a house”,两者构成被动关系,故用compared;fee强调“学费,律师费等费用”;charge强调“提供服务时索取的费用”;fare强调“车船费等”;expense强调“实际支付的费用总数额”。答案:D11(2012上海模拟)Id like to go to the cinema with you,Dad.Sorry,

8、my darling,but this film is _ for adults only. Aadmitted BintendedCallowed Dagreed解析:答语句意:这部电影是专门给成年人看的。be intended for专门给的。答案:B12She was _by a desire to be rich,so she invested all her money at hand on the stock market.Alost BcaughtCpossessed Dtricked解析:句意:她一心想发财,因此将手头所有的钱都投到了股市里。be possessed by (思

9、想、念头)缠住、迷住某人,符合句意。答案:C13What do you think of Andrew?There are some things that are not easy to_,and his coldness is one.Aput forward Bput up withCput down Dput off 14Most of the students in our class like to read China Daily,which_every day.Acomes out Bcomes upCcomes about Dcomes along解析:考查come动词短语。

10、句意:我们班大多数学生都喜欢读中国日报,它每日一期。come out在此意为“出版;发行”。答案:A15His aunts letters _ him of those beautiful days when they used to live together in his hometown.Acall at Bcall forCcall on Dcall up解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:他伯母的信让他想起了以前他们一起住在家乡的那些美好日子。call at拜访;call for要求;call on呼吁;call up使想起。答案:D16I wasnt sure about Mary wh

11、en I first met her,but on further _ I rather like her. Aoccasion BattemptCcommunication Dacquaintance解析:句意:在第一次见到玛丽的时候我不太了解她,但进一步地熟悉后,我很喜欢她。acquaintance意为“熟悉,认识”。答案:D17It doesnt make any sense for the Prime Minister to _ a banker to this post.Achoose BelectCappoint Dselect解析:句意:总理任命一个银行家担任这个岗位真是令人不解

12、。appoint sb.to.任命某人担任。答案:C交际用语18(2012安阳调研)Michael was late for Mr.Smiths oral class this morn_?As far as I know,he never came late to class.AHow come BSo whatCWhy not DWhat for解析:答语句意:怎么会?据我所知他上课从来不迟到。How come?“怎么会?”So what?“那又怎么样?”Why not?“为什么不?”What for?“为什么?”根据语境可知应用How come。答案:A19Im sorry.Ive le

13、ft my credit card home.And I dont have enough cash for the meal.Dont worry._. AIll invite youBIts my pleasure to pay youCIts my treatDIts at your expense解析:前者说“非常抱歉,我把信用卡忘在家里了,而且没有足够现金付饭钱”,据此后者的回答应该是“不用担心,我请你”。C项中的treat表示“招待,款待”,此处表示“请客”。答案:C20Sorry to keep you waiting for long.Ill make short work of this._.Im not in a hurry.ATake it easy BTake your timeCNot at all DDo as you like版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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