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2015-2016学年高一英语人教版必修3同步辅导与检测:UNIT 2 第三学时 USING LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.docx

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1、第三学时Using Language:Reading, Listening and Speaking熟记附录中的语块,在语块中感悟单词的用法,然后完成下列语块。1男主持和女主持the hosts and h_ 2两勺醋two spoonfuls of v_3大言不惭do not to feel ashamed for telling a l_4一个善意的谎言a white l_5视客户为上帝regard c_ as God6给他们打8折give them a 20% d_7自然和人造纤维natural and manmade f_8理解这篇文章d_ the passage9本周的新闻摘要a d

2、_ of the weeks news10吃水煮牛肉和胡萝卜eat boiled beef and c_11欠银行的债be in d_ to a bank12愤怒地盯着小偷g_ at the thief13避开耀眼的阳光avoid the g_ of the sun14刺探别人的事s_ into others affairs15监视她的行为s_ on her conduct16用他们的间谍换回我们的间谍s_their spies for ours17午餐吃鸡胸肉have chicken b_ for lunch18垂头丧气sink ones head upon ones b_19松一口气了br

3、eathe a s_ of relief20满意地舒了一口气s_ with satisfaction仔细阅读课文“Come and eat here(2)”, 选择正确答案。1According to the first paragraph,how did Wang Peng make his restaurant popular again after only one week?ABy copying Yong Huis menu.BBy advertising the benefits of his food. CBy combining his menu with Yong Huis.

4、 DBy changing his menu.2Wang Pengs smile left his face because _Ahe felt illBhe would be in debtChe saw some customers DYong Hui walked in3The word “glare” probably means_AsmileBstare Clook angrily Dsigh 4.Yong Hui was very angry when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant because_A. she thought he was a

5、 new customerB. she thought he had spied on her restaurantC. she was told he was a spyD. he was too fat5What was the result of their facetoface talking?AThey both sighed and came up with nothing.BThe result was not satisfying and quarrel broke out. CThey decided to combine their menus. DNone of the

6、above.答案:15BDCBC Part ARole Play情景:Lucy在采访饭店老板王鹏。角色:Lucy 和王鹏。任务:请你和你的朋友分别扮演一个角色,根据中文提示提出问题,然后根据课文内容回答问题。Q1: 最初你靠什么赢回了顾客?你开心吗?_Q2: 雍慧对你的行为感到生气吗? 为什么?_Q3: 你怎么跟她解释的?_Q4: 你们怎样解决问题?_Q5: 后来怎么样了?_答案:Q1:How did you win back your customers at the beginning? Did you feel happy at that time? A1:I wrote a new s

7、ign about the strengths of my food and promised to give the customers a discount if they came to eat in my restaurant.I felt very happy because my restaurant was full again.Q2:Did Yong Hui get angry about that? Why?A2:Yong Hui was angry about me for she thought I had spied on her and her menu.Q3:Wha

8、t did you explain to her?A3:I explained that I didnt mean to upset her, but I found her menu limited and started advertising the benefits of my food.Q4:How did you solve your problem?A4:We sat down and talked, thinking about our strengths and weaknesses and after that we decided to combine our menus

9、.Q5:What was the ending? A5:In the end, our business became a success and we got married and lived happily ever after.Part BRetelling请参照上述问题及答案,用自己的话复述课文。 关键词:spy 窥视 combine 结合 menus 菜谱 success 成功marry 结婚_答案:A week later, Wang Peng felt very happy because his restaurant was full again and he would b

10、e able to earn his living so he would not be in debt.But Yong Hui was angry about him for she thought Wang Peng had spied on her and her menu.Wang Peng explained that he didnt mean to upset her, but he found her menu limited and started advertising the benefits of his food.So they sat down and talke

11、d, thinking about their strengths and weaknesses and after that they decided to combine their menus.In the end, their business became a success and they got married and lived happily ever after.1Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.(p.14) 或许他仍然可以

12、谋生,不至于关闭餐馆了。词语链接earn vt.挣,赚(钱,名声等)谋生即学即练完成下列句子。(1)She_(谋生) by helping others lose weight.(2)I can_(赚足够的钱) to support my family.(3)She_(获得好名声) by helping a lot of old and homeless people.答案:(1)earns her living(2)earn enough money(3)earns her fame2He did not look forward to being in debt because his r

13、estaurant was no longer popular.(p.14)他可不希望他的餐馆因不受欢迎而负债。词语链接be in debt 负债be heavily/deeply in debt 债台高筑out of debt 不欠债get/run into debt 欠债pay off ones debt 还清债务即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)He_(欠债)after he was out of work.(2)He did all he could to_(还清债务) in five years.(3)He was_(负债) when he was young, but has

14、 been_(不欠债) since he got rich.答案:(1)ran/got into debt(2)pay off his debts(3)in debt;out of debt3She did not look happy but glared at him.(p.14)她看上去很不高兴,双眼怒视着他。词语辨析:glare at,stare at,glance atglare at指怒目而视。stare at指长时间凝视。glance at指匆匆一瞥。即学即练用glare at,stare at,glance at填空。(1)Children should be taught n

15、ot to_the disabled people.(2)He_his watch and then left the room quickly.(3)They were frightened as they saw the terrorist_them.答案:(1)stare at(2)glanced at(3)glaring at4.and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu.(p.14) 我现在知道了你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。词语链接spy n间谍,特务v监视,窥视常用短语有:spy on/ upon/ int

16、o 秘密监视;窥探;侦察即学即练完成下列句子。(1)Who gave you the right to_(窥探)me?(2)It is wrong to_(窥探他人的私事)(3)I wonder if he is a_(密探)答案:(1)spy on(2)spy into other peoples affairs(3)spy5I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.(p.14

17、)我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太有限了,所以我也就不着急了,并开始宣传我的食物的好处。词语链接benefit n好处,益处v有利于,有益于beneficial adj.有益的,有用的benefit from 从受益be beneficial to sb. 对有好处be of benefit 有好处,有益即学即练完成下列句子。(1)My holiday_(对我没有多大好处)(2)It is an expensive investment but it will_(对公司有好处) in the long run.(3)Because of illness she didnt get m

18、uch_(从中获得好处)her stay abroad.(4)The book_(对他大有裨益)答案:(1)wasnt of much benefit to me(2)benefit the company(3)benefit from(4)is beneficial to him6Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.(p.15) 或许我们两家餐馆应该联合起来,做一份富有营养、热量和纤维的平衡食谱。词语链接combine v(使)

19、联合,(使)结合combination n联合,结合,组合combine A with B 把A和B结合起来即学即练将下列句子译成英语。(1)努力和信心结合造就完人。_(2)把传统中医和西医相结合。_答案:(1)Efforts and confidence combine to make a full man.(2)Combine Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine.7In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.(p.15)这样他们减

20、少了饭菜中的脂肪含量,增加了纤维素。词语链接cut down 减少,降低;砍断cut off 切断,中止,关掉cut in 插话,打断别人的话cut up 切碎,割碎;使某人伤心即学即练选用上述词语完成下列句子。(1)The article is too long and should be_(砍断)by half.(2)He had a finger_by a machine while working.(3)The cook_the meat for the pie.(4)I am sorry_on your conversation.答案:(1)cut down(2)cut off(3)

21、cut up(4)to cut in8Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.(p.15)他们的平衡食谱非常成功,不久,王鹏变瘦了而雍慧胖了。词语辨析:before long,long before before long 不久,很快。long before 很久以前。即学即练用before long,long before填空。(1)They came back_(2)Keep on working

22、hard and_you will become a social success.(3)_there was a monk living in the mountain.答案:(1)before long(2)before long(3)Long before.句型转换1Reading is the most interesting thing in my spare time.In my spare time,_than reading.2That experiment was so successful that he soon became a wellknown scientist.

23、That experiment was_that he soon became a wellknown scientist.3If you cheat in the exam, you will be punished(惩罚)for it.If you cheat in the exam, you will never_it.4If you eat too much energygiving food, you will surely become fat.If you eat too much energygiving food, you will surely_5Johnson lives

24、 a hard life, for he owes(欠)a lot of money.Johnson lives a hard life, for he is_答案:1.nothing is more interesting2.such a success3.get away with4.put on weight5.in debt.根据句意用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空tell a lie, before long, glare at, in debt, lose weight, spy on, get away with, win.back, benefit from, earn ones

25、 living, cut down, combine.with1.When the mother came back home, she found her two children_each other.It seemed that they had just quarreled.2Im very fat now and all my friends advise me to_for my health.3Why did you_? Didnt you know that you would get punished if your parents found out the truth?4

26、Once you have broken the law, you cant easily_it.5The coach hoped that his team would cheer up and_the prize_in the next World Cup.6Im heavily_at the moment.So I have to take some parttime jobs to pay off it.7He hid behind the door and_them as they ate their dinner.8We hope to finish our experiment_

27、Then we can go to the beach for a short holiday.9You need to_your intake of rich and oily foods in order to keep healthy.10Students always can_good teachers.11When life was difficult in the past, she_by singing in a night club.12Its very difficult to_work_pleasure.答案:1.glaring at2.lose weight3.tell

28、a lie4get away with5.win;back6.in debt7.spied on8.before long9.cut down10.benefit from11.earned her livingbine;with. 语法填空 They began to talk about menus and balanced diets. “According to my research, neither your restaurant nor 1._ (I) offers a balanced diet,” explained Wang Peng. Perhaps we ought t

29、o combine our ideas and provide 2._ balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.” So that is 3._ they did. They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather than 4._(fry) them. They served fresh fruit with the ice cream. 5._ this way they cut down the fat and 6._ (in

30、crease) the fibre in the meal. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became 7._ (slim) and Yong Hui put on more weight. 8._ some time the two found that their business cooperation 9._ (turn) into a personal one. Finally they got married and lived 10._ (happy) ever after! 答案:1.mine2.a3.what4.frying5.In6increased7.slimmer8.After9.had turned10.happily


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