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《教材全解》2014-2015学年高中英语外研版选修六同步讲解:M6 火眼金睛.doc

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《教材全解》2014-2015学年高中英语外研版选修六同步讲解:M6 火眼金睛.doc_第1页
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1、易混短语辨、练、析 (Module 6)一、take place; take the place of; give place to1. As far as I know, the accident _ at this cross three weeks ago.2. Youve done very bad, so youll have to _ a better man.3. Nothing could _ the family he had lost.Key: 1. took place 2. give place to 3. take the place of 【简析】 take pla

2、ce表示“发生”、“举行”,不能用于被动语态(如1);give place to表示“把座位让给”、“让位给”,是短语动词,其中to是介词(如2);take the place of表示“代替”、“顶替”、“接替”,是短语动词,其中of是介词(如3)。二、declare war on / upon; declare for; declare against1. As is known to us, the U.S. _ Afghan (阿富汗) on October 7th, 2001.2. The teachers _ cheating.3. All the students in the

3、country _ peace.Key: 1. declared war on / upon 2. declared against 3. declare for【简析】 declare war on.表示“向宣战”,其中on是介词,可以用upon代替(如1);declare for表示“宣布赞成”,其中for是介词(如3);declare against表示“声明反对”,其中against是介词(如2)。三、pick up; pick out; pick over; pick on1. I know somebody has to go and fetch some more logs, b

4、ut why do you _ me?2. She soon _ English when she went to live in England.3. Would you _ the one you want?4. He _ the tomatoes, looking for the ripest ones.Key: 1. pick on 2. picked up 3. pick out 4. picked over【简析】 pick up表示“拾起”、“捡起”、“学会”,其中up是副词,后面接名词(如2);pick out表示“认出”、“选出”,其中out是副词 (如3);pick over表示“选一遍”、“把好的挑出”,其中over是副词 (如4);pick on表示“选择”、“挑选”,其中on是介词 (如1)。


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