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1、五年级英语上册知识点汇总Module 1【词汇】bench(长凳) playground(操场,运动场) for(达,计) different(不同的) then(那么,就)【习惯搭配】in China在中国on the floor在地板上look different看起来不同feed the birds喂鸟the pictures of.的照片lots of许多in the classroom在教室里look at.看.【重点句型】1.描述某处有某人/某物的句型:There is + 可数名词单数/不可数名词 + 其他.There are + 可数名词复数 + 其他.eg: 1.There

2、is a bird on the tree.2.There are some books in the schoolbag.2.描述某处以前没有某物的句型:There wasnt + 可数名词单数/不可数名词 + 其他 + before.There werent + 可数名词复数 + 其他 + before.eg: 1.There wasnt a river here before.2.There werent any benches in this park before.Module 2 【词汇】heavy(重的) let(允许,让) sell(卖,销售) sometimes(有时)【习惯

3、搭配】a lot of许多go to the supermarket去超市over there在那边come on快点儿put .in .把.放进.里【常用表达】1.Lets go!让我们走吧!2.Let me help you.让我帮你吧。3.Thank you.谢谢你。【重点句型】描述物品的特征:The / This / That + 物品名称 + is + 形容词.eg: 1.This supermarket is big.2.That apple is red.Module 3 【词汇】名词:Halloween(万圣节前夕) Easter(复活节) festival(节日) mask(

4、面具) neighbour(邻居) night(夜晚,夜间)chick(小鸡) chocolate(巧克力) 其他:give(给,送) scary(吓人的,可怕的) 【习惯搭配】an autumn festival秋天的一个节日go to their neighbourshouses去他们的邻居家【惯用表达】trick or treat不请吃就捣蛋【重点句型】1.介绍“今天是某个节日”的句型:Today is+节日.eg:Today isChristmas.2.描述“某个节日在什么季节”的句型:节日+is in+季节.eg: Halloween is in winter.Module 4【单词

5、】1.stories(story的复数形式)故事2.invitation请帖3.November十一月4.from(表示时间)从起5.to直到6.reply 回答,回复【习惯搭配】1.tidy up收拾,整理 2.my birthday party我的生日聚会3.have lunch吃午餐4.have a birthday cake吃生日蛋糕5.after lunch午餐后 6.in the river在河里7.seea film看电影 8.tell stories讲故事9.at the weekend在周末 10.on Saturday在星期六11.make a birthday cake做

6、一个生日蛋糕【惯用表达】1.Oh yes!哦,好的!【重点句型】1.We are going to +动词原形(+其他).eg: Were going to have lunch together.我们打算一起吃午餐。We are going to tell stories.我们打算讲故事。扩充:“be going to +动词原形”结构中,be应与主语的人称和数保持一致。“be going to”结构是一般将来时的标志,表示“计划,打算”。2.Im going to be +年龄.eg: Im going to be eleven.译文:我就要11岁了。Module 5【单词】1.mine我

7、的 2.whose谁的3.yours你的,你们的4.hers她的5.both两(都),两个(都)6.wet湿的8.worker工人9.still还,仍然【习惯搭配】1.take away移走,拿走2.run home往家跑3.wet and dirty又湿又脏【惯用表达】1.Im sorry.我很抱歉。2.Thats OK.没关系。3.Whats the matter?怎么了?【重点句型】1.Whose +某物(可数名词单数或不可数名词)+is it?Its +名词性物主代词.eg: Then whose Tshirt is it? Its mine.译文:那么它是谁的T恤衫呢?它是我的。Wh

8、ose card is it? Its mine.译文:它是谁的贺卡?它是我的。2.形容词性物主代词/名词所有格 +可数名词单数/不可数名词 +is +形容词.eg: Amys blue dress is wet.埃米的蓝色连衣裙湿了。3.主语(复数)+are +动词ing形式(+其他).eg: Oh, but the workers are still working.译文:哦,但是工人们仍然在工作。What are you doing? We are washing our faces.你们正在做什么?我们在洗脸。Module 6 【词汇】well好;熟练地 high高高地 true真实的

9、,确实的 got(get的过去式) 得到 eighty八十 point分数 fan狂热爱好者,迷 seventy七十 sixty六十【短语】look at看 play basketball打篮球 jump high跳得高 run fast跑得快 basketball team篮球队 【句子】1.He got forty points.(他得了四十分。)2.I can play basketball well.(我打篮球打得好。)3.I can run fast.(我跑步跑得快。)4.Thats true.(那是真的。)5.Were the winners!(我们是赢家!)6.Im your f

10、irst fan.(我是你的头号粉丝。)7.How can they fly so fast and so high?(它们怎么能飞得如此的快,如此的高呢?)【句型结构】1.询问对方是否会做某事:- Can you + 动词原形 + 其他?- Yes, I can./ No, I cant.eg: - Can you play football.(你会踢足球吗?)- Yes, I can.(是的,我会。)- Can you run fast?(你能跑得很快吗?)- No, I cant.(不,我不能。)2.描述某人过去做过的事情主语 + 动词过去式 + 其他.Eg: Lily lost her

11、 pencil last week.(丽丽上周丢了她的铅笔了。)Sam got seventy points in basketball race yesterday.(山姆在昨天的篮球赛中得了七十分。)Module 7【词汇】useful有用的show(电视或广播)节目presenter(电视或广播节目的)主持人blind失明的,瞎的could(can的过去式)能speak说(某种语言)fire火灾,失火inside在里面firefighter消防员couldnt=couldnot不能【句子】1.Look! Theres a TV show about dogs.(看!有一个关于狗的电视节目

12、。)2.This man is blind.His dog can help him.(这个人失明了。他的狗能帮助他。)3.-Can Fifi help blind people?(飞飞可以帮助盲人吗?)- No, he cant.He only wants to play!(不,他不能。他只想要玩。)4.This dog is very clever!(这只狗非常聪明!)5.It could find the people.(它能找到人们。)6.-I can swim.Can you?(我会游泳。你会吗?)- Yes, I can.(是的,我会。)7.- I cant stand on my

13、 hands.Can you?(我不会倒立。你会吗?)- Yes, I can.(是的,我会。)【句型结构】主语+can+动词原形(+其他).eg:Tom can paly the drums.(汤姆可以打鼓。)主语+be动词+形容词.eg:Lucy is clever.(露西是聪明的。)-Can +主语+动词原形(+其他)?- Yes,主语+can./ No,主语+cant.eg: - Can she play the violin?(她会拉小提琴吗?)- No,shecant.(不,她不会。) 主语+could+动词原形(+其他).eg: Maomao could dance when s

14、he was five.(毛毛五岁就会跳舞了。)Module 8【词汇】often经常around围绕,环绕start开始line行,排,列half一半past晚于,过(几点)miss想念study学习open开着的wall墙havefun玩得开心break课间休息【句子】1.In the UK, children often sit around tables in class.We sit in lines in China.(在英国,孩子们在课堂上经常围着桌子坐。在中国,我们坐成排。)2.Inthe UK, school often starts at 9 oclock and fini

15、shed at half past three.(在英国,经常九点钟开始上课,在三点半放学。)3.In China, we usually start school at 8 oclock and finish at 4 oclock.(在中国,我们通常在八点钟开始上课,在四点钟放学。)4.They sing songs together every morning.We do morning exercise.(他们每天早晨一起唱歌。我们做早操。)5.This is an English school.There are childrens paintings on the wall.(这是

16、一所英国学校。墙上有孩子们的绘画作品。)6.Thereare lots of games.The students can have fun at break time.(有许多游戏。在课间休息,学生们可以玩得开心。)【句型结构】1.In+国家,主语+谓语动词 (+其他)./主语+谓语动词(+其他)+in+国家.eg: In China, people like to eat dumplings.(在中国,人们喜欢吃饺子。)People like to playfootballin America.(在美国,人们喜欢踢足球。)2.There be+其他.eg: There aremanydif

17、ferent animals in the zoo.(动物园里有许多不同的动物。)3.主语+can have fun at break time.eg:Students can have fun at break time.(在课间休息,学生们可以玩得开心。)Module 9【词汇】nothing没有事情,没有东西think思考;想;觉得drank(drink的过去式)喝,饮【句子】1.-Are you sad?你难过吗?- No, Im not.不,我不难过。2.- Are you angry?你生气吗?- No, Im not.不,我不生气。3.-Are you bored?你无聊吗?-

18、No, Im not bored.不,我不无聊。4.-Sowhats the matter?那么你怎么了?- Nothing.没什么。5.She was sad.她很难过。6.Shewas hungry.她很饿。7.She was very happy.她非常高兴。8.Oh, he is angry now!哦,他现在很生气!【句型结构】1.- Are you +(表示感受的)形容词?- Yes, I am/ we are./ No, Im not/ we arent.eg:- Are you angry?你生气吗?- No, Im not.不,我不生气。-Are you cold?你们冷吗?

19、- No, we arent.不,我们不冷。2.Whats the matter(+其他)?eg: Whats the matter, Daming?怎么了,大明?3.主语(第三人称单数)+was+(表示感受的)形容词.eg: Mymother was happy.我妈妈很开心。Shewas very thirsty.她很渴。Module 10【词汇】should应该gotobed上床睡觉shouldnt=shouldnot不应该takedown取下,拿下clean干净的rule规则,规章kind友好的,善意的,体贴的【句子】1.You should go to bed at 9.你应该在九点

20、上床睡觉。2.-Tom, you shouldnt play with your CDs!汤姆,你不应该玩光盘!- Im sorry, Mum.我很抱歉,妈妈。3.You shouldnt take the books down.你不应该把书拿下来。4.You should tidy your toys.你应该整理你的玩具。5.And thanks for your help, girls.感谢你们的帮助,女孩们。6.You shouldnt feed them too much.你不应该给它们喂太多。7.You shouldnt be late.你不应该迟到。8.You should bri

21、ng your books to class.你应该把你的书带到班级里。【句型结构】1.You should+动词(短语)原形(+其他).eg: You should help yourmother do housework.你应该帮助你的妈妈做家务。2.Thanks for(+形容词性物主代词)+名词/动词-ing形式(+其他).eg: Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。Thanks for watching.谢谢观看。3.You shouldnt +动词(短语)原形(+其他).eg:You shouldnt make noise in the hospital.你不应该在医院吵闹。6


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