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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc

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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第10页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第11页
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2018年高中英语(译林牛津版)必修五:UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND NATURE SECTION Ⅱ 知能演练轻松闯关 WORD版含答案.doc_第12页
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1、 品句填词1.If Ive hurt your feelings,it was quite without_ (目的)答案:intention2A fresh coat of paint can_(改变) a room.答案:transform3The high level of unemployment has produced harmful social _ (结果,后果)答案:consequences4We waited for the report of exam with a great deal of _ (忧虑)答案:anxiety5His suggestion has bee

2、n _ (采纳) by people in many parts of the world.答案:adopted6A small baby has no_(概念) of right and wrong.答案:concept 单句改错1The mother was standing at the gate,anxiously to see her son._答案:anxiouslyanxious2They argued him into the adopt of the plan._答案:adoptadoption3A big fire broke out last night;as the c

3、onsequence,the house was completely destroyed._答案:第一个thea4She ever lived in France,and as consequence she speaks French fluently._答案:consequence前加a或把as改为in5(2015浙江卷单项填空)Janes grandmother had wanted to write a childrens book for many years,but one thing or another always got in a way._答案:第二个athe 完成句子

4、1我想出去吃,可(另一方面)我又该努力省钱。Id like to eat out,_ I should be trying to save money.答案:but on the other hand2他又迟到了,结果让老板训了一顿。He came late again;_he was scolded by his boss.答案:as a consequence(result)/in consequence3尽管他还是个孩子,他知道做什么事情是正确的。_ he was,he knew what was the right thing to do.答案:Child as/though4他离成为

5、一名著名的歌手已经不远了。He is _ a famous singer.答案:on the way to becoming5劝告朋友要在私下里,赞扬朋友可在人多的场合。Make suggestions to your friends in private_ in public.答案:while praise your friends 课文语法填空With Dolly cloned 1._(success) from an adult cell,some other animals have already been created.Some scientists even have the

6、intention 2._(clone) humans and they are pushing ahead with research now,3._it is not legal in many countries.China has succeeded 4._ producing clones of cows and goats.Just 5._the 6._(say) goes,“Every coin has two sides.” On the one hand,cloning can produce 7._(value) human tissues 8._(use) in medi

7、cal 9._(treat)On the other hand,human cloning causes much anxiety.Some people say if we toy 10._nature,we will have to deal with the consequences.答案:1.successfully2.to clone3.although/though4in5.as6.saying7.valuable8.to be used9treatment10.withA卷 单句语法填空1You didnt intend _(be) late.But thats not the

8、point.答案:to be2There were many people waiting at the bus stop,and some of them looked very _(anxiety) and disappointed.答案:anxious3The suggestion came from the chairman that the new rule _(adopt)答案:(should) be adopted4He stood there without daring to lift his head as a consequence _ his wrong action.

9、答案:of5She has made up her mind to transform an attic room _ a study.答案:into6This decision could have serious _(consequence) for the industry.答案:consequences7The way in which we work has undergone a complete _(transform) in the past decade.答案:transformation8Hearing this,tears came to my eyes as I rea

10、lized what a fool I had been to judge Jims father _ a failure.答案:as9We are in agreement _ their decision.答案:with10She toyed _ the idea of becoming an actress.答案:with 阅读理解Have you ever wished you could have a clone of yourself to do homework while you hit the skate park or went out with your friends?

11、Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another.This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two!You might not believe it,but there are human clones among us right now.They werent made in a lab,though: theyre identical twins (同卵双生),created naturally

12、.How does one go about making an exact genetic copy of an organism? There are a couple of ways to do this: artificial(人工) embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer(体细胞核移植)Artificial embryo twinning is the relatively lowtech version of cloning.Somatic cell nuclear transfer,(SCNT) uses a diffe

13、rent approach compared with artificial embryo twinning.This was the method used to create Dolly the sheep.Lets say you really want a clone to do your homework.Knowing what you know,do you think this approach would really help you finish your homework.this decade?A common misconception is that a clon

14、e,if created,would magically appear at the same age as the original.This simply isnt true.You remember that cloning is an alternative way to create an embryo,not a fullgrown individual.Therefore,that embryo,once created,must develop exactly the same way as an embryo created by fertilizing an egg cel

15、l with a sperm cell (精子)This will require a surrogate mother and enough time for the cloned embryo to grow and fully develop into an individual.Are you familiar with the phrase “nature versus nurture”? Basically,this means that while genetics can help determine personality,environmental influences h

16、ave a considerable impact on shaping an individuals physical appearance and personality.For example,do you know any identical twins? They are genetically the same,but do they really look and act exactly alike?When we hear of cloning successes,we learn about only the few attempts that worked.What we

17、dont see are the many,many cloning experiments that failed! And even in the successful clones,problems tend to arise later,during the animals development to adulthood.Cloning animals shows us what might happen if we try to clone humans.What have these animals taught us about the risks of cloning?1Th

18、e underlined word “misconception” in Paragraph 6 probably means “_”AbeliefBmisunderstandingCexplanation DexperienceB解析:词义猜测题。根据上下文可知,人们往往会认为克隆就是马上能有一个一模一样的你出现,这显然是“误解”。2Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AThe risks of cloning.BThe myths of cloning.CThe definition of cloning.DSome

19、 issues in cloning.D解析:细节理解题。最后两段说的是A项的内容,倒数第四段说的是B项的内容,第二段说的是C项的内容,只有D项的内容没有提及。3Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ADolly the sheep was cloned by using SCNT.BIdentical twins are naturally created human clones.CA clone,if created,would magically appear at the same age as the

20、 original.DTwins are genetically the same,but they dont really look and act exactly alike.C解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第四段第一、二句话“A common misconception is that a clone,if created,would magically appear at the same age as the original.This simply isnt true.”及之后的论述可知。4According to the passage,we cannot have a clone

21、to do our homework now because _Athe technology is not so advancedBthere are many cloning experiments that failedCproblems may arise laterDall of the aboveD解析:细节理解题。综合全文,尤其是倒数第二段可知,A、B、C三项都是现在还不能克隆人的原因。 完形填空Recently I have been reminded of the very unexpected generosity and kindness I once experienc

22、ed on a hitchhiking (搭便车) trip.In 1981, I decided to _1_ my girlfriend, who lived in Napier, and _2_ I was short of money, hitchhiking was the only way to go. _3_ Auckland early in the morning, carrying only a small backpack, I set off by bus to the entrance of the Southern Motorway. I soon got _4_.

23、 Most were short, but nevertheless I was on my way. I enjoyed the _5_ conversation and was lucky enough to have made some _6_ by dusk.As I walked along a treelined country road, I _7_ where I would spend the night. It was summer and the weather was _8_ so I thought I could sleep under a tree. An eld

24、erly gentleman greeted me and asked me where I was _9_, interrupting(打断) my thoughts. I _10_ that I was hoping to get to the next town, “Opotiki.”“You wont get there before dark,” he said. “So come with me and well put you up for the _11_”Opotiki was a further 25 km away, so I _12_ him to a comforta

25、ble, warm house nearby. He introduced me to his wife who was _13_ dinner. They invited me to sit at the _14_ and before long I was enjoying a nice cup of tea followed by a _15_ dinner.After dinner I was shown to my _16_: an old bus that was parked in the back garden. It had a double bed in it and I

26、had a very _17_ nights sleep.In the morning I woke to a cup of tea and a nice hot breakfast. I began saying goodbye and _18_ them for their kindness, when the lady _19_ me a wrappedup sandwich, saying that it should keep me going until I _20_ Opotiki.We had a laugh and said goodbye. I have never for

27、gotten their amazing kindness and magnanimity (高尚的行为)【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者在搭便车旅行途中遇到一位善良的老人,他邀作者留宿过夜,并且给作者提供了丰盛的晚餐。1A.findBvisitChelp DpraiseB解析:由上下文的描述可知,“我”决定去“看(visit)”女朋友。2A.if BbeforeCsince DunlessC解析:由下文的描述可知,“因为(since)”缺钱,“我”只能搭便车去。3A.Leaving BPassingCEntering DSearchingA解析:由下文中的I set off by bus可

28、知,“我”一大早就“离开了(Leaving)”奥克兰。4A.tickets BliftsCflights DmessagesB解析:由上文中的hitchhiking可知,“我”很快就“搭到车(got lifts)”。5A.private BshortCquiet DfriendlyD解析:由该空前的enjoyed可知,一路上的交谈都很“愉快(friendly)”。6A.progress BconnectionsCdistance DmistakesC解析:由上文的描述可知,“我”很幸运地在黄昏之前赶了一些“路程(distance)”。7A.wondered BknewCimagined Dre

29、alizedA解析:由下文中的I thought I could sleep under a tree可知,“我”“想知道(wondered)”自己晚上该在哪里过夜。8A.windy BdryCcloudy DwarmD解析:由上文中的summer可知,天气比较“暖和(warm)”。9A.working BheadingChiding DeatingB解析:由下文中的I was hoping to get to the next town, “Opotiki.”可知,一位老人跟“我”打招呼,问“我”“去(heading)”哪儿。10A.replied BadmittedCadded Dconc

30、ludedA解析:由下文中的Opotiki可知,“我”“回答说(replied)”想到下一个城镇Opotiki。11A.week BdayCbed DnightD解析:由上文中的where I would spend the night以及下文的描述可知,此处指老人邀作者留宿过“夜(night)”。12A.led BfollowedCinvited DshowedB解析:由下文中的to a comfortable, warm house可知,“我”“跟随(followed)”老人到了附近他温暖舒适的家。13A.having BorderingCexpecting DpreparingD解析:由

31、下文的描述可知,老人的妻子正在“准备(preparing)”晚餐。14A.stair BrestaurantCtable DcomputerC解析:由下文中的I was enjoying a nice cup of tea可知,他们邀请“我”坐到“餐桌(table)”旁。15A.formal BpoorCcheap DheartyD解析:由文中的描述可知,老人为作者准备了“丰盛的(hearty)”晚餐。16A.room BhomeChouse DflatA解析:由下文中的an old bus和It had a double bed in it可知,饭后,老人把“我”带到“我”的“房间(room

32、)”。17A.long BuneasyCdifficult DcomfortableD解析:由文中的描述可知,“我”睡了一个“舒服的(comfortable)”觉。18A.paying BaskingCthanking DforgivingC解析:由下文中的for their kindness可知,“我”“感谢(thanking)”两位老人的善意。19A.sent BhandedCbought DreturnedB解析:由该空后的a wrappedup sandwich可知,老人的妻子“递给(handed)”“我”一个打包好的三明治。20A.remembered BcoveredCreache

33、d DrecognizedC解析:由该空前的keep me going可知,此处指三明治应该能支撑“我”“到达(reached)”Opotiki。B卷 阅读理解AMargaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.She got trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became s

34、eriously ill.“I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts(工作班次) are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 pm.till 6 am.five nights a week for just 90, before tax and insurance.“Its better than it was last ye

35、ar, but I still think that people who work unsocial hours should get a bit extra.”The hours shes chosen to work mean that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband.However, she doesnt think that puts any pressure on their relationship.Her work isnt physically very hard, but its

36、 not exactly pleasant, either.“I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs.If they realized people like me have to do it, perhaps theyd be a bit more careful.”The fact that her working all night doesnt worry Margaret at all.Unlike some dark buildings at night, th

37、e building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three.“Since Ive got to be here, I try to enjoy myselfand I usually do, together with the other girls.We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people whe

38、n she tells them what she does for a living.“They think youre a cleaner because you dont know how to read and write,”said Margaret.“I used to think what_my_parents_would_say_if_they_knew_what_Id_been_doing,_but I dont think that way any more.I dont dislike the work though I cant say Im mad about it.

39、”【解题导语】本文介绍了Margaret为了照顾孩子而辞去了护士的工作做清洁工和她的工作环境、同事们的情况以及她面对的一些困扰。1Margaret quit her job as a nurse because _Ashe wanted to earn more money to support her familyBshe had suffered a lot of mental pressureCshe needed the right time to look after her childrenDshe felt tired of taking care of patientsC解析:

40、细节理解题。根据第二段的介绍可知,她辞去护士的工作是为了好好照顾自己的孩子。故选C项。2Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because _Athey never clean their officesBthey look down upon cleanersCthey never do their work carefullyDthey always make a mess in their officesD解析:推理判断题。根据第五段的“I do get angry with people who leave th

41、eir offices like a place for raising pigs.”可知,Margaret对在办公室里工作的人们很生气是因为他们把办公室里弄得很乱,不容易打扫。3When at work, Margaret feels _Alighthearted because of her fellow workersBhappy because the building is fully litCtired because of the heavy workloadDbored because time passes slowlyA解析:推理判断题。根据第六段的“Since Ive g

42、ot to be here, I try to enjoy myselfand I usually do, together with the other girls.We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”可知,同事们给了她快乐。4The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margarets parents would _Ahelp care for her childrenBregret what they had said Cshow sympathy for

43、 herDfeel disappointed with herD解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的前两句话可知,人们对清洁工这个工作有偏见,Margaret担心父母会对她感到失望。B(2018湖北武汉高二上学期期中)Will life in the future be better,worse or the same as now? Futurologists(未来学家)predict that life will probably be very different in 2050.First of all,it seems that TV channels will have disappe

44、ared by 2050.A computer will send the program directly to the television.On TV screen appear holograms,which are pictures with certain height,width and depth.We will be able to see,smell and touch the things that we see on television.Water has become one of our most serious problems.Agriculture is c

45、hanging and people are growing more fruit and vegetables to export.Demand for water will increase ten times in 2050.Some futurologists predict that water will be the cause of war if we dont act now.In transport,cars will run on new fuels and go very fast.A car will have computers to control its spee

46、d and there wont be any accidents.On the other hand,space planes will take people around the earth in about three hours.People will fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo by space plane in just half an hour.In the field of technology,robots will have replaced people in factories.By 2050,we will see robots ev

47、erywhere.They do not ask for pay rises or go on strike,and they work 24 hours a day.Medicine technology will have conquered(征服)many diseases by 2050;we will be able to help blind and deaf people see and hear again.Scientists have discovered how to control genes.They have already produced clones of a

48、nimals and will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look,how they behave and how much intelligence they have.If you want all this to come true,you should study science and technology hard.【解题导语】本文是一篇展望未来的文章。预测了在2050年我们生活上可能出现的几个大的改变。5What is the main difference between todays and

49、 2050s TV?AWe can use a computer to turn off the TV set.BWe can talk with the characters appearing on TV.CWe can choose whatever we like to see on TV.DWe can touch the things we see on TV.D解析:细节理解题。根据文中第二段的We will be able to see,smell and touch the things that we see on television.可知答案。6What will be

50、 more likely to cause the war in the future?AThe lack of water.BThe less farmland.CThe shortage of robots.DThe more space planes.A解析:细节理解题。根据文中第三段的Demand for water will increase ten times in 2050.Some futurologists predict that water will be the cause of war if we dont act now.可知答案。7Which of the fol

51、lowing is TRUE about the transport in the future?ARobots will control the speed of the car.BWe can travel around the earth in about three hours.CThere will be more flights from Los Angeles to Tokyo.DCars can run without any fuel.B解析:细节理解题。根据文中第四段的On the other hand,space planes will take people aroun

52、d the earth in about three hours.可知答案。8From the passage we can infer that by 2050 _Apeople will spend less time in studyingBmore and more people neednt go to schoolCpeople will have more time to relax or restDno patients will be found in the world C解析:推理判断题。根据第五段的By 2050,we will see robots everywher

53、e.They do not ask for pay rises or go on strike,and they work 24 hours a day.可以推知,工作可以让机器人做,人们会有更多的时间来放松和休闲。 七选五(2018河北唐山一中高二期中)As a parent, you must have a lot of concerns regarding the various skills you would like your child to acquire.Music is one of them.1._ On the other hand, it is great for a

54、 childs overall development if he or she has an interest in the fine arts.2_ It is well known that they stay out of trouble as teenagers and young adults if they have music as a serious interest.The concentration helps them with their grades.Their learning and communication skills are better than th

55、ose of their peer group.They also develop lots of confidence and selfesteem.Another advantage of your child learning music becomes obvious only at a later stage.3._ It can be very beneficial and many top musicians had a very early exposure to music and credit this with their later successes.You can

56、start when your child is only a baby, by exposing him or her to a wide range of music at home.4._ And you could sustain (维持) your childs interest by having the both of you singing together.Some parents start their children on a musical instrument as early as 3 years of age.This is great if the child

57、 is having a good time.It goes without saying that you should not have to drag your child to lessons.You can be sure that nothing productive will come out of it.5._If you start your child on music lesson by the age of 5, taking care to encourage her and not to push her, your child will grow up into

58、an accomplished adult with a wellrounded personality.AIt can have good effects on your child.BThat is why many people make a selection of music as a career.CAnd your child will have a lifelong dislike of music.DOtherwise youll completely spoil your childs future.EYou could ensure that there is a son

59、g or melody playing in the background.FThere are a couple of advantages of teaching children to play a musical instrument.GOn the one hand, it can encourage your childs creativity and natural hobby.答案:15.GFBEC 短文改错Yesterday, I spent one memorable afternoon with my little friend Tom, which was the ch

60、ild of my neighbors next door. When I reached home after school, I find Tom sitting on the stairs.Know he had lost his key, and I invited him to my home. He started to do his homework. Meanwhile, I called her mother and told her what had happened. Soon Tom finished all his homework. Since it was sti

61、ll early, I decided play Chinese chess with him so that he wouldnt feel boring. Tom was very careful and he thought very hard before makes any move. Later, Toms mother arrived and thanked me for taking care of her sons. Tom said he had an enjoyable afternoon. In fact, I also felt very happily.答案:Yes

62、terday, I spent one memorable afternoon with my little friend Tom, was the child of my neighbors next door. When I reached home after school, I Tom sitting on the stairs. he had lost his key, I invited him to my home. He started to do his homework. Meanwhile, I called mother and told her what had ha

63、ppened. Soon Tom finished all his homework. Since it was still early, I decided play Chinese chess with him so that he wouldnt feel . Tom was very careful and he thought very hard before any move. Later, Toms mother arrived and thanked me for taking care of her . Tom said he had an enjoyable afternoon. In fact, I also felt very .


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