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《优化方案》2014-2015学年高二英语(人教版必修7)UNIT2SECTIONⅣ课时作业 WORD版含答案.doc

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《优化方案》2014-2015学年高二英语(人教版必修7)UNIT2SECTIONⅣ课时作业 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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1、.阅读理解AA 1.6meter tall robot may soon become the best friend for lonely elderly people,as Chinese scientists are making the final sprint (冲刺) toward its market launch (投放),said a senior researcher on the robot project on Saturday.“We are working on testing the exact functions and ways to reduce the c

2、ost in preparations for an expected market launch of the robot in two to three years,” said Li Ruifeng,a member of the project.He said the team hoped to reduce the cost so that the robot can be priced at 30,000 to 50,000 yuan,which is expected to be an affordable price for most of Chinas betteroff f

3、amilies.The robot has been developed with the functions of fetching food,medicine,sounding alarms in case of water or gas leakage,sending texts or video images via wireless communications,and even singing a song or playing chess to entertain its masters.Li said that the robot,developed independently

4、 in China,has technology at the same level as those in western labs.China set about the research of the robot in 2007,when it was listed as a national key project.It is backed by gover nment funding (拨款)China has the worlds largest elderly population with 159 million people over 60,accounting for 12

5、 percent of its total population.According to a survey by the Ministry of Civil Affairs,more than 10 million caregivers and nurses are needed to attend the elderly population,as most of Chinese elderly prefer to live their retired lives at home.【解题导语】本文介绍了一种可以照顾孤独老人的机器人即将面世的事情。1The passage mainly ta

6、lked about _.Athe problems of Chinese elderly populationBthe advantages of the Robot caregiversCrobot caregivers for the elderly to the marketDthe governments attention to the elderly解析:选C。主旨大意题。由第一段首句“A 1.6meter tall robot may soon become the best friend for lonely elderly people,as Chinese scienti

7、sts are making the final sprint(冲刺) toward its market launch(投放).”可知。2The underlined word “backed” in the last paragraph means_.AsupportedBsuggestedCcontrolled Dstopped解析:选A。词义猜测题。由前一句的“a national key project”及其后的“by government funding(拨款)”可知。3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

8、ARobot caregivers will appear in the market in 2 or 3 years.BRobot caregivers can help elderly people do everything.CThe robot needs some technology from western labs.DThe robot is expected to be bought by every people.解析:选A。细节理解题。由第二段“We are working on testing the exact functions and ways to reduce

9、 the cost in preparations for an expected market launch of the robot in two to three years”可知。4The author wrote the passage to_.Aadvertise a robot caregiver to the elderlyBtell China elderly not to worry about their lifeCexplain how robot caregivers work in the futureDintroduce a newlydeveloped robo

10、t caregiver解析:选D。主旨大意题。综合全文可知,本文讲述了一种可以照顾孤独老年人生活的机器人即将面世以及与其相关的测试、成本、功能、技术、前景等。BWhen middleaged Alex quit his job and made up his mind to become a selfemployed writer,no one could tell for sure whether he would succeed or not.He found a cold storage room in a building,set up a used typewriter and se

11、ttled down to work.After a year or so,however,Alex began to doubt himself.He found it was difficult to earn his living by selling what he wrote.But Alex determined to put his dream to the testeven though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure.This is the shadow land(虚幻世界) of hope,and a

12、nyone with a dream must learn to live there.One day Alex got a call,“We need an assistant,and were paying $6,000 a year.” $ 6,000 was real money in 1960.It would enable Alex to get a nice apartment,a used car and more.Besides,he could write in his spare time.As the dollars were dancing in Alexs head

13、,something cleared his senses.He had dreamed of being a fulltime writer.“Thanks,but no,” Alex said firmly and swiftly,“Im going to stick it out and write.”After Alex got off the phone,he pulled out everything he had:two cans of vegetables and 18 cents.Alex put the cans and cents into a paper bag,say

14、ing to himself,“Theres everything youve made of yourself so far.Im not sure I ever felt so low.”Finally his work was published in 1970.Instantly he had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever experienced.The shadows had turned into focus of attention.Then one day,Alex found a box filled w

15、ith things he had owned years before.Inside was a paper bag with two cans and 18 cents.Suddenly he pictured himself working in that cold storage room.It reminds Alex,and anyone with a dream,of the courage and persistence(坚毅) it takes to stay the course in the shadow land.【解题导语】本文讲述了Alex成为作家的艰难过程。5Wh

16、y did Alex give up his job? ABecause he didnt like the working conditions.BBecause he couldnt earn enough to make a living.CBecause he wanted to be a fulltime writer.DBecause he felt he had no potential in his job.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句和第三段可知答案。6What did Alex express when he answered the call? AHe ref

17、used the job offer.BHe was willing to give them a hand.CHe expected them to pay him more money.DHe would write in his spare time.解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第三段:“Thanks,but no,” Alex said firmly and swiftly ,“Im going to stick it out and write.”可知答案。7What kind of person is Alex? ADetermined. BModest.CShy. DBrave.

18、解析:选A。推理判断题。根据全文尤其是最后一段可知答案。8Which of the following can summarize the passage best? ALook before you leap.BTwo heads are better than one.CHold on to your dream,and it will come true.DA bird in hand is worth two in the bush.解析:选C。主旨大意题。根据全文尤其是第二段和倒数第一段可知答案。.语法填空Jay was born to ride.Just after learnin

19、g to walk,he got his first bicycle.A year later ,he was on a bicycle 1._ training wheels.At the age of 5,he was a skilled bicyclist.His father made sure he did everything 2._(safe)Jay wore a helmet,a chest pad,elbow pads,and knee pads.He fell a lot,3._he was never hurt 4._(bad)It was when he was 7 y

20、ears old 5._he got his first motorcycle.He entered motocross races all over the country.By the time he was 15,he 6._(win) thirty races.His future looked bright.When he was 17,Jay took his girlfriend out for a ride on his motorcycle.A truck ran a red light,and Jay and his girlfriend fell off the moto

21、rcycle,7._(crash) into the side of the truck.Jay went into the hospital for three months.His girlfriend died 8._(immediate),for which Jay felt guilty all the time.Jay didnt ride a motorcycle again for 10 years.Then one weekend he 9._(buy) a used motorcycle.He took it out for a test run at dusk.It wa

22、s a great feeling 10._(ride) again.He got it up to 110 miles an hour on the local freeways.That was fun,he thought.【解题导语】Jay天生是个赛车手,十几岁就赢得了很多比赛,但是一场车祸让他十年没有再骑车。1解析:介词with在本句中意为“带有”。本句中的介词短语作后置定语修饰名词bicycle,意为“带训练轮子的自行车”。答案:with2解析:分析句子结构,此处缺少一个副词修饰谓语动词,故应填形容词safe的副词形式safely。答案:safely3解析:He fell a lo

23、t 和he was never hurt.两个分句在语意上存在转折关系,故本空需填并列连词but。答案:but4解析:hurt badly意为“伤得很厉害”。答案:badly5解析:本句使用了“It was.that.”的强调句式,强调时间状语从句when he was 7 years old。答案:that6解析:根据时间状语从句by the time he was 15可知,主句应使用过去完成时态,表示该动作发生在“过去的过去”。答案:had won7解析:本句的主语Jay and his girlfriend是crash动作的发出者,故此处应用现在分词作伴随状语。答案:crashing8

24、解析:根据语境可知,副词immediately作状语。答案:immediately9解析:根据上下文,此处应为一般过去时态。答案:bought10解析:本句中,it是形式主语,动词不定式to ride是真正的主语。答案:to ride.书面表达你一定对自己的未来生活有过各种各样的畅想。你对自己的未来有什么期许?希望富有的生活还是宁静充实抑或激情挥洒的生活?请写一篇100词左右的短文描述一下自己所渴望的未来生活。_One possible version:The following is what I am looking forward to about my future life.Firs

25、t of all,I believe my life will be simple.I dont struggle for wealth or honor,but I am going to save some money every month in case I am in trouble.In addition,my hometown is a quiet and beautiful small village.I would like to live back there.I can draw it every day and there will be enough time for

26、 me to do what I want to do.Last but not least,I will not need to worry about my health.I am used to having good habits.I eat healthy food and dont smoke or drink.Should I have time,I would do physical exercise for about an hour every day.In conclusion,I believe I will have a comfortable and quiet time in the future.


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