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1、课时作业(三十八)选修7Unit 19Language第2课时.完形填空(2011南昌高三调研)She had been shopping with her mom in WalMart.She must have been 6 years old.It was_1_outside.We all stood just_2_the door of the WalMart.Her voice was so sweet for the_3_waiting.“Mom,lets run through the rain,” she said.“What?” Mom asked.“Lets run thr

2、ough the rain!” she_4_.“No,honey.Well wait until it_5_down a bit,” Mom replied.This young child waited about_6_minute and repeated,“Mom,lets run through the rain.”“Well get soaked if we do,” Mom said.“No,we wont,Mom.Thats not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she_7_her moms arm.“Th

3、is morning?When did I say we could run through the rain and not get_8_?”“Dont you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer,you said,If God can get us_9_this,he can get us through anything!”The entire crowd became dead silent.I_10_you couldnt hear anything but the rain.We all stood s

4、ilently.Mom_11_and thought for a moment about what she would say.“Honey,you are absolutely right.Lets run through the rain.If we get wet,maybe we just need_12_,” Mom said.Then off they ran.We all stood watching,smiling and laughing as they_13_past the cars.They held their shopping_14_over their head

5、s just in case they got soaked.But they were_15_by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the_16_to their cars.And yes,I did.I ran.I got wet.I needed washing.Circumstances or people can take away your_17_possessions,they can take away your money,and they can take away your_18_.But no one c

6、an ever take away your precious_19_.So,dont forget to_20_time and take the opportunities to make memories every day!1A.quarrellingBpouringCsnowing Dtrembling2A.beside BbehindCinside Doutside3A.annoying BinterestingCappreciating Dexpecting4A.answered BdeclaredCrepeated Dannounced5A.brings Bcomes Ccut

7、s Dslows6A.a more BotherCan another Danother7A.pulled BhitCpushed Ddragged8A.hurt Bwet Cwounded Dslipped9A.off BoverCthrough Din10A.recalled BsworeCpromised Dobserved11A.suffered BwalkedCwept Dpaused12A.washing BbathingCshowering Dwatering13A.rushed BflewCwalked Ddrove14A.goods Bsupplies Cbags Dpack

8、ages15A.suspected BchallengedCordered Dfollowed16A.route BwayCpath Ddirection17A.physical BmentalCspiritual Dmaterial18A.health Bfamily Cfriendship Dhappiness19A.presents BprizesCmemories Dchances20A.make Bgain Ckill Dkeep.阅读理解(2011南昌调研)Why do we go wrong about our friends,or our enemies?Sometimes w

9、hat people say hides their real meanings.And if we do not really listen,we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose someone tells you,“You are a lucky dog!” Is he really on your side?If he says,“Youre a lucky guy!”,that is being friendly.But “a lucky dog”?There is a bit of envy in those words.What

10、he may be saying is that he does not think you deserve your luck.“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another phrase that says one thing and means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem.But this phrase contains the thought that your p

11、roblem is not at all important.How can you tell the real meaning behind someones words?One way is to take a good look at the persons talking.Do his words fit the way he looks?Does what he says show the tone of voice?The look in his eyes?Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real mea

12、ning of what people say to you may save you another mistake.1When the writer recalls some of the things that happened between him and his friends,he_.Afeels happy,thinking how nice his friends were to himBfeels he might not have understood his friends true feelingsCthinks it a mistake to have broken

13、 up with his girl friendDis sorry that his friends let him down2When the writer talks about someone saying “Youre a lucky dog!”,he is saying that_.Athe speaker is just friendlyBthis sentence suggests the same as “Youre a lucky guy!”Cthe word “dog” should not be used to apply to peopleDsometimes the

14、words show that the speaker is a bit envious3This passage tries to tell you how to_.Aavoid mistakes about money and friendsBget an idea of friendly peopleCavoid mistakes in understanding what people tell youDkeep people friendly without trusting them4The writer suggests that_be trusted.Aeverybody Bn

15、obodyCall the people Dnot all the people(2011南昌调研)“My kids really understand solar and earthheat energy,” says a secondgrade teacher in Saugus,California.“Some of them are building solar collectors for their energy course.” These young scientists are part of City Building Educational Program (CBEP),

16、a particular program for kindergarten through twelfth grade that uses the stages of city planning to teach basic reading,writing and math skills,and more.The children dont just play any city.They map and analyze the housing,energy,and transportation requirements of their own district and predict its

17、 needs in 100 years.With the aid of an architect who visits the classroom once a week,they invent new ways to meet these needs and build models of their creations.“Designing buildings of the future gives children a lot of freedom,” says the teacher who developed this program.“They are able to use th

18、eir own rich imagination and inventions without fear of blame,because there are no wrong answers in a future context.In fact,as the class enters the final modelbuilding stage of the program,an elected official and planning group makes all the design decisions for the model city,and the teacher steps

19、 back and becomes an adviser.”CBEP is a set of activities,games and imitations that teach the basic steps necessary for problemsolving:observing,analyzing,working out possible answers,and judging them based on the childrens own standards.5CBEP is designed to_.Adirect kids to build solar collectorsBt

20、rain young scientists for city planningCdevelop childrens problemsolving abilitiesDtrain kids to be future architects6An architect pays a weekly visit to the classroom to_.Afind out kidscreative ideasBdiscuss with the teacherCgive children lecturesDhelp kids with their program7Who is the designer of

21、 the program?AAn official. BAn architect.CA teacher. DA scientist.8The children feel free in the program because they_.Acan design future buildings themselvesBhave new ideas and rich imaginationCare given enough time to design modelsDneed not worry about making mistakes课时作业(三十八).完形填空1解析:下文提到女孩儿建议和妈妈

22、冒雨前行,由此可知外面在“下倾盆大雨”。pour表示“(雨)倾盆而下”。答案:B2解析:当时雨下得很大,作者和众人都在沃尔玛的门“内(inside)”站着。答案:C3解析:根据小女孩儿所说的话可知她和众人一样,不愿意长时间等待下去,这种等待很“烦人”。annoying表示“讨厌的,令人恼火的”。答案:A4解析:上文已经提到了小女孩儿所说的那句话,所以此处是“重复”一遍。另外,第6空后面也有线索提示。A项表示“回答”,B项表示“声明”,D项表示“宣布”,都不符合语境。答案:C5解析:由于当时雨下得很大,所以女孩儿的妈妈建议等到雨势“稍弱”的时候再出去。slow down表示“慢下来,减小,减弱”

23、。答案:D6解析:小女孩儿又等待了大约一分钟,此处表示“又一”,因此用another。假如选择A项,应改为one more。答案:D7解析:由上文可知,小女孩儿对妈妈说了好几次要在雨中行走,所以应当是“拉(pulled)”着妈妈的胳膊。答案:A8解析:在雨中行走会被淋“湿”是众所周知的常识,所以女孩儿的妈妈对女儿的话予以否认。第12空前面有线索提示。答案:B9解析:如果上帝能够让我们“熬过”这个难关,那么他就可以让我们熬过任何困难。get through表示“熬过,度过”。后半句的get us through anything也是线索提示。答案:C10解析:上一句提到整个人群中死一般的寂静,由

24、此可知作者“发誓”除了雨声之外,再也听不到任何声响。swear“郑重声明(自己说的是真话)”,符合语境。答案:B11解析:根据本句后半部分中的内容可知女孩儿的妈妈“停顿”了一会儿,思考着如何回答。答案:D12解析:如果我们被雨淋湿了,也许我们正需要“洗一洗”。此外,第16空后面的“I needed washing.”也是线索提示。答案:A13解析:小女孩儿建议和妈妈在雨中跑步前进,所以应是从车辆旁边“冲”过。答案:A14解析:两个人当时没有带雨伞,所以用购物“袋”护住头。答案:C15解析:下文提到几个人也冒雨前进,由此可知这几个人是在效仿这对母女,“跟着”她们冲向雨中。答案:D16解析:这几个

25、人像孩子一样在雨中“一路上”尖叫,大笑,跑向他们的车。way表示“距离,时段”,all the way指他们跑向停车的地方的那段距离。答案:B17解析:根据本句后半部分中的money可知环境或人们可以拿走你的“物质”财富。material possessions表示“物质财富”。A项表示“身体的;物理学的”,不符合语境。答案:D18解析:上文提到小女孩儿的爸爸患了癌症,由此可知他们可以带走你的“健康”。答案:A19解析:根据下一句中的memories可知没有人能够拿走你珍贵的“回忆”。答案:C20解析:不要忘记每天“腾出”时间并抓住机会去创造回忆。后三项分别表示“赢得”“消磨”“保持”,都与作

26、者的写作意图不符。答案:A.阅读理解语篇解读有时候,我们之所以犯错误是因为没有理解对方话语的真正含义。他们言不由衷的话往往有弦外之音,因此察言观色就成为了一门学问 1解析:推理判断题。作者在描述与朋友之间的往事时,用的都是问句,是疑问语气,再结合第三段第二句中的内容可推测作者感觉自己当时或许并没有理解朋友的真实感受。答案:B2解析:推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句可知当某人说这句话时他是在说他认为你不应得到这份运气,由此可推测说话人有些嫉妒。答案:D3解析:写作目的题。前四段叙述的是生活中有些人说的是言不由衷的话,最后一段则提出了察言观色的对策,由此可知本文意在告诉读者如何避免在理解他人的话语时

27、犯错误。答案:C4解析:推理判断题。结合文中提到的事例以及最后一段最后一句中的内容可推测作者认为并非所有的人都应该信任。答案:D语篇解读加利福尼亚的一名教师别出心裁地设计出一个培养孩子解决问题能力的计划,让他们在城市规划中自由驰骋,潜移默化地学到观察问题、分析问题和解决问题的知识 5解析:细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话以及最后一段的内容可知这个计划的目的是培养孩子解决问题的能力。答案:C6解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句话中的“With the aid of an architect.” 可知建筑师每周来教室一次的目的是在这个计划中为孩子们提供帮助。答案:D7解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中间部分的“.says the teacher who developed this program.”可知这个计划的设计者是一位教师。答案:C8解析:推理判断题。第二段后半部分提到孩子们可以充分发挥他们丰富的想象力,无须害怕任何责备,因为在未来设计方面没有错误的答案,由此可推测孩子们在这个计划中可以无拘无束,不必担心犯过错。答案:D


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