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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业 第一部分专题增分练 课时19 书面表达(七)——说明文 WORD版含答案.doc

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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业 第一部分专题增分练 课时19 书面表达(七)——说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业 第一部分专题增分练 课时19 书面表达(七)——说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业 第一部分专题增分练 课时19 书面表达(七)——说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业 第一部分专题增分练 课时19 书面表达(七)——说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业 第一部分专题增分练 课时19 书面表达(七)——说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业 第一部分专题增分练 课时19 书面表达(七)——说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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1、规范练(十九) .阅读理解AData on British buying habits in 2016 reveals a move away from products such as sausages and bacon in favour of fish and poultry (家禽肉).The move may be because highend consumers are noticing growing warnings about their impact on health. That was reinforced by an assessment by the World

2、 Health Organization in October that placed cured and processed meats in the same category as asbestos, alcohol, arsenic and tobacco as major causes of cancer.Sales of sausages and bacon were down 14.4% last year compared with 2015 and sales of red meat fell by 8.1%. In contrast, sales of poultry an

3、d fish rose by 13.1% and 25.1% respectively.The sustained interest in organic food is driven by an increase in young and socially conscious “millennials” (born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s) with strong social, ethical and environmental values. They are prepared to pay extra for healthier

4、options and shifting shopping patterns away from “the big weekly shop” in favour of “a few and often”.At Tesco sales of organic fruit and vegetables have risen by more than 18% over the last yeardouble the market average. Tesco fruit commercial manager Gareth Wilcock said, “The revival of organic fo

5、ods has been gathering pace over the last few years, with lower prices and better availability both playing a major part in that.”George Scott, food and grocery analyst with Verdict Retail, said, “Organic food is no longer niche (针对特定小群体的) and I think this upward sales trend is here to stay. It is v

6、ery significant that we have acute consumers who are prepared to trade up to the foods where they want the best quality and assurances of provenance.”语篇解读这是一篇说明文。数据表明英国人改变了以往的购物习惯,他们不再依恋肉类加工品,而是转向健康的有机食品。1.What does the World Health Organization think of processed meats?A.Highend consumers prefer th

7、em.B.They have little effect on heart diseases.C.Theyre a kind of organic food.D.Theyre likely to cause cancer.解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“.placed cured and processed meats in the same category as asbestos,alcohol, arsenic and tobacco as major causes of cancer”可知,世界卫生组织认为,肉类加工品有可能致癌。答案:D2.What are the figures

8、 in Paragraph 3 used to show?A.The sales of some food in two years.B.Some data on British buying habits.C.Customers interest in organic food.D.The change of British buying habits.解析:考查推理判断。第三段中列举的数据是为了支持本文的话题“Data on British buying habits in 2016 reveals a move away from products such as sausages an

9、d bacon in favour of fish and poultry(家禽肉)”,即英国人改变了以往的购物习惯,不再依恋肉类加工品,而是转向有机食品。所以D项正确。答案:D3.What can we know about “millennials”?A.They like buying in large quantities.B.Theyre healthconscious.C.They used to buy a few things.D.They share the same eating habits.解析:考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“They are prepared to p

10、ay extra for healthier options”可知,千禧一代愿意为了更健康的选择多付钱,由此可推知他们有健康意识。答案:B4.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?A.Organic food businesses are taking off.B.Organic foods have unfavorable prices.C.Its inconvenient to buy organic foods.D.Its hard to satisfy all consumers.解析:考查推理判断。根据最后两段的内容,尤其

11、是“At Tesco sales of organic fruit and vegetables have risen by more than 18% over the last year. The revival of organic foods has been gathering pace over the last few years”和“I think this upward sales trend is here to stay”可知,有机食物企业开始盛行。答案:ABIt is an aerial performance far beyond the capabilities o

12、f even the most complex modern aircraft: landing upside down on a ceiling. But it is routine business for bats, and now scientists have learned precisely how they do it.Brown University scientists observed two species: Sebas shorttailed bat and the lesser dogfaced fruit bat. They tracked their motio

13、ns using three highspeed video cameras taking images at 1,000 frames per second, and studied weight distribution in the bats body and wings. They found that by flapping both wings while folding one of them just a bit toward their body, a bat can shift its centre of mass to perform a midair flip in o

14、rder to land on a ceiling.“Flying animals all move skillfully constantly as they fly through a threedimensional environment,” Brown biology and engineering professor Sharon Swartz said. “Bats employ this specific technique every time they land, because for a bat, landing requires reorienting from he

15、ad forward, back up, belly down, to head down, toes up.”When approaching their touchdown spot, bats are not flying very quickly, making it difficult to gather the type of aerodynamic forces produced by pushing against the air that could help position them for an upsidedown landing. But their heavy w

16、ings enable them instead to create inertial(惯性的) forces to adjust themselves in midair.Swartz said bats, as nocturnal(夜间活动的) animals, are generally not fully appreciated as skilled pilots. “People have many opportunities to observe birds and insects flying, but the bat world is hidden in the night.

17、The more we observe flight behavior in bats, the more we are impressed,” Swartz said.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。蝙蝠能倒挂在天花板上,这是精彩的空中特技表演,甚至超越了最复杂的现代飞机的能力。5.Whats the key factor in bats successful landing?A.Flapping both wings constantly.B.Flying slowly and stably.C.Choosing suitable positions.D.Shifting their centr

18、e of mass.解析:考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“They found that by flapping both wings while folding one of them just a bit toward their body,a bat can shift its centre of mass to perform a midair flip in order to land on a ceiling”可知,转移重心能让蝙蝠成功倒挂在天花板上。答案:D6.Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “reor

19、ienting”?A.Adjust.B.Show.C.Identify. D.Maintain.解析:考查词义猜测。根据画线词后的“from head forward,back up,belly down,to head down,toes up”和上下文语境可知,此处指的是蝙蝠降落需要从头朝前、背朝上、腹部朝下调整为头朝下、脚趾朝上。故画线词应意为“调整”,与adjust的意义相近。答案:A7.Why arent bats generally recognized as skilled pilots?A.Their flying skills are controversial.B.Thei

20、r flight behavior is hard to understand.C.Theyre not the most skilled in flying.D.Theyre primarily active at night.解析:考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“as nocturnal(夜间活动的) animals”和“but the bat world is hidden in the night”可知,因为蝙蝠在夜间活动,不易被观察到,因此在飞行技巧方面未受到充分赏识。答案:D8.What is the text mainly about?A.How bats hunt at nig

21、ht.B.How bats land upside down.C.How bats travel around at night.D.How scientists track bats motions.解析:考查主旨要义。通读全文可知,文章主要讲蝙蝠是怎样倒挂在天花板上的。故B项最能概括文章的大意。答案:B.完形填空I was touched so much. A while back, my threeyearold son and I settled back for his goodnight _1_. We lay down in his little bed and he said,

22、 “Daddy, when I get big can I live with you?” I _2_ him he could live with me any time he wanted to.A moment later he said, “When you die youre going to feel _3_ on your face and it will be me touching you.” Then he _4_, “I will kiss you.” He moved over, kissed me. I was aware of tears suddenly well

23、ing up in my eyes. I didnt want to explain _5_ I was crying; as I opened my eyes to look at him, he was already _6_.I spent some time looking at him, _7_ the minute and wondering about the depth of the _8_ Id had. It occurred to me that I didnt remember having much of this kind of _9_ time with my f

24、ather, and that this was a time that would be _10_ shortlived. This time of _11_ that forms a threeyearolds life, would soon be _12_. What will remain, however, will be the _13_ of this short while reoccurring in my mind nonstop. It made all of the difficult _14_ of being a father worthwhile.Sometim

25、es, being a committed father can feel like youre _15_ the doorkeeper, driver, and _16_ in the house. Then you will have “a _17_”, one like this in which your child expresses absolute, pure, and _18_ love for you.When your kids have _19_ home and you look back at these years, all of these will be str

26、ung together to _20_ the memories of their lives with you.语篇解读和孩子在一起的温馨时刻让作者感慨万千,作者认为作为父亲应该珍惜这个时刻,因为它很短暂。1.A.manner B.processC.routine D.service解析:根据空前的“his goodnight”和空后的“We lay down in his little bed”以及常识可知,此处指父亲给儿子睡前道晚安这一惯例(routine)。答案:C2.A.warned B.remindedC.assured D.convinced解析:此处指作者向儿子保证(assu

27、red)只要他想,他随时可以和作者住在一起。答案:C3.A.something B.anythingC.nothing D.everything解析:根据“it will be me touching you”可知,这里表示有某种不确定的东西,所以用something。答案:A4.A.admitted B.promisedC.shouted D.concluded解析:根据语境可知,此处指作者的儿子向自己承诺(promised)道,“我会吻你”。答案:B5.A.how B.whyC.whether D.when解析:作者意识到自己突然热泪盈眶,但是不想解释自己为什么(why)哭了。此处why引

28、导宾语从句,表示原因。答案:B6.A.silent B.upsetC.asleep D.calm解析:根据语境可知,这里指当作者睁开眼看他时,他已经睡着(asleep)了。答案:C7.A.enjoying B.searchingC.checking D.expecting解析:此处指作者看了他一会儿,享受这个时刻,故用enjoying强调这个时刻的美好。答案:A8.A.sight B.ideaC.feeling D.view解析:此处指“我惊讶于刚刚的感受之深刻”。儿子说出那些话,作者会很有感触,故用feeling。答案:C9.A.gentle B.historicC.magical D.si

29、mple解析:作者刚刚和儿子在一起的那一幕是温馨的,作者不记得自己和父亲曾有过这样温馨的时刻。gentle“温柔的,温馨的”。答案:A10.A.possibly B.originallyC.extremely D.frequently解析:由下文的“shortlived”“would soon be”“short while”可知,作者认为这样的时刻极其短暂。extremely“极度,极其”。答案:C11.A.cleverness B.truthC.innocence D.care解析:此处指三岁孩童生命中的这种天真(innocence)将会很快消失(gone)。答案:C12.A.valued

30、 B.shapedC.changed D.gone解析:参见上题解析。“shortlived”和“forms a threeyearolds life. this short while”亦是提示。答案:D13.A.effect B.sceneC.result D.mark解析:此处指然而,留下的将会是不断浮现在作者的脑海中的这一短暂时刻的画面。scene“景象”,符合语境。答案:B14.A.work B.dreamC.reality D.career解析:此处指和孩子在一起度过的美好时刻让作为父亲所做的所有困难的工作(work)都变得值得了。答案:A15.A.just B.evenC.sti

31、ll D.also解析:有时候做一个尽心尽力的父亲会让你觉得自己只是(just)家里的看门人、司机和清洁工。答案:A16.A.teacher B.waiterC.cleaner D.customer解析:参见上题解析。根据空前的“doorkeeper,driver”和空后的“in the house”可知,此处选cleaner。答案:C17.A.process B.courseC.period D.moment解析:此处指然后,你会碰到这样一个时刻。这里用moment和上文作者与儿子之间的温馨时刻呼应。答案:D18.A.unconditional B.insignificantC.suffic

32、ient D.inaccessible解析:在这一刻,你的孩子向你表达绝对的、纯粹的和无条件的爱。从“absolute,pure”可看出应用unconditional“无条件的”与之并列。答案:A19.A.missed B.organizedC.left D.returned解析:根据下文的“look back at these years”“the memories of their lives with you”可知,这里指孩子长大后离开(left)家。答案:C20.A.make up B.contribute toC.consist of D.count on解析:所有和孩子在一起的这些温馨时刻会串在一起,组成(make up)美好的回忆。答案:A


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