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上海市浦东新区2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 WORD版含答案.docx

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1、2020学年第二学期期末考试试卷高二英语(考试时间90分钟,满分100分。请将答案填写在答题纸上)I. Listening ComprehensionSection A(10分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be sp

2、oken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a library.B. In a book shop.C. In a ticket office.D. In a restaurant.2. A. By metro.B. On Jerrys trai

3、n.C. In Richards car.D. By taxi.3. A. Employer and employee.B. Mother and son.C. Shop assistant and customer.D. Librarian and reader.4. A. They caught colds.B. They watered Julies plants.C. They travelled overseas.D. They disapproved of her plan.5. A. Having someone help them.B. Stopping painting un

4、til Peter comes.C. Getting some more paint.D. Finishing painting these rooms.6. A. Theyd better not go riding now.B. Its no fun riding in the rain.C. They can go riding half an hour later.D. Its a great idea to ride a bike now.7. A. The way of spending time wisely.B. The number of clocks the man has

5、.C. The mans trouble of keeping clocks going.D. The reason for the mans having many clocks.8. A. It was designed by a modern artist.B. Its prints are unique to the museum.C. Its best selection is of modern art prints.D. It is wonderful except for its high prices.9. A. This is a suitable time for Sam

6、 to quit.B. Sam should have stopped playing earlier.C. Sams knee should be better by now.D. The basketball match will be put off.10. A. The match will be put off due to the rain.B. The result of the match is sure to be affected.C. The rain is unlikely to influence the mans team.D. The rain will help

7、 the mans team win the match.Section B (9分)Directions: In Section B, you will hear one short passage and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of them. The passage and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a

8、question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The plan to open a space hotel.B. The benefits of building a space hotel.C. The way to live in a space hotel

9、.D. The reasons for creating a space hotel.12. A. By creating a starship culture.B. By organizing fun sports activities.C. By providing artificial gravity.D. By building wheels around the hotel.13. A. It is intended for astronauts.B. It will include daily facilities.C. It will surely be very popular

10、.D. It is designed by a non-profit company.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following conversation.14. A. The way of booking an airline ticket.B. The price of a shuttle bus ticket to Milton.C. The information about transportation to Milton.D. The procedures for renting a car at Toronto Airpo

11、rt.15. A. By air.B. By sea.C. By car.D. By shuttle bus.16. A. The woman is poor at driving.B. Milton is southwest of Toronto Airport.C. The woman is familiar with Milton.D. Milton is quite far from Toronto Airport.II. Grammar and VocabularySection A(10分)Directions: After reading the passage below, f

12、ill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.The Core of Confucian ThoughtsOne cannot talk about Chinese philosophy w

13、ithout mentioning Confucianism. Its founder, Confucius, not only was a great educator and thinker in his times, but also has influenced Chinese culture through the ages.At the time (17) Confucius lived, education was not available to all. Confucius was a member of the upper class, but he believed ed

14、ucation and knowledge belonged to (18) had the desire to learn. (19) he held such a belief in the depth of his heart, he opened a school in his home and provided private and free education to the public. Therefore, Confucius has been respectfully honored (20) “the greatest sage(圣人)and teacher” by la

15、ter generations.The primary source for the philosophy of Confucius is the Analects (Lunyu in Chinese). Its a collection of his teachings and thoughts (21) (record) by his students and their followers. (22) is from this book that we can learn ren and li are two core concepts of Confucianism .What is

16、ren? Confucius simply explains it in the Analects as “love of people.” It also “begins with the love of ones parents.” Confucius said, “Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.” This is now commonly known as the“Golden Rule” of Confucius. Modern scholars believe ren rep

17、resents an all-encompassing (包罗万象的) sense of virtue, which is the basis for (23) (grow) into decent people.What is 1i? The Analects records: The purpose of li is (24) (maintain) harmonious relationships with others. It further explains the details of li, which includes proper manners, rituals(礼制), c

18、ustoms and traditions that (25) (consider) standards of an ideal Confucian society.Over 2,000 years later, the Analects is now being widely studied and quoted throughout the world. Today, there are more than 1,000 Confucius Institutes established overseas. Confucianism (26) (continue) to have a stro

19、ng impact on the beliefs and values of generations to come.Section B (10分)Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. directlyB. conventionalC. sortedD. sustainableE. landfillingF. supplyG.

20、datingH. undoubtedlyI. viewedJ. packagingK. cardboardRecycling can be defined as the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. It can save material and help lower greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of recycling is to avoid (27) waste disposal. It contributes to the prevent

21、ion of the waste of potentially useful materials and reduces the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution, and water pollution from (28) . This practice has been around throughout the history of mankind, (29) from the fourth century BC.Recyclable materials in

22、clude many kinds of glass, paper, and (30) metal, plastic, tires, and electronics. The composting(堆肥) or other reuse of biodegradable waste- such as food or garden waste- is also (31) as recycling.Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the roadside, then

23、 (32) cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials for manufacturing.In the strictest sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh (33) of the same material- -for example, used office paper would be changed into new office paper. However, this is often (34) difficult or too expensive (compare

24、d with producing the same product from raw materials or other sources), so “recycling” of many products or materials involves their reuse in producing different materials instead. Another form of recycling is the rescue of certain materials from complex products, either due to their intrinsic(内在的) v

25、alue or due to their dangerous nature.Much of the difficulty in recycling comes from the fact that most products are not designed with recycling in mind. The concept of (35) design aims to solve this problem. Now scientists suggest that every product and all (36) they require should have a complete

26、“closed-loop” cycle mapped out for each component- a way in which every component will either return to the natural ecosystem through biodegradation or be recycled indefinitely. Reading ComprehensionSection A (10分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases ma

27、rked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Youve decided to try advertising your business with post cards. The idea came to you from the post cards you receive from other businesses. You like the idea because it seems easy to do and economical. However,

28、 youve never tried this before so you question whether this method will bring you (37) .All Forms of Advertising Work! However, you have to clearly understand how the advertising medium (38) and realize that each form has its limitations along with costs associated with it.Advertising in any medium

29、has always been about (39) and getting your name remembered. Its called “Branding”. Study businesses that use television commercials. They are (40) repeating their business message 1000 times a day. They are the best free examples to watch and learn from.(41) , you can conclude that the more your pr

30、ospects see your name or message repeated, the easier it is for them to get to know you and what you offer. Then it becomes an easier task to get them to buy from you. So how does post card advertising work? You create an ad on a(n) (42) in your favorite graphics(图像) or word program. Then use the ma

31、il merge feature(邮件合并功能) in the program to insert mailing addresses automatically. As long as you havent set up your address book, you would need to do this before you do a mail merger. Print out the cards, stamp them and then mail them out. If done (43) and repeatedly, your customer base will grow.

32、 These are the simple mechanics of post card advertising.How much should you send out? I would start small and build from that. This gives you the ability to spend a little at a time while (44) how much each mail out converts. This keeps your advertising costs down and (45) .Start with 500 post card

33、s a month. Only target customers you know that would use your product and/or services. Then I would repeat the mail out to the same group over the next 1-2 years. Even if they do not buy the first or second time after theyve received your card, they are beginning to get to know you and your product

34、and/or services. As time goes by, your chances of convert them to a buyer (46) . There is also a good chance that those you target may pass your offer onto someone else.37. A. advertisersB. customersC. applicantsD. spectators38. A. purchasesB. involvesC. functionsD. guides39. A. repetitionB. exagger

35、ationC. creativityD. imagination40. A. constantlyB. scarcelyC. enormouslyD. obviously41. A. HoweverB. MoreoverC. ThereforeD. Instead42. A. letterB. envelopeC. bookD. post card43. A. smoothlyB. rapidlyC. correctlyD. patiently44. A. measuringB. publicizingC. estimatingD. admiring45. A. conventionalB.

36、manageableC. approachableD. considerable46. A. disappearB. dropC. maintainD. increaseSection B (12分)Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. Choose the one that

37、 fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The kimono, a Japanese garment (衣服), became popular during the Edo period, which lasted from 1603 to 1868. High-class samurai, who had traditionally made a name for themselves through battles, turned instead to bright

38、, beautiful clothing to show their social position.The growing merchant class, who were of lower position, began to develop new kimono styles during the Edo period. These merchants showed off their growing wealth by wearing kimonos of unique patterns and materials. The upper classes responded with l

39、aws stopping them from wearing certain colours and using materials such as silk. In response, the merchants used details to add beauty to their kimonos.Kimonos decreased in popularity during the Meiji period (1868-1912) as the Japanese accepted Western clothing. Men were encouraged to wear Western s

40、tyles during daily life and at official functions. During this time, the image of graceful women in kimonos came to represent a connection to traditional Japanese culture and values.Today, the kimono is experiencing a revival. Japanese women of all ages are wearing these garments again. Here are som

41、e traditional rules for wearing a kimono:Kimonos are always worn with the left side of the garment covering the right side in front. It is considered bad luck to cover the left side of the garment with the right.Kimonos with wide sleeves that hang down below the knees are only worn by young, single

42、women. These kimonos have bright, colourful patterns.A kimono is held in place by a wide, cloth belt, called an obi. Part of the obi is tied to make a bow. The obi must be worm so that the bow is centred on the womans back.On formal occasions, only white socks should be worn with a kimono. Colourful

43、 socks are best for casual get-togethers.47. What does the writer imply about kimonos during the Meiji period?A. They fell out of favor among Japanese males.B. They controlled the Japanese clothing market.C. They combined much bolder Japanese designs.D. They were produced using new Japanese methods.

44、48. Which of the following is a proper manner of wearing a kimono according to the passage?A. Wearing the garment without an obi.B. Putting the right side of the garment on the left.C. Old ladies wearing a colourful pattern of the garment.D. Wearing white socks with the garment for a wedding.49. Wha

45、t is the purpose of this article?A. To explain the skills needed to make kimonos.B. To describe the stuff used to decorate kimonos.C. To trace the origin and development of kimonos.D. To analyze the impact of kimonos on global fashion.(B)A Night to RememberVIP Fundraiser Gala (庆典)The Board of Direct

46、ors of Love and Hope request the honor of your presence at our Fundraiser Gala.Friday, July 17, 20207:00p.m. to 12:00 a.m.Sandito Hotel Ballroom3586 Westdashe RoadTorimo, MNThree-Course MealHigh-Quality Drink BarSilent Auction (拍卖)Entertainmentand much more!Special GuestDr. Maverick Stones, Ph.D.Dir

47、ector of Charities InternationalKeynote Speech: An Initiative for More EffectiveMinistries WorldwideBlack tieHosted by: Love and HopeTo invite a friend, please send an email by July 10,2020 to:RSVP loveandhope.orgLove and Hope is a 501(e) (3) Non-Profit CorporationTo: RSVPloveandhope.orgFrom: nell.h

48、arrison Subject: Friend invitation - Fundraiser GalaDate: January 5, 2020To Whom It May Concern:Thank you, first of all, for the invitation to the Love and Hope Gala. I am excited to attend another one of your wonderful events.I am emailing to request an invitation for my friend, Robert Miller and h

49、is wife, Rebecca, both of whom are distinguished and charitable people that support many causes in the Abbotsfield area. They would love to attend this gala as well, and I am sure that their presence will also create additional publicity for your organization.If this request is approved, please send

50、 an invitation to them at 123 Hopeful Way, Torimo, MN, 38586.I appreciate your time and your efforts in helping refugees (难民), and I am sure to continue to be an enthusiastic supporter of your organization.Sincerely,Nell Harrison50. What can be learned about the gala?A. Its guests should dress forma

51、lly.B. It will hold some special lectures.C. Its to be held to promote its bar.D. It will provide a vacation package.51. The e-mail on the right column is written mainly to .A. donate some moneyB. inform the organization of his presenceC. compliment the organizationD. ask for permission to invite tw

52、o friends52. What is Ms. Harrisons relationship with Love and Hope?A. Shes one of its founders.B. Shes one of its regular sponsors.C. Shes the organizer of its gala.D. Shes a refugee who received its help.Section C(8分)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence

53、given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Look for a role model.B. Our attitude is the driving force in our lives.C. Fix your mind on what may change your attitude.D. Changing our attitude means a happier family and social life.E.

54、Often, the greatest obstacle between our goals and us is our inability to trust in what we are able to do.F. Our attitudes begin to develop in childhood and constantly evolve and change over the years through day-to-day experiences.Simple Things That Can Help Change Your Attitude“Our attitude toward

55、 life determines lifes attitude towards us.” Weve all heard about the power of our attitude, and that its our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life. (53) It can either push you to do great things or pull you down to your end.While its true that humans are born with certain tendencies,

56、 our personalities and attitudes are developed through our relationships and experiences. (54) If you think that all these factors have made you become a person with a poor attitude towards life, there is no need to worry as there is always an opportunity for change. Here are some steps to follow. C

57、learly understand what needs to be changed.Setting clear goals is the key to success in any attempt. When it comes to changing your attitude, you need to do an honest and in depth self- evaluation. Thus, you could point out exactly what needs to be improved or totally changed.(55) We all need to kno

58、w that what we are trying to accomplish can in fact be achieved; that we can be more optimistic, more social or more patient. Find someone who has the kind of attitude that you want to have, and let his or her life give you inspiration and encouragement to move beyond your temporary failures in your

59、 journey towards becoming a better person.Believe that you are able to change.(56) If you dont believe that you or your life can change, it just wont happen- you will either never start, or give up quickly so you wont have even given yourself the opportunity to succeed.It cannot be denied that a pos

60、itive attitude is very important for living a successful and satisfying life, so it is only right to strive to have a positive attitude.IV. Summary Writing (10分)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own

61、 words as far as possible.The Value of HonestyAccording to a common saying. “honesty is the best policy.” But in daily life, honesty can be difficult. Lying sometimes seems like a good way to impress people or avoid blame for mistakes. Some people lie out of habit, without even realizing they are do

62、ing it. But despite all this, honesty really is worth the effort.One obvious reason for honesty is that lies are difficult to maintain because they are harder to remember than the truth. If you make up a story, you have to remember all the details. And the more lies you tell, the more stories you ha

63、ve to remember. Theres always a chance that the person you lied to will find out the truth. Is the gain from lying really worth the risk? But if you commit to telling the truth, you will never have trouble remembering. This saves you effort and makes conversations less stressful for you.Another obvi

64、ous reason to avoid lying is that lying can harm others. People who believe your lies might make bad decisions because of them. And a lie about someone else could destroy that persons reputation. On a personal level, if your friends find out you lied to them, their feeling will be hurt. They will qu

65、estion whether they can trust you or wonder whether you care about them. In contrast, if you always tell the truth, you will develop a reputation for honesty. This will help you in every area of your life. Business deals, friendships, family and romantic relationships all develop on trust.Honesty, h

66、owever, doesnt mean that you have to say everything you think. Sometimes its best to remain silent if your words might hurt someone else. Honesty means that when you speak, you tell the truth without holding any information back.V. Translation (6分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into E

67、nglish, using the words given in the brackets.58.许多人怀疑这位著名画家是否配得上这样的名声。(deserve)59. 3D打印技术将彻底改变我们生产医疗设备和治疗病人的方式。(revolutionize)VI. Guided Writing (15分)Directions: Write an English composition in about 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.为了推广“健康生活,劳逸结合”的理念,明启中学学生会邀请每位同学在校园网

68、上分享自己的业余生活。请写一篇博文,内容需包括:1. 你对“健康生活,劳逸结合”的看法;2. 以一段具体的经历讲述你在业余时间喜欢做的事情,及其对你的影响。高二英语参考答案及评分标准. Listening Comprehension (共19分。110每题1分;11-16 每题1.5分)Section A: (1-10) BCBDA ADCBCSection B: (11-16) ACB CDDII. Grammar and Vocabulary (共20分。每小题1分。)Section A:17. when 18. whoever 19. As/Because/Since 20. as 21

69、. recorded22. It 23. growing 24. to maintain 25. are considered 26. will continueSection B: (27-36) BEGKI CFHDJII. Reading Comprehension (共30分。37-46 每题1分;47-56 每题2分)Section A: (37-46) BCAAC DCABDSection B: (47-52) ADC ADBSection C: (53-56) BFAE .41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45.A 46. A 47. D 48.B 49. D 50

70、.C.51. B 52. A 53. C 54. D 55.B 56. D 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. A61. D 62. B 63.C 64. A 65. D 66.D 67.IV. Summary Writing (共10分)Though lying sometimes appears beneficial, its worthwhile to remain honest. First, lies are hard to maintain, because they are difficult to remember and may be found out, which

71、 makes you stressed. Second, lying can do harm to others and your reputation as well. Nevertheless, honesty doesnt mean saying everything without reservation, but means not lying when speaking.(57 words)V. Translation(共6分,每题3分)58. Many people wonder if the famous painter deserves such a reputation.1 259.3D printing technology will revolutionize the way we manufacture/produce medical devices/equipment and treat 1.5 1.5patients.VI. Guided Writing (共15分)(略)


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