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1、Module 4Carnival 基础自主回顾.课标单词1_掩藏;躲藏(vt.)2_假装(vi.)3_漫步;闲逛(vi.)4_标志(着)vt.5_贸易(n.)6_华丽的;富丽堂皇的(adj.)hidepretendwandermarktrademagnificent7_杂乱;混乱(n.)_混淆;使迷惑(vt.)_迷惑的,混乱的(adj.)_令人迷惑的(adj.)8_延长(vt.)_延伸;扩大(n.)9_记忆(n.)_记住;熟记(vt.)_纪念物;纪念碑(n.)10_使人放松的(adj.)_使放松(vt.)_消遣;娱乐(n.)_放松的(adj.)confusionconfuseconfusedc

2、onfusingextendextensionmemorymemorizememorialrelaxingrelaxrelaxationrelaxed11_美味可口的(adj.)_味道,口味(n.)_尝起来有味道(vi.)12_引进;进口(vt. & n)_(反义词)出口13_废除(vt.)_(废除)n.14_庆典;庆祝(n.)_庆祝(vt.)15_自由(n.)_自由的(adj.)_使自由(v.)tastytastetasteimportexportabolishabolishmentcelebrationcelebratefreedomfreefree16_起源(n.)_原先的;最初的(ad

3、j.)originoriginal.常用短语1_结束2_装扮,打扮3_接手,接管4_由组成;由构成5_放弃6_过得愉快7_追溯到come to an enddress uptake overconsist ofgive uphave fundate back to8_几乎,差不多;大约9_连续地;不断地10_秘密地;暗地里more or lesson endin secret.重点句型1_ time passed, however, the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas.然而,随着时间的推

4、移,狂欢节的时间被延长了,这样它就正好在圣诞节以后开始。答案:As2For weeks on end people walked round the streets _, doing what they wanted _.连续几个星期人们戴着面具走在街上为所欲为而不会被认出来。答案:wearing masks; without being recognised3Which of the festivals you have read or heard about in this module _ you _ go to?在这个模块里,你读到和听到的节日里,你愿意参加哪一个?答案:would;

5、rather4. _ an immediate _ for _ on them.需要人们立刻到农场或庄园里工作。答案:there was; need; people to work.模块语法1There were lots of people standing watching, yet no one of them _.A. offered to helpB. offered helpingC. was offered to helpD. was offering help答案:A2Doctors and medical supplies _ to the scene of the acci

6、dent.A. had rushed B. were rushedC. were rushing D. rushed答案:B3He kept a little notebook, in which _ the names and addresses of his friends.A. wrote B. was writingC. was written D. were written答案:D4The mayor of London says that all construction work for the London Olympic _ by 2010.A. has been compl

7、etedB. has completedC. will have been completedD. will have completed答案:C5He is constantly _ not to do that, but he still goes on doing it all the same.A. telling B. being toldC. told D. to tell 答案:B考点探究解密考 点 解 读 1hide vt.隐藏;掩饰vi.躲藏The sun was hidden by the clouds.精讲拓展:hide up包庇坏人hide out口躲藏hide awa

8、y躲藏;隐藏hide sth. from sb.把某事隐瞒着某人hidingU躲藏处,C痛打hidden adj.秘密的;隐蔽的hide and seek捉迷藏注意:be hidden是一个系表结构,表状态,类似的还有:be seated坐下,be stationed驻扎等。误区警示:hide的过去式,过去分词:hid, hidden。be hidden是一个系表结构,表示状态。朗文在线:The bushes hid Daves bike completely from the passersby.灌木丛把戴夫的自行车完全盖住了,路过的人根本无法发现。Harry hid under the b

9、ed until they had gone.哈里一直躲在床下,直到他们离开。Dont try to hide anything from me!什么也别想瞒过我!命题方向:hide作及物动词的用法以及过去分词hidden作表语和状语的用法。活学巧练:(1)His words had a_(隐藏的)meaning.(2)She tried to_(掩饰)her feelings.(3)他藏在门后。(汉译英)答案:(1)hidden(2)hide(3)He was hidden behind the door.(4)Its not proper for her to struggle to _

10、the truth about her past from her husband.A. holdB. hideC. defend D. cover答案与解析:B考查动词词义辨析。A项意为“抓住,保持”,C项意为“防御”,D项意为“盖住”,而hide sth. from sb.意为“瞒着某人某事”。句意:对她来说竭力去对丈夫隐瞒她过去的真相是不合适的。2extend v扩充,延伸,伸展,扩大;(军)使疏开,给予,提供精讲拓展:extend for 延续(距离)extend from 从中伸出来extend from. into 从延伸/插到里extend from. to.从绵延/一直到ext

11、end out 伸出extend over 延续(时间),遍布extend through.贯穿,达到整个的长度extend through to(一直)延伸到extended adj.伸出的,延长的,广大的,扩大范围的,长期的B10extension n伸长,延长,延展,伸展朗文在线:The River Nile extends as far as Lake Victoria.尼罗河一直延伸至维多利亚湖。We extended the kitchen by six feet.我们把厨房扩大了6英尺。My duties at the school extend beyond just teac

12、hing.我在学校的职责不只是教书。命题方向:extend作不及物劝词的用法以及与expand的语意辨析。活学巧练:介/副词填空(1)The forest extends_ miles in all directions.(2)The repayment period will be extend_20 years_ 25 years.(3)The company plans to extend its operations_ Europe.forfrom.tothrough to3pretend vt.假装,装作精讲拓展:pretendsth.伪称某事物(尤用作借口)to do.假装做to

13、be n./adj.假装是to be doing.假装在做to have done.假装已做thatclause假装pretence n假装;托辞;假象pretension n声称,主张,要求;自负朗文在线:The candidate pretended (that)she had worked for a newspaper before.这位候选人佯称她以前在一家报社工作过。Sarah pretended to be cheerful and said nothing about the argument.萨拉假装很开心,没有说起吵架的事。活学巧练:汉译英(1)昨天他假装头疼。答案:(1)

14、He pretended a headache yesterday. (2)我们千万不要不懂装懂。答案:(2)We mustnt pretend to know what we dont know. (3)当他遇到熊时就装死。答案:(3)He pretended to be dead when he met a bear.4celebration n祝贺;庆祝;庆典精讲拓展:in celebration of为庆祝hold a celebration举行庆典/庆祝会celebrate vt. & vi.庆祝celebrate Christmas庆祝圣诞节celebrate ones birth

15、day为某人过生日celebratory adj.庆祝的;庆典的朗文在线:Weve bought champagne to celebrate Jans promotion.我们买了香槟来庆贺简的提升。The Chinese celebrate their New Year in January or February.中国人在一月或二月庆祝自己的新年。命题方向:celebration作名词用时与相关单词的语意辨析及动词形式celebrate的用法。活学巧练:完成句子(1)It was Christmas. Many people returned home from far away to_

16、.圣诞节到了,许多人从外地回来过节。(2)A large inspection was held_ _ _the Armys 80th Anniversary.为庆祝建军八十周年,举行了大型阅兵式。hold a celebrationincelebrationof5mark n分数;记号;标志;痕迹v标明;标志;打分数;批改a trade mark商标full marks满分get 90 marks for English英语得了90分mark down减价;打折mark out画出界限mark. with.用作标记mark. on.在上作记号朗文在线:Winter coats have be

17、en marked down from $ 80 to $ 50.冬装已经从80美元降到了50美元。Her ability marked her out for political success.她的才能表明她必能在政治上取得成就。My students marked their names on their school uniforms.我的学生们在校服上标上了他们的名字。活学巧练:(1)I picked up a copybook in the schoolyard yesterday _ with name and class.A. marking B. to markC. mark

18、ed D. being marked答案与解析:C考查过去分词短语作定语。mark的用法是“mark. with.”。因此a copybook和mark之间是动宾关系,应该用过去分词,先排除A、B两项,而D项being marked表示动作正在进行,不合题意。因此选C。(2)(2009云南玉溪一中模拟)From the words _ on the old pot, we decide that it dates back to at least five hundred years ago.A. having been markedB. markedC. to be markedD. bei

19、ng marked答案与解析:B句意:从刻在陶罐上的字来看,我们认为它至少有500年的历史了。marked为过去分词作定语。6come to an end完结精讲拓展:begin/start at the wrong end开始就错bring sth. to an end使停止/结束at the end of在的尽头put an end to sth.结束;停止make ends meet收支平衡to an end 徒劳;无益to the end到底to the end of time永久in the end最后;终于误区警示:come to an end为不及物的动词短语,后面不能接宾语。接

20、宾语时须用put an end to或bring sth. to an end。The liberation put an end to their days of hardship.解放了,他们受苦受难的日子终于结束了。朗文在线:The job came to an end last month.那项工作上个月完成了。Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.在比赛中获胜使他的财政问题随之消失。命题方向:come to an end与相关短语的辨析。活学巧练:We have to wait until the d

21、iscussion between them_.Amakes an end Bcomes to an endCputs an end Dbrings to an end答案与解析:B句意:我们必须等,直到他们之间的讨论结束。A、C、D三项均应用被动结构。故选B项。7dress up打扮;装饰精讲拓展:be dressed in穿着dress sb. down狠狠地训斥某人;揍某人all dress up and nowhere to go打扮得漂漂亮亮却无处去炫耀误区警示:dress与wear都有“穿、戴”的意思。dress给(某人)穿衣,后接人。She dressed her baby.她给

22、孩子穿衣。wear后接衣物、首饰等。She wore a diamond necklace.她戴着一条钻石项链。朗文在线:He went to the party dressed up as a Chicago gangster.他装扮成一个芝加哥歹徒去参加晚会。I keep a box of old clothes for the children to dress up in.我保存着一箱旧衣服让孩子们穿着玩。We dressed him up as s gorilla.我们把他装扮成大猩猩。命题方向:dress作及物动词和不及物动词用法上的区别。活学巧练:介/副词填空(1)How do

23、you normally dress_ work?(2)He dressed_ and went out for a party.(3)He was dressed_ for what he had done.(4)The man dressed_ a suit is Mr. Wolf.atupdownin8in secret秘密地;暗地里精讲拓展:in secretsecretly秘密地in the secret参与秘密keep the secret保密keep sth. secret对某事保密let sb. into the secret让某人知道秘密make no secret of毫不

24、掩饰be secret about sth.对某事严守秘密误区警示:在表示自然/宇宙等的奥秘时,secret常用复数形式:the secrets of nature/the universe。朗文在线:Lilian cried in secret, afraid to tell anyone.莉莲偷偷地哭,不敢告诉任何人。Howard made no secret of his disappointment.霍华德毫不掩饰他的失望。命题方向:in secret作为副词短语作状语的用法。活学巧练:The girl_no secret of her feelings in public.Amake

25、s BtakesChides Dkeeps答案与解析:A这个女孩在公共场合下从不掩饰自己的情感。9There was a(great) need for sb. to do sth.精讲拓展:There is/was a(great)/no need (for sb.) to do sth. (不)需要某人干某事There is/was a (great)/no need for sth./sb. (不)需要某物(人)There is/was no possibility to do sth. 没有可能干某事There is/was no time to do sth. 没有时间干某事Ther

26、e is/was no doubt to do sth.毫无疑问干某事There is no point in doingThere is no sense in doing做没有意义/用处朗文在线:Is there any need to explain further?Is there any need for further explanation?有必要更进一步说明吗?There is no need for you to wait.你不必等了。There is a great need for a new book on the subject.非常需要有一本这方面的新书。The m

27、eeting is due the day after tomorrow, so there is no need for us to go today.预计后天开会,所以我们今天就没有必要走了。活学巧练:汉译英(1)埋怨也没什么用,人家根本不理睬。答案:(1)There is not much point in complaining, they never take any notice. (2)既然你回来了,我就没有必要再帮你洗衣服了。 答案:(2)Now that you have returned, there is no need for me to wash the clothe

28、s for you.(3)_is no need for primary students to work at their desks all day long.AThere BItCWhat DThat答案与解析:A“There is no need”“没有必要”10复习被动语态1被动语态的基本知识(1)概念当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式叫主动语态;当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语的形式叫被动语态。(2)构成是:“助动词be及物动词的过去分词”助动词be有时态、人称和数的变化,也可以构成否定式或疑问式。(3)用法:被动语态常用于下列场合需要强调动作的承受者;只知道动作的承受者,

29、不知道谁是动作的执行者;论述科技内容的文体需要强调客观性和科学性。The bridge was made of stone.这座桥是石头砌的。A lot of people were killed in the fire.许多人丧生于火海中。(4)构成形式2.较为复杂的被动语态结构(1)涉及动词短语的被动结构The plants should be taken good care of.这些植物应该好好呵护。When it rained, the soil was carried away down the hills, and into the rivers.下雨时,土壤被冲到山下,冲进了河

30、中。(2)涉及双宾语/补足语的被动语态结构。Mr. King was told to remove his trousers.有人要金先生脱掉裤子。(3)涉及副词修饰语的被动结构。Chaplin was soon recognized as a great actor.很快人们就把卓别林看作一个伟大的演员。They have been greatly helped by this new computer.他们得到了这台新计算机的很大帮助。(4)汉语中有一类句子不出现主语,在英语中常用被动结构表示。It is said that.据说It is hoped that.希望3通常不能用于被动语态

31、的动词(1)不能用于被动语态的某些(表示特定意义的)及物动词:fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost等。The key just fits the lock.(不能说The lock is fitted by the key.)本钥匙仅用于这把锁。The box can hold all your clothes.(不能说All your clothes can be held by the box.这只箱子能装下你所有的衣服。但可以说The sports meet will be held next Wednesday.运动会将在下周三举行。hold表

32、示“召开”。)(2)不能用于被动语态的及物动词短语:agree with, arrive at/in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to等。Your story agrees with what has already been heard.你的故事与人们曾听说过的相符。(3)不及物动词无被动语态,容易出错的有:appear, die, disappear, end, fail, fall, happen, last, lie, remain, sit

33、, spread, stand等。Our difficulties will soon disappear.我们的困难会很快过去的。(4)不及物动词短语无被动语态。此类动词词语有:break out, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place等。The quarrel broke out again.争吵又发生了。(5)系动词无被动语态。此类动词有:appear, be, become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, s

34、tay, taste, turn等。The dish tasted good.这道菜尝起来很好吃。4get 型被动语态用“get及物动词的过去分词”构成,其中get相当于be动词,起助动词的作用。The workers get paid by the hour.工人们是按小时计酬的。5被动语态与系表结构。两者形式相似,但含义不同。The book was written by Lu Xun.这本书是鲁迅写的。(被动语态强调动作)The book is well written.这本书写得好。(系表结构,表示主语的特点或所处的状态)活学巧练:(1)In some parts of the wor

35、ld, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is servedC. serves D. served答案:B(2) This is Teds phone. We miss him a lot. He _ trying to save a child in the earthquake.A. killed B. is killedC. was killed D. was killing答案:C(3)When and where to go for the onsalary holiday _ yet.A. are not decidedB. ha

36、ve not been decidedC. is not being decidedD. has not been decided答案:D(4)The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that fourfifths of the tickets _.A. was booked B. had been bookedC. were booked D. have been booked答案:B考 题 演 练 1.Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now!_. He has c

37、hanged so much.A. Never mind B. No problemC. Not at all D. Me neither答案与解析:D本题考查情景交际。由句意“他已经改变了这么多”可知“我也没认出他来”,故选D项。2In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, _ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.A. marking B. markedC. having marked D. being marked答案与解析:A本题考查非

38、谓语动词作状语的用法。此处为现在分词短语作状语。3_ a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.A. It has B. They haveC. It remains D. There remains答案与解析:D本题考查固定句式。希望同学们在学习中一定要记牢一些特殊的固定句式,这样才能在考场上做到游刃有余。句意:关于那项规划的实际价值人们仍存怀疑。此句为There be结构,构成句式There be/ remains. doubt.,故选D项。4It is often _ that hu

39、man beings are naturally equipped to speak.A. said B. to sayC. saying D. being said答案与解析:A本题考查固定句式It is said that.。类似的还有It is reported that.意为“据报道”。句意:经常听人说人类天生有说话的能力。It is said that.为固定句式,意为“据说”。5Shall we go out for dinner tonight?_.A. You are right B. It must be funnyC. That sounds great D. Have a

40、 nice time答案与解析:C考查交际用语。问句为“提出建议”,答语为“同意”,用That sounds great.或Its a good idea.。6Our waiter, who seemed to have a bad cold, kept coughing on our table as he took our _.A. offer B. billC. order D. menu答案与解析:C句意:负责我们用餐的男服务员,一边记着我们点的菜,一边咳嗽,他似乎得了重感冒。首先了解take our order中的take是“写下”的意思,而order意思是“定购、订单、订货”的意思

41、,在本句中指的是“点的菜”。offer指“出的价”;bill账单;menu菜单。7Though we dont know what was discussed, yet we can feel the topic _.A. had changed B. will changeC. was changed D. has been changed答案与解析:D本题综合考查动词的时态和语态。要注意判断主语与动词之间的逻辑关系。本题中使用了一般现在时态,the topic与change之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故须用被动语态,且是造成对现在的一种感觉,故又应该用完成时态。8_ is known to u

42、s all is that the 2008 Olympic Games have taken place in Beijing.A. It B. WhatC. As D. Which答案与解析:B本题考查名词性从句的引导词。解答此类题的关键是弄清句子结构。分析题干结构“_ is known to us all”是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,what引导主语从句,在从句中作主语。如果选it,需去掉all后的is;如果选as;需去掉is that且在all后加逗号。Module 4Carnival.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空consist oftradefreeimportmarkp

43、retendhidebookdresswander1The woman manager ordered her secretary to_ a ticket to Qingdao.答案:book2His feet left dirty_ all over the floor.答案:marks3The company has been_ in cotton with a foreign one.答案:trading4For years he has formed the bad habit of_ about in the street deep in the night.答案:wanderin

44、g5She_ her feelings by covering her face with her hands.答案:hid6The well_ young man turned out to be a thief.答案:dressed7Many countries_ oil from the Middle East.答案:import8Little Tom stood up, opened his notebook and_ that he had understood everything. In fact, it was quite different.答案:pretended9A co

45、mmittee_ nine members has been sent there to look into the matter.答案:consisting of10Women have gained total_ to decide whether or not to marry.答案:freedom.单项填空1Have you telephoned your father?Yes. He _ to be back next month.A. will expectB. will be expectedC. is expected D. expects答案与解析:C句意:你给你父亲打电话了

46、?打过了。他要到下个月才回来。根据句意判断答案是C项。2It is reported that a foreign company will _ the small factory.A. think over B. take overC. turn over D. hand over答案与解析:Bthink over仔细考虑;take over接管;turn over翻倒;倾覆;hand over交出;送交。根据句意判断答案是B项。3The surface of the table _ smooth enough.A. hasnt felt B. doesnt feelC. isnt feel

47、ing D. isnt felt答案与解析:Bfeel作连系动词,“(客体)给人某种感觉;(摸上去)给人(某种)手感”,后面接形容词作表语,其否定式构成要用dont, doesnt,didnt等。4The AntiJapanese War _ in 1937 and it _ eight years.A. was broken out;lasted B. B. broke out;lastedC. break out;lasts D. broke out;last答案与解析:B句意:抗日战争在1937年爆发,这次战争持续了8年。根据句意判断答案是B项。5I picked up a dictio

48、nary in the school yard yesterday _ with name and class.A. marking B. to markC. marked D. being marked答案与解析:C本题考查分词作定语:动词mark与名词book之间存在动宾关系,故用过去分词marked。6Tom found a_ place in the trees to keep himself_ from the enemy.Ahiding; hidden Bhidden; hidingChide; hid Dhid; hidden答案与解析:Aa hiding place“藏身之处”

49、,hiding是动名词,hidden作宾补表状态。7Finally, the teacher made a closing remark, _to the class discussion.A. coming to an end B. putting an endC. ending up D. making an end答案与解析:Bput an end tobring sth. an end结束。8My daughter has been admitted into a worldfamous university._.AGood BCelebrationsCCongratulations

50、DOK答案与解析:C交际英语,“祝贺你”congratulations用复数。9Did you go to the party last night?Yes. But it is a pity that I had to leave when _ was coming for an urgent thing.A. the beginning B. the high spotC. the end D. the middle答案与解析:B句意:遗憾的是高潮来临之时,因为紧急的事情我不得不离开。理解句意可判断答案是B项:the high spot意为“高潮;要点;最重要(或引人入胜)的部分。10_t

51、o go out for a walk?Id rather not. Besides, it is raining outside.A. Would you like B. Do you feel likeC. Would you rather D. Had you be答案与解析:AWould you like.?是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿,是否“想要”或委婉地提出请求、建议或者陈述个人的想法。第一人称也可以用should like。should/would like与动词want同义,但语气比want更委婉,更礼貌。11These kinds of shoes _ well.A. were

52、 not sold B. wont be soldC. are not sold D. dont sell答案与解析:D句意:这些类鞋子卖得不好。英语中有些动词如sell,write等虽是及物动词,但由于表示的是状态或关系,通常不用于被动语态。12They lost heart two years ago, _ their hopes _ now.A. so;lived B. but;livedC. so;revived D. but;revive答案与解析:D句意:他们两年前丧失信心,但是现在他们的信心有恢复起来。revive vi.“恢复精力,复元;恢复生机”。13Have you mov

53、ed into the house?Not yet. The rooms _.A. are being painted B. are paintingC. are painted D. are being painting答案与解析:A理解句意可判断“房子正在粉刷”,故空格处应填动词的现在进行时的被动语态形式。14The person who _ this type of research gets our praise.A. originated B. generatedC. manufactured D. estimated答案与解析:A句意:发起这种研究的这个人得到了我们大家的称赞。根据

54、句意可判断答案是A项:originate vt,“创始;发明;创作”。15The picnic _ at last after being twice put off.A. came up B. put onC. came off D. went on答案与解析:Ccome up开始,发生;put on上演,演出;come off举行,发生;(计划等)成功;达到预期效果(或结果);go on继续下去;(时间)过去;发生。.完成/翻译句子1. When a young woman _(装扮成鸽子 ) flies to the ground, it marks the beginning of t

55、he celebrations.答案:dressed (up) as a dove2The castle _(追溯到) 5 BC.答案:dates back to3林肯废除了美国的奴隶制。(abolish)答案:Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States.4狂欢节前夕,所有的旅馆都被订光了。(book)答案:Hotels are fully booked before carnival.5Those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfar

56、e of each is bound up with the welfare of all.答案:那些想要快乐的人必须帮别人找到快乐,因为每个人的幸福都是和所有人的幸福紧密相连的。.完形填空 Christmas was a quiet affair when I was growing up. There were just my parents and _1_. I wished that someday Id _2_ and have six children, and at _3_ my house would be full of _4_ and love. I found the _

57、5_ who shared my dream, but we had not _6_ the possibility of infertility(生育). So we asked for adoption(收养) and, within a year, he arrived. We called him our Christmas boy because he came to us during that season of joy, _7_ he was just six days old. The nature _8_ us again. Within two years we _9_

58、two biological children to the familynot as many as we had hoped for, _10_compared with _11_ childhood, three made an entirely _12_ crowd.As our Christmas boy grew, he made it clear that only he had the special skill to select and decorate the Christmas _13_ each year. He started his Christmas gift

59、list _14_ before wed finished the Thanksgiving turkey. He encouraged us to sing songs, using our froglike _15_ comparing with his musical gift of perfect voice.Our friends thought that adopted children were not the same and they were _16_ . Our Christmas boy brought _17_ into our lives with his good

60、 cheer, his wit. He made us look and act better than we were. Then on his 26th Christmas, he left us as _18_ as he had come. He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street, on his way home to his young wife and daughter. But first he had _19_ by our home to decorate our tree, as usual. His

61、father and I sold our home, where memories clung to every room. We moved to California, leaving _20_ our friends and church.1. A. my friends B. my brothers C. my children D. me2. A. like B. marry C. better D. love3. A. night B. New Year C. Christmas D. home4. A. energy B. people C. child D. hope5. A

62、. woman B. man C. wife D. son6. A. planned B. wanted C. expected D. imagined7. A. after B. before C. when D. until8. A. disappointed B. surprised C. interested D. encouraged9. A. brought B. took C. hoped D. added10. A. so B. because C. but D. while11. A. quiet B. noisy C. happy D. exciting12. A. sat

63、isfactory B. great C. small D. necessary13. A. house B. card C. gift D. tree14. A. ever B. still C. even D. yet15. A. sounds B. songs C. noises D. voices16. A. right B. silly C. kind D. clever17. A. color B. bright C. love D. dream18. A. early B. late C. unexpectedly D. happily19. A. stopped B. gone

64、 C. passed D. entered20. A. behind B. for C. away D. out答案与解析:为了满足拥有很多孩子的愿望,作者收养了一个男孩,并称他为“圣诞男孩”。孩子给作者的家庭带来了多彩的生活,然而“圣诞男孩”26岁时在一次车祸中丧生了,作者与丈夫离开了令他们伤心的家和城市。1D从文章第一句中的Christmas was a quiet affair及下文作者的愿望可知,作者小时候家里人口少,只有父母和作者自己,所以圣诞节是安静的。2B根据空后的have six children可以推断出,作者决定结婚生六个孩子。3C联系上文,这里一直说的是圣诞节的事,因此作

65、者是希望未来在圣诞节时屋子里充满生机和爱。4. A此处与空后的love并列,应用energy“生机”。5. B第一段中提到作者的梦想是结婚后生六个孩子,能与她分担这一梦想的应该是她的丈夫,故用man。6. C作者并没有指望靠自己生育来实现愿望。expect指“指望,预期”。7. C根据后面的he was just six days old可知,他当时只有六天大。when引导时间状语从句。8. B联系下文可知,此处表示“老天又给了我们惊喜”,因此本空用surprised。9. D在两年的时间里,作者家里又喜“添”了两个小宝宝。10. C虽然还没有达到梦想中孩子的数量,但比起自己的童年来说已经很热

66、闹了。前后为转折关系,故用but。11. A根据上文可知作者的童年很“安静”。此处与文章第一句中的quiet形成照应。12. A根据语境可知,与作者平静的童年相比,三个孩子已经让作者感到满意了。13. D根据常识,圣诞节时要装饰圣诞“树”。第19空后decorate our tree给出了提示。14. C一家人还没有吃完感恩节火鸡,他就开始罗列圣诞礼物了。even“甚至”修饰后面的从句,表示动手之早。15. D唱歌当然是用voice“声音”。froglike voices意为“像青蛙一样(难听)的声音”。16. A作者的朋友们都认为收养的孩子会有所不同,作者在此赞同他们的观点。17. A此处表

67、示“他给我们的生活带来了色彩”。18. C“圣诞男孩”突然离开了作者,他的离去像他来的时候一样出人意料。unexpectedly“出人意料地”。19. A孩子原先是要先在作者家停下来装饰圣诞树,然后回妻子女儿处。stop by意为“逗留,顺便访问”。20. A作者一家离开了原来的家和城市,把他们的朋友和教友留在了身后。leave behind表示“留下”。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()

68、划掉。修改:在错的词下划一个横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(辽宁省沈阳二中2010届高三上学期期末考试)Throughout history man has changed their physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology that he has changed many physical features of the earth. Thus, mans chan

69、ge to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is a increasing danger to the health of the planet. Like we know, massive destruction of environment has brought in negative effects and even poses a great threat to mans existence. Therefore

70、, effective measures should be taken and laws pass to conserve environment. Otherwise, man is certain to suffer the serious consequences causing by this lack of care for his living surroundings.答案:Throughout history man has changed their(his) physical environment in order to improve his way of life.

71、 With the tools of technology that he has changed many physical features of the earth. Thus(However), mans change(changes) to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is a(an) increasing danger to the health of the planet. Like(As) we kno

72、w, massive destruction of environment has brought in(about) negative effects and even poses a great threat to mans existence. Therefore, effective measures should be taken and laws pass(passed) to conserve environment. Otherwise, man is certain to suffer (from) the serious consequences causing(cause

73、d) by this lack of care for his living surroundings.书面表达 假如你叫李华,你从网络上了解到最近交通事故频频发生,造成事故的主要原因为酒后驾车。请你写一篇短文,发帖到网上,奉劝司机朋友要珍爱生命、切莫酒后驾车。注意:1词数:110左右;2参考词汇:酒后驾车drunk driving; 为了for the sake of_参考范文:Recently I have learned from the Internet that traffic accidents happened frequently, which mainly resulted

74、from drunk driving. Many drivers think they have the luck to avoid accidents. As a matter of fact, no one can afford to risk their lives driving after drinking. Drunk driving will not only threaten the lives of the drivers as well as other people, but also make their family suffer from anxiety caused by it. In addition, drunk driving is against the law and more and more people are punished for it. In a word, for the sake of the safety of all people and the happiness of your family, please dont drive after drinking.Li Hua


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