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1、第I卷第一部分:听力(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How much will the man pay for the tickets?A. 7.5.B. 50.C. 15.2. How does the man keep in shape?A. He never eats out.B. He eats less food.C. He never eats

2、 after 9:00 pm.3. What does the boy want to do?A. Borrow some money.B. Study abroad.C. Find a good job.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. The womans look.B. The mans hairstyle.C. Their co-workers.5. What are the speakers discussing?A. A TV show.B. Their friend Kimmy Schmidt.C. An underground

3、comedy club.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the man unclear about?A. The location of the store.B. The name of the book.C. The article in todays newspaper.7. Who is the woma

4、n?A. A customer.B. A journalist at a newspaper.C. A clerk in a bookstore.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the matter with the woman?A. She has a cold.B. She has a cough.C. She has a ringing in her ears.9. What probably causes this problem?A. New medication.B. Loud noises.C. A fever.10. Why did the woman t

5、ake aspirin?A. Her legs hurt.B. Her knees hurt.C. Her arms hurt.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. How many times has the woman taken a sailing holiday before?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.12. How much will the woman pay for her trip this year?A. 700.B. 680.C. 620.13. How does the woman pay for the trip?A. By A

6、lipay.B. In cash.C. By credit card.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What is the woman probably?A. A student.B. A teacher.C. A headmaster.15. What are those students like?A. Active.B. Shy.C. Hard-working.16. Why does the woman have to go?A. Because of her friends.B. Because of her health.C. Because of her parent

7、s.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When did Lisa quit her job?A. On August 22nd.B. On August 13th.C. On August 4th.18. Why is Mark bored after he quit his job?A. He doesnt have a car.B. He doesnt know what to do.C. He is very busy as usual.19. What does Jack do now?A. A teacher.B. A salesman.C. A repairman.20.

8、 What does the speaker mainly tell us?A. How to win the lottery.B. The dreams of many people.C. Stories about three lottery winners.第二部分:阅读理解(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFor years, Greg would sit on those very steps and pray when he wa

9、lked his dogs along the country lanes in rural Minnesota. But in May 2009, he learned that the headaches that had plagued him for the past year were due to a head and neck cancer. It had progressed so far that the doctors told Gregs family to start planning his funeral.“I was sitting at the church o

10、ne evening, pouring my heart out to God,” Grey says. “I kept looking at the building and the shape it was in. I said, Before I leave this earth, Lord, Id like to do something for you.”Greg decided that that something was to fix the peeling paint, the leaking roof and the rotting floorboards. He appr

11、oached the churchs association with a deal: he would completely repair the building on one condition: “That I get a key to the front door so I can go in anytime I want to worship.”Incredibly, as Greg scrapped paint and replaced boards, he felt himself growing stronger every day. The more he worked o

12、n the church, the better he felt he didnt even need the strong prescription pain medication his doctor had prescribed.As Greg continued to renovate the church, medical scans revealed some startling news: his tumors (肿瘤) were shrinking. Four years and 23 days after Gregs diagnosis, his doctors were a

13、ble to remove his feeding tube - the one theyd said he would have for the rest of his life - and he ate solid food again. Today, Gregs tumors are gone. He is considered officially in remission and no longer needs follow-up tests.And the church? After five years of Gregs labor and love, it had been r

14、estored to its former glory too. Greg has finished his main project, but he will probably always be involved in maintaining its beauty. Greg held his third-annual open house there last Christmas, inviting the entire community. “While I was restoring the church, “Grey says, “God was restoring me.”21.

15、 What did the doctor think of the Gregs cancer?A. Mild.B. Deadly.C. Treatable.D. Infectious.22. What did Greg do after he was diagnosed with the cancer?A. Planned his funeral.B. Began to believe in God.C. Repaired the church.D. Did business with the church.23. According to Grey, what made him recove

16、r from the cancer?A. His hard labor.B. Gods blessing.C. Doctors treatment.D. The communitys love.BFor many fans of detective stories, the most exciting moment is always the time when the fingerprints found at the scene of the crime match the fingerprints of the suspect. Thats when police identify th

17、e criminal and the mystery is solved.However, scientists say that fingerprints arent in fact foolproof (万无一失的). There may be other people with the same prints. This may be unlikely, but it isnt impossible.The wrong belief started with Scottish scientist and physician Henry Faulds who, in 1888, wrote

18、 an article claiming that each person has a wholly unique set of fingerprints. However, the truth is that there is no way to gather the prints of every person who ever lived and compared them.According to Live Science, studies have shown an error rate of 0.8 percent in matching prints in the US. In

19、2005, after examining all 22 known cases of fingerprint mistakes made since 1920 in the American legal system, Simon Cole, assistant professor of Criminology at the University of California at Irvine, said that people should not “blindly insist there is zero error in fingerprint matching,” according

20、 to Live Science.And there are other mistaken beliefs that people hold, which scientists are in a position to contradict. Kristin Houser, writing in Futurism, gives some other examples of “facts” that are far from facts. For instance, it is considered a basic truth that there are five basic human se

21、nses. The Greek philosopher Aristotle devoted a chapter in his work De Anima (on the Soul) to vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste.But the reality is more complicated than what Aristotle thought. There are many more senses. In fact, scientists arent even sure just how many more estimates (估计) ran

22、ge from 22 to 33. Some of those other senses include equilibrioception (sense of balance), theremoception (sense of pain), and kinaesthesia (sense of movement).These “additional” senses are actually essential. Our senses of thirst, for example, helps our bodies to keep the correct hydration (保湿) lev

23、els. People who lack this sense a rare condition called adipasia can become severely dehydrated and even die.24. It can be learned from the text that .A. there are no effective methods to identify the criminalB. the fingerprint can always tell the whole truth about what happenedC. what Aristotle tho

24、ught about human senses is completely wrongD. some wrong beliefs that people hold result from the authorities in the field25. What does the underlined word “facts” in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?A. Mistaken beliefs.B. Scientists positions.C. Peoples contradicts.D. Basic truths.26. Which of the fol

25、lowing might be the best title for the text?A. Mistaken Beliefs in History.B. New Ideas about Our Bodies.C. Facts Speak for Themselves.D. Truth Is Stronger than Fiction.COne of the most outspoken supporters that I know of women and girls is actually a man. As co-founder of the ONE Campaign, my frien

26、d Bono spends a lot of time speaking out against global poverty (贫困). Together, were working to get out a simple, powerful message: poverty is sexist.Women and girls are more likely to be in poverty, less likely to get an education and more likely to suffer bad health. And when they are born into po

27、verty, it is much more difficult for them to lift themselves and their families out of it.Why? One reason is that breaking out of poverty takes time and that is a resource women around the world are short on. On average, women spend about twice as much time as men in doing the unpaid work that makes

28、 life possible for everyone, like cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping and caring. In developing countries, the gap is even much bigger. As a result, women have no time to finish their education, learn new skills, open a business, develop personal relationships or even go to the doctor. They dream o

29、f creating a better future for their children, but they can not spare the hours to put those dreams that they have into action.The fact that the potential of so many women and girls is going unrealized is a sad thing but it is also an opportunity for us. We need to recognize, reduce and redistribute

30、 the burden of work that is holding them back. Because if women have time to invest (投资) in themselves and their ideas, they could transform the world.27. According to the author, what makes it more difficult for women to climb out of poverty?A. Sexist prejudice.B. Heavy burden of housework.C. Impos

31、sible dreams.D. Bad health.28. The phrase “the gap” in Paragraph 3 most probably refers to the difference in .A. the time women and men spend on their houseworkB. the space women and men need for their private lifeC. the income women and men earn each yearD. the dream women and men have about their

32、children29. What seems to be the authors attitude toward reducing female poverty?A. Casual.B. Doubtful.C. Optimistic.D. Unconcerned.30. What is the text mainly about?A. Why poverty is sexist.B. What global poverty is.C. How to reduce female poverty.D. How to break down sexist prejudice.第二节(共5小题;每小题2

33、分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips on How to Survive the Exam SeasonWhen it comes to the exam season, a lot of you may feel stressed, depressed or even want to escape. Here we have pieces of advice to help you get it through. 31 During the semester, going to lectures and taking a

34、lot of notes are the first steps in the learning process. Now, at the end of the week, gather all the notes you took during the week and run through your notes quickly, 32 If yes, great. If not, you have a lot of time left to understand before the exams take place. You can ask a friend, a teacher, y

35、ou can look it up on the Internet or go to a library. This takes a little effort, but the results are great.Switch between different types of revision. 33 Something that really helps is to plan different types of active studying while revising. You can, for example, study using flashcards for an hou

36、r, then work on the summary for an hour, then have lunch, etc.Make the facts more relatable.There are many different ways to do so. Im going to give you two examples and the first one is to create vivid images, which can be really helpful for studying history. 34 The second is to make yourself famil

37、iar with new words by looking for words that look alike in other languages.Teach and learn outside of the classroom.In my experience, teaching is the most efficient way of studying. By explaining the materials to yourself or to someone else, youll remember them a lot better. 35 The idea is to sit do

38、wn and take turns explaining certain topics of the study material.Test yourself with past papers.At the end of the whole study process, you should prepare yourself to do past papers properly. Time yourself, dont cheat, and mark it as if it were your real exam. Pay attention to the mistakes and revis

39、e the part you didnt do well on until you cant get it wrong any more.A. Prepare yourself in advance.B. Make sure to be tough on yourself.C. Even if you are motivated to study, everyone gets bored after a couple of hours of studying.D. While doing this, constantly ask yourself, “Do I understand what

40、I am reading?”E. Ask your parents or other family members to act as students and listen to your explanation.F. Try to imagine how the events took place and this allows you to remember certain details more accurately.G. Look for a study buddy or small study group, and discuss everything you have stud

41、ied before the exam.第三部分:语言运用(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was a 19-year-old Dubai-raised kid away from home for the first time to start my undergraduate studies in Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak in Malaysia. Id never 3

42、6 alone before and the seven-hour flight from Dubai was the 37 flight I had ever taken. I pushed my luggage and 38 to the airport exit to find a grey van with the name of my university 39 it.As we left the 40 , the driver shared information with me about the city and its people. Not long into our 41

43、 , the lights of the car behind flashed at us. This continued more aggressively and my driver started to 42 . Flashes followed, so we 43 over to the roadside in a well-lit area. I tried to put on a 44 face as the man got off the car and made his way to my side. As he reached my 45 , I lowered it and

44、 46 to force a smile. He reached into the van and I 47 a loud “Whoa!”Then I looked down at his hands to see that he was 48 my travel pouch. It 49 my passport, returned tickets, as well as cash and letters for the university. I had left it 50 on the trolley at the airport and this man had been trying

45、 to 51 it to me ever since we had left the airport. 52 I took my pouch and thanked this stranger. The man 53 me to Kuching, wished me luck with my university studies and drove away.This act of kindness 54 cheered me up and thanks to this honest stranger, the initial self-doubt I had about my decisio

46、n to study so far away from home was 55 with hope and excitement.36. A. sufferedB. travelledC. stayedD. sat37. A. longestB. hardestC. dearestD. smoothest38. A. ranB. flewC. headedD. drove39. A. forB. underC. aboveD. on40. A. airportB. cityC. nationD. university41. A. discussionB. debateC. journeyD.

47、quarrel42. A. cryB. panicC. sniffD. skip43. A. pushedB. cameC. lookedD. pulled44. A. helplessB. sadC. braveD. happy45. A. carB. windowC. wheelD. lights46. A. decidedB. failedC. triedD. hesitated47. A. let outB. get acrossC. held backD. made out48. A. observingB. holdingC. purchasingD. ruining49. A.

48、includedB. deservedC. ruinedD. contained50. A. aloneB. asideC. offD. behind51. A. returnB. lendC. donateD. recommend52. A. In turnB. For sureC. In reliefD. At random53. A. introducedB. invitedC. welcomedD. showed54. A. exactlyB. instantlyC. suddenlyD. finally55. A. greetedB. filledC. armedD. replace

49、d 第II卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第三部分:语言运用(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。With the 56 (arrive) of the digital age, some traditional occupations like teacher, doctor and lawyer have lost favor among young people. Instead, they intend to choose jobs 57 ar

50、e related to the Internet. It is shown in the 2017 Blue Book of Chinas Society that more than 85 percent of Chinese people younger than 26 chose professional electronic gamer 58 social media writer as their ideal job. However, China is not alone. According to 59 survey by UK-based travel firm First

51、Choice, more than a third of the young people 60 (involve) would like to be a You Tuber-a person who 61 (create) his or her own YouTube videos. And nearly a fifth wanted to work as a blogger, 62 (write) content for the Internet. How does this trend come about? It can be 63 (large) attributed to the

52、fact that these new occupations enable young people to work for their dreams, not just for money. “These new jobs are where the biggest attractions lie: creativity, fame and the opportunity for self-expression,” commented The Sun.Despite the popularity 64 new occupations, experts still suggest that

53、young people stay wise when they choose one because not everybody is 65 (suit) or has the ability for it. 第四部分:写作(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分40分)第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)假定你是李华。因你班地理老师Mr Lee出差在外,明天上午的地理课改为英国文学课,请按以下要点口头告知大家:1. 课程变动情况;2. 说明原因;3. 课前预习任务布置。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第二节:读后续写(百强校英语解析团队专供)(满分25分) 阅读下

54、面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A young woman was waiting for her flight at an airport. She was leaving for London because she got a new job there. It was said that her new boss was a typical English gentlemanpolite, modest, humorous and considerate. She was excited as well as a little nervous about her

55、new life.With several long hours before her flight, the woman hunted for a book in the airport shops, bought a packet of cookies and found a place to sit. She took out a book and started to read. Although she was absorbed in her book, she happened to see that the man sitting beside her, as bold (大胆的

56、) as he could be, grabbed (抓) a cookie or two from the bag in between them. Educated to be well-mannered, she tried to ignore it to avoid an argument. But to show that she was the owner, she started to take cookies from that bag too. Unfortunately, the man didnt get that hint (暗示), since he didnt st

57、op grabbing the cookies.“How annoying!” She thought. As the greedy cookie thief kept eating, the woman munched (用力咀嚼) some cookies and watched the clock.She was getting angrier as the minutes went by, thinking, “If I werent so nice, I would blacken his eyes.” With each cookie she took, he took one,

58、too; when only one was left, she wondered what he would do.With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her a half, and ate the other. She grabbed it from him, glared at him and thought, “Oh, brother. This guy has some nerve and he is so rud

59、e! Why didnt he even show any gratefulness?”She had never known when she had been so angry, and sighed in relief when her flight was called. She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate quickly, refusing to look back at the rude thief. She boarded the plane, sank in her seat, and looked for he

60、r book, which was almost complete.注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。As she reached in her baggage, she gasped (喘气) with surprise. Surprisingly, she found the man sitting just behind her. 浙江省教育绿色评价联盟2018届高三高考适应性考试英语试题答案15 CCBBA 610 ACCAB 11

61、15 ACCBA 1620 CABAC21-23 BCB 24-26 DAB 27-30 BACA 31-35 ADCFG36-40 BACDA 41-45 CBDCB 46-50 CABDD 51-55 ACCBD 56. arrival 57. that/which 58. or 59. a 60. involved 61. creates 62. writing 63. largely 64. of 65. suitable Everybody attention, please! The geography class tomorrow will be replaced by Engl

62、ish literature, because Mr Lee, who is on a business trip in another city, cant make it to have the class on time. In tomorrows literature class, we are to continue the novel we have been reading. Thus, before the class, we are required to look through the next chapter, get the rough idea and clarify the difficult words and patterns. Thanks for your listening!


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