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1、一、单项填空1I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.Thats _ I dont agree with.You should have a more active life.AwhereBhowCwhen Dwhat解析:where在句中引导表语从句,充当地点状语。句意:周日我宁愿把自己关在屋子里整天听音乐。那正是我不同意之处,你应该过更积极的生活。答案:A2I paid a visit to the Shanghai Expo Site in the summer holiday,_,not

2、 surprisingly,was crowded with visitors from all over the world.Awhere BthatCwhich Dthere解析:which引导的是定语从句并且做从句的主语,其先行词是前面整个句子,not surprisingly是插入语。句意:暑假期间我去参观了上海世博园,那里挤满了来自世界各地的参观者,这一点并不令人感到惊讶。答案:C3Well give these clothes to _ we think badly needs them in the earthquakestricken areas.Ano matter who

3、BwhomeverCthose who Dwhoever解析:考查名词性从句的引导词。由于宾语从句中动词need缺少主语,因此选用主格whoever。句意:我们将把这些衣服给那些我们认为地震灾区急需的人。答案:D4Is it _ some students often go to Internet bar privately_ makes their parents worry about them?Awhat;that Bthat;thatCwhen;what Dhow;what解析:考查强调句。第一个that引导的是主语从句;第二个that引导的是强调句。句意:是有些学生常常私自去网吧这件

4、事使得他们的父母们为他们担忧吗?答案:B5Most American children would prefer to keep their problems_themselves,and solve their problems_themselves.Ato;by Bby;toCfor;to Din;on解析:考查反身代词前介词的用法。第一个空keep.to oneself表示“把藏在心里”;by oneself表示“独自一人,单独的,独立的”。句意:大部分美国孩子都会把问题藏在心里,靠自己解决他们自己的问题。答案:A6This photo of mine was taken_stood t

5、he famous high tower.Awhich Bin whichCwhere Dthere解析:where引导的从句在句中作地点状语,并且where在状语从句的句首引起倒装。答案:C7I was wondering if we could go fishing on the weekend._good.ASound BSoundedCSounding DSounds解析:考查交际用语。此处是省略答语,其完整的回答应该是:It sounds good.。答案:D8Im going to work by bus as my car_.Ais repairing Bis being rep

6、airedCwill repair Dhad been repaired解析:考查动词的时态和语态。car与repair为被动关系,应用被动语态。根据上文“我要乘公共汽车上班”,可知车现在正在修,故选B项。答案:B9So quickly are science and technology advancing _ is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.Awhich BwhatCthat which Dthat what解析:考查名词性从句。so.that引导的结果状语从句中,包含了一个what引导的主语从句,在从句中what作了主语。

7、句意:科技发展的是这么快,以至于今天还只是有点可能性的事情,明天可能就成为了现实。答案:D10There was no way of getting _ that.He had to tell the truth.Aaround BawayCdown Doff解析:由后半句“he had to tell the truth”可知,不讲实话是不行的,所以要用get around “回避,逃避”。句意:逃避是不可能的。他不得不讲实话。答案:A11The trouble that he made made _ difficult for him to be received by the nativ

8、e people.Aso BitCthat Dmuch解析:考查代词的用法。句中的that he made是定语从句,修饰先行词trouble。it作第二个made的形式宾语,to do不定式是真正的宾语。句意:他惹得麻烦使得当地人很难接受他。答案:B12Lily asked her teacher why the substance _ out of atoms.Awas formed BformedCis formed Dforms解析:考查固定搭配。form A out of B“A是由B构成的”(form B into A“把B制成A”)是固定搭配。此题中考查的是form A out

9、of B的被动语态。答案:C13In my opinion,all Mr.Tom _ good to his students at present.He is very strict in their study.Adoes does does Bdoes do doCdoes does do Ddid do does解析:考查定语从句。Mr.Tom does是定语从句修饰先行词all;does do是强调谓语动词表示“的确”。答案:C14She told me she was glad for the difficulty had been_.Acleared away Bcleared

10、upCbroken away Dbroke down解析:考查短语辨析。clear away“把废除”;clear up“收拾,清理”;break away“突然走开,放弃”;break down“破裂,失败”。句意:她告诉我困难被解决了她很高兴。答案:B15The boy student quarreled with his class teacher and left,_ never _ back to school again.Adetermined;to comeBbeing determined;to comeCdetermined;comingDdetermining;to com

11、e解析:determined to do是固定结构“决定干某事”,在句中作伴随状语表示状态。句意:那个男生与班主任争吵后离开了学校,决定再也不回来上学了。答案:A科学家们已经找到了蜘蛛网拥有如此强大力量的原因。1The scientists findings could be helpful for people when they_.Aplan to design a complex webBwant to design stronger materialsCdecide to live a life without damageDhope to make a breakthrough in

12、 science解析:细节理解题。根据第一段.they claim the findings could be used to help design a new generation of super strength materials可知,答案为B项。答案:B2Which of the following is a characteristic of a spiders web?A.It can adapt to different loads.BIt can expand itself in the sun.CIt can mend itself if necessary.DIt ca

13、n produce natural fibers.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段The silk itself has an ability to soften or stiffen to bear different types of loadsunlike any other natural or manmade fibers可推断,答案为A项。答案:A3What do we know about the first type of spider silk?AIt is stiff and thin.BIt is gentle and dry.CIt acts as a basic fram

14、e of a web.DIt is used to create threads.解析:推理判断题。根据末段The first is stiff and dry and it is used in threads which spread out from the centre可推断,第一种蜘蛛丝在网里被用来做基本的构架,故答案为C项。答案:C4The underlined word“viscid”in the last paragraph probably means“_”Ashort and thick Bthick and stickyCweak and dry Dlong and st

15、icky解析:词义猜测题。根据末段The second is stickier.和.create the spiral threads which are mainly used to trap food可推断,答案为B项。答案:BBThe evidence of habitation in the Yampa River Valley goes back more than 10,000 years when prehistoric people lived and hunted in this region.However,in modern times,it is generally a

16、greed that the oldest residents(居民)were the Utes(犹特人)whose land once extended from the north of New Mexico to the Green River in Wyoming.They hunted and gathered food in small groups and the groups that lived in the Yampa Valley were referred to as the“Yamparika”Utes.They were named after the Yampa

17、plant which was part of their regular diet and is similar to a carrot.Many hot springs in the area are silll regarded as sacred(神圣的)by the Utes.In the late 1770s,two Spanish priests(教士)Francisco Atanasio Dominguez and Silvestre Velez de Escalante explored the northwestern areas of Colorado and estab

18、lished a camp on the White River about 60 miles from Steamboat Springs.After gold hunters discovered gold at Hahns Peak,which is north of Steamboat Springs,this led to the establishment of the first settlement in 1866.However,the remoteness of the location and a lack of convenient transportation lin

19、ks meant that this did not translate into a gold rush.At about the same time,the people from England and France began to make their forays into the Yampa River Valley.Once the Ute War ended,all the Ute people were relocated in Utah,and settlers became more willing to move and establish a city in Ste

20、amboat Springs.The place began to take on the look of a rural community.In 1877,Routt County was established,and it was not till 1912 that Steamboat Springs became the County seat.In the beginning,the city was able to attract visitors during the summer but deep snows held back the development of win

21、ter sports.In 1912,the Norwegian(挪威人)named Carl Howelsen settled in the city and his performance of skiing as a sport started showing people how much fun ski jumping and crosscountry skiing could be,so pretty soon,organized ski instruction was established and the city was famous for skiing vacations

22、.By 1947,Steamboat Springs became a major holiday destination all around the year.本文主要介绍了滑雪之城Steamboat Springs地区的历史。5Why didnt a gold rush take place at Hahns Peak?AOnly a little gold was discovered there.BThe gold hunters stopped others going there.CThe news of discovering gold was not spread.DIt w

23、as rather difficult for people to get there.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段.the remoteness of the location and a lack of convenient transportation links meant that this did not translate into a gold rush可知,由于地方的偏远和交通不便,人们想要到达Hahns Peak很困难。答案:D6What does the underlined word“forays”in Para.2 probably mean?AQuick and sudden attacks.BExplorations of a mountain.CFriendly and warmly trips.DAdventures in a wild region.解析:词义猜测题。根据下文the Ute War ended可推知,forays与战争有关。再结合题干猜出forays意为“袭击,劫掠”。答案:A


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