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2021四年级英语上册Module3 Places and activities Unit8 At the shop单元综合检测卷(沪教牛津版三起).doc

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1、Unit 8达标检测卷 时间:40分钟满分:100分+10分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二口语总分得分听力部分 (40分)一、听录音, 圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)1. meatmeetme2. fish five fine3. rice nice juice4. potato tomato tomorrow5. cats cars carrots二、听录音,选择合适的答句。(10分)()1. A. Carrots. B. Meat. C. Juice. ()2. A. Five oranges. B. Five. C. Thirty yuan. ()3. A. I would like

2、some rice. B. I like some rice. C. I have some rice. ()4. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, you can. C. Yes, I would like some eggs. ()5. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I like. C. Yes, please. 三、听录音,将下列图片和相应的人物连在一起。(10分)四、听录音,在需要购买的食物下面的括号中打“”。(10分)笔试部分 (60分)五、圈出每组中不同类的单词。(5分)1. ricefoodbread2. thirsty thirty thirteen3.

3、 shop supermarket together4. fish glasses meat5. how carrot what六、看图连线,并写出正确的单词。(10分)1. A. It is sweet and sour. I like to drink it. 2. B. It is long and orange. Rabbits like it. 3. C. It is white. I eat it every day. 4. D. It is round and red. We can make soup with it. 5. E. It can swim in the rive

4、r. A. _B. _C. _D. _E. _七、用many, much, some, any填空。(有的单词可重复使用)(5分)1. How _ are these apples?2. How _ books are there?3. I have _ rice and fish for dinner. 4. I dont have _ candy. 5. Would you like _ tea?八、在英语中,很多食物都可以表达意想不到的意思。请你猜一猜,连一连。(5分)1. a piece of cakeA. 掌上明珠2. hot potato B. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。3. the

5、 apple of ones eye C. 烫手的山芋 4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. D. 孤注一掷5. put all eggs in one basket E. 小菜一碟九、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Id like some _ (meat) and some _ (fish). 2. Are there any _ (potato) or _ (tomato)?3. Would you like _ (go) with me?4. The panda has a _ (glass) shop. 5. The elephan

6、t can _ (play) with the mouse. 十、单项选择。(5分)()1. _?I would like some meat. A. What do you like?B. What would you like?C. Would you like pears?()2. _ are the carrots?20 yuan. A. How old B. How much C. How many()3. My dog is very fat. I give my dog some _ every day. A. meat B. meats C. carrot()4. In Wes

7、tern countries, people eat with _. A. chopsticks B. knives and forks C. sticks()5. I cant see the blackboard clearly(清楚地). I would like _. A. glass B. a glass C. a pair of glasses十一、问答配对。(10分)()1. How much is it ?()2. Can I help you?()3. What would you like?()4. Would you like some candy?()5. How mu

8、ch are these apples?A. They are forty yuan. B. I would like some bread. C. It is 11 yuan. D. No, thank you. E. Yes. I want to buy a shirt. 十二、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Today is Sunday. The children and their mum are at home. Ben:Its Mothers Day. Mum, I want to make some juice for you. What would you like

9、?Mum:Id like some orange juice. And Id like some tomato juice too. Alice:I want to make some chicken soup for you, Mum. Do we have any chicken ?Mum:We have a little, but not too much. Lets buy some in the shop. Alice: Great. Can we buy some milk?Mum: OK. Your dad likes fish. Lets buy some fish and m

10、eat too. Alice & Ben:Good idea. ()1. Today is Fathers Day. ()2. Ben wants to make some juice for his mum. ()3. Mum would like some oranges and juice. ()4. There isnt any chicken at home. ()5. Dad likes fish and candy.附加测试口语部分(10分)一、看图说单词。(8分)二、朗读下面的对话。(2分)What would you like?Id like some carrots, so

11、me potatoes and some meat. OK. How much are these?Twenty yuan, please. Here you are. Thank you.Unit 8达标检测卷听力材料:一、1. There is some meat in the box. 2. Mother wants some fish and apples. 3. Id like some rice. 4. We like tomato and egg soup. 5. Do you like some carrots?二、1. What do tigers eat?2. How mu

12、ch are these oranges?3. What would you like ?4. Can I help you?5. Would you like some juice?三、Today is Sunday. Mr Li and some children are in the shop. They want to buy some food for Kittys birthday. Kitty likes fish very much. She would like some fish. Danny would like some rice. Ben would like som

13、e tomatoes. Peter would like some potatoes. Mr Li would like some meat. 四、Ben: Mum , Im hot and thirsty. I would like some juice. Mum: Lets go to the shop. We can go there and buy some. Ben: Thank you, Mum. Mum: I want some potatoes and some tomatoes. Ben: Id like some meat and some rice. Mum: We ha

14、ve some rice in the bag. We dont need to buy any. Ben: What would you like, Dad?Dad: I would like some carrots. Mum: OK. Lets go together. 答案:一、1. meat2. fish3. rice 4. tomato5. carrots二、1. B2. C3. A4. C5. C三、1B2C3E4A5D四、BCEGH五、1. food2. thirsty3. together 4. glasses5. carrot六、1B2D3A4E5CA. juiceB. c

15、arrotC. riceD. tomatoE. fish七、1. much2. many3. some4. any5. some八、1E2C3A4B5D九、1. meat; fish2. potatoes; tomatoes点拨:potato, tomato的复数是分别在词尾加es。3. to go点拨:Would you like to do sth. ?4. glasses点拨:glasses shop眼镜店。5. play点拨:can 后用动词原形。十、1. B2. B点拨:根据答句可知问句询问价格,故选B。 3. A4. B点拨:西方人用刀和叉子就餐。5. C点拨:一副眼镜是a pair of glasses。十一、1. C2. E3. B4. D5. A十二、1. F2. T3. F4. F5. F口语部分:一、1. tomato2. soup3. potato4. carrot 5. fish6. meat7. rice8. glasses二、略


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