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学案》高考总复习(陕西专用)外研英语(课下作业):必修2 MODULE_6 FILMS_AND_TV_PROGRAMMES.doc

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1、课时作业(十二)必修2Module 6Films and TV Programmes.单项填空1It is believed that if a book is_,it will surely_the reader.Ainterested;interestBinteresting;be interestedCinterested;be interesting Dinteresting;interest2Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for building_.Arespect Bfrie

2、ndshipCreputation Dcharacter 3After the earthquake,the injured were cared_in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities.Aof BforCafter Dwith4Do you often hear from your sister who is studying in Oxford University?No,only_.She is very busy now.Anow and then Bsoone

3、r or laterCfor the time being Dmore or less5What a lovely role she_in the film!No wonder she has won the best actress.Atook BmadeChad Dplayed6The film made a great success as soon as it_.Acame out Bcame aboutCcarried out Dsent out7_is generally agreed that morning exercise is one of the best ways fo

4、r a person to stay healthy.AAs BItCWhich DWhat8Chuck is a businessman who is always busy so he visits his friends only_.Aoccasionally BeventuallyCrepeatedly Dfrequently9All the guests were dancing and singing at the party_suddenly the lights went off.Awhere BwhileCwhen Das10Can it be in the bus you

5、took just now_you left your favourite magazine?Awhere BwhichCwhen Dthat11Much_my surprise,every student looked at me_surprise when I came into the classroom.Ain;to Bto;byCto;in Din;in12The Chinese film,_Tang Dynasty,is well received by many foreign viewers.Ais set in Bsetting inCset in Dbe set in13I

6、 really think_impossible to finish the work in such a short time,dont you think so?Ait BthisCthem Dthat14I was_by the movie,what do you think of it?Thats what I love,the plot is really_.Amoving;moving Bmoved;movedCmoving;moved Dmoved;moving15_in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that

7、he had left his wallet at home.ATo wait BHave waitedCHaving waited DTo have waited.完形填空(2011英语周报)The story of “Making Pancakes” reminds me of Mothers Day in Georgia in 1970.That_1_,my family and I were at the Church_2_for the preacher (牧师) to begin when I looked around noticing our 12yearold son was

8、_3_.My wife and I looked at each other with_4_eyes,thinking he was_5_outside playing with his friends.Thirty minutes later the preacher was well into his sermon (布道) and_6_no son.Since we only_7_about a block from the Church,all through the sermon I was_8_he had gone home to watch television._9_the

9、preacher finished his sermon,my wife and I rushed for the door.With_10_building with every step I took toward the house,I_11_what I would say and what I would do as soon as we found him.With all that tension and anxiety_12_,can you imagine our surprise when we walked into the house and found him sit

10、ting on the sofa waiting for us with a(n)_13_? I was just about to let it all_14_,when without saying a word he stood,took his mother by the hand,and_15_her into the kitchen.There before us was a_16_table of food spread our 12yearold son had_17_for my wife as his Mothers Day gift with his smile.Late

11、r,we learned he left_18_after Sunday School to rush home to have it ready for his mom.In our life,we often look at our circumstances and think how_19_things are.Then when we see the_20_of the cases,we can only bow our humble heads in amazement at how things turned out for our good!1.A.MondayBWednesd

12、ay CSunday DTuesday2A.calling BwaitingClooking Dsearching3A.absent BpresentCnaughty Dhonest4A.tearful BfriendlyCfrightening Dquestioning5A.surely BprobablyCactually Dexactly6A.already BeverCstill Deither7A.lived BworkedCstudied Dtraveled8A.rememberingBforgettingCprovingDthinking9A.Now thatBIn order

13、thatCAs soon asDEven though10.A.joyBangerCsadness Dpride11A.explainedBconfusedCignoredDimagined12A.growing BchangingCdropping Dstopping13A.apology BexcuseCsmile Dfrown14A.up BoutCdown Din15A.forced BdroveCtalked Dled16A.beautiful BterribleCmagical Ddreamful17A.boughtBcarriedCpreparedDborrowed18A.slo

14、wlyBimmediatelyCcarefullyDsecretly19A.bad BluckyCgood Dstrange20A.beginningBabilityCpowerDoutcome.阅读理解(2010岳阳市第二次检测)Teenagers who drink alcohol are at higher risk of becoming victims of violence,a Cardiff University study has found.A team from the School of Dentistrys Violence Research Group studied

15、 drinking habits in children aged 1116 in England.They found not only a link between drink and violence but also that children who drank were more likely to be hit,even if they werent violent themselves.The researchers are now calling for measures to prevent alcohol misuse to reduce injury risk.Curr

16、ent policy focuses on reducing aggression but this research shows that there should be equal effort to reduce victimization.More than 4,000 children were surveyed at 13 schools at four local authorities in the North,the Midlands,London,and the South.The study found that 25% of 11yearolds were drinki

17、ng monthly and 3.6% daily,with 12.8% admitting to getting drunk 3 to 5 times a year.By the age of 16,40% were drinking weekly and 6.2% were drinking every day.The research also showed 22.6% of 16yearolds were getting drunk more than 21 times a year.The study,which has just been published in the Jour

18、nal of Adolescence,found a strong link between frequency of drinking and frequency of hitting other people.However,children who reported drinking monthly were also three times more likely to be hit.Adolescents who drank but didnt get into fights were more likely to be hit than those who did fight. P

19、rofessor Jonathan Shepherd,who led the research,said a lot of previous alcoholrelated violence work had focused on the offenders rather than the victims. His team is calling for more prevention work from parents and teachers in the first two years of secondary school by taking advantage of the “teac

20、hable moment”,that is,immediately after a student has missed school because of drunkenness.Previous work by Professor Jonathan Shepherd has shown drinkers may be more at risk of violence because of reduced physical coordination,poor decisionmaking in threatening situations and isolation while out la

21、te at night.He said,“This new study seems to be the first to show a direct link between alcohol misuse and victimization.There now needs to be much more effort put into reducing alcohol misuse in order to reduce injury.”1The main idea of the passage is that teenagers who drink alcohol_.Aoften offend

22、 other peopleBoften become injuredCare more likely to become victims of violenceDare more likely to fight with others2The underlined word “aggression” in the third paragraph probably means “_”Aviolence Bsad feelingsCbad manners Ddrunkenness3The research argues that more effort should be made to_.Are

23、duce aggression Bprevent fightingCreduce victimization Dprevent drinking alcohol4Drinkers may be more at risk of violence because of all the following EXCEPT_.Areduced physical coordinationBisolation while out late at nightCa higher frequency of hitting other peopleDpoor decisionmaking in threatenin

24、g situations5Which of the following statements is NOT true according to Professor Shepherds research?AThe frequency of children getting drunk increases with age.BHis previous alcoholrelated violence work had focused on the offenders.CSome children missed school because of drunkenness.DThis new study

25、 shows a direct link between alcohol misuse and victimization.答案课时作业(十二).单项填空1解析:句意为:人们相信,如果一本书很有趣,那么它必定会吸引读者。第一空的interesting是形容词,意思是“有趣的”;第二空的interest用作及物动词,意思是“使感兴趣”。所以选D。答案:D2解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:独自远足有时很有趣,而且对健康有益。可能也有利于品质的养成。respect尊敬,尊重;friendship友谊,友好;reputation声誉,好名声。character(人的)品质,性格,符合句意。答案:D 3解析

26、:考查care动词短语。care of转交;care for关怀,照顾,没有care after与care with这两个短语。主语是the injured(伤员),伤员应受到照顾,故选B。答案:B4解析:句意为:你经常收到你在牛津大学学习的姐姐的信吗?不是经常收到,只是有时,她现在很忙。now and then有时,偶尔;sooner or later迟早;for the time being暂时;more or less或多或少。答案:A5解析:she played in the film是定语从句,修饰role,构成短语play a role in.在中扮演角色。答案:D6解析:come

27、 out出来,出版;come about发生;carry out执行,完成;send out发出。句意为:这部电影一上映就获得了巨大成功。若选C、D两项要用被动语态形式。come out作“出来;出版”讲时,不用于被动语态。答案:A7解析:考查it的用法。Its generally agreed that.意为“一般认为”。it作形式主语,that引导的从句为真正的主语。答案:B8解析:考查副词辨析。由句中“查克是一个生意人,他非常忙”可知“他只是偶尔拜访他的朋友”。occasionally意为“有时;偶尔”,符合题意。eventually意为“最后”;repeatedly意为“重复地,再三地

28、”;frequently意为“经常地,屡次地”,均不符合题意。答案:A9解析:考查连词。when在此意为“这时”,相当于at the moment,其前的分句常用过去进行时、过去完成时或过去完成进行时。句意为:所有客人正在舞会上唱歌跳舞这时灯突然熄灭了。答案:C10解析:考查强调句型。强调句型的结构为:It is/was被强调部分that其他成分。此题为强调句型的一般疑问句形式。答案:D11解析:to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是;in surprise吃惊地。句意为:使我非常吃惊的是,我进教室时每个学生都吃惊地看着我。答案:C12解析:be set in以为背景,此处用过去分词短

29、语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句which is set in Tang Dynasty的省略形式。答案:C13解析:本题考查it作形式宾语的用法,真正的宾语是后面的不定式短语“to finish the work in such a short time”。答案:A14解析:moved用于“人感到感动”;moving则指事物“令人感动的”。答案:D15解析:本题考查分词的完成式作状语。wait发生在谓语动词realize之前,故用完成式。句意为:在排队等了半个小时后,汤姆突然意识到他把钱包忘在家里了。答案:C.完形填空语篇解读母亲节这天,作者一家人去教堂听牧师布道,突然发现儿子没来,这使得夫妇

30、俩十分生气。可是当回到家看到儿子准备了一桌子饭菜作为母亲的节日礼物的时候,作者深受感动。1解析:根据倒数第二段的after Sunday School to rush home可推知是在星期天母亲节那一天。来源: 答案:C2解析:根据下文的Thirty minutes later the preacher was well into his sermon可知,“我们”在教堂“等待(waiting for)”牧师开始布道。 答案:B3解析:根据下文的情节可知,儿子“不在(absent)”教堂。答案:A4解析:妻子和“我”都用“疑问的(questioning)”眼光看着对方。答案:D5解析:此处推

31、测儿子“可能(probably)”出去和朋友们玩耍了。答案:B6解析:半个小时后,布道都开始了,“仍然(still)”没有看到儿子。答案:C7解析:后文的he had gone home to watch television可知这里指“我”“住的(lived)” 地方离教堂有一个街区的距离。答案:A8解析:半小时后还没有看见儿子,“我”“认为(thinking)”他回家去看电视了。答案:D9解析:牧师一布完道,“我们”就往家里赶。as soon as表示“一就”,与下文rushed for the door呼应,表明作者夫妇二人急切寻找儿子的心情。答案:C10解析:根据下文中的With al

32、l that tension and anxiety可知。答案:B11解析:因为生气,在回家的路上,“我”“想象(imagined)”一见到儿子,该说什么,该做什么。答案:D12解析:当作者的紧张和焦虑还在“不断增长(growing)”时,却看见儿子一脸笑容地坐在沙发上等他们回来。12、13两空所在句子形成对比。答案:A13解析:由下文中的as his Mothers Day gift with his smile可知。答案:C14B15解析:“我”正要把一切发泄“出来(out)”,儿子没说一句话,站起来,拉着他妈妈,把她“领进(led)”厨房。答案:D16解析:根据上下文的意思可知,此处指一

33、桌子精美的食物。答案:A17解析:根据下文中的to rush home to have it ready for his mom可知,此处指“准备的(prepared)”食物。答案:C18解析:根据本空后的rush home可知,儿子上完周日的课之后就“立刻(immediately)”急匆匆回家,给妈妈准备这顿美食。答案:B19解析:句意为:我们总是看着我们的情况认为事情有多么“糟糕(bad)”。该句的意思和下句的we can only bow our humble heads.how things turned out for our good意思相对应。答案:A20解析:此处指只有当我们看

34、到事情的“结果(outcome)”,我们才知道看似糟糕的事情其实变得很好。答案:D.阅读理解语篇解读本文介绍了一项关于青少年酗酒的研究。该研究发现,酗酒的青少年更容易成为暴力的受害者。1解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“Teenagers who drink alcohol are at higher risk of becoming victims of violence”可知答案为C。答案:C2解析:词义猜测题。根据上下文尤其是本句后半句可知,aggression 与victimization 意思相反,所以aggression 是“暴力行为”的意思。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句中的“this research shows that there should be equal effort to reduce victimization”可知答案为C。答案:C4解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段可知答案。答案:C5解析:细节理解题。B项偷换概念,原文为“a lot of previous alcoholrelated violence work had focused on the offenders”,这些研究不一定就是这位教授以前的研究。答案:B高考资源网w w 高 考 资源 网


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