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2018届高考英语(译林版)总复习真题研练40 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Task 1:阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2016全国)A Heroic DriverLarry works with Transport Drivers,Inc.One morning in 2009,Larry was _1_ along 165 north after delivering to one of his_2_.Suddenly,he saw a car with its bright lights on._3_he got closer,he found _4_vehicle upside down on t

2、he road.One more look and he noticed_5_shooting out from under the_6_vehicle.Larry pulled over,set the brake and_7_the fire extinguisher (灭火器)Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.The man who had his bright lights on_8_and told Larry he had_9_an emergency call.They_10_ heard

3、 a womans voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle._11_the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay_12_until the emergency personnel arrived,_13_she thought the car was going to_14_.Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she s

4、hould not move_15_she injured her neck.Once fire and emergency people arrived,Larry and the other man_16_and let them go to work.Then,Larry asked the_17_if he was needed or _18_ to go.They let him and the other man go.One thing is_19_Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close t

5、o the burning vehicle! His_20_most likely saved the womans life.【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。短文讲述了货运司机拉里看到了一辆翻倒着火的汽车,不顾个人安危对伤者实施救助的故事。1A.walkingBtouringCtravelingDrushing答案C考查语境中动词的辨析。由下文的pulled over,set the brake等词可知,拉里送完货物之后正在道路上行驶。因此答案选C。2A.passengersBcolleaguesCemployersDcustomers答案D考查语境中名词的辨析。拉里是送货司机,当然是将货物

6、送到顾客(customers)手里。3A.SinceBAlthoughCAsDIf答案C考查语境中连词的辨析。当拉里走近时才发现,还有一辆车翻倒在路上。since 既然;though 尽管;as 当时候;if 如果。唯有C项符合语境。4A.eachBanotherCthatDhis答案B考查语境中代词的辨析。前文已经提到拉里看到了一辆开着大灯的车,这是另一辆车,故答案选B。5A.flamesBsmokeCwaterDsteam答案A考查语境中名词的辨析。由本段最后一句中的“the fire was put out”可以推断有火焰(flames)从车里冒出来。6A.usedBdisabledCr

7、emovedDabandoned答案B考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据前文“upside down”一词及下一段“the wrecked vehicle”这一信息可知,这辆车已毁坏。7A.got hold ofBpreparedCtook charge ofDcontrolled答案A考查语境中短语动词的辨析。由语境可知,看到这种情况,拉里赶紧靠边停车,拿起(get hold of)灭火器去实施救援。8A.came downBcame throughCcame inDcame over答案D考查语境中短语动词的辨析。根据语境可以推断,开着大灯的汽车司机走过来(come over)告诉拉里他已报警。

8、come down 下来;come through 传来;come in 进来。均不符合句意。9A.returnedBreceivedCmadeDconfirmed答案C考查语境中动词的辨析。由上文内容可知,call the police (报警)符合语境。10A.thenBagainCfinallyDeven答案A考查语境中副词的辨析。正当那人与拉里说话,这时他们听到车里传来妇女的声音。again 又,再;finally 最后;even 甚至。11A.StartingBParkingCPassingDApproaching答案D考查语境中动词的辨析。根据常识,听到车里有人喊叫,他们当然是走过

9、去(approach)救人。12A.quietBstillCawayDcalm答案B考查语境中形容词的辨析。由15空之前的“should not move”这一信息词可以推断他们告诉这个妇女要保持静止不动(still)。13A.forBsoCandDbut答案D考查语境中连词的辨析。根据下文妇女所担心的事情,可知这里是逻辑上的转折关系。故选D。14A.explodeBslip away Cfall apartDcrash答案A考查语境中动词的辨析。前面提到这辆车在燃烧,依据常识,explode (爆炸)符合语境。slip away 消失,消亡;fall apart 破碎;crash 撞毁。15

10、A.as ifBunlessCin caseDafter答案C考查语境中连词的辨析。根据常识,让这个妇女保持不动的原因就是防止脖子受伤害。as if 好像;unless除非;in case万一,以防;after在之后。显然,C项为正确答案。16A.stepped forwardBbacked offCmoved onDset out答案B考查语境中短语动词的辨析。消防队员和警方一到,拉里和那个人自然退让(back off)到一边,让他们进行专业救援。step forward 向前走;move on 继续前进;set out 开始。均不符合语境。17A.womanBpoliceCmanDdriv

11、er答案B考查语境中名词的辨析。前面提到了那个人拨打了报警电话,现在消防员和警方赶到,因此拉里询问警察自己是否能帮忙或者没有安排什么事就离开。18A.forbiddenBreadyCaskedDfree答案D考查语境中形容词的辨析。见上一小题解析。19A.for certainBfor considerationCreportedDchecked答案A考查语境中介词短语的辨析。由前文所述,拉里超越自己的职责范围靠近燃烧的车辆去搭救别人,这件事是确定无疑的(for certain)。patience 耐心;skills 技巧;promise 诺言。均与语境不符。20A.patienceBskil

12、lsCeffortsDpromise答案C考查语境中名词的辨析。正是拉里尽力(efforts)搭救才让这个妇女幸存下来成为了可能。Task 2:词汇积累1vehicle n车辆;载运工具a space vehicle太空船2extinguish vt.熄(灯),灭(火),熄灭(希望等)extinguisher n消灭者;灭火器3emergency n突然事件;紧急情况take emergency measures 采取紧急措施4personnel n全体人员,职员personnel department 人事处科5put out 扑灭;关掉;伸出Task 3:语法填空Larry works w

13、ith Transport Drivers,Inc.One morning in 2009,Larry was traveling along 165 north after _1_ (deliver) to one of his customers.Suddenly,he saw a car with _2_ bright lights on.As he got _3_ (close),he found another vehicle upside down on the road.One more look _4_ he noticed flames shooting out from u

14、nder the disabled vehicle.Larry pulled over,set the brake and got hold of the fire extinguisher (灭火器)Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire _5_ (put) out.答案1.delivering2.its3.closer4.and5.was putTask 4:短文改错(下面文字有五处错误,请改正)Once fire and emergency people arrived at,Larry and other man backe

15、d off and let them go to work.Then,Larry asked the police if he needed or free to go.They let him and the other man go.One thing is certain Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so to the burning vehicle! His efforts most likely saved the womans life.Task 5:攻克长难句(分析句子结构,尝试翻译成汉语)The man who had his bright lights on came over and told Larry he had made an emergency call.分析:这是一个由and连接的并列句,第一个句子中含有一个who引导的定语从句;第二个句子中he had made an emergency call.是宾语从句。译文:那个开着大灯的人走过来,告诉莱瑞他打了紧急呼救电话。


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