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人教版2019届高考英语一轮复习讲义:必修二 UNIT 4 WILDLIFE PROTECTION WORD版含答案.doc

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1、第一部分 基础知识必修二Unit 4 Wildlife Protection1. 意识到保护野生动物的重要性和紧迫性,激发保护野生动物的信心和决心。 2. 掌握保护野生动物的相关知识,了解全球所关注的保护环境、保护地球、保护所有生命的话题。 We should appreciate it that we are living on the earth securely. We are treated with mercy. We can burst into laughter as we like. We know the importance to succeed. But animals

2、have been affected by powerful mankind since humans came into being. According to the common sense, fierce dinosaurs have died out. Its not the ending. In fact, the number of many rare animals is decreasing. Its certain that human race should pay attention to the topic of wildlife protection. We all

3、 should protect animal from being hurt and harmed. Everyone has the duty to do so. Although some reserves and natural zones have been set up to help them live in peace, there are still some animals being caught to get their fur and meat. The government in different countries should employ more peopl

4、e so that they can inspect the incidents of hunting and killing of animals. Or we are in danger too. The disappearance wont be distant if we dont treat animals as our friends. 1. die out 灭亡;逐渐消失2. in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地3. in danger (of)在危险中;垂危 4. burst into laughter 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来 5. affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭

5、1. 尽管为了让动物们生活在祥和的环境下而建了保护区和安全地带,仍然有一些动物被捕猎,人们就是为了得到他们的皮毛或者肉。Even if some reserves and natural zones have been set up to help them live in peace, there are still some animals being caught to get their fur and meat.2. 每个人都有责任这样做。Everyone has the duty to do so. wildlife n野生动植物 loss n损失;遗失;丧失 reserve n保

6、护区 hunt vt.& vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻 zone n地域;地带;地区 respond vi.回答;响应;做出反应 fur n毛皮;毛;软毛 relief n(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除; laughter n笑;笑声 decrease vi.& vt.减少;(使)变小;或变少 mercy n仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 certain adj.确定的;某一;一定 protect.from 保护不受(危害) contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍 appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到 succeed vi.成功 vt.接替;继任 employ vt.雇用;利用(时间、精力等) harm n

7、& vt.损害;危害 come into being 形成;产生 inspect vt.检查;视察 incident n事件;事变 according to 按照;根据所说 fierce adj.凶猛的;猛烈的 so that 以至于;结果 ending n结局;结尾 protection n保护 distant adj.远的;远处的 importance n重要(性) powerful adj.强大的;有力的 attention n注意;关注;注意力 secure adj.安全的;可靠的 一、重点单词需牢记1. relief n(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除; 减轻痛苦的事物Dont worry

8、, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu. What a relief! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious. 不要担心,妈妈。医生说只是感冒而已。谢天谢地!我要告诉爸爸并不严重。in relief 如释重负;松了口气 with relief 轻松地to ones relief使某人大为放心,使某人深感宽慰give sb. relief from pain 使人减轻痛苦Those who suffer from headache will find they get relief from this medicin

9、e. 那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能够缓解头痛。relieve vt.使宽慰,使放心relieved adj.放心的,宽慰的More help in the office would relieve me from some of this responsibility. 如果办公室里再添些帮手,我的负担会减轻些。 We were relieved to hear that she was out of danger. 听说她脱险了,我们的心才放下来。 2. contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍Todays newspaper contains an account of the accide

10、nt.今天的报纸上有一篇关于这次事故的报道。How much does this bottle contain? 这个瓶能装多少?When we heard the joke, we were unable to contain our laughter.我们听到这个笑话时,忍不住笑了。 include 与containcontain 指包含者是某物的组成部分。 include “包括,包含”。侧重指包含者是整体的一部分。 included和includingincluded放在被修饰词的后边;including放在其前。 3. appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到 apprecia

11、te后可接名词、代词、动名词、名词性从句等作宾语,但不能接不定式。 appreciate n/ pron./ doing/ clauseappreciate it if/when . I really appreciate having the danger of this job.我真的认识到了这份工作(2)用所给词的适当形式填空 I dont appreciate_being_treated_(treat)like a secondclass citizen.I really appreciate_having_(have)time to relax with you on this ni

12、ce island. 的危险性。 其后不直接跟if或when引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助it。He would much appreciate it if you could do him that favor.如果你能帮他这个忙,他将十分感激。appreciation n赏识,鉴识,感激 4. succeed vi.成功 vt.接替;继任 succeed at/in 在(如某行业)中获得成功He succeeded in persuading her to give up her parttime job.他说服她放弃了兼职工作。success n成功;成功的人或事 succe

13、ssful adj.成功的,有成就的Success is a sum of small efforts made each day.成功是每天付出的点滴努力积累而成的。 A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away. 如果一个社会丢弃了传统,这个社会是不会成功的。 5. harm n& vt.损害;危害 There was a fire in our street, but no one was harmed. 我们街上发生了火灾,但无人受伤。harm sb./sth. 伤害某人/某物 do harm to sb. 对有害

14、 mean no harm 没有恶意 He means no harm by saying what he thinks. 他想到什么就说什么,并无恶意。 harmful adj.有害的be harmful to 对有害二、重点短语需精通1. die out 灭亡;逐渐消失 The custom, passed down from generation to generation, has been dying out. 这个一代代流传下来的风俗正在渐渐消失。die for die to do 渴望;很想 die away(尤指声音、光、风)逐渐消失;停止 die off (家族,种族等)相继

15、死亡;(草木)枯死die from/of 因而死(通常指疾病、饥寒、情感等原因)2. burst into laughter 突然笑起来; 大声笑了出来 Hearing the amusing story, all of us couldnt help bursting into laughter. 听了这个滑稽的故事,我们所有人都忍不住大笑起来。be bursting to do sth. 急于要做某事burst into 突然闯入;突然起来burst out 大声叫喊;突然起来burst forth 突然出现,突然爆发出,突然喊出He was bursting to show what h

16、e could do. 他急着表现一下他的本事。A broad smile burst forth on his face. 他顿时笑容满面。burst out laughing burst into laughter burst into tears burst out crying 3. protect.from 保护不受(危害);阻挡;防御 protect against保护免遭protection n保护under the protection of. 在的保护下Protect your eyes from the sun. 保护你的眼睛不受太阳的伤害。 These tree belt

17、s protect 500,000 acres of farmland against shifting sand. 这些防护林带保护了五十万英亩的农田不受流沙的侵袭。 一般天灾使用介词against,小事件则用介词from。在主动句中prevent/stop.from.中的from可省略,在被动句中from不可省略,而keep.from.中的from无论在主动句还是在被动句中都不能省略。能这样使用的还有prevent/keep/stop sb./sth. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生三、重点句式能熟用1. It shows the importance of

18、wildlife protection, but Id like to help as the WWF suggests.这表明了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。(1)would like后接to do或sb. to do,而Id love to do语气较强烈,意思是“想要做”。第一人称后也可以用should like。 (2)would like意为“希望;想”,相当于wish,want后可接名词。(3)Would you like.? 或Would you like to.? 常表示非常委婉、客气地征求意见。2. This is the only

19、 home of the red Colobus monkey but there are very few left. 这是红色疣猴的唯一栖息地,但是现在所剩无几了。There be (no).left for sth./doing sth.是一个固定的句型,意思是“为某物/做某事还留下/没留下”。left是leave的过去分词,用于名词或复合不定代词之后作定语,意思是“剩下的;剩余的”。四、话题写作多积累训练九:写一封邀请信邀请信分为两种:一种是个人信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参加宴会、观看电影、出席典礼等。另一种是事务信函,一般是邀请参加会议、学术活动等等。第一段:首先要向被邀请人交代写

20、这封信的目的,明确邀请某人参加某项活动,说明活动的时间和地点,正式向对方发出邀请,用词要热情,语气要委婉。第二段:用更多文字信息来介绍活动的具体安排,让对方感受到活动的吸引力,有乐意前往的意愿,必要的时候,可以用更多词句让对方意识到接受邀请的必要性。第三段:希望对方能够接受邀请,用词简短但是充满期待。期待对方的尽快答复,以便于写信者做出相应的活动安排或者调整。 (1)表示邀请常用:I am writing to invite you to.I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in.I wonder if you c

21、an come.How would you like to join us in.?(2)结尾表示期待某人参加常用:My family and I would feel much honored if you could come.We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon. Dear_, How is everything with you? I am writing

22、 to tell you that there will be a_(内容)at/in_(地点)on_(时间)We would be honored to have you there with us.The occasion will start at_(具体时间)This will be followed by a_(进一步的安排)At around_(时间),_(另一个安排).【例1】(1)用relief相关短语的适当形式填空令我非常庆幸的是,车并没有损坏。 _Much_to_my_relief,_the car was not damaged.她松了口气。She sighed with

23、_relief(2)用relieve的适当形式填空 Im so_relieved_to find youI thought youd already gone.It was such_a_relief_to hear that Marta was found safe and well.He was_relieved_to see Jeannie reach the other side of the river safely. relieve from与 relieve of 的意思都是“解除”。前者指解除或减轻痛苦、忧虑、危险等,强调状态;后者指解脱沉重的负担、包袱等,强调对象。引申可表示

24、“解除某人的职务等”。relieve还可作“给换班,换岗”解。【例2】(1)用contain,include与hold的适当形式填空 This little book_contains_all the information that you need.Your duties will_include_putting the children to bed.The room can_hold_twenty people. (2)用contain或include的适当形式填空他的新书有十章,包含你所需要的全部信息。His new book which_includes_10 chapters_c

25、ontains_all the information you need. 【例3】(1)用appreciate的适当形式填空 Our house_has_appreciated_(in value)by 50% in the last two years.Children rarely show any_appreciation_of/for what their parents do for them. Many great writers were not_appreciated_fully while they were alive.【例4】用succeed的适当形式填空 Ive be

26、en trying to persuade her to take on more staff, but so far without_success_Shes been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she finally_succeeded_This years harvest was one of the most_successful_ since the record crop of 1985. Thomas Edison_succeeded_ in working out a lot of things enti

27、rely new to the world.【例5】用harm的适当形式填空 Thankfully no one_was_harmed_ in the accident.Smoking_harms_ our health. Please give up smoking. This group of chemicals is known to be_harmful_ to people. The governments reputation has already_been_harmed_ by a series of scandals. Too much sun is_harmful_to t

28、he skin. 【例1】用die相关短语的适当形式填空 To keep the endangered animals from _dying_out,_immediate measures must be taken.To our sorrow, the soldier_died_from_ a wound. When the applauds_died_down,_he restarted his speech.【例2】完成句子门忽然被推开,他闯进了屋来。The door was suddenly pushed open and he burst_into the house.河岸坍塌,河

29、水冲了出来。The banks of the river gave way and the waters _burst_forth他急于把这孩子送到医院去。He_is_bursting_to_send_ the child to hospital. 她一听说自己考试不及格就失声大哭起来。She burst_into_tears/burst_out_crying_when she learned her failure in the exam. 【例3】(1)用protect的适当形式填空 Little children live under the _protection_of their p

30、arents. Dolphins are a_protected_species, so it is illegal to harm or kill them.The plant_is_protected_under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. (2)用所给词的适当形式填空 The white blood cells protect the body from_being_attacked_ (attack)by disease germs. New legislation still does not offer adequate protection

31、 for many_endangered_(danger)species.【例1】翻译句子我想要一个早晨7点的叫醒服务,谢谢!好的。保证你会收到电话的。 I_would_like_a wakeup call at 7:00 am., please!OK, Ill make sure you_get_one_. Would you like.? 或Would you like to.?是委婉客气的语气,因此常用Yes, please.或Sorry, Im afraid not. 等比较委婉的回答。【例2】完成句子现如今机场中有比以前更多的飞机来搭载乘客。Today there are more

32、airplanes_left_to carry more people than ever before at the airport.(2017全国卷)假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(papercutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1展览时间、地点;2展览内容。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Henry,Im Li Hua, one of your students in your cultural class. I know youre interested in one of Chinese traditional ar

33、t formspapercutting. So I invite you to attend an exhibition of it. Itll be held from June 10 to July 10 this year and the opening time is from 9:00 am. to 7:00 pm. from Monday to Saturday and the place of the exhibition is at the City Gallery, which is located at 118, Jianguo Road, Hai Dian Distric

34、t. Shall we go there together this Friday afternoon? I will meet you at 2:00 pm. at the teaching building gate if you like. You know we Chinese have a lot of traditional art forms, of which papercutting is one of the most popular. In the exhibition, you will enjoy many special kinds of papercuttings

35、. Maybe you can learn one or two skills of the cutting.Looking forward to your early reply.Regards, Li Hua1. 结构采用三段成文:第一段自我介绍引出话题;第二段具体交代活动时间、地点;第三段较为详细地交代展览内容。2时态:以一般将来时和一般现在时为主。3人称:第一人称。4注意使用一些连词,使文章自然流畅。考向一在语法填空中设题(2017全国卷)The Central London Railway was one of the most_(success)of these new lines

36、, and was opened in 1900. It had whitepainted tunnels and bright red carriages, and proved extremely popular with the public.【答案】successful考查形容词。最成功的地铁之一。根据前面的was one of the most可知,此处要用形容词形式。考向二在阅读理解中考查“人与自然”话题(2017全国卷,B)I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bai

37、ley Arboretum in Locust Valley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.I got a rescue call from a woman in Mutton town. She had found a young owl (猫头鹰)on the ground. When I arrived, I saw a 2

38、 to 3weekold owl. It had already been placed in a carrier for safety.I examined the chick (雏鸟)and it seemed fine. If I could locate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but no luck. My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.The homeowner was very helpful. A wire basket

39、 was found. I put some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe and comfortable. I placed the chick in the nest, and it quickly calmed down.Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were absent. I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams of owl chicks. These advertis

40、e the presence of chicks to adults; they might also encourage our chick to start calling as well. I gave the owner as much information as possible and headed home to see what news the night might bring.A nervous night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of nature smile on us all! The homeowner cal

41、led to say that the parents had responded to the recordings. I drove over and saw the chick in the nest looking healthy and active. And it was accompanied in the nest by the greatest sight of allLUNCH! The parents had done their duty and would probably continue to do so.1. What is unavoidable in the

42、 authors rescue work according to Paragraph 1?A. Efforts made in vain.B. Getting injured in his work.C. Feeling uncertain about his future.D. Creatures forced out of their homes.2. Why was the author called to Mutton town?A. To rescue a woman. B. To take care of a woman.C. To look at a baby owl. D.

43、To cure a young owl.3. What made the chick calm down?A. A new nest. B. Some food.C. A recording. D. Its parents.4. How would the author feel about the outcome of the event?A. Its unexpected. B. Its beautiful.C. Its humorous. D. Its discouraging.【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。作者是一位救助野生动物方面的志愿者,本文描述了作者救助一只被遗落的猫头鹰幼崽的故事

44、。 1. A细节理解题。由首段第二句可知,作者致力于救助受伤的、流离失所的或生病的野生动物,但结果却可能是令人心碎的,被救动物能否活下来也不能确定。也就是说,作者的努力有可能会付诸东流。 2. C细节理解题。由第二段前两句可知,这位妇女给作者打电话,是要告诉作者有一只年幼的猫头鹰被遗落在地上,需要救助。 3. A细节理解题。由第四段后三句可知,作者给猫头鹰幼崽做了个安全舒适的窝,并将它放了进去,猫头鹰幼崽一下就安静下来。 4. B推理判断题。由最后一段最后三句话可知,作者救助猫头鹰幼崽成功了。爸爸、妈妈找到了自己的幼崽,并给幼崽带来了午餐,小猫头鹰也看上去健康活泼。也就是说,这次救助的结果很美

45、好。计策1:提示词是名词时可能考查其复数形式,也可能考查形容词计策2:如果所填空是形容词还要考虑是否会考查比较级或者最高级 计策1:看人称,定体裁人称:第一人称时态:一般过去时体裁:记叙文话题:关爱动物 计策2:循主题,找细节细节1:我的工作性质细节2:收到求助电话细节3:到场解决问题细节4:看到状况良好细节5:给予更多帮助细节6:看到最美景象计策3:仔细审题,返回原文仔细看题干,把每道题和原文的某处建立联系,挂起钩。结合两个定位原则:通常是由题干出发,使用寻找关键词定位原则。(关键词:大写字母、地名、时间、数字等)自然段定位原则。出题的顺序与行文的顺序是基本一致的,一般每段对应一题。要树立定

46、位意识,每一题、每一选项都要回到原文中某一处定位。计策4:重叠选项,得出答案(重叠原文对照原文)通过题干返回原文:判断四个选项,抓住选项中的关键词,把选项定位到原文的某处比较,重叠选项,选出答案。作题练习要求:要有选一个答案的理由和其余三个不选的理由。一、词汇拓展 1. protect vt.保护_protection_ n保护2. wild adj.野生的;野的;未开发的;荒凉的_wildlife_ n野生动植物 3. decrease vi.& vt. 减少; (使)变小;或变少_increase_ vi.& vt. 增加4. lose vi.丢失_loss_ n损失;遗失;丧失_Lost

47、_&_Found_ 失物招领处5. reserve n保护区 n& v储备;预定_reservation_ n预定6. hunt vt.& vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻_hunter_ n猎人 7. respond vi.回答;响应;做出反应_response_ n回答;响应;做出反应8. distant adj.远的;远处的_distance_ n距离 9. relief n(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除; 减轻痛苦的事物_relieve_ vt.使轻松(宽慰);缓解;调剂;接替10. laugh vi.笑;笑声_laughter_ n笑;笑声11. mercy n仁慈;宽恕;怜悯_merciful_

48、 adj.仁慈的12. certain adj.确定的;某一;一定_uncertain_ adj.不确定的_certainly_ adv.当然;一定,无疑 13. importance n重要(性)_important_ adj.重要的14. contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍_container_ n容器15. power n能力;电力;势力_powerful_ adj.强大的;有力的16. affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭_affection_ n喜爱,钟爱17. attend v看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加_attention_ n注意;关注;注意力18. appreciate

49、vt.鉴赏;感激;意识到_appreciation_ n欣赏,鉴定,评估 19. succeed vi.成功 vt.接替;继任_success_ n成功_successful_ adj.成功的 20. secure adj.安全的;可靠的_securely_ adv.安全地 21. employ vt.雇用;利用 (时间、精力等)_unemployment_ n失业,失业状态 22. harm n& vt.损害;危害_harmful_ adj.有害的;致伤的_harmless_ adj.无害的;不致伤的 23. inspect vt.检查;视察_inspection_ n检查,细看 24. f

50、ierce adj.凶猛的;猛烈的_fiercely_ adv.猛烈地 25. end vi.结束_ending_ n结局;结尾 二、单句语法填空 1. Well go_hunting_ (hunt)tomorrow.2. I would really appreciate_it_ if you could turn the music down.3. After such a long illness, her death came as a_merciful_ (mercy)release.4. One of the phenomena that attracted my_attentio

51、n_ (attentive)was the structure of the human body.5. Sichuan Province was_affected_ (affect)by the earthquake,causing difficulties to the post festival road transport. 6. Im not having much_success_ (succeed)in communicating with him at the moment.7. When she died, I was filled with a sense of_loss_

52、 (lose)a sense of humor/duty/shame 幽默感/责任感/羞耻感8. The teacher walked around_inspecting_ (inspect)their work. 9._Certainly_ (certain), the early learning years are crucial to a childs educational development.10. For the past three years he has been_employed_ (employ)as a firefighter.三、用短语的适当形式填空die ou

53、t,pay attention to,come into being,at the mercy of,succeed in,in peace,in danger of,in relief,burst into tears,according to 1. The campaign has certainly_succeeded_in_ raising public awareness of the issue.2. Many traditional customs have_died_out_ because they are out of date.3. The Irish Free Stat

54、e_came_into_being_ in 1922.4. Go away and leave us to finish our dinner_in_peace_5. If he carries on like this,hes_in_danger_of_ losing his job.6. You should_pay_attention_to_ your spelling.7. Knowing no one was hurt, he laughed_in_relief_. 8. Claire looked as if she were about to_burst_into_tears_9

55、._According_to_ Sarah theyre not getting on very well at the moment.accordingly adv. 相应地;因此10. After the boats motor failed, they were_at_the_mercy_of_ the weather.四、课文回顾One day Daisy flew in a flying carpet to Tibet and met 1._a_ sad antelope. They were hunted for their fur 2._to_make_(make)sweater

56、s like hers. The antelope said they were being killed for the wool and they are now an 3._endangered_(endanger)species. At the words Daisy 4._cried_(cry). The carpet took her to Zimbabwe, 5._where_ Daisy found that an elephant. The elephant told her that they used to be in danger but the government

57、had taken 6._measures_ (measure)to make their numbers increase. Daisy smiled and left. She appeared in a thick rainforest. A monkey found her 7._rubbing_ (rub)itself. It said it was protecting itself 8._from_ mosquitoes. Daisy realized that humans should pay more attention to the rainforest for both

58、 animals and mankind. Daisy was 9._amazed_ (amaze)at her own experience and asked the flying carpet to take her home. She said she would tell WWF to produce a kind of new drug to help monkeys and ways to get the conditions of the rainforests 10._improved_(improve)preserve n蜜饯,禁猎地,果酱v保存,保藏;保护;防腐 cons

59、erve v保存; 保藏 conservation n保存;守恒;保持respond作“答、回答”讲,常与介词to连用。通常只对号召、职责、请求、紧急情况等做出反应或回应。in relief 如释重负,松了口气to ones relief 令人感到欣慰的是当句中用了形式主语或形式宾语 it 时或当表示“某一”“某些”时,只能用certain。affect是及物动词,表示“影响,(病)侵袭”,多指不好的影响。当affect的宾语是人时,它表示引起心智上或感情上的影响。employ sb. as/ to be.雇某人任 be employed to do.受雇做某件事be employed in

60、sth. /doing sth. 忙于某件事bring sth. to ones attention 使某人注意某事call ones attention to sth. 提醒某人注意 draw/catch/attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 fix/focus ones attention on sth. 集中注意力于某事物come into existence 形成;产生;开始存在come into effect/force/operation开始生效;开始实施come into use 开始被使用 come into power上台执政come into fashion 开始流行 come into office 就职come into action 开始行动Key words:Daisyflying carpetTibet antelopefur killedendangered speciesZimbabwe elephantused to increaserainforest monkeymosquitoespay more attentionher home WWF


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