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2011高考英语备考BOOKI UNIT13 HEALTHY EATING:知识搜索与探究归纳.doc

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1、2011ks5u高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Unit13 Healthy eating自助式复习板块知识搜索A. 单词1.垃圾(n.) 2.胃,肚子(n.) 3.能量,精力(n.) 4.燃料,营养物(n.) 5.日常饮食(n.) 6.纤维,纤维制品(n.) 7.化学制品(n.) 8.混合物(n.) 9.成熟的(adj.) 10.好吃的,可口的(adj.) 11.检查(v.) 12.消化(v.) 13.增加,获得(v.) 答案:1.junk2.stomach3. energy 4.fuel5.diet6.fiber7. chemical8.mixture9.ripe10.tasty11.e

2、xamine12.digest13.gainB. 短语14.跟上现代生活的节奏 the of 15.对适用 16.作出正确的选择 the 17.对有好处 18.进行不健康的节食 19.有一点点紧张 20.时常,偶尔 21.建议某人别做某事 sb. 22.发高烧 a 23.培养健康的饮食习惯 a 答案:14.keep up with, pace, modern life15.go for16.make,right choice17.be good for18.go on unhealthy diet19.a little bit nervous20. now and then 21.advise

3、 sb. not to do22.have, high fever23. develop, healthy eating habitsC. 句型24.你过马路时要小心。You crossing the street.25.教学是一门基于科学的艺术。Teaching is an art science.26.医生建议我爸爸不要再吸烟。The doctor my father smoking.27.我本应该把家庭作业做完的。I my homework.答案:24. ought to be careful when 25.based on26. advised, to give up 27. sho

4、uld have finishedD. 语法28. Its 8 oclock now. He be here at any moment.29. You look tired. You have a rest.30. The weather is very cold. We (not) keep the window open.答案:28.ought to/should29.had better/should30.had better not重难聚焦重点单词要点1advise【例题】 His friends him not to spend the weekend with a girl wh

5、o never tells a truth.A. suggestedB. advisedC. imaginedD. encouraged解析:advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事;advise sb. not to do sth.建议某人不要做某事。suggest应该用suggest doing sth.; suggest that sb. (should) do sth.或者suggest to sb. sth. ; imagine 是“想像,设想”的意思。encourage 是“鼓励”的意思。答案:B归纳与迁移advise作“劝,建议”讲常用于下面的结构:(1)advi

6、se sth.The doctor advised a good rest.医生建议要好好休息。(2)advise doing I advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. 要是想在8月份去旅行,我建议提前购票。(3)advise sb. (not) to doMy teacher often advises me to make full use of time.老师经常建议我要充分利用时间。(4)advise that sb. /sth.(should) +v.The chairm

7、an advised that the problem (should) be discussed again.主席建议这个问题再讨论一次。(5)n. advice 建议(既可作名词,又可作动词=advise)You should follow your doctors advice.你应该遵从医嘱。注意:advice是不可数名词。Let me give you a piece of advice.让我给你条建议吧。要点2offer【例题】(2010湖南,34)They have us 150 000 for the house. Shall we take it?A. providedB.

8、suppliedC. shownD. offered解析:句意为:“他们出价15万英镑买这栋房子,我们接受吗?” offer意为“出价,有出售”,故选D; provide意为:“提供”;supply意为:“供应”;show意为:“展示”。均与题意不符。另外,provide和supply均用于以下结构:provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb. ;supply sb. with sth.=supply sth. to sb. 。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)offer作及物动词用,表示“提供”,可用于offer sth. to sb. ;offer sb. s

9、th.; offer to do sth.等结构。I have been offered a job in Canada. 加拿大有份工作要聘请我去做。The company has offered the job to someone else.公司已将此工作提供给别人了。He offered to help me carry my baggage.他主动要帮我提行李。(2)offer作名词用,表示“提议,提供,给予”,后面可以接不定式或of介词短语,两者皆作offer的定语。Thank you for your kind offer to help.谢谢你的好意帮助。They made a

10、n offer of $2000 for the car.他们出价2000美元买这辆小汽车。要点3practise【例题】 He is practicing the new song.A. singB. singingC. to singD. sung解析:practise用作及物动词时,后接名词、动名词,但是不能接不定式。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)practise“练习”“训练”,后接sth./doing sth.。He practices listening every day.他每天都练习听力。She practices piano for two hours every day.她每天练

11、两小时钢琴。(2)practise还可以用作不及物动词。Practise more and you will make great progress.多练习,你会取得巨大进步的。(3)practice是practise的名词,是不可数名词。在美国英语里practice可以作动词,等于practise。重点短语要点1keep up with【例题】 (经典回放)Would you slow down a bit, please? I cant you. A. keep up withB. keep in touch withC. keep onD. keep out解析:keep up with

12、 意为“跟上,赶上”;keep in touch with意为“与保持联系”;keep on意为“继续做”;keep out意为“不进入,留在外面”。答案:A归纳与迁移keep up with有两个意思:(1)追赶,赶上She likes to keep up with the latest fashion.她喜欢追赶时尚。(2)继续支付,继续做If you dont keep up with the payments,you could lose your home.如果你不继续付款,你的住房就可能保不住了。表示“追上,赶上”还有catch up with,但是catch up with表示

13、从落后的状态赶上。而keep up with表示赶上,保持不落后的状态。要点2go for【例题】 What I said about Peter you, too.A. goes offB. goes forC. goes onD. goes over解析:此题考查与go有关的词条。go off “爆炸,离开”;go for“适用于某人(或某物)”;go on“继续,持续”;go over“反复研究,仔细琢磨”。答案:B归纳与迁移go for sb. /sth.(1)适用于某人(或某物)They have a high level of unemployment, but the same

14、goes for many other countries. 他们的失业率很高,不过其他许多国家也是如此。(2)被吸引,更喜欢某人/某物I dont really go for modern art.我并不是很喜欢现代艺术。要点4a little/a bit【例题】 I am tired. I cannot go any further.A. a little B. a bitC. not a littleD. not a bit解析:a little和a bit都能表示“一点”。但是“not a little”和 “not a bit”的意义却截然相反。not a little 意为“很,非

15、常”,“not a bit”意为not at all ,“一点也不”。这句话的意思是:我很累了,我再也不能走了。答案:C归纳与迁移(1)a little“一点”,可以修饰不可数名词。He can speak a little English.他会说一点英语。(2)a little也可以修饰形容词和副词。spend a little more than ten yuan 花掉十元多一点(3)a bit可以修饰形容词和副词,如果后面要加名词,必须用a bit of+n.。You are a bit young to do this job. 你做这项工作还年轻了点。a bit of water 一

16、点水a few bits of wood 一些木块必背句型要点1should have done sth. 本来该做而没做【例题】(2010福建,32 )Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. You her last week.A. ought to tellB. would have toldC. must tellD. should have told解析:句意为“明天我就告诉玛丽有关她新工作的事情。”“你上星期就该告诉她了。”因为答句中有last week这个表示过去的时间状语,should have done表示“过去本该做某事但却没有做”

17、。 并且也不能选ought to tell,而说ought to have told是可以的。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)should have done表示“过去本应该做某事,而实际上没做”,含有责备的意味。 shouldnt have done表示“过去不应该做某事,而实际上做了”,也含有责备的意味。 You should have come here yesterday. 你昨天应该到这里来。 He shouldnt have gone without telling us. 他不应该不辞而别。【例题】(2010全国,27)Mr. White at 8:30 for the meeting,

18、 but he didnt show up.A. should have arrivedB. should arriveC. should have been arrivedD. should be arriving解析:后句表明他没有到达。因为should have done可以表示“过去本应该做某事,而实际上没做”,这与题意相符。B项和D项时态不对。C项结构搭配错误。答案:A(2)表示本应该做而没有做,可以用should have done/ought to have done;表示本不应该做却做了的,可以用:shouldnt have done/ought not to have don

19、e。要点3“only +状语” 引导的倒装句型【例题】(2010重庆,34)I failed in the final examination last term and only then the importance of studies.A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. had I realizedD. did I realize解析:本题考查“only+状语”引导的倒装句型。正确解答本题的关键是只有把“only+状语”部分提到主句前面,主句要倒装。本句中then是时间状语,句意是:“我上学期期末考试失败了,直到那时我才明白学习英语的重要性。”答案:D归纳与迁移only+状语时,把“only+状语”部分提到句子前面,整个句子要部分倒装。但是only+主语、谓语动词或宾语时,句子就不用倒装。Only Jack can answer the question.只有杰克能回答这个问题。(only+主语)I only work here.我只在这里工作。(only+谓语动词)


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