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2011高考英语总复习单元训练:BOOKI UNIT5(教师解析版).doc

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1、考点训练5 S1 B1 Unit 5 The silver screen.句子填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.They _(走错了路) when they reached the second crossing.答案:went wrong2.Everyone should _ (把成功归功于) his parents and teachers.答案:owe his success to3.The Premier _ (高度评价) the famous engineers and awarded them prizes for their achievements.答案:tho

2、ught highly of4.There are 358 employees _ (总共) in this company.答案:in all/in total5.Can you _ (把你的朋友都争取过来)? We need their votes.答案:win all your friends over6.The plane to Hong Kong _ (起飞) at 9:40.答案:takes off7.Mother_(追赶) her son who ran away from school and_(把他送回) to school.答案:ran after;brought him

3、back8.Its illegal_ (囚禁他人),including your own children.答案:to lock others up9.Does the programme come _ (播放) every day?I hope so.答案:on the air10.I will go back to the village this summer_(我出生在那里,在那里长大).答案:where I was born and grew up.单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1.She owes her good health_ her regular life.

4、A.to B.for C.with D.because of答案:A提示:owe.to.意为“把归功于”。2.This kind of fruit tastes good and _,but it_ easily.A.is sold well;goes bad B.sells good;goes badly C.sells well;is gone badly D.sells well;goes bad答案:D提示:这种水果味道好,好卖,但是容易变坏。3.Einstein is_ one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century.A.thou

5、ght to be B.thought of asC.thought as D.both A and B答案:D提示:“被认为是”可用A、B两种结构。4.Well have a further discussion_ we make a decision.A.then B.when C.and D.before答案:D提示:“讨论”动作发生在“作决定之前”。5.The medicine cant help_ your cold.A.getting rid of B.to get rid ofC.got rid of D.being got rid of答案:B提示:分析句意可知,此题不是can

6、t help doing(禁不住做某事)结构,句中help是“帮助”的意思,后接带to或不带to的不定式均可。6.How many students are there in your class?Fifty _.A.first of all B.after allC.at all D.in all答案:D提示:first of all首先;after all毕竟、终究;at all完全地;in all总共。D项符合题意。7.When the fans reached the airport,the plane the famous actresses were in had already

7、_.A.gone off B.taken offC.gone away D.taken away答案:B提示:take off意为“飞机起飞”。8.Thanks to the satellites,football games come to us_ on TV.A.living B.alive C.live D.lively答案:C提示:living有生命的,活的;alive活着的;lively生动的;live作形容词时,意为“活的、实况转播的”。只有C项符合题意。9.This was a film_ Spielberg used real actors instead of toys.A.

8、which B.when C.in which D.there答案:C提示:“在这部电影中”斯皮尔伯格用了真实的演员而不是玩具,故用in which引导定语从句。10.Is there a shop around_ I can get a packet of cigarettes?A.which B.where C.that D.it答案:B提示:定语从句中缺少地点状语,故用where或in which来引导。11.Finally came the day_ we had to say good-bye to each other.A.when B.that C.in which D.whic

9、h答案:A提示:关系副词when引导定语从句,并在从句中作时间状语。12.Alice and Tom_ since three years ago.A.married B.got marriedC.have been married D.have married答案:C提示:本句的意思是“自从三年前就结婚了”。由于是since引出的时间状语,所以主句的谓语动词用表状态的完成形式。13.Unless_ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.A.invited B.invitingC.being invited D.having i

10、nvited答案:A提示:本题考查过去分词作状语。invite和you是被动关系,故用过去分词。完整的句型是“Unless you are invited to speak”。14.The reason_ he gave for not coming was_ his mother wouldnt allow him to.A.for which;that B.which;becauseC.why;that D.which;that答案:D提示:the reason后的定语从句中gave缺少宾语,故用which/that引导,或省略不填;the reason后的表语从句用that引导,不用be

11、cause。15.Do you know the artist_ the judge gave a prize?Yes,he is the teacher_ I have been taught painting for 2 years.A.to whom;who B.to whom;by whomC.whom;who D.who;that答案:B提示:give sth.to sb.和be taught by sb.,故两个定语从句分别由to whom和by whom引导。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) (2010江苏南通九校联考) “One of the most diff

12、icult things to give away is kindness, for it is usually returned.”Mark Ortman With several major conferences in town, there was not a room to be rented anywhere.When an elderly couple walked in out of the 1 rains, the desk clerk 2 they would never find lodging(临时寄宿).In an act of 3 , he 4 them the o

13、nly bed in town, his only bed. The couple at first refused, but through 5 and kindness, he persuaded the couple to 6 his offer.When they 7 the next morning, the elderly gentleman said to the desk clerk, “You are 8 person who should manage the best hotel in the United States.Maybe 9 Ill build one.”Th

14、ey chuckled (laughed quietly) about that and the elderly couple left. The 10 and the elderly couple were forgotten by the desk clerk until two years 11 when he 12 a letter from the old man 13 he come up to New York and see him.There was a round-trip airline 14 with the letter. The desk clerk thought

15、, “Why not?” and took the 15 to New York.The old man met him at the airport and 16 took him to a construction site to show him an enormous structure 17 there. “That,” said the old man, “is the hotel Im building for you to 18 !” The old man was William Waldorf Astor, and the hotel would 19 be known a

16、s the Waldorf-Astoria.The former desk clerk, George C.Boldt, 20 the first manager.1.A.cool B.cold C.warm D.hot答案:B提示:“从冷雨中走进来”的老夫妇得到仁慈的帮助,更切合主题。2.A.knew B.learned C.recognized D.admired答案:A提示:因其身份是the desk clerk,故应“知道”才合情理。3.A.friendship B.respect C.kindness D.mercy答案:C提示:in an act of kindness“出于仁慈”

17、。4.A.supplied B.offered C.gave D.provided答案:B提示:A项supply“提供”,常用结构:supply sb.with sth.;B项offer“提供”,常用offer sb.sth.;C项give“给”,不合句意;D项provide“提供”常用provide sb.with sth.结构。5.A.cause B.thought C.argument D.reason答案:D提示:cause与reason都指原因,但cause常指事物发生的原因;reason指做某事的原因或理由。6.A.receive B.get C.accept D.find答案:C

18、提示:“说服了夫妇二人接受他的提议”,故用accept。7.A.checked out B.looked out C.went out D.turned out答案:A提示:check out“付账后离开”。8.A.the kind B.the next C.the very D.the clever答案:C提示:very形容词,修饰person,意为“正是的,恰恰的”。9.A.some time B.sometimes C.sometime D.some day答案:D提示:some time “一段时间”;sometimes“有时候”;sometime“在某一时候”;some day“(将

19、来)总有一天”。10.A.affair B.matter C.incident D.accident答案:C提示:incident“事情”,常指发生的小事;affair“事务”,特别指重大或头绪较多的事物;matter侧重于人们须注意的事情;accident常指意外事故。只有C项切合文意。11.A.then B.or so C.later D.after 答案:C提示:一段时间+later表示“多长时间以后”。12.A.heard B.posted C.received D.accepted答案:C提示:“收到一封信”要用动词receive。13.A.inviting B.requesting

20、 C.wanting D.telling答案:B提示:he come up to New York and see him是宾语从句,而且用了虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should省略,故只能选用request。14.A.money B.ticket C.timetable D .port答案:B提示:根据下文知应是一张来回“机票”。15.A.ride B.lift C.voyage D.flight 答案:D提示:took the flight “乘飞机”。16.A.proudly B.attentively C.immediately D.eagerly答案:C提示:根据上下文可

21、知:下了飞机“立即”去了某地。17.A.being built B.being madeC.being prepared D.being completed答案:A提示:此处指“正在被建的”,故用现在分词的被动式作定语,修饰前面的structure。18.A.count B.possess C.control D.manage答案:D提示:根据上文(第43空后)“.who should manage the best hotel”可知。19.A.that way B.this way C.even D.soon答案:D提示:由句意可知。20.A.turned B.became C.design

22、ed D.practiced答案:B提示:become与turn皆有“成为”之意,但turn后名词前的冠词要省略,故用become。C、D两项无此意。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) Let us say there is something you dont know how to do. In the past if you were determined to learn,you might have called a friend or relative,taken a night class or walked down to the local library for

23、 a research term.But now a host of websites are springing up to provide free practical advice on these subjects and actually anything else you can think of. In one sense,these “how-to” sites represent(表明) a part of the growing world of online learning.This tradition found one of its earliest forms i

24、n the FAQor Frequently Asked Questions filesthat began on Usenet,the Internets global discussion group.These FAQs,many of which still circulate(go round continuously),took a specific subjectand explained it to complete novices. But “how-to” sites take the FAQs idea in a somewhat different direction

25、by addressing subjects that arent necessarily related to discussion forums(论坛).These sites take the style of a written tutorial(teaching period) and a tone of friendly advice.Possibly the biggest and best known of these sites is ().It offers nearly 1000 free tutorials and adds new ones frequently fo

26、r a job interview. At () you can learn how to train for your first marathon,how to buy a vacation home,or how to make a movie in eight steps.1.The purpose of writing the passage is to _.A.introduce new websites to peopleB.teach how to take new courses by InternetC.present new means to learn somethin

27、g you want to knowD.help you to solve any difficulty you meet with答案:C提示:推断题。根据第二段来推断。这一段是采用对比手法写的:过去如果你要学点东西,你采取去找亲戚朋友、上夜校或去图书馆等方法,可是现在你可以用上网的方法。因此它是在讲方式方法的改变。A项的意思是“把新的网站介绍给人们”。文章中的确提到两个网站,但是这两个网站是C项中的new means的两个具体例子。D项中“solve any difficulty you meet with”太绝对化了,它只是帮你“learn what you want”。2.“How-t

28、o” sites are set up to _.A.explain FAQs to the publicB.help people to learn what they want toC.tell the difference from discussion forumsD.complete the growing world of online learning答案:B提示:判断题。根据第二段的第二句话“But now a host of websites are springing up to provide free practical advice on these subjects

29、 and actually anything else you can think of.”即“现在很多网站正在逐步建立起来,目的是提供既免费又实用的建议”,因此它帮助人们学习他们想学习的东西。3.The underlined word “novices” in the passage probably means _.A.experts who know a lot B.hosts of “how-to” sitesC.people without knowledge D.beginners of “how-to” sites答案:D提示:猜测词义题。根据第三段最后一句话:“These FA

30、Qs.took a specific subjectand explained it to complete novices.”从文章中我们可以看出FAQs是面向大众的,它帮助人们学习他们想学习的东西。因此A项面向专家、B项面向网主都不对。C项不应该是面向没有知识的人,而是面向有问题想找到答案的人、想学习的东西的人。只有D项面向“如何做”,到这样的网站上寻求方法的那些人才合适。4.It can be inferred from the passage that _.A.“how-to” sites are specially designed for the disabledB.people

31、can teach themselves at home by visiting “how-to” sitesC.it is pleasant to listen to the advice on “how-to” sitesD.you can just click your mouse at home to question anything答案:B提示:推断题。用排除法来做。A项中disabled显然是不对的。C项中pleasant to listen在文章中也没有任何暗示。D项中的question(质问、询问)不合适。5.According to the text,if you want to buy a tent for camping you may _.A.visit B.visit C.visit the discussion forums D.visit the FAQs答案:A提示:该题为细节判断题。可以用排除法来解决。从文章最后一段的“how to buy a vacation home”可以推测而知。


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