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本文(2020-2021学年人教版英语必修5课时分层作业11 SECTION Ⅱ WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020-2021学年人教版英语必修5课时分层作业11 SECTION Ⅱ WORD版含解析.doc

1、课时分层作业(十一)Section (建议用时:40分钟)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1He accused Tom of cheating in the latest exam.2You may depend on/upon it that it wont happen again.3We are delighted (delight) to receive your letter knowing everything is all right.4You are required to assist (assist) in preparing a report.5Thank you fo

2、r informing me of everything that has happened.6Enough space should be given to the kids; in that case,they will get more life experience.7We are trying to assess (assess) how well the plan works.8The teacher demanded of the students to go (go) to school on time.9The governor said all applications m

3、ust be submitted (submit) by Monday.10Concentrating (concentrate) your attention on English will enable you to master the language.完成句子1我们非常高兴李教授来给我们作报告。(delight)We are delighted that Professor Li will give us a lecture.2这位专家来帮助我们建一座新的大桥。(assist)The expert came to assist us in building/to build a ne

4、w bridge.3他依靠自己获得丰富的知识。(acquire)He depended on himself to acquire rich knowledge4带把伞预防下雨。Take an umbrella in case it rains5今天早上,老师通知汤姆去他的办公室。(inform)This morning,the teacher informed Tom to go to his office.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解USA Today is a national American daily newspaper published by the Gannett Compa

5、ny.It was founded by Al Neuharth in 1982 with the goal of providing a national newspaper in the US market,where generally only a single local newspaper was available.The paper has the widest circulation(发行量)of any newspaper in the United States,averaging over 2.25 million copies every weekday.It was

6、 the first color newspaper in the United States.The newspaper was also among the first newspapers to use satellites to send the edition of the newspaper to different locations across the country for printing and distributing in those regional markets.This allowed the paper to include the most recent

7、 news and sports scores in each edition.Each edition of the newspaper consists of four sections: News,Money,Sports and Life.On Fridays,two life sections are included: the regular life for movies subtitled Weekend,which features television,films and trends,and a travel supplement called Destinations

8、& Diversions.Each section is denoted(表示)by a certain color to different sections,which is seen in a box on the topleft corner of the first page,with News being blue(section A),Money with green (section B),red for Sports (section C),and purple for life (section D)USA Today prints each complete story

9、on the front page of the respective(各自的)section with exception to the cover story.The cover story is a longer story that requires a jump (readers must turn to another page in the paper to complete the story,usually the very next page,page 2 of that section)Starting in February 2008,the newspaper add

10、ed a magazine supplement(增刊)called Open Air,appearing several times a year.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍的是美国国家日报今日美国。1It can be inferred from the first paragraph that USA Today Adeveloped from a famous America local newspaperBwas founded to cover world storiesCwas among the first color newspapers in the worldDdoes n

11、ot print on Saturdays or SundaysD推理判断题。根据第一段中的The paper has the widest circulation (发行量) of any newspaper in the United States,averaging over 2.25 million copies every weekday.可知,这份报纸在美国的所有报纸中发行量最大,平均每个工作日超过225万份。由此可以推断出它在周六周日不印刷。2Which of the following is TRUE about USA Today?AIt uses satellites to

12、 print color copy.BIt is the cheapest daily newspaper in the United States.CIt offers readers the latest news.DIt is the first international newspaper in the United States.C细节理解题。根据第二段中的include the most recent news and sports scores in each edition可知,该报纸发行内容包括最新的新闻。故选C。3Mr.Watts wants to get the mos

13、t recent travel information.He will turn to Asection ABsection BCsection CDsection DD推理判断题。根据第三段中的On Fridays,two life sections are included: .and a travel supplement called Destinations & Diversions.可知,生活部分包括旅游信息。再结合purple for life (section D)可知,旅游信息在D部分。.完形填空Costello was afraid of homeless people.“

14、I was so 1 when I saw a homeless person walking along the street,” he said.But that changed seven years ago after his wife, a volunteer at a(n) 2 shelter, persuaded him to help with a holiday dinner for shelter people.Costello went to a store and bought 3 for the residents (居民). At the shelter,Coste

15、llo gave a pair of socks to a woman. She asked him if she could have a pair of socks for a friend who wasnt with her that day. He 4 her another pair. “She started to cry and told me that 5 had ever given her socks before,” Costello said.“Then she gave me a hug.” That experience at the shelter helped

16、 Costello 6 his fear of the homeless. It also led him to set up a group called “The Joy of Sox”. “The Joy of Sox” collects socks from donors and gives them mostly to 7 in the area, where Costello and his wife Nancy live.But the group has been 8 its reach. It now provides socks to homeless shelters i

17、n 21 states and three countries.Why socks? Costello explained that some Americans gave food or coats to shelters. 9 donating socks was not something most people thought about. Socks are very helpful in keeping people 10 in cold weather. Most of the time shelters can find enough food, but socks are m

18、uch more 11 to get.Costello said his hope for “The Joy of Sox” is that it is to be the best sock 12 in the world.He said, “Were starting a new tradition to break a new record every year, but it really isnt about us. Its about whom we are 13 ” Costello expected 14 as many as 250,000 pairs of socks to

19、 be 15 by the end of the year.【语篇解读】本文语篇类型是记叙文,主题语境是社会。Costello曾经害怕流浪者,但是在妻子引导他帮助这些人后,他开始喜欢帮助这些人,并且成立了The Joy of Sox,用来给无家可归的人提供袜子。1A.excitedBupsetCannoyedDscaredD根据空前Costello was afraid of homeless people可知,此处是指害怕。2A.homelessBanimalClocalDtemporaryA根据上下文内容可知,此处是指流浪者庇护所。3A.foodBsocksCfruitDclothesB根

20、据空后Costello gave a pair of socks to a woman可知答案。4A.refusedBinvitedCshowedDgaveD由前一句中的gave a pair of socks to a woman可知选D。5A.nobodyBsomebodyCanyoneDeveryoneA因为从没有人给过她袜子,所以她收到袜子后很激动。6A.expressBhateCfeelDendD由上文内容可知,送袜子的经历帮Costello消除了对流浪者的恐惧心理。7A.sheltersBhomesCfarmsDfactoriesA根据第8空后provides socks to h

21、omeless shelter有提示。8A.controllingBexpandingCchoosingDcreatingB空前提到The Joy of Sox的袜子给了Costello和他妻子所住地区的流浪者庇护所,空后提到这个组织将袜子提供给了21个州和3个国家的流浪者庇护所可知,此处是指这个组织正在扩大范围。9A.BecauseBThereforeCAndDButD空前提到一些人会捐给食物或外套,空后提到捐袜子是大部分人不会想到的东西,故该处为转折关系。10A.warmBactiveCdifferentDpleasantA袜子在天气寒冷的时候,有助于让人保暖。11A.comfortabl

22、eBimportantCdifficultDinterestingC根据空前的转折but可知,袜子是更难得到的。12A.storeBcompanyCdesignDcharityD根据上文内容可知,The Joy of Sox是一个慈善组织。13A.knowingBhelpingCplaying withDlaughing atB根据上文内容可知,该组织的成立不是为了自己,而是为了他们帮助的人。14A.hopefullyBcertainlyCgratefullyDseriouslyACostello希望到了年底可以有25万双袜子被捐出去。15A.soldBmadeCdonatedDwornC参考上题解析。

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