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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修7课时分层作业:UNIT 3 SECTION Ⅱ WORD版含解析.doc

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1、课时分层作业(八)Section 语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1He got up and dragged (drag) his chair towards the table.2He ran towards the seaside and dived into the water.3He spent six months in prison before fleeing (flee) the country.4When I saw him last time,he was in the depth (deep) of despair about losing his parents.5A

2、bandoned (abandon) to smoking,he suffered from lung cancer.6It was once a time when I had no interest in study and wanted to drop out of school.7He was about to say something more when a boy rushed in,gun in hand.8The man anxiously urged the taxi driver to drive (drive) faster so that he could catch

3、 up with the last flight.9Mr Watson earns $20,000 annually (annual),which supports the whole family expenses.10The lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the witnesses(witness) of the murder committed last week.完成句子1随着考试的来临,老师敦促我们努力学习。Our teacher urges us to study hard/us into studying ha

4、rd/that we (should) study hard,as the exam is drawing near.(urge)2就在他想放弃的时候,他突然想到一个主意。He was about to give up/was on the point of giving up when an idea came to him.(when)3我会记住我离开家乡的那一天。I will remember the day when I left my hometown(when)4世界已经见证了中国在金融危机期间对世界经济的贡献。The world has witnessed Chinas cont

5、ribution to the world economy during the financial crisis.(witness)5这家小旅馆可为50人提供住宿。This inn provides accommodations for 50 people.(accomodation)高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解The gentle giants of our oceans are whale sharks.Its the biggest shark and can reach as long as 41.5 feet,and these amazing creatures are not

6、only the biggest sharks,they are also the biggest fish of any kind.Whale sharks have a lifespan (寿命) of 70 years on average,and they spend their days gently swimming in the warm and tropical oceans.Their teeth are the size of match heads,and while their jaws could be powerful,they have never tended

7、to attack humans.Their teeth play no role in eating,as plankton (浮游生物)does not need to be chewed.They are to be found in numbers in the warmer oceans and they prefer the deep waters of the open oceans.Several times a year they gather together in certain spots where plankton is plentiful.Those areas

8、are all within a 30 north or south latitude (纬度) from equator.Sadly,whale sharks are targeted by commercial fisheries at those spots.How easy it must be for the fishermen to catch those beautiful creatures who can only swim at 3.5 miles per hour!So great a loss have they suffered that whale sharks a

9、re now listed as one of the endangered species.Measures have been taken by some countries to protect the whale shark from extinction (灭绝)The Philippines and India have all banned the fishing,selling,importing and exporting of whale sharks for commercial purposes.However,the law does not seem to be e

10、ffective because the hunting and killing are still going on today,especially in the Philippines.Each whale shark can fetch around $21,000.In parts of Asia they are known as the “money shark”The mighty dollar wins again at great cost to our habitat,we will not know what we have lost until we have los

11、t it forever.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍的是鲸鲨目前的处境。1Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AWhale sharks usually live a life of 70 years on average.BWhale sharks can reach as long as 41.5 feet.CWhale sharks depend on their teeth to harvest their food.DWhale sharks live in the deep waters of the

12、 warmer oceans.C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Their teeth play no role.”可知C项错误。A、B、D三项分别在文中第二段、第一段第二句、第三段最后一句有提及。2Which of the following do whale sharks feed on?AHumans.BPlankton.CSmall fish.DWater plants.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Their teeth play no role in eating,as plankton.”和第四段中的“Several times a year they.”可知,鲸鲨主要吃浮游生物。3

13、Whats the best title for the passage?ALaws to Protect Whale SharksBThe Situation of Whale SharksCThe Biggest Creature in the World DThe Benefit That Whale Sharks BringB标题归纳题。本文讲述的是鲸鲨目前的处境,故正确答案为B项。.完形填空When my parents were alive,they were not very rich.Yet they helped their two elder 1 time after ti

14、me.When Daddy passed away,his notebook showed debts due from several of his children.I was not among them.I 2 borrowed money and when I did,I set a repayment plan and 3 to it.It was a matter of pride with me.I couldnt stand owing my parentsor anyone elsemoney because I watched them 4 to help out my

15、elder sisters when they were in financial difficulties themselves.These days,after the death of my parents,I am one of those people who can be 5 to for help when they need it.Just as I cant stand 6 other people money,I cant stand saying no to whoever needs help.I dont mind helping others,but I would

16、 be more than glad if they would make a (n) 7 to handle things themselves,perhaps by doing some 8 planninglike planning not to spend money they dont have!Being ready to help others is a 9 ,but sometimes the result will be contrary to what you expect.I 10 remember as a child what my father always sai

17、d,“If at first you dont succeed,try,try again!” Helping my children too often has 11 them from learning to keep trying.Use your 12 : who among my children will choose to walk if I supply the money to buy a car?Helped often,my children gradually lost the ability to 13 problems themselves.In most 14 ,

18、when people find you can 15 help,they will ask you more and more.Thats man,you know.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。本文作者通过自身的经历和体会告诉我们:凡事要自己面对,对于别人的请求不能过多地给予帮助。1A.sonsBdaughtersCbrothersDsistersB根据第4题后的my elder sisters可知。2A.alwaysBseldomCoftenDneverB根据下文的when I did,I set a repayment plan可知作者很少借钱。3A.stuckBattachedCag

19、reedDbelongedA“我”制定还款计划,并且坚持下去。stick to坚持。4A.struggleBhappenCintendDmoveA根据下文.they were in financial difficulties themselves可知,父母帮助姐姐们时很费力,故选struggle(挣扎)。5A.referredBturnedCseenDattendedB当他人需要帮助时可以向我求助。turn to sb.for help向某人求助。6A.cheatingBdonatingClendingDowingD根据上文可知“我”无法忍受欠(owe)他人钱。7A.commentBmess

20、CexcuseDeffortD句意:我不介意帮助别人,但他们若自己努力去处理问题我会非常开心。make an effort to do努力去做。8A.financialBflexibleCtypicalDparticularA根据下文的spend money可知选financial(财政的)。9A.deedBdealCvirtueDtaskC帮助他人是一种美德(virtue)。10A.canBmayCshallDmustA“我”能记得儿时父亲说的话。can在此处表示“能够”。11A.bannedBprotectedCpreventedDfreedC句意:过多地帮助孩子会阻止他们学习尝试的脚步。prevent sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。12A.armBlegCbodyDheadDuse your head想一想。13A.solveBassessCseekDanalyseA我的孩子们逐渐失去了自己解决问题的能力。solve解决;assess评估;seek寻找;analyse分析。14A.affairsBchoicesCcasesDeventsCin most cases在大多数情况下。15A.obtainBattainCprovideDpreferC当人们发现你会提供(provide)帮助时,他们会不断地请求你给予帮助。


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