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2021六年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long第1课时教学设计 外研版(三起).doc

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2021六年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long第1课时教学设计 外研版(三起).doc_第1页
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2021六年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long第1课时教学设计 外研版(三起).doc_第2页
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1、Module 1Unit 1Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long课题Module1Unit 1Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long课时安排5课时第(1)课时学习目标(1)能听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词postcard, more, thousand, million.(2)能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Tell me more about. How big is it? / Tell me something about ”等问句,并能回答。学习重点、难点(1)单词postcard

2、, more, thousand, kilometre, million的认读和识记。(2)句型Tell me more about的运用How long/big is it? Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.导学流程教师活动学生活动教学添补一、自学展问。(10)分钟1. Greetings.Free talk: Where did you go in summer holiday? Where is it??学生互相交流问题,谈论各自所去 的地方,Where did you go in summer holiday? Where

3、 is it??二、互动探究。(20)分钟出示课件:学校图片,师生对照课件进行自由问答。T: Look, this is a picture of our school. It is very big. How many students are there in our school? 引入thousand并教读、板书,教师强调发音,伙伴相互模仿。出示课件:几幅风景明信片:postcard,同时出示句子T: Look at this one, a postcard of the Great Wall. Now, tell me more about the Great Wall.Three

4、Learning text(最后出示长城)多给学生一些发言的机会,教师适当的引导学生用学过的形容词。,利用卡片教读单词kilometre,thousand, million,教授单词之后,让学生齐读句子,以强化记忆。1. Listen and answer.Q1: How long is the Great Wall?Q2: How big is Beijing?Q3: How big is New York?Practice.(课件出示:)T: Which number do you like? Choose one number.师生问答:Tell me more about our sc

5、hool.学生读:Tell me more学生试读)A: These postcards are great!B: Yes, they are.2.小组讨论,自主互助学习课文。3. Listen, point and circle “is” and “are”. Listen and repeat4. Read in groups or by self.5. Perform. two hundred, sixty thousand, eight million twelve thousand six hundred1.出示青岛图片和提示句,引导学生用Qingdao has got句型描述青岛。

6、2.出示几张潍坊图片,引导学生自己描述一句,等全部图片出示完后,让学生小组内自由发挥用3-5个句子来描述潍坊。How long is the Great Wall ?How big is New york ?Six thousand seven hundred kilometers Fourteen million people Eight million (课件出示句子,并让学生用自己所选的数字填空。)Fangzi has got about two hundred sixty thousand people.Weifang has got about eight million peopl

7、e.三、拓展提升。(10)分钟Game: Tell me more(动物六选一)教师示范描述其中一种动物特征.学生用“Tell me more”句型获取更多的信息,到猜出答案为止。e.g. T: Its big2. Homework:(1)Listen and repeat the dialogue.(2)homework :read the words and the textSs: Tell me more.T: It has a long nose.Ss: Is it an elephant? / Its an elephant.T: Yes, its an elephant.(小组内进

8、行游戏活动,然后全班活动。)Step Six Summary1.教师总结评价结果The Changjiang River is about twelve thousand six hundred li long.领读并让学生记住这些信息。板书设计Module1Unit 1Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long 句型Tell me more about的运用How long is it? How big is it ?Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometresEight million pedple Fourteen million people 教学反思


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