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1、四川省成都南开为明学校2020-2021学年高一英语3月月考试题试卷共150分,考试时间:120分钟 第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does Shirley plan to do this afternoon?A. Do her homework. B. Have classes. C. Go swimming.2. When is

2、Peters fathers birthday?A. On September 1st. B. On September 10th. C. On September 20th. 3. Where will the man go first?A. Washington D. C. B. New York. C. Chicago. 4. What does the man offer to do?A. Lend the woman his copy. B. Underline the important parts. C. Go to the bookstore with the woman .

3、5. What will the man probably do at ten oclock tomorrow?A. Meet the woman. B. Attend a meeting. C. See a film. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. What magazine will the

4、 woman work for?A. Sports Weekly. B. Swim World. C. National Football. 7. What will the woman most probably work as?A. A secretary. B. A designer. C. An editor. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. What is the mans cousin?A. A sailor. B. A teacher. C. A journalist. 9. How does the man find teaching?A. Exciting. B

5、. Boring. C. Challenging. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. What is the matter with Mr. Smith?A. His throat is in pain. B. He cant sleep at night. C. He is not fit for the job. 11. What does Mr. Smith teach?A. Chinese. B. English. C. Physics. 12. Why doesnt Mr. Smith want to take a rest?A. He has to help hi

6、s students. B. He has rested for a week. C. He wants to visit a university. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. What does the woman think of her co-workers?A. Friendly. B. Bad. C. Selfish. 14. How is the research program going?A. It was finished before Christmas. B. It hasnt been finished yet. C. It hasnt sta

7、rted yet.15. What do we know about the woman?A. She didnt like to work there. B. She wont go back in March. C. She enjoyed herself in parties. 16. What day does Boxing Day fall on? A. December 26. B. December 25. C. December 24. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. What will the headmaster do tomorrow morning?

8、A. Meet the listeners in the library. B. Introduce the school to the listeners. C. Take photos in the lab building. 18. Where will the listeners visit on Tuesday morning?A. The Statue of Liberty. B. Brooklyn Bridge. C. Central Park. 19. What will be held on Tuesday night?A. A talk show. B. A lecture

9、. C. A party.20. When will the listeners go to Washington?A. On Tuesday afternoon. B. On Wednesday morning.C. On Wednesday afternoon. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AWelcome to Adventure Land!Everyone loves Adventure Land! The Parks and Exhi

10、bitions were built for you to explore, enjoy, and admire their wonders. Every visit will be an unforgettable experience. You will go away enriched, longing to come back. What are you going to do this time?The Travel PavilionExplore places you have never been to before, and experience different ways

11、of life.Visit the Amazon jungle village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives, and things they make. You can try making a carpet, making nets, fishing.The Future TowerThis exhibition shows how

12、progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way well be living then. Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator (模拟装置) for the Journey to Mars!The Nature ParkThis is not really one park but several.In t

13、he Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers: see lions, giraffes, elephants in the wild. Move on to the Ocean Park to watch the dolphins and whales. And then there is still the Aviary to see.The PyramidThis is the center of Adventure Land. Run out of film, need so

14、me postcards and stamps? For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping center. Come here for information and ideas too.21. The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors .A. realize the importance of travellingB. become familiar with mountain countriesC. learn how to make things

15、such as fishing netsD. learn something about different places in the world22. If you are interested in knowing about what peoples life will be, you may visit .A. the Travel Pavilion B. the Safari Park C. the Future Tower D. the Pyramid23. If you want to get a toy lion to take home, where will you mo

16、st likely go?A. The Pyramid. B. The Nature Park. C. The Future Tower. D. The Travel PavilionB54-year-old Abdul has a special job. He has been working as a living statue for over three decades, standing perfectly still for six hours a day and resisting peoples attempts to make him move or smile, anyt

17、hing that proves he is a living person.Abdul, known as “Indias Statue Man,” has been performing his daily routine ever since 1985, soon after getting a job as a security guard. His boss had recently traveled to the UK, where he was so impressed by the statue-like members of the Royal Guard outside B

18、uckingham Palace that he wanted to do something similar back home. So he had his guards receive three months of training, where they would sit perfectly still for around four hours. They werent allowed to talk or smile, eat, drink, or even shooaway(驱赶)a fly if it sat on their faces. In the end, Abdu

19、l proved the best of the group, so he got the strange job.Abdul isnt the only person in the world acting as a living statue, but what makes him special is the fact that he can do it for as long as six hours without even blinking his eyes. Once, a $ 155 prize was put up for anyone who can make him mo

20、ve a muscle. But try as they might, no one has ever succeeded. Actually, Abdul tries to move about as much as he can in his spare time, and only eats healthy home-cooked food, to keep his body in shape. But he claims yoga has been the biggest help. In the 32 years, Abdul has become a celebrity(名人)in

21、 India and other Asiancountries. Many Bollywood celebrities have come to witness this living statue and try to finally make him move, but none have succeeded.Abdul earns about 10,000 rupees ($ 156) a month, which is enough to support his family, but definitely not enough to encourage his children to

22、 follow in his footsteps. Its just too stressful and taxing on the body. “Despite all the hardship and health problems, I love my job and I am thankful to people for the love and respect they have showered on me. he says. “When the time comes, I want to die playing a statue.”24What is Abduls daily r

23、outine?APerforming as a living statue. BProving to be a living person. CSmiling at his customers. DKeeping his body in shape.25Why could Abdul get the strange job given by his boss?AHe had his special ambition. BHe was most familiar with the job. CHe stood out among the group.DHe knew the boss more

24、than others.26What does Abdul do in his spare time?AHe eats a lot of snacks.BHe practices yoga for 12 hours a day. CHe cooks for his family. DHe always moves a lot.27How does Abdul feel about his job according to the text? AIts overpaid.BIts satisfying.CIts boring.DIts instructiveCAdvertising plays

25、a major role in the competitive business world. Many industries take advantage of the power of advertising to attract or to win customers away from their business competitors. The influence of advertising is so huge that it causes many people to buy things that they do not want at the start.Advertis

26、ing encourages people to buy things they dont want through misleading ideas. Advertising is proven to be a successful tool to stress the features of their product to the public even though it is regarded undesirable(不受欢迎的) such as cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and so on. For example, Dunhill, a cigaret

27、te company which sponsors (赞助) many football teams, seems to be promoting cigarettes to the public. Without the sponsorship, the company will be less known to the public, resulting in fewer sales of cigarettesBesides that, advertising has a large influence on the decisions made by the people in thei

28、r everyday life. Many businesses use advertising as a form of promotion to create awareness (意识,认知) about their product in the market. For instance, in a fast food industry, the introduction of a new flavor of burger needs advertising to reach the public while the other burgers require advertising t

29、o increase sales. Children, especially, are easily influenced by the advertisement and will have the desire to dine at fast food restaurants after that. Although fast food is bad for health, it has successfully become attractive to the public through advertisingHowever, advertising plays a part in h

30、elping customers to compare a product in terms of price, quality, reliability(可靠性) and so on. Without advertising, it will be very difficult for customers to judge the worthiness(价值) of a product. For example, advertisements published by various companies have given the customers the opportunity to

31、choose wisely when buying an item. Without the power of advertising, customers will choose a brand(品牌) which may not offer the best choice.28. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Advertising. B. The product. C. Feature. D. The public.29. The author mentions the fast food re

32、staurants to show that_.A. food industry is having a hard timeB. the information passed on in advertisements is unrealC. children are easily influenced by the advertisementD. advertisements influence people to make decisions30. The main idea of Paragraph 4 is that advertising_.A. plays a role in fas

33、t food industryB. helps industries attract customersC. encourages people to make the right choicesD. makes people buy some unnecessary things31. The authors attitude towards advertising can best be described as_.A. objective B. supportiveC. uncared D. doubtfulDWhen were in need, we always turn to ou

34、r parents for help. But would you like them to hear the conversations you have with your friends on the school playground or lunch queue? Social networking sites have become extensions (延伸)of the school hallways, so would you add your parents as friends and allow them to view your online activities

35、and conversations with friends?In the past, the generation gap included a technology gap, where children were up to date with the latest technology and parents were left behind, content to continue their day-to-day lives as they always had because they had no need to know more about technology. Howe

36、ver, more and more parents are beginning to realize just how important social networks are in their lives. This realization has given many parents the motivation to educate themselves about social networking sites.These days many people are attracted to social networking sites because they can choos

37、e who they have around them; theres also a certain amount of control over privacy(隐私) that we dont get in real life. Sometimes we feel that privacy is violated when we must accept a friend request from a parent or family member.Its a difficult choice whether or not to allow a parent to become a part

38、 of our online lives. On the one hand we dont want to reject their request because that might hurt their feelings or make them feel you have something to hide. On the other hand if you do accept, then you could have a sense of being watched and no longer feel free to comment or communicate the way y

39、ou did before.A recent survey suggested that parents shouldnt take it personally if their children overlook their requests. When a teenager overlooks a parents friend request, it doesnt necessarily mean that he/she is hiding something, but it could mean that this is one part of his/her life where he

40、/she wants to be independent.Perhaps talking with parents and explaining would help soften the blow if you do choose not to add them to your friend list.32. What is the passage mainly about?A. Privacy online.B. Parents friend requests. C. The generation gap.D. Social networks.33. What can we infer f

41、rom paragraph 2?A. Parents have realized the importance of social networks.B. Parents feel secure about their privacy online.C. Social networks successfully fill the generation gap.D. Social networks offer a platform for parents to communicate.34. What maybe the reason for teenagers to refuse a pare

42、nts friend request?A. Their parents make negative comments on them.B. They hide something from their parents.C. They are unwilling to be watched by parents.D. Their parents tend to fall behind in technology.35. Who are the passage mainly written for?A. Parents.B. Teachers.C. Researchers.D. Teenagers

43、.第二节 七选五填空 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。Much meaning can be conveyed clearly with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.36. _ In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not for too long. And if he sensed that you are staring at him, he may fe

44、el uncomfortable.The same is true in our daily life. If you are stared at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. 37. _ Eyes do speak, right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive.38._ If a man stares at a wom

45、an for more than 10 seconds and refuses to look away from her, his intentions are obvious. He wishes to attract her attention, and let her know that he is admiring her.However, when two persons are engaged in a conversation, the speaker will only look into the listeners eyes from time to time to mak

46、e sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking.39._ If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking as if he trying to control you, you will feel awkward. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim. He wrongly believes that looking straight

47、 in the eye is a sign of honest communication. 40._Actually, eye contact should be made based on specific relationship and situation.A. On the contrary, it will give him away.B. Do you have such a kind of experience?C. Thats what normal eye contact is all about.D. Actually, continuous eye contact is

48、 limited to lovers only.E. After all, everybody likes to be stared at for quite a long time.F. But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex.G. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel annoyed at being stared at that way.第三部分 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30

49、分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I first entered university, my aunt, who is an English professor, gave me a new English dictionary.I was41to see that it was an English dictionary, also known as a monolingual (单语的)dictionary.42it was a dictionary intended for non-na

50、tive learners, none of my classmates had one43, to be honest, I found itextremely44to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and45not fully understand the meaning,I was used to the46bilingual(双语的) dictionaries, in which the words are47both in English and Chinese, I really wondered why

51、 my aunt48to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I49that monolingual dictionaries are50in learning a foreign language. As I found out, there is51often NO perfect equivalence (对应) between two52in two language. Myaunt even goes so far as to53that

52、 a Chinese equivalent can never give you the54meaning of a word inEnglish!55, she insisted that I read the definition (定义) of a world in a monolingual dictionary56I wantedto get a better understanding of its meaning.57, I have come to see what she meant. Using a monolingual dictionary for learners h

53、as helped me in another important way. This dictionary usesa(n)58number of words, around 2, 000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am59exposedto (接触) the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas.60this, I can expressmyself more easily in English.41.A.wo

54、rried42.A.Because43.A.but44.A.difficult45.A.thus46.A.new47.A.explained48.A.offered49.A.imagine50.A.natural51.A.at best52.A.words53.A.hope54.A.expected55.A.Rather56.A.when57.A.Largely58.A.extra59.A.repeatedly60.A.According toB.sad B.Although B.so B.interesting B.even B.familiar B.expressed B.agreed B

55、.recommend B.better B.in fact B.names B.declare B.basic B.However B.before B.Generally B.average B.nearly B.In relation toC.surprised C.Unless C.or C.ambiguous C.still C.earlier C.described C.decided C.predict C.easier C.at times C.ideas C.doubt C.translated C.Therefore C.until C.Gradually C.total C

56、.immediately C.In addition toD.nervousD.IfD.and D.practical D.again D.ordinary D.createdD.happened D.understand D.convenient D.in case D.charactersD.tellD. exact D.Instead D.while D.Probably D.limited D.anxiously D.Because of第卷(非选择题 共50分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

57、Dubai was a 6,000-person fishing village half a century ago. Since 1966,when oil was discovered there, the population of Dubai has grown to 2.6 million. Over the years,it 61._ (become) a well-known tourist destination.62._ attracts tourists to Dubai are tax-free shopping, excellent accommodations, d

58、elicious food and beaches. In fact, some foreigners come here only 63. _(experience) the shopping. There are dozens of shopping malls, 64. _ (provide) every famous brand you can name. The outdoor markets sell everything from spices (香料) to gold 65. _fair prices. Choosing what places to visit in Duba

59、i is difficult, because even the hotels there are also amazing 66. _ (attract). The Burj A1 Arab, 67. _ lies on its own island, is considered one of the worlds best hotels. Built in the shape of 68. _ ship, this hotel is still 69. _(tall) than the Eiffel Tower.Indeed, travelling around this country

60、will 70. _ (true) give you an amazing experience because of its interesting things offered to all types of tourists.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词

61、下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 A recent study shows that many high-school student do not have breakfast. As a result, they are not health and do badly in study.When asking the reasons for not having breakfast, some students say they think it unnecessary have the least import

62、ant meal of the day. Others say we want to have a few extra minutes in bed. In addition, a few girls say they want to lose the weight.Actually, breakfast can provide the most important energy which is needed every day. So its suggested that every student has breakfast properly every day. Whats more,

63、 have breakfast can help you study more efficient.第二节:书面表达满分25分假定你是李华,受学生会委托,围绕“垃圾分类,保护环境”这一主题,为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一封倡议书,内容包括:1. 倡议的原因和目的;2. 倡议的的具体内容;3. 发出倡议。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:垃圾分类 garbage sorting 区分 differentiate 成都为明学校20-21学年度下学期三月月考答案高一年级 英 语听力部分:1-5 CCBAB 6-10 CBABA 11-15 BAABC 16-20 ABA

64、CC阅读理解:21-23DCA 24-27 ACDB 28-31 BDCA 32-35 BACD 36-40 BGFCA完形填空41-45 CBDAC 46-50 BACDB 51-55 BABDC 56-60 ACDAD语法填空61. has become 62. What 63. to experience 64. providing 65. at 66. attractions 67. which 68. a 69. taller 70. truly 短文改错A recent study shows that many high-school student do not have br

65、eakfast. As a studentsresult, they are not health and do badly in study. healthyWhen asking the reasons for not having breakfast, some students say they think it askedunnecessary have the least important meal of the day. Others say we want to have a to theyfew extra minutes in bed. In addition, a fe

66、w girls say they want to lose the weight. 去掉theActually, breakfast can provide the most important energy which is needed every thatday. So its suggested that every student has breakfast properly every day. Whats havemore, have breakfast can help you study more efficient. having efficiently书面表达Dear f

67、riends,Our school produces a lot of rubbish every day, such as leftover food, waste paper and plastic bottles, which brings a wide range of environmental problems as well as the waste of resources. Therefore, its time we took immediate action to change the situation.First of all, it is necessary for

68、 us to raise awareness of environmental protection and develop the good habit of garbage sorting. Whats more, we should voluntarily differentiate recyclable rubbish from non-recyclables in our daily life. In a word, if everyone does his / her bit responsibly in garbage sorting, our school will becom

69、e better and better. The Students UnionJun. 12th 2020经典例句: Faced with . we should .面对我们应该 If everyone makes some contributions to something will become .如果每一个人都可以为做一些贡献,将会变得 Its high time we did / should do . 是我们做的时候了。 Only in this way can we . 唯有用这种方式,我们才可以相关词汇垃圾: trash / rubbish / garbage / waste有

70、害垃圾:hazardous / harmful waste可回收物:recyclable waste湿垃圾: wet waste生活垃圾:household / domestic garbage垃圾分类:garbage / trash sorting / classification干垃圾: dry waste厨余垃圾:kitchen waste固体废物:solid waste回收箱: recycle bin废物污染:waste pollution未经处理的废弃物:untreated waste无废城市:no-waste cities / waste-free cities附:听力原文Text

71、 1M: Are you free today, Shirley?W: Oh, yes. No school and no homework. Im going to swim this afternoon. Text 2W: Peter, when is your fathers birthday?M: Well, it is September 10th today. My fathers birthday is in ten days time. Text 3W: If I go to Washington D. C., will you meet me there?M: I have

72、to go to New York first, and then Chicago. But if I have time, Ill meet you there on Friday. Text 4W: Im going to the bookstore later. I need to buy a copy of Invisible Man for English class. M: You should borrow my copy instead. Ive already underlined the most important parts. Text 5W: Would you sp

73、are some time to see me tomorrow, Jerry?M: Let me check. In the morning Ill have an appointment at 9 oclock, and then have a meeting at 10 oclock. Well, Im available the whole afternoon. Text 6W: Hi, Mr. Brown, my name is Joanna Linden. I was told that Id be working on your team. M: Hello, its nice

74、to meet you. You can call me Mark. I hear youve worked on a few magazines before. W: Yes, I worked as a designer for Sports Weekly and Swim World. Im very excited to be joining you on National Football. I used to play football when I was younger. M: Wonderful, so you have experience as a designer. I

75、 think youll be great for the magazine. Let me show you to your desk, and then well meet the editor in chief. Text 7W: Hi, David. What would you like to be when you leave school?M: I have no idea. But my cousin is a sailor in the navy. He sent me postcards from the ports where the ship stops. Its ex

76、citing. W: Are you going to be a sailor then?M: Well, I dont think its a good job for me. W: What do you think of my job, teaching?M: Its quite boring. I would prefer to work as a journalist. Text 8W: Say “Ah” and let me have a look at your throat Well, Mr. Smith I strongly advise you to take a good

77、 rest and youd better not talkM: Oh, no. Doctor I cant my jobW: What do you do, Mr. Smith?M: I teach English, Doctor. Im afraid I cant have any rest recently. My students are they are about to take the university entrance exam in July. There isnt enough time left. All the other teachers all work ver

78、y hard to help students prepare for the exam. W: I know exactly how you feel! But Mr. Smith, you must stop teaching for at least one week, or the problem could get worse. Text 9M: Jessie, long time no see. Where have you been recently?W: I was in a town near Boston for three months and Ive just come

79、 back. I was helping in a research program. M: How nice! Did you enjoy your stay there?W: Yes. I like to work there. I mean, the people I worked with are very friendly and helpful. And Im going back in March. M: Did you go sightseeing there?W: No. We were very busy. We are planning to finish the res

80、t before Christmas. But I took part in quite a few parties with my friends, and I will never forget the big meal on Thanksgiving Day and the fun we had on Boxing Day. M: What day? Ive never heard of it. W: It is a day following Christmas Day. M: You certainly learned a lot from there. Text 10M: Atte

81、ntion, please! I have an announcement to make. First, welcome all of you to the USA! My name is Bill Smith. I want to tell you what you are going to do during your stay in New York. Tomorrow morning, our headmaster will make a brief introduction to our school to you. In the afternoon, you will visit

82、 the lab building and the library. On Tuesday morning, you are going to visit the famous Statue of Liberty. And I will tell you some interesting stories about it. In the afternoon, you will visit Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park. You can take some photos over there. In the evening, a party is going to be held. On Wednesday morning, you will have a talk with some students of our class. After lunch, you are going to Washington by train at 3 pm.


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