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2021六年级英语上册 专项提升检测(新型题突破卷) 沪教牛津版(三起).doc

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2021六年级英语上册 专项提升检测(新型题突破卷) 沪教牛津版(三起).doc_第1页
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1、新型题突破卷时间:30分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五总分得分一、有位同学在复习的时候,有的单词拼写有误,请你帮他圈出来,并将正确的单词写在括号里。 (10分)1. Look at the black smoke from the fatcory.()2. Snow White tasted the apple and then fell slaep.()3. Shell we go and see a film this weekend?()4. Dont throw rubish everywhere.()5. I saw ants, bees, butterflies and other

2、 inscets.()二、亲爱的同学们,快要放寒假了,Judy 计划去旅行。阅读下列句子,猜猜她要去哪几个地方。(选择图片)(10分)()1. Its a big city. Its in the north of China. Its the capital of China. ()2. There are many museums and parks here. Its the capital of the UK. ()3. Most tourists enjoy shopping here. People here like eating sushi. ()4. Its in the e

3、ast of China. Its a big city too. The famous basketball player, Yao Ming, was born here. ()5. Its the capital of France. There is a great art museum, the Louvre Museum, in the city. 三、Sally参观了野生动物园,看到了很多野生动物。请你根据图片信息,帮助Sally完成她的记录。(25分)Chinese White Dolphins live in the South China Sea. They are gre

4、y, pink or white. They eat fish. Now theyre in danger. There are only about two thousand five hundred in the wild. Name:_Colour:_ Food:_Live in:_Number:_四、这是Kitty和Joe上周的饮食,请帮他们说一说,并进行评价。 (30分)Kitty:Last week, I ate a little sweet food. I ate some meat and eggs. I ate a lot of rice,vegetables and fru

5、it. You: Thats 1. _(healthy/ unhealthy) . Joe: 2. _3. _4. _You: Thats 5. _ (healthy/ unhealthy) . You should 6. _. 五、请根据上下文,将所给的词连成句子填在横线上。 (25分)Every day we make a lot of rubbish in the city. Its not easy to get rid of (去除) the rubbish. We can burn it. 1. _. (smoke, but, of, a, it, usually, makes,

6、lot) 2. _. (health, bad, air, its, very, for, the, our, and) When the smoke goes up to the sky, it can make the air dirty. We can also put the rubbish underground. But its not a good method(方法), either. We have to find a place far away from the city. 3. _. (dirty, ground, make,the, rubbish, can, and

7、,under, the, the, water, land) Its bad for the Earth. To make the Earth better, we should make less rubbish. 4. _. (recycle, and, we,can,glass, paper) 5. _. (plastic bags,shopping bags, we , our,and, stop,own, using,can, bring)新型题突破卷一、二、1. B点拨:由句意可知,这个城市是中国的首都北京,所以选B。2. D3. C4. E点拨:由句中的姚明可知,这个城市是上海,

8、所以选E。5. A三、Name: Chinese White DolphinsColour: grey, pink or whiteFood: fishLive in: the South China SeaNumber:about 2,500 in the wild四、1. healthy2. Last week, I ate a little fruit. 3. I ate some vegetables. 4. I ate a lot of meat. 5. unhealthy6. eat a lot of vegetables and fruit五、1. But it usually makes a lot of smoke. 2. Its very bad for the air and our health. 3. The rubbish under the ground can make the water and land dirty. 4. We can recycle glass and paper. 5. We can bring our own shopping bags and stop using plastic bags.


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