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2017优化方案高考总复习英语(江苏专用)课件 第三部分 写作技能培优 第八讲.ppt

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1、第三部分 第八讲第八讲 议论文型读写任务 第三部分 第八讲请阅读中国日报英文报论坛中的一篇短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章,向该报投稿,阐述你自己的看法。With the widespread use of technologies like GPS and Internet-connected cameras,parents can now keep an eye on their children wherever they are.The combination of hightech tools and highlyprotective parents has set

2、 off the creation of a GPSequipped wristwatch that allows parents to listen in real time to what their children are doing.The device has caused complaints from teachers since some parents began equipping their children with the watch so they can listen in on what happens at school.A teacher surnamed

3、 Yang at a well-known primary school in Pudong New Area discovered someone was eavesdropping(偷听)on her lessons after a parent of one of her students posted something she said online while class was still on.Yang soon found out the parent had given her child a watch that could send out the sounds in

4、the classroom to her mobile phone.Soon,other parents decided to equip their own children with the devices.Yang was annoyed to find out her students parents were spying on her.It made her feel as if they distrusted her.After Yang told her fellow teachers what had happened,they discovered that some of

5、 their students were also wearing the watches.【写作内容】1用约 30 词完成上文的概要,开头部分已给出,不计入总词数;2用约 120 词发表你的观点,你应当(1)阐述你对家长如此运用高科技产品的看法;(2)用 23 个理由或论据支撑你的观点。【写作要求】1写作时不能直接引用原文语句;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。To keep an eye on their children,nowadays _第一步 定时态、人称一般现在时为主;第三人称为主第二步 布文章结构简要叙述对家长做法的看法;论

6、述你的观点。第三步 列要点信息1家长用高科技以及老师的看法;2你对此类现象的看法;3你的最终态度。1尽管给家长带来便利,老师却持消极的态度,因为他们感觉他们的课堂被监视。(一般表达)Although it is convenient to the parents,teachers hold a negative attitude.They feel their lessons are spied on.(高级表达)(介词短语 主句 原因状语从句)_,teachers hold a negative attitude _Despite its convenience to the parents

7、as they feel their lessons are spied on2带着能够发出声音的手表,学生不可避免地会在课堂上分散精力,这会导致学习成绩变差。(一般表达)The wristwatch often sends out sounds.When students wearing it,its unavoidable students will be distracted in class.This will result in their underachievement in study.(高级表达)(非谓语动词 定语从句 it 形式主语 非谓语动词)_ which often

8、sends out sounds,its unavoidable students will be distracted in class,_Wearing the wristwatchresulting in their underachievement in study_One possible version:_ many parents are using a hightech wristwatch when their children are at school.Despite its convenience to the parents,teachers hold a negat

9、ive attitude as they feel their lessons are spied on.To keep an eye on their children,nowadaysparents are caring too much for their children.Children are sent to school to learn to be independent.With parents 24hour care,how can they become independent?Secondly,wearing the wristwatch which often sen

10、ds out sounds,its unavoidable students will be distracted in class,resulting in their underachievement in study.Last but most importantly,just as the teachers have argued,this equipment is a symbol of distrust in schools and an invasion of privacy to teachers and other students.No one can base their

11、 own convenience on othersinconvenience.Due to the abovementioned reasons,I dont support those parents practice.议论文型读写任务解题关键议论文的写作目的是说服读者接受作者的观点或立场,因此文章必须具有很强的说服力。严密的逻辑和典型的例子可以增强说服力。议论文有不同的形式,例如概念讨论型、观点对立型、观点论证型、现象讨论型、问题解决型等。无论议论文是什么形式,它必须具有论点、论据和论证。其写作方法通常采用演绎式、归纳式和逻辑式。议论文读写任务应注意的问题:发表看法或议论时,应依照试题所给内容要点本身的顺序。原则上每个要点单独写一个自然段,这不但能保证写作内容覆盖了所有写作点,而且层次清晰,让阅卷老师一目了然;若其中两条逻辑关系特别紧密,也可用一个自然段来表达。本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放


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