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2014年高中英语牛津译林版必修1同步课件:《UNIT 3 LOOKING GOODFEELING GOOD》 单 元 盘 点.ppt

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2014年高中英语牛津译林版必修1同步课件:《UNIT 3 LOOKING GOODFEELING GOOD》 单 元 盘 点.ppt_第1页
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2014年高中英语牛津译林版必修1同步课件:《UNIT 3 LOOKING GOODFEELING GOOD》 单 元 盘 点.ppt_第16页
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1、单 元 盘 点Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good词语串串练 Mary is a singer.Recently she felt as if she gained/puton some weight.She used to be proud of her slim figure but now she was ashamed of her body.So she decided to lose weight.Her friends suggested to her

2、 a kind of weight-loss pills called FatLess.She took them 栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling goodthen.The pills really worked.She lost 5 kilogrames within two weeks.She was very delighted.But soon she didnt feel so energetic,she felt lazy and sick.So she had to see her doctor.The doctor

3、told her the pills contained a harmful chemical which could damage her liver.She suffered from liver failure.She had to be in hospital to receive a medical treatment.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling goodAfter she recovered,the doctor gave her some useful advice on losing weight.Now she

4、 knows healthy eating along with regular exercise is the only way to stay healthy and slim inthelongtermWhats more,a good amount of sleep is necessary.Asamatteroffact,loss of sleep can make you look tired,even cause you to gain weight.So at present,she worksout栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,

5、feeling goodevery day.As a result,she not only looks more attractive but also more healthy.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good玛丽是一个歌手.最近她感到好像重了不少.过去她曾以自己苗条的身材而自豪,但现在她为自己的体形深感羞愧.于是她决定减肥.她的朋友给她推荐了一种叫做FatLess的减肥药.她服用了.这种药的确很管用,两周内她减掉了10斤,她非常高兴.但是不久,她就感觉到身上没劲,懒惰并且恶心.于是她去看了医生,医生告诉她那种药含有一种

6、可以损害她肝脏的化学物质.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good她患了肝衰竭,她不得不住院接受药物治疗.康复后,医生给了她一些管用的减肥建议.现在她明白了:从长远来看健康饮食和坚持锻炼是唯一既健康又实用的减肥方法.此外,保障充足的睡眠也是必须的.实际上,睡眠不足让你疲惫不堪甚至变胖.现在,她每天进行体育锻炼.结果,她不仅看去更有魅力,而且还更健康了.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good高考对对碰 链接一 现在分词作伴随状语(教材原句P58)Often,teenage

7、rs give up sport,saying they have no time left after their studies.通常,有些青少年放弃体育锻炼,声称学习繁忙没时间进行锻炼.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good高考例证(2011高考大纲全国卷)Sarah pretended to be cheerful,_nothing about the argument.Asays BsaidCto say Dsaying解析:选D.句意“Sarah假装高兴,对于争辩什么也没说”,saying nothing about

8、the argument作伴随状语.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good链接二 形式主语(教材原句P58)As a teenager,it is important to give your body the energy it needs.作为一名青少年,给予你身体所需要的能量是重要的.高考例证(2011高考北京卷)Its important for the figuresregularly.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling goodAto be updated Bt

9、o have been updatedCto update Dto have updated解析:选A.句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的for the figuresregularly,动词不定式的复合结构:for sb.to do sth.句意“数据经常更新是重要的”,这是陈述一个事实,所以用一般式,又因the figures和update之间构成被动关系,所以选A.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good链接三 so助动词主语(教材原句P58)Walking and riding your bike count,and s

10、o do school sports.步行和骑自行车算在内,在学校里进行的体育活动也算.高考例证(2011高考大纲全国卷)Jane wont join us for dinner tonight and栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling goodAneither wont Tom BTom wont eitherCTom will too Dso will Tom解析:选B.句意“简不来参加我们今晚的聚餐,汤姆也不来.”若用A,wont应改为will,CD选项意义不对.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking

11、good,feeling good链接四 make the most of充分利用(教材原句P52)Join us now and make the most of this special offer!现在就加入到我们当中来,充分利用这次特别的馈赠.高考例证(2011高考浙江卷)The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to,but I suppose Ill just have to it.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling goodAmake the best of Bget away fromCkeep an eye on Dcatch up with解析:选A.句意“这所学校不是我真想上的那所,但我想我得充分利用好它”.栏目导引 词语 串串练 高考 对对碰 Unit 3 Looking good,feeling good本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放


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