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2021五年级英语上册Unit1 We have new friends主题过关卷(人教精通版三起).doc

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2021五年级英语上册Unit1 We have new friends主题过关卷(人教精通版三起).doc_第1页
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2021五年级英语上册Unit1 We have new friends主题过关卷(人教精通版三起).doc_第7页
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1、Unit 1主题过关卷 时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分听力部分 (30分)一、金秋之际Betty来到中国旅行。看到世博园内彩旗飘扬,请你帮她分辨一下各国的国旗,听一听,将答案填在括号内。(5分)二、Betty在中国旅行时结交了很多朋友,每个朋友的爱好都不同。听录音,判断图片信息是(T)否(F)与听到的句子意思相符。(5分)三、开学了,来到新的班级,Betty和同学们在进行自我介绍,仔细听一听,补全句子。(10分)1. _! Im Mimi. Im a girl. 2. Im Panpan. Im _. 3. _! Pleased to meet you. 4.

2、 _ like fish very much. 5. Polly _ my parrot. 四、课间活动中,Betty正在和好朋友Mike讨论自己的家庭情况,听听他们在聊些什么,选出正确答语。 (10分)() 1. A. He is from China. B. Im from China. C. She is from China. () 2. A. He is a teacher. B. She is a teacher. C. It is a teacher. () 3. A. Hes my father. B. Hes my brother. C. Shes my sister. ()

3、 4. A. She is a doctor. B. Shes beautiful. C. Hes a doctor. () 5. A. Yes,he is. B. No,she isnt. C. Yes, she is.笔试部分 (70分)五、Betty与刚结识的小朋友Peter在交谈,请你用所给词的适当形式将下列句子补充完整。(10分)1. I _(be) Peter. 2. We have two new _(friend). 3. Lets _(sing) a song together. 4. My grandpa and grandma _(live) in Tianjin. 5.

4、 She _(come) from Britain. 六、开学第一天,Betty认识了很多朋友。请你读一读,找到合适的答案。(10分)() 1. Go _ to your seats, please. A. withB. fromC. back() 2. _ name is Amy. A. I B. My C. You() 3. I live _ Shanghai Street. A. out B. at C. on() 4. _ your name?A. What B. whats C. Whats() 5. Where _ you live?A. do B. are C. is() 6.

5、Where _ he from?A. is B. am C. are() 7. This is my _. Hes a doctor. A. father B. mother C. girl() 8. Have some water,please. _A. Yes. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. () 9. Were good _. A. friends B. friend C. my friends() 10. Nearly _ of the students like playing basketball in our school. A. first B. q

6、uarter C. one third七、Betty在本单元学习了很多做介绍的句子,现在请你帮她按要求完成句子,复习一下功课吧。(10分)1. I,New Zealand,from,am ( . )(连词成句)_2. name,is,your,what ( ?)(连词成句)_3. where,from,you,do,come( ?)(连词成句)_4. How old are you?(根据实际情况回答)_5. Which class are you in?(根据实际情况回答)_ in Class _,Grade_. 八、Betty认识了新的朋友Li Yan。请你认真阅读,选择正确的句子将对话补

7、充完整。(10分)Li Yan:Hello! My name is Li Yan. 1. _Betty :My name is Betty. Li Yan :Pleased to meet you. Betty :Pleased to meet you,too. Li Yan :2. _Betty :Im from France. Li Yan :Where do you live?Betty :3. _Do you live there,too?Li Yan :No,I live on Nanjing Road. I like playing computer games. How abou

8、t you?Betty :4. _Li Yan :5. _A. Me,too. Lets read together. B. I like reading books. C. I live on Guangdong Street. D. Whats your name?E. Where are you from?九、Bob正在向妈妈介绍自己的新朋友Betty,请你根据内容选出正确答案。(10分)Betty is my new friend. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she c

9、an speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Betty is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends. () 1. Betty is _. A. my new fr

10、iendB. a Chinese girlC. a doctor D. a driver() 2. Betty can _. A. speak a lot of Chinese B. speak English wellC. speak a little Japanese D. speak a little English() 3. Betty often studies _. A. from Monday to Friday B. in BeijingC. on Saturdays and Sundays D. at home() 4. Her parents _. A. are worki

11、ng in a school B. have classes on MondaysC. often play games with BettyD. are doctors() 5. When does Betty often play games with her Chinese friends?A. Only on Saturdays. B. Only on Sundays. C. On Saturdays and Sundays. D. Every day. 十、通过学习,Betty越来越了解中国。这是Betty写的一篇关于中国的文章,仔细阅读短文,补全句子。(10分)China has

12、a very long history. China is a very big country with five thousand years history. It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers about 9,600,000 square kilometers. People of about 1. 4 billion live and work together on the land. 56 nations make up the whole population of Ch

13、ina. China is becoming stronger and stronger. Especially in these years, we can say,the world can not be without China. 1. China has a very _ history. 2. China is a _ country. 3. _ nations make up the whole population of China. 4. China is becoming _ and _. 十一、经过Betty的介绍,同学们已经认识了Bob。下面由Bob介绍一下自己吧。至少

14、四句话。(10分)提示词:name,America,Class One, Grade Five,tall,thin_Unit 1主题过关卷听力材料:一、1. New Zealand is a beautiful place. 2. I love China. 3. Germany is a rich country. 4. Betty comes from Russia. 5. London is the capital of Britain. 二、1. Bill likes singing songs. 2. Peter likes reading books. 3. Lucy likes

15、drawing pictures. 4. Lily and Li Hua like flying kites. 5. Bob likes swimming. 三、1. W:Hello!Im Mimi. Im a girl. 2. Im Panpan. Im eleven. 3. Hi!Pleased to meet you. 4. I like fish very much. 5. Polly is my parrot. 四、1. Where is he from?2. What does your mother do?3. Whos this boy?4. What does your si

16、ster do?5. Is he a doctor?答案:一、25143二、1. T2. T3. T4. T5. F三、1. Hello2. eleven3. Hi4. I5. is四、1. A2. B3. B4. A5. A五、1. am点拨:I用am, you用are,is跟随he/she/it。2. friends点拨:两个朋友用复数,故填friends。3. sing点拨:Lets后加动词原形。4. live点拨:主语为复数,所以填live。5. comes点拨:主语是第三人称单数,所以用comes。六、1. C点拨:go back to回到。2. B点拨:我的名字是Amy。 I我,m

17、y我的,you你。3. C4. C点拨:句意为“你的名字是什么?”。开头字母大写。Whats是什么。5. A点拨:没有be动词(am,is,are),变疑问句借助于do。6. A7. A8. C点拨:别人给你东西时,你要说谢谢。9. A点拨:我们是好朋友。We我们,是复数,所以用名词复数friends。10. C七、1. I am from New Zealand. 2. What is your name?3. Where do you come from?4. 略5. Im; 2; 5 (答案不唯一)八、1. D2. E3. C4. B5. A九、1. A2. B3. A4. D5. C十、1. long2. big3. 564. stronger;stronger十一、范文My name is Bob. I am eleven years old this year. I come from America. I am in Class One, Grade Five. I am tall and thin with two big eyes. I like reading,collecting stamps,playing the piano,playing table tennis,traveling and so on.


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