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2022三年级英语下册 新型题突破卷 人教PEP.doc

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1、新型题突破卷一、根据图片提示, 将下列字母按正确顺序排列成单词, 并规范抄写在四线三格里。(18分)1. 2. a m n l l b a3. 4. f t a m p a5. 6. c r a a c p二、仔细观察下面的图片, 根据获得的信息判断句子正(T)误(F)。(16分)(一)()1.I can see some books on the desk.()2.A ball is under the desk.()3.A toy bear is on the bed.()4.Some kites are in the bed.(二)()5.There are six people in

2、the family.()6. The old woman has long hair.()7. The little girl is fat.()8. The boy has short hair.三、读一读, 猜一猜, 把相应图片的序号写到句子前的括号内。(12分)A. B. C. D. ()1. Its big. Its black and white. ()2. Its small. Its red. ()3. Its small. It has a long tail. ()4. They are small and purple.四、根据图片提示, 猜出单词, 填写表格。(18分)

3、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 五、假期里, Tom和他的家人们去了很多地方, 下面是Tom的朋友圈信息, 请根据他发布的信息完成任务。(28分)Tom2019824I go home. Look at the trees. They have red leaves(叶子). There is a red leaf on our national flag(国旗). You can come here to see the CN Tower. Welcome! 转发(20) 评论(10) 点赞(25)Tom2019813New York is a big city. I

4、row a boat on the river with my family. I take many photos(拍很多照片). I see some famous places(有名的地方).转发(45) 评论(37) 点赞(74)Tom201981Its hot here. I see many animals, too. The giraffe is tall. The elephant is big. The koala(考拉)is nice. The kangaroos are big and strong. 转发(52) 评论(85) 点赞(56)Tom201975We go

5、to the Great Wall. Its long and great! I like it. There is a big zoo near the Great Wall. I see many animals there. I like pandas very much.转发(43) 评论(50) 点赞(41)(一)根据信息为下列图片排序。(8分) () () () () (二)Tom看到了哪些动物呢?请勾出他在信息中提到的动物。(8分)1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.(三)判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(12分)( )1.There is a big zoo near the Gre

6、at Wall.()2.Tom rows a boat in Australia.()3.Tom is from the USA.六、阅读短文, 猜出动物名称, 写出单词。(8分)A RiddleI am an animal. I have seven letters(字母). The first(第一) letter is in “ green” , but not in “ red” . The second(第二) letter is in “ is” and “ it” . The third(第三) letter is in“ red” but not in “ bed ” . Th

7、e fourth(第四) letter is in “dad” and “map” . The fifth(第五) letter and the sixth(第六) letter are the same. They are in “ four” an“ five” . The last(最后的) letter is in “he” and “she” . Im very tall. Im orange and brown. I have a long neck and a short tail. What am I?猜一猜, 写一写。This is a答案一、点拨: 此类题型要先观察图片信息

8、, 得到单词线索, 再根据单词的发音把字母按正确的顺序排列并抄写。1. man 2. ball 3. fat 4. map 5. car 6. cap二、(一)1. T2. F3. T4. F(二)5. T6. F7. F8. T三、点拨: 此题需要把握重点信息, 如颜色、大小等特征, 再与图片对应, 得到答案。1. B2. A3. C4. D四、点拨: 此类题目先要找到字母最多的单词, 比如这个题目中的第1个单词, 其他8个单词都与它相关, 所以要先猜出这个单词, 以便为其他单词填出一个字母, 从而减小猜测其他单词的难度。也可以先尝试把自己最有把握的单词写出来。同时图片的提示非常重要, 不能

9、忽视。 五、(一)此题需要根据条信息的关键信息判断出旅行地点, 再进行排序。答案: 1423(二)此题需要将几条信息中出现的动物全部整理出来, 再匹配相应的图片得到答案。2. 熊猫; 3.大象; 4.考拉; 6.袋鼠(三)1.T2.F3.F六、点拨: 此类猜谜题目要根据所有提供的线索来猜。第一个字母在green里能看到, 但是在red里看不到, 说明不是e, 也不是r, 有可能是g或n。第二个字母既在is里又在it里, 说明是i。第三个字母在red里不在bed里, 所以肯定是r。通过这种方法推测后面的字母, 最后再根据整体描述: 动物、高、长脖子等, 可以猜出这是长颈鹿。答案: giraffe


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