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《创新设计》2017届高考英语二轮复习(浙江专用)冲刺演练 第15练 WORD版含答案.doc

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《创新设计》2017届高考英语二轮复习(浙江专用)冲刺演练 第15练 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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1、第15练阅读理解写作.阅读理解AFacebook remains the most used social media site among American teens from 13 to 17,according to the latest study from the New Research Center.And,surprisingly,boys visit the site more often than girls.Aided hugely by smartphones and other mobile devices,71 percent of teens surveyed

2、said they use Facebook,with the same percentage saying they use more than one social network of seven options they were asked about.Half the teens said they also use Instagram and 4 in 10 said they used Snapchat.Among 22 per cent of teens who use just one site,66 per cent use Facebook,13 percent use

3、 Google Plus,13 percent are Instagram users and 3 percent use Snapchat.Facebook was the site they used most frequently,at 41 percent,followed by Instagram at 20 percent and Snapchat at 11 percent.Boys are more likely than girls to report they visit Facebook most oftenat 45 percent versus 36 percent

4、of girls.Teens from households with earnings of less than $50,000 are more likely to use Facebook the most49 percent compared with 37 percent of teens from households with earnings of $50,000 or more.As far as how much time is spent on social media,24 percent of teens overall go online “almost const

5、antly,” the study said,with 56 per cent saying they go online several times a day and 12 per cent reporting onceaday use.Among other sites the 1,060 teens were asked about are Twitter,Vine and Tumblr.33 percent said they use Twitter and Google Plus,while 24 percent said they use Vine and 14 percent

6、said Tumblr.6 percent said they use Twitter most often.【语篇解读】一项研究显示,使用Facebook进行通讯交流的青少年依然占据大多数,其中男生又多于女生。1According to the new study,we can learn that _Amost teens generally go online several times a dayB71 percent of teens go online almost constantlyCusing social media brought children more risks

7、than benefitsDgirls tend to visit Facebook more frequently than boys答案A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句中的“the study said,with 56 percent saying they go online several times a day”可知,研究表明,大部分青少年一天上几次网。2Which has the fewest users among teens who use just one site?AFacebook. BGoogle Plus.CSnapchat. DInstagram.答案C推理判断

8、题。根据第三段第一句可知,在使用一个网站上网的青少年中,只有3%的人使用Snapchat,相比其他三个,占比例数最小。3How does the author develop the passage?ABy following time order.BBy following space order.CBy providing examples.DBy listing numbers.答案D推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文在介绍研究结果时列举了大量数据。作者用数据贯穿全文,采用的是列数据的写作方式。4Which of the following can be the best title for

9、 the passage?ASocial media are teens greatest expenseBFacebook is still teens mostused websiteCTeens find ways to keep track of friends online activitiesDTwitter and Google Plus drive children away from Facebook答案B主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一项新研究的结果:使用Facebook进行通讯交流的青少年依然占据大多数,其中男生又多于女生。文章第一段点题,概括了文章的中心。BWhen int

10、ernational students arrive on campus,they are amazed at invitations to a variety of welcome events.The first few weeks are jam packed with opportunities to meet new people:both international students and locals.You probably are aware that there will be cultural differences,but most people dont reali

11、ze that one of the biggest differences may be when it comes to eating.American dining habits are quite different than many other countries abroad,so heres a little preview of what to expect.In many countries lunchtime is a sacred meal:a time when families come together to eat a hearty meal.However,a

12、s you will soon notice,lunch is not the most important meal of the day in the US.For most people lunchtime is squeezed in where it can be,the 30 minutes given to them by their job or before their next class.It is quite common to see people eating outside,wherever they can,or even having food with th

13、em to snack on during the day.Another big shock for many when they arrive in the US is the “doggy bag” culture.“Doggy bag” culture refers to the fact that when you go out to eat at a restaurant and do not finish your meal (because the portions are huge!) you can ask for a box to take the leftover fo

14、od home.The idea of tipping in the US is supposed to be an act of generosity.If you have found your favorite restaurant near campus and want to become a regular customer,make sure to tip at every visit or you may not get the best service the next time you go.It is important to note that at fast food

15、 restaurants tips are not expected,and it is usually at any sitdown restaurant.【语篇解读】饮食习惯在世界各地迥异,读读此文,看看如何做到像一个地道的美国人去餐馆就餐。5According to Paragraph 1,international students arrive on campus in the US may feel _Asurprised BnervousCembarrassed Dupset答案A推理判断题。根据第一段第一句中的“they are amazed at invitations to

16、 a variety of welcome events”可知,初到美国的国际生看到各种各样的欢迎活动会惊讶不已。故选A项。6What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?AMost American people consider lunchtime serious.BMost American people are too busy to have a good meal.CMany people in other countries have a quick meal during lunchtime.DAmericans eating on the str

17、eet or eating on the go is common.答案D细节理解题。第二段首先介绍了其他国家的人非常看重午餐,然后介绍了美国人却不重视午餐。该段最后一句又点明,在外面吃饭很常见。综上可推知,D项正确。7What can we know from the last paragraph?AIt is requested that you give the tip at fast food restaurants.BTipping is thought to be an act of being a gentlemen.CYoud better tip at every visit

18、 at your regular restaurant.DNo tipping is not permitted in the US restaurants.答案C推理判断题。最后一段主要讲在美国就餐后付小费的习俗。根据最后一段第二句中的“make sure to tip at every visit or you may not get the best service the next time you go”可知,想要受到礼遇,作为一个常客,你最好每次去都付小费。故选C项。.写作(一)应用文写作为响应今年政府工作报告中提出的“提倡全民阅读,建设书香社会”的号召,你班将举行一次班会,就此话

19、题展开讨论。请你用英语写一篇口头发言稿。内容要点:1.“全民阅读”的好处;2就你校开展“全民阅读”活动提出具体的建议。注意:1.词数80左右;2文章开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:书香社会nation of avid readersBoys and girls,_Thats all.Thank you.【写作指导】本篇书面表达为一篇半开放性提纲式应用文,即发言稿。话题密切联系现代生活,把学习和生活结合起来。在构思过程中,首先,仔细审题,明确立意和要求,简单列出提纲,合理安排结构,运用典型的三段论,凸显层次性。其次,在语言方面,尽可能地运用多种句式,使文章出彩,避免语言的单调性。在

20、时态方面,以现在时为主;人称以第三人称为主。最后,要恰当地运用长短句和连接词,以使行文自然、连贯。【参考范文】Boys and girls,In this years Government Work Report,people are called on to read more books and build a nation of avid readers.I think its necessary.As we know,reading is a way to gain knowledge and know about the world.Through reading,people ca

21、n improve their cultural qualities.I think schools can organize various activities to promote reading interest among students.As to us,I suggest our class set up a book corner at the back of the classroom,to which every one of us can donate some books.In this way we can read as many books as possibl

22、e.Thats all.Thank you.(二)读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I had the meanest mother in the whole world.While other kids ate candy for breakfast,I had to have cereal,eggs or toast.When others had cokes and candy for lunch,I had to eat a sandwich.As you can guess,my supper was different from the other

23、 kids also.But at least,I wasnt alone in my sufferings.My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times.Youd think we were on a chain gang.She had to know who our friends were and where we were going.She insisted if we said wed b

24、e gone an hour,that we be gone one hour or lessnot one hour and one minute.We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath everyday.The other kids always wore their clothes for days.We reached the height of insults because she made our clothes herself,just to save money.The worst is yet to come.We had

25、to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning.We couldnt sleep till noon like our friends.So while they slept,my mother actually had the nerve to break the Child Labor Law.She made us work.We had to wash dishes,make beds,learn to cook and all sorts of cruel things.I believe she la

26、id awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us. Through the years,things didnt improve a bit.We could not lie in bed,and be absent from school.Our marks in school had to be up to average.My mother,being as different as she was,would settle for nothing less than ugly black marks.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应

27、为150左右;2应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:As the years rolled by,first one and then the other of us was put to shame._Paragraph 2:As a mother,out of four children,a couple of us attained some higher education._【参考范文】As the years rolled by,first one and the

28、n the other of us was put to shame.We graduated from high school.With my mean mother behind us,talking,hitting and demanding respect,none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a dropout.I have learnt to do everything in a different way,and tried to improve everything to be the better one.As a moth

29、er,out of four children,a couple of us attained some higher education.My elder brother and my younger sister have not got the higher education.None of us have ever been accused of something.We all have formed the good habits to do everything,being strict with ourselves.Each of my brothers served his

30、 time in the service of this country.Every year we will get together to see my mean mother,however we are busy.My mother made us such great characters that we enjoy all our lives.Using this as a background,I am now trying to raise my three children.I am filled with pride when my children call me mean.Thank God for giving me the meanest mother in the whole world.


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