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2021九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Great People Lesson 11 To China with Love背记手册(新版)冀教版.doc

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2021九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Great People Lesson 11 To China with Love背记手册(新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2021九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Great People Lesson 11 To China with Love背记手册(新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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1、Lesson 11To China,with Love1. _v. 仍然是;保持不变2. _adj. 医学的;医疗的3. _adj. &adv. 最坏的(地);最糟的(地)4. _n. 环境;条件;状态,状况5. _ n. 政府6. _n. 决定7. graduatev. _8. antiprefix _9. aidn. _10. operatev. _1. decision_(v. )2. worst_(比较级)_(原级)3. graduate_(n. )4. operate_(n. )1. _ 仍在使用2. _因而闻名,众所周知3. _做决定4. _急救5. _一天又一天6. _建立1.

2、1916年,诺尔曼白求恩毕业于多伦多大学。In 1916, Norman Bethune _ _ the University of Toronto.2. 他还发明了至今仍在使用的工具。He also invented tools _ _ _ _ today. 3. 诺尔曼白求恩因帮助抗日战争中的中国人民而闻名。Norman Bethune _ _ _ _ helping the Chinese people in the AntiJapanese War.4. 人们记得他是怎样日复一日地在可能是最糟糕的条件下努力工作来帮助他人。People remember how hard he work

3、ed _ _ _ in the worst possible conditions to help others. 5. 为了纪念他,政府在石家庄建立了白求恩医学院和白求恩国际和平医院。To remember him, the government _ _Bethune Medical School and Bethune International Peace Hospital in Shijiazhuang.Lesson 11To China,with Love核心单词1.remain2.medical 3.worst4.condition5government6.decision7.毕业8.反;反对9.帮助;援助10动手术,做手术单词变形1.decide2.worse;bad/badly3.graduation4operation核心短语1.remain in use2.be well known for3make a decision4.first aid5.day after day6.set up 重点句型1.graduated from2.that remain in use3is well known for4.day after day5.set up


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