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《创新设计》2017届高考英语二轮复习(浙江专用)冲刺演练 第12练 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、第12练阅读理解写作.阅读理解ADoha,the capital of Qatar,is a city of contrasts (对照)In a few decades it has been transformed from a small port to an international city.Today,its skyline is shaped by rising skyscrapers,but Old Dohathough fast disappearingcan still be found.Time seems to stand still in the old quart

2、er of the city.On the dusty streets,Indian and Pakistani men sit crosslegged outside tea shops and restaurants.At one end of the road,men queue by the doorways of crowded supermarkets to buy necessities:boxes of teabags,milk,sugar,bread and soap.The shops are dark and poorly stocked.However,only fiv

3、e miles away,on the other side of the city,Doha shows a completely different image.It shines brilliantly with skyscrapers,fivestar hotels and noble apartment buildings.The area looks like any other modern district in the world.Qatar,a tiny gulf (海湾) nation,is a country of vast local and internationa

4、l ambitions.At home,it has owned several international universities.Abroad,it tries to speak louder on gulf affairs.These ambitions are urged by the countrys unbelievably rich reserves of fossil fuels.In December 2012,Doha was the site of Cop18 UN Climate Change Conference and in 2022 Qatar will hos

5、t the World Cup.Mohammed Salim,55,runs a hair salon in the old part of the city where he works as a hair dresser.When he came to Doha 22 years ago from Pakistan,he recalls,Doha was a quiet town with few modern buildings.“At that time,Doha seemed rather small.There were no big roads or malls at all.”

6、 He has noticed a drop in customers to his salon in recent years.“People now tend to go to more fashionable hair salons in shopping malls.Some day this old area will be gone,and my business will probably be gone,too.Ill be sad.I love here,but things are changing.We cant ignore it.”【语篇解读】文章讲述了海湾国家卡塔尔

7、的首都多哈正在经历的城市变迁。目前的多哈老城和新城并立,对比强烈。1What do we know about the shops in the old quarter of Doha?AThey dont have many goods or customers.BThey provide a great variety of luxury goods.CThey are bright big shops crowded with people.DThey look poor and offer fewer choices of goods.答案D细节理解题。根据第二段中的The shops

8、 are dark and poorly stocked.可知老城区的商店虽然拥挤,但货物种类不多,给人一种破败的印象,故选D项。2Qatar tries to speak louder on gulf affairs because _.Ait has international cities such as DohaBit is going to host the World Cup in 2022Cit has made progress in building universitiesDit is known for its large reserves of fossil fuels

9、答案D细节理解题。根据第三段中的These ambitions are urged by the countrys unbelievably rich reserves of fossil fuels.可知卡塔尔丰富的化石燃料储备使它在海湾事务中更有发言权。故选D项。3The author takes the hair salon as an example to show that _Apeople in Doha are fashionableBthe economy in Doha becomes badCchanges are happening to Old DohaDDoha us

10、ed to be an undeveloped town答案C推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,萨利姆所在的理发店正经历着与老城区同样的命运,城市的迅速发展使得老城区的经济面临被淘汰的风险。故选C项。4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AOld Doha is characterized by rising skyscrapers.BDoha seemed small in the past,as is recalled by Salim.CDoha will host Cop18 UN Climate Change

11、 Conference in 2022.DThe western side of Doha looks more modern than the eastern side.答案B细节理解题。从最后一段萨利姆说的话At that time,Doha seemed rather small.There were no big roads or malls at all.可知B项正确。其他三项均与文意不符。BRed is a lucky color in Chinese culture,but not when it comes to river water.The red water was di

12、scovered last month in Wenzhou.Some people there also reported a strong,sharp chemical smell in the air.The local environmental protection agency investigated the incident.Officials said they found no sign of pollutants released from the factories that line the river.Wu Yixiu follows water pollution

13、 issues for the environmental group Greenpeace.She says this red river incident shows how environmental problems are increasingly affecting people in cities.“I think the water pollution problem is no longer a remote problem,only in the countryside.Its affecting everyone,even people in the cities.”Th

14、e Wenzhou River turning red is the latest of several environmental incidents in China.In 2012,the Yangtze River also turned red because of illegal pollution from a factory.Last year,more than 2,000 dead pigs were found floating through a river in Shanghai.In addition,Chinas government has identified

15、 several hundred of what have been called “cancer villages”These are areas where the rates of cancer are unusually high because of industrial pollution.There are more than 1,700 water pollution incidents in China every year.Many of Chinas rivers,lakes and even aquifers (蓄水层) are polluted.China is fa

16、cing a serious water pollution challenge.Much of our rivers,lakes and even our aquifers have been polluted especially in the densely populated regions.This has posed a serious risk.Up to 300 million residents dont have access to safe drinking water.Earlier this year Chinese Premier Li Keqiang threat

17、ened to launch a war on pollution.Residents of Wenzhou would most likely welcome such an offensive.Eighty percent of the water off Wenzhous coast is considered polluted.【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道,通过近期的一次河流污染事件指出中国的环境污染的严重性。5It can be concluded from the first two paragraphs that _A. the red water discovered las

18、t month in Wenzhou wasnt harmfulBthe local government paid no attention to the incidentCthere are plenty of factories close to the riverDWu Yixiu was surprised to find the environmental problems答案C推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的Officials said they found no sign of pollutants released from the factories that line th

19、e river.可知在这条河附近有一些工厂,再根据当时污染的程度可知工厂的数量应该有很多。其他三项均与文意不符。6The underlined word “posed” in Paragraph 5 probably means _Acaused Breduced Ckilled Dpicked答案A词义猜测题。画线词前面简述了污染的程度,后面提出了目前很多居民无法喝到安全的饮用水,由此可知此处是说“污染引发了严重的风险”,故可推断pose在此处意为“造成,导致”。故选A项。7The majority of the water off Wenzhous coast is _Afresh Bun

20、clean Csalty Dclean答案B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Eighty percent of the water off Wenzhous coast is considered polluted.可知,温州沿岸的多数水源已被污染,也可以说不干净。故选B项。8Whats the authors attitude to pollution in China?AIndifferent. BDesperate.CCritical. DDoubtful.答案C推理判断题。根据本文内容,尤其是最后三段可知,作者对于中国的环境污染现状持批评态度,但没有信息表明他对此问题持绝望、怀疑和漠不关心

21、的态度,故选C项。.写作(一)应用文写作假如你是李华,你国外的好友Alice给你发了封email,说她将在校联谊会上作为学生代表发言,她对公开发言感到很紧张,想请你给她提供一些克服怯场的方法。请根据下面的要点,给Alice回一封电子邮件。内容包括:1你对怯场的认识;2应对怯场的办法。注意:1.词数80左右;2参考词汇:怯场stage frightDear Alice,Im glad to receive your email and thank you for your trusting me._Yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear Alice,Im glad to receive y

22、our email and thank you for your trusting me.As we know,stage fright is a common phenomenon.Many people,even the most confident performers can suffer from stage fright.So dont worryyou can overcome it by relaxing your body and mind.Here I give you a few tips.Firstly,arrive early.Showing up early can

23、 calm yourself down and make you feel more at ease.Secondly,talk to members of the audience.It will make you see that the audience are ordinary and friendly people and youll get more comfortable.Last but not least,slow down.Most public speakers may be speaking fast because theyre nervous and want to

24、 finish the speech or presentation sooner,but this will actually make it harder.Hope my suggestions will be of some help to you.I believe you can make it.Yours,Li Hua(二)概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Many people believe that classical music is not relevant to young people today.However,this issue(问题)

25、 frequently causes heated debate.Some people say that classical music is associated only with old people.For example,if you look at the audience at a classical concert,the majority is over the age of fifty.Others say it is more popular than we first imagine.Many young people listen to classical musi

26、c without realizing.It is often used in films and advertisements.For example,a famous piece of classical music was used as the theme music for the 1990 World Cup.Not many people could have given its name,but millions enjoyed it.Also,some people point out that young people produce new music based on

27、classical ideas:for example,it is said that rap(说唱) music was invented by a classical musician in 1912,but it is now used by young people in pop music.However,young people point to the fact that classical music has been outstripped(超越) by technology.To play a classical instrument,such as a violin,yo

28、u need to study hard and practise for hours.Nowadays,you dont need to get aching arms from practising.A teenager can write and make music using a computer program in the comfort of their own bedroom.A final point to bear in mind is that the term “classical music” is used to refer to a great variety

29、of music,from jazz to pieces for large orchestras(管弦乐队)This makes it even more difficult to say whether classical music is relevant to young people.So,it may be only a minority of young people who play classical instruments,but when it comes to enjoying classical music,it depends on the piece of mus

30、ic.It may be more relevant to young people in the modern world than they realize!_【写作指导】通读文章内容可知,短文主要讨论了古典音乐与年轻人之间的关系。概要首先可以指出古典音乐在老年人和青年人心中的地位,然后指出古典音乐目前的状况,最后总结年轻人对古典音乐的态度。在写作时,考生可以适当运用以下表达方式:however,although,be relevant to.,be associated with.等。注意上下文连贯及词数要求。【参考范文】The issue of whether classical mu

31、sic is relevant to young people causes a heated debate.(要点1)Some say that classical music is associated only with old people,while others say young people dont realize some music is classical and they provide ideas for producing new music.(要点2)Although technology has put classical music at a disadvantage and the kinds of its music vary,young people still love classical music.(要点3)


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