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1、扬州中学20122013学年度第一学期月考高一英语试卷 2012.12第一部分:听力(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When does the conversation take place? A. At the beginning of a term. B. At the end of a term.C. During a vacation.2. Why cant the man dri

2、ve the woman tomorrow? A. His car is being fixed.B. He has a doctors appointment.C. He will be working in a shop.3. What will the woman do? A. Charge her cell phone. B. Visit her mother. C. Make a call.4. Who will throw a party for the woman next Sunday? A. The woman herself. B. The man. C. Nancy.5.

3、 What does the woman mean? A. Her mother is a housewife.B. Only 10% of American mothers work.C. Most American mothers work.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers mainly talking

4、about? A. A festival. B. A birthday party. C. A class reunion.7. What does the woman decide to do? A. Stay with her family. B. Go to a party with the man. C. Go on vacation. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How does the man feel? A. Confident. B. Nervous. C. Excited.9. What does the man want to do next? A. Continu

5、e talking with the woman.B. Go to the bathroom.C. Drink some water. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why does the girl want to have a car? A. To travel with her friends. B. To show off. C. To be independent.11. Where does the girl study? A. In a middle school. B. In a high school. C. In a university.12. Why doe

6、snt the man buy his daughter a car now? A. He thinks his daughter is too young to drive.B. He wants his daughter to earn a car.C. He cant afford another car. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. With whom does the woman travel? A. She is alone. B. Her family. C. Her business partner.14. What do the speakers have in

7、 common? A. They both live in New York.B. They are both traveling on business.C. They have both stayed in the hotel before.15. What is the mans favorite part of the hotel? A. The service. B. The breakfast. C. The facilities.16. What does the woman imply about the hotel? A. The prices are reasonable.

8、B. It doesnt seem like a nice hotel from the outside.C. The service didnt use to be anything special. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is The Bookworm? A. A literary festival. B. A caf. C. A bookstore.18. Who is Peter Hessler? A. A photographer. B. A public speaker. C. A writer.19. What was the speaker ex

9、cited about? A. Seeing someone give a speech.B. Hearing a famous band play music.C. Finding his favorite magazine.20. What was the speakers mistake? A. Mistaking the place. B. Mistaking the year. C. Mistaking the day.第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.

10、- Hi. Havent we met before? You look so familiar!- Yeah. We met on _ campus last week and you asked the same question. You seem to be terrible with _ names. A. the; the B. the; 不填C. 不填; the D. 不填; 不填22. Im working this evening because I am schedule with my workAbehindBbeyondCoverDon23. Not until the

11、 man in black took off his dark glasses that he was the famous film star. A. did I realize B. I realized C. was I realized D. I have realized24. -Hi. Mary. Do you still remember the first time we met?-Sure. You dinner with your friends in a restaurant. A. have B. had C. were having D. have had25. Wi

12、th the car breaking down halfway on the road, we had to abandon it and _ our training camp in the snow. A. apply for B. send for C. make for D. allow for26. From the tears in Nancy s eyes we know that something sad _. A. may happenB. would happenC. must have happenedD. should have happened27. Just a

13、fter putting the baby onto bed, Mrs. White suddenly caught sight of the pet cat and didnt know how long it_ on the table _ for the family dinner.A. had been laying; lyingB. had been lying; laidC. had been laid; laidD. had lain; laying28. -Do you think he can get the first prize for jumping? -Impossi

14、ble now. He to do so, but he has just hurt his leg. A. has expected B. is expected C. would expect D. was expected29. Scientists say it may be five years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients Asince Buntil Cbefore Dwhen30. She remembered several occasions in the past _ she had exp

15、erienced a similar feelingAwhen Bwhy Cthat Dwhere31. The old train station, which is scheduled to stop operations next month, _ a museum of transportation history Ahas turned into Bhas been turned intoCwill turn into Dwill be turned into32. She didnt allow the accident to discourage her. On the cont

16、rary, she began to work_.A. as twice hardB. twice as hardC. twice as harder D. harder twice 33. -The government should think about the medical reform again and take measures to improve the medical services. -_ . They are not good at the moment. A. Youre confusing me B. I cannot agree more C. Thats a

17、ll right D. Go ahead, please. 34. - The boy is gaining weight recently. - Im afraid so. He always has a great deal more, chocolate and sweets, for example, _ is necessary. A. as B. which C. what D. than 35. -Believe it or not, last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in the drift

18、 bottle I got three years ago.-Really?Thats the most surprising _ Ive ever heard of! A. identification B. coincidenceC. viewpointD. procedure 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“We expected our first child to be perfect.” Most parents have thought so I know

19、that s what I 36 with our oldest son, JoeHe would be perfectJoe would sail through 37 from learning ABC s to being awarded a Ph.D.Joe, 38 , had other ideasHe was always a 39 kidHe wasnt the kind of boy who threw 40 at passing cars on a freezing winter day or who dropped water balloons on the mailman

20、 during the heat of AugustBut he wasnt perfectEspecially when it came to that nice little 41 that I had about sailing through schoolFrom the day Joe started kindergarten he struggled with scissors and handwriting and mathAlways 42 . He passed each grade with great 43 , never at the top of his classH

21、ow I 44 friends who had children with the math geneA mom told me her daughter was doing high school algebra while in the sixth gradeAnother mom said her son had just taken first place in the district s annual Math ChallengeAfter hearing these stories, I would look at Joe and 45 : Why didnt we raise

22、a mathematical talent? How is he ever going to get into 46 if he does not get better at math? Needless to say, my motherly 47 never really amounted to muchDoes it ever? Moms tend to worry and worry, while whatever they re worrying about usually 48 on its ownDuring high school, Joe slowly 49 at mathH

23、e got through algebra I & II, and geometry, our state requirements for mathI felt greatly 50 at his little achievementThen he announced that he d take pre - calculus (微积分) in his last year of high school, which 51 me a lotWhy? I questioned Because I need to keep my skills up, he explained I 52 math,

24、 but I need to take it so I don t forget how to do itFor college, he addedI want to do really well in college, MomI know it will be 53_, but I think it s important that I try to do my bestMy oldest son wasnt perfectHe wasnt a math talent, eitherBut he knew what was important: he was focusing on his

25、54 while I was worrying over his pastAnd that, to me, is even better than being 55 36AworkedBexpected CcontinuedDshowed37AschoolBbooks CexperienceDsituations38AhoweverBtherefore CfortunatelyDobviously39AcarefulBproud CgoodDhappy40AtoysBclothes CflowersDsnowballs41AbeliefBfantasy CinterestDenthusiasm

26、42AartBscissors ChandwritingDmath43AeffortBattention CpleasureDambition44ArespectedBsupported CtrustedDenvied45AconsiderBimagine CwonderDwish46AjobBlife CsocietyDcollege47AloveBdoubt CworryDguidance48ApausesBcomes CdeclinesDdisappears49AdevelopedBimproved CadvancedDachieved50AhopefulBgrateful Crelie

27、vedDamused51AmovedBinspired CsatisfiedDsurprised52AfailBhate CpreferDchoose53AhardBboring CnecessaryDbeneficial54AcareerBmajor CfutureDworld55AperfectBintelligent CsuccessfulDconfident第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEvery baby born a decade from now wi

28、ll have its genetic code (基因编码) mapped at birth, the head of the worlds leading genome sequencing (基因图谱) company has predicted.A complete DNA read out for every newborn will be technically possible and affordable in less than five years, promising a revolution in healthcare, says Jay Flatley, the ch

29、ief executive of Illumina. Only social and legal problems are likely to delay the age of “genome sequences,” or genetic profiles. By 2019 it will have become routine to map infants genes when they are born, Dr Flatly told The Times.This will open a new approach to medicine, by which conditions such

30、as high blood pressure and heart disease can be predicted and prevented and drugs used more safely and effectively.A babys genome can be discovered at birth by a blood test. By examining a persons genome, it is possible to identify raised risks of developing diseases such as cancers. Those at high r

31、isk can then be screened more regularly, or given drugs or dietary advice to lower their chances of becoming ill. Personal genomes could also be used to ensure that patients get the medicine that is most likely to work for them and least likely to have sideeffects.The development, however, will rais

32、e legal concerns about privacy and access to individuals genetic records.“Bad things can be done with the genome. It could predict something about someone and you could possibly hand the information to their employer or their insurance company.” said Dr Flatley.“People have to recognize that this ho

33、rse is out of the barn, and that your genome probably cant be protected, because everywhere you go you leave your genome behind. Complete genetic privacy, however, is unlikely to be possible”, he added.As the benefits become clearer, however, he believes that most people will want their genomes read

34、 and interpreted. The risk is nothing compared with the gain.56In the first two paragraphs, the author mainly wants to tell us about . Athe significant progress in medicine Bthe promise of a leading company Cthe information of babies genes Dthe research of medical scientists57Which of the following

35、is a problem caused by this approach? AThe delaying in discovering DNA. BThe risk of developing diseases at birth. CThe sideeffects of medicine on patients. DThe letting out of personal genetic information.58What does the underlined sentence “ this horse is out of the barn” mean? AGenetic mapping te

36、chnique has been widely used. BGenetic mapping technique is too horrible to control. CPeople are eager to improve genetic mapping technique. Dpeople cant stop genetic mapping technique advancing.59Whats Dr Flatleys attitude towards the technology? ATolerant. BConservative. CPositive. DDoubtful.BSupe

37、rmarkets are trying out new computers that make shopping carts more intelligent. They will help shoppers find paper cups or toilet soap, and keep a record of the bill.The touch-screen devices are on show at the Food Marketing Institutes exhibition here this week, “These devices are able to create va

38、lue and get you around the store quicker,” said Michael Alexander, manager of Springboard Retail Networks Inc., which makes a smart cart computer called the Concierge.Canadian stores will test the Concierge in July. A similar device, IBMs “Shopping Buddy”, has recently been test-marketed at Stop & S

39、hop stores in Massachusetts.Neither device tells you how many fat grams or calories are in your cart, but they will flash you with items on sale. The idea is to make it easier for people to buy, not to have second thoughts that maybe you should put something back on the shelf.“The whole model is dri

40、ven by advertisers need to get in front of shoppers,” said Alexander. “Theyre not watching 30-second TV ads anymore.”People can use a home computer to make their shopping lists. Once at the store, a shopper can use a preferred customer card to start a system(系统)that will organize the trip around the

41、 store. If youre looking for toothpicks, you type in the word or pick it from a list, and a map will appear on the screen showing where you are and where you can find them.The device also keeps a record of what you buy. When youre finished, the device figures out your bill. Then you go to the checke

42、r or place your card into a self-checkout stand and pay.The new computerized shopping assistants dont come cheap. The Buddy devices will cost the average store about $ 160, 000, and the Concierge will cost stores about $ 500 for each device.60. The underlined word “they”(paragraph 1)refers to _.A. s

43、upermarkets B. shop assistantsC. shopping carts D. shop managers61. We can learn from the last paragraph that _.A. intelligent shopping carts cost a large sum of moneyB. the Concierge is cheaper than the Buddy devicesC. shop assistants with computer knowledge are well paidD. average stores prefer th

44、e Concierge to the Buddy devices62. What might be the most suitable title for the text?A. New age for supermarkets B. Concierge and Shopping BuddyC. New computers make shopping carts smarter D. Touch-screen devices make shopping enjoyableCSince the Second World War,there has been an obvious trend,es

45、pecially among the growing group of college students,toward early marriage. Many youths begin dating in the first stage of adolescence, go steady through high school, and marry before their formal education has been completed. In some quarters, there is much shaking of graying heads over the unaccep

46、table ways of youth. However, emotional maturity does not grow with age; it does not arrive automatically at twenty-one or twenty-five. Some achieve it surprisingly early, while others never do, even in three-score years and ten.Many students are marrying as an escape, not only from an unsatisfying

47、home life, but also from their own personal problems of loneliness. However, any marriage entered into as an escape cannot prove entirely successful. The sad fact is that marriage seldom solves one s problems; more often,it merely worsens them. What s more,it is doubtful whether the home is able to

48、carry all that the young are seeking; they might abandon one idol(幻像)only to have another. Young people correctly understand that their parents are wrong in believing that success is the most important in life,but they themselves are wrong in believing that they have found the true center of life s

49、meaning. Their expectations of marriage are basically unrealistic and therefore can not be met. They want too much, and tragic disillusionment(幻想破灭)is often likely to follow.Shall we, then, join the chorus of those against early marriages? One cannot generalize: all early marriages are bad and all l

50、ater ones are good. Satisfactory marriages are determined not by how old one is, but by the emotional maturity of the partners. Therefore, each case must be judged on its own benefits. If the early marriage is not an escape, if it is entered into with relatively few false expectations,and if it is e

51、conomically workable,why not? Good marriages can be made from sixteen to sixty, and so can bad ones.63. The underlined phrase ” shaking of graying heads refers to_. A. the anger of parents B. the disapproval of elderly people C. the improper behaviors of the young D. the emotional expectations of yo

52、ung lovers64. The author thinks the idea of marriage as an escape is_. A. acceptableB. controversial C. immatureD. unreasonable65. The author argues that_. A. young people can benefit little from early marriage marriages B. elderly people are wrong about early marriages C. early marriages are not al

53、ways unsuccessful D. early marriages should not be encouraged66. What s the main idea of the passage? A. Young peoples failure in marriage results from disillusionment. B. Young people shouldn t have many expectations for marriage. C. Successful marriages depend on emotional maturity. D. Home is the

54、 place where you get rid of loneliness.DDuke Ellington is known as one of the most important composers of his time, and his work has been enjoyed for more than 80 years by music lovers all over the world. During his lifetime Ellington turned musical sounds into many compositions, mostly in the style

55、 known as jazz.The Early YearsEdward Kennedy Ellington was born in 1899 in Washington, D. C. It wasnt until Ellington was a teenager that his interest in music grew. He taught himself to play the piano by listening to local piano players. Sometime around 1916 Ellington began playing the piano at hig

56、h school parties. Ellington realized that he enjoyed entertaining people with his music. He soon became a very popular musician, playing at parties and other events in the Washington area. Young adults seemed especially delighted by the modern pieces he composed.Success in New YorkIn 1923, when Elli

57、ngton was almost 24 years old, he joined The Washingtonians, a five-piece group of musicians in Washington, and became the groups leader in early 1924. In 1927 Ellington and his orchestra won an engagement(雇佣期)at Harlems famous Cotton Club. For the next three years, his orchestra played at the Cotto

58、n Club nearly every night.The Influence of the Cotton ClubWorking at the Cotton Club encouraged Ellingtons creativity. Since the shows changed every six months, he was challenged by the need to continually develop new material. He had to compose a wide variety of music to accompany the various acts

59、in the Cotton Club shows and to adapt that music to the strengths and weaknesses of the players in his orchestra.By 1928 the popular nightspot began radio broadcasts. From the broadcasts Ellington and his orchestra gained a national reputation.On the RoadAs Ellingtons popularity increased, he realiz

60、ed that his orchestra could do well on concert tours. They left the Cotton Club in 1931 and toured America and Europe almost continually for the next 43 years. In addition to touring, Ellington made recordings and continued to compose music.Duke Ellington played the piano, composed music, and led hi

61、s famous orchestra for more than 50 years, until his death in 1974. Music lovers all over the world agree that the large quantity of music he created will be enjoyed for many years to come.67. From the second paragraph, we know that Ellington _.A. could sing as well as he played the pianoB. preferre

62、d mature audiences to young adultsC. had a natural talent for musical compositionD. learnt to play musical instrument from very young age68. Which of the following can show us Ellingtons leadership ability?A. Ellington was very popular at parties in the Washington area.B. Ellington took the responsi

63、bility for a band for a long time.C. Ellington did live radio broadcasts in New York City.D. Ellington continually developed new material.69. We may infer from the passage that _.A. Ellingtons career took off overnightB. Ellington loves touring around the worldC. Ellington could compose a wide varie

64、ty of songsD. Ellington had a great effect on the world of music70. Which of the following shows the order in which the events happened in the story?a. Ellington joined a five-piece group of musicians in Washington.b. Ellingtons orchestra played at the Cotton Club.c. Ellington and his orchestra gain

65、ed a national reputation.d. Ellington began playing the piano at high school parties.e. Ellingtons orchestra went on concert tours.A. d-b-a-e-c B. d-a-b-c-e C. a-d-b-c-e D. a-d-b-e-c第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。 The Mayan Indians lived in Mexico for t

66、housands of years before the Spanish arrived in the 1500sThey had farms, beautiful palaces, and cities with many buildingsThe Mayan people knew a lot about nature and the world around themThis knowledge helped them to live a better life than most people of that time, because they could use it to mak

67、e their life more comfortable and rewardingIn ancient Mexico there were many small clearings in the forestIn each clearing was a village with fields of corn, beans, and other crops around itTo clear the land for farms, the Maya cut down trees with stone axesThey planted seeds by digging holes in the

68、 ground with pointed sticksOne farmer was able to grow crops producing food for several people The Maya believed in many gods, including rain gods, sun gods, and corn godsThe people built large temples to honor the Mayan gods, around which cities were builtToday, many of these ancient Mayan cities a

69、nd temples are still standingAlthough the cities were beautiful, and the people worked hard to build them, few of them lived thereUsually, only the priests lived in the citiesThe other people lived in small villages in the forestsThey lived in small huts with no windowsThe walls were made of poles c

70、overed with dried mud, and the roof was made of grass or leavesMost Maya lived a simple life close to nature Measuring time was important to the MayaFarmers needed to know when to plant and harvest their cropsThe Maya developed a system for measuring time accuratelyMayan priests made a system to kee

71、p track of timeThey made a calendar based on their study of the sun, moon and starsThe Mayan calendar was far more accurate than the European calendars of the timeAround the year 800, the Maya left their villages and beautiful cities, never to returnNo one knows why this happenedThey may have died f

72、rom an infectious diseaseThey may have left because the soil could no longer grow cropsScientists are still trying to find the lost secrets of the MayaThey are still one of our greatest mysteriesThe existence of the MayaThey lived in Mexico thousands of years 71 than the Spanish. Their 72 of nature

73、and the world made them live better.The Mayas 73They built large temples in 74 of the Mayan gods, with cities 75 around them.The Mayas living styleMost Mayan people 76 living in small villages to living in cities, where only 77 lived.The Mayas time measuringThe people developed a system for measurin

74、g time in 78 .Mayan priests made a system to keep track of time.They made a 79 based on their study of the sun, moon and stars.The Mayas disappearanceAround the year 800, The Maya left their places, leaving a big 80 to the world.第五部分 书面表达 (共25分)阅读下面内容,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。大多数人都希望受到别人欢迎,但并非都能做到。请根据下表

75、问卷调查结果,写一篇题为How to be popular的英文短文。45%的人认为1. 改善外表,穿着得体,精神状态好2. 经常微笑,待人友善55%的人认为1. 培养对他人的体贴2. 当个好听众3. 不说别人的坏话你自己的观点(至少两点)注意:1. 短文必须包括所有要点,可适当发挥。 2. 开头已经写好,但不计入总词汇。 3. 词数:150左右。How to be popular Many people desire to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to

76、 popularity? 高一_ 姓名_ 学号 密封线内不要答题高一英语月考试卷答题纸第四部分 任务型阅读71._ 72. _ 73. _ 74. _ 75. _76. _ 77. _ 78. _ 79. _ 80. _第五部分 写作How to be popular Many people desire to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity?_高一年级12月英语月考答案1-5 AACBC 6-10 AABBC 11-15 BBACB

77、 16-20 ABCAB21-25 BAACC 26-30 CBDCA 31-35 DBBDB36-40 BAACD 41-45 BDADC 46-50 DCDBC 51-55 DBACA 56-59 ADDC 60-62 CAC 63-66 BCCC 67-70 CBDB71. earlier 72. knowledge/understanding 73.belief 74.honor 75.built 76.prefered 77. priests 78.accuracy 79.calendar 80.secret书面表达How to be popular Many people desi

78、re to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? 45 percent of the people surveyed believe that the first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we dress properly and be in good spirits. In addition, if we always keep

79、 a smile on our face and act in a friendly way towards others, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our actions. However, 55 percent of the people think a person popular with people is always considerate of others. Its also important to be a good listener. In this way, people

80、will feel comfortable enough to get along with you. Above all, we must remember not to speak ill of others at any time. In my opinion, no matter what we do, we are supposed to be ourselves. Only by being respectful of others can we earn their respect. Meanwhile, if we are trustworthy, I am sure popularity will come our way.版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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