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四川省广安市岳池县第一中学高中英语外研版必修3导学案 MODULE 6 OLD AND NEW 第3课时.doc

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1、Period 3: Language Points学习目标:1. 能运用单元词汇描绘人类工程2. 掌握文章中包含的重要语言点3. 了解各种交通工具学习重点:掌握文章中包含的重要语言点学习难点:能运用单元词汇描绘人类工程课前预习使用说明与学法指导:1. 在语境中掌握重点单词、短语和句型的用法2. 15分钟之内完成教材助读:1So will all these things come true?(2012安徽阅读E)所有这些东西也将变成现实?2A tenyear civil war started,which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.十年内

2、战开始了,这使得人口数量从1_400减到900。3Even the simplest structure can work,and can give hours of fun. 即使最简单的结构也起作用,能给人数小时的快乐。4Several times I got stuck behind a slowmoving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left,and I became increasingly impatient.在一条狭窄的路上我几次被困在一辆开得很慢的卡车后面,左边是白线,无法超车。所以我变得越来越没耐

3、心了。5In regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by learning situations that are designed for the average children.在正常班级里,在为普通孩子创造的学习环境中,这些孩子的智力发展会受到阻碍。我的疑问:_课内探究质疑探究:1. date from(date back to)追溯到;始于Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty (13681644)(教

4、材P51)大部分长城始建于明朝(13681644)。The old temple dates from/back to the Song Dynasty.这个古庙起源于宋代。to date 迄今为止out of date过时的;陈旧的up to date 最新的(uptodate adj.最新式的,现代的)make/set/fix a date for约定的日期Lets fix a date for the meeting.我们确定一下开会日期吧。My passport is out of date.我的护照已经过期了。To date there has been no improvement

5、 in his condition.到现在为止,他的状况还是没有好转。【提示】date back to和date from作谓语时,没有被动语态,常用一般现在时和一般过去时;作定语或状语时,常用现在分词形式。完成句子婚礼的日子定下来了吗?Have you the wedding?这座城堡建于古罗马时代。The castle the ancient Rome days.你参观过建于宋朝的大相国寺没有?Have you visited the Xiangguo Temple the Song Dynasty?你的系统是最新的了吗?Is your system ?2accommodate v容纳(乘

6、客);能提供膳宿The airport is within five hours flying time of half the worlds population and is designed to accommodate 80 million passengers a year.(教材P51) 该机场位于世界上一半人口五小时飞行时间以内所到达的距离之内,该机场的设计可以容纳每年八千万乘客的流量。 (2010湖北高考)After the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to provide for the ho

7、meless families.AaccommodationBoccupation Cequipment Dfurniture完成句子这个大厅只能容纳200人。The hall can only .度假费用包括飞机票和住宿费。The price for the holiday includes flights and .你愿意让我们在你家借宿一晚吗?Would you be kind enough to in your home?3Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds

8、 and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.” (教材P53)毛泽东写了一首词,在这首词里,他想象了“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的壮丽景观。(1)dream of 梦想;向往That boy dreams of becoming a pilot.那男孩一心想当一名飞行员。dream about/of梦想;梦见have/dream a.dream 做了梦ones dream comes true 梦想得以实现He often dreams about his days in the countryside.他经常梦

9、见在乡下的那些日子。Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert?你曾经梦想过自己在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众表演吗?The dream of his life time came true.他实现了他毕生的愿望。 (2010浙江高考)For many years,people electric cars.However,making them has been more difficult than predicted.Ahad dreamed of Bhave dreamed of

10、Cdreamed of Ddream of完成句子她梦想经营自己的公司。She running her own business.他做了一个甜美的梦。He dream. (2)hold back 阻止;退缩;踌躇;控制;隐瞒No one can hold back the wheel of history.谁也无法阻止历史前进的车轮。Jim managed to hold back his anger and avoid fights.吉姆强忍住怒火,避免了争斗。hold up举起;支持住;使停顿,耽误;抢劫hold out继续;坚持;忍耐;伸出hold on(打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂;

11、坚持下去,固定住hold on to抓住;保持,不要放弃I got held up in the traffic on my way here.我在来的路上遇上了交通阻塞。He held on to a branch to avoid falling down.为了避免掉下来他紧抓住一个枝条不放。Putting down his shopping bag,Will held out his hand,and the cat came up to him.威尔放下购物袋,伸出手,小猫向他走来。用适当的介词或副词完成下列句子I think he is holding something ;he k

12、nows more than he admits.We didnt know whether we would be able to hold until help arrived.Our car was held in the heavy traffic. (3)narrow adj.狭窄的;狭隘的;勉强的vt.& vi.(使)变窄;缩小The street is too narrow for a truck.这条街太窄,卡车无法通过。This is where the river narrows.这条河就是在这里变窄的。a narrow escape 九死一生narrowminded ad

13、j.小心眼的;气量小的narrowly adv.勉强地;狭隘地She had a narrow escape when her car skidded on the ice.车在冰上打滑,她险些出事。 (2012天津高考)Parents and children should communicate more to the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.Aopen Bnarrow Cwiden Dleave这个孩子从火灾中死里逃生。The child had from the fire.那个男孩在四

14、岁时差一点溺死。The boy escaped drowning at the age of four.他心胸狭窄。He has .4come true (预言、梦想等)成为事实,实现Now his dream has come true.(教材P53)现在他的梦想变成了现实。Everything you said came true.你说过的每一件事都变成了现实。come true/realizecome true其中come 是系动词,意思是“变成”,没有被动语态,主语通常是“希望、理想、梦想、愿望”等词。realize作“实现”讲,是及物动词,可用于被动语态。sth. come true

15、 sth. be realized,表示某事被实现了。Our hopes will come true.We will realize our hopes.Our hopes will be realized.我们的希望将要实现。翻译句子(至少用两种方式)他的愿望已经实现了。 5It is the largest hydroelectric power station and dam in the world and has cost more than any other construction project in history.(教材P53)这是世界上最大的大坝及水力发电站,投资超过

16、历史上任何其它的建筑工程。本句more than any other construction用了“非最高级结构表达最高级含义”的用法。其基本结构为:形容词/副词的比较级 than any other 单数名词。He is cleverer than any other student in the class.他比这个班的其它学生都聪明。She goes to school earlier than any other girl.她比其他女孩到校早。常见的比较级表示最高级结构:形容词或副词的比较级十than否定词比较级最高级Jack runs faster than any of the o

17、ther boys in his class.杰克是他班上跑得最快的男生。He did the job better than the other persons in the group.他做这工作是小组里做得最好的。He has never spent a more worrying day.他度过了忧心忡忡的一天。【对接高考】(2011四川高考)How was your recent trip to Sichuan? Ive never had one before.Aa pleasant Ba more pleasant Ca most pleasant D. the most ple

18、asant完成句子他们做得非常好。They have done it .她比任何人都更细心。She is .他比这个班的其他学生都聪明。He is cleverer than in the class.6. remove vt.移开;去除;脱去;摘下;开除;解除(职务)Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museums.(教材P53)有些被搬迁,有些正被搬进博物馆。选词填空( move/remove)Please your books from the seat.Please your bike;its blocking the road.He the mud from his shoes.We are from London to the country.课后反思:_课后训练微写作1我对这个望台遗址做了一些历史方面的研究。2它的建造始于公元765年。3其工程结构的特点是过道狭窄。【连句成篇】 (将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_


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