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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc

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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第8页
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(新教材)2021-2022学年高中外研版英语选择性必修第一册素养检测:UNIT 2 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS PERIOD 1 WORD版含解析.doc_第9页
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1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时素养检测 五Unit 2Period 1. 阅读理解ABook: No Looking BackAuthor: Shivani GuptaShivani had thrown a party one evening and awoke the next morning in hospital because of a car crash. It took Shivani years of pain, struggle and determination to rega

2、in control of her life and her body. Then tragedy (悲剧) struck again. As the newly-married Shivani drove to Manali with her family, a truck crashed into her car. Shivani refused to give inshe wouldnt let her injury keep her from achieving her ambitions. Book: Courage Beyond CompareAuthor: San jay Sha

3、rmaThe 10 sportspersons in the book are champions in diverse fields like athletics, swimming, and badminton, who have brought glory to the country. They overcame their physical limitations to reach the top of their chosen fields. Book: Face to FaceAuthor: Ved MehtaBlind since the age of four, the au

4、thor led a lonely childhood in India until he was accepted to the Arkansas School for the Blind to which he flew alone at 15. America and the school changed his life, leading him to degrees at Oxford and Harvard and a fruitful writing career. Book: This Star Wont Go OutAuthor: Lori and Wayne EarlDia

5、gnosed (诊断) with cancer at 12, Esther Earl was a bright and talented, but very normal teenager. She lived a hope-filled and generous life. A cheerful, positive and encouraging daughter, sister and friend, Esther died in 2010, shortly after turning 16, but not before inspiring thousands through her g

6、rowing online presence. 【语篇概述】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了四本书的作者和内容。1. The book No Looking Back mainly talks about_. A. an inspiring teenager who died of cancerB. an unlucky girl who experienced two car accidentsC. 10 disabled athletes who are champions in sports fieldD. a successful author who was blind during his

7、 childhood【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Shivani had thrown a party one evening and awoke the next morning in hospital because of a car crash. ”及“As the newly-married Shivani drove to Manali with her family,a truck crashed into her car. ”可知,No Looking Back这本书是关于一个经历了两次车祸的不幸女孩的故事,故B项正确。2. In which book does th

8、e author tell of himself?A. Face to Face. B. No Looking Back. C. This Star Wont Go Out. D. Courage Beyond Compare. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Blind since the age of four, the author led a lonely childhood in India”可知,Face to Face这本书讲述了作者自己的亲身经历,故A项正确。3. Which word can best describe the characters of all t

9、he four books?A. Inspiring. B. Intelligent. C. Enthusiastic. D. Negative. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。通过四本书的内容简介可知,这四本书的主人公面对困难都没有放弃,他们的故事都是鼓舞人心的,故A项正确。. 阅读填句 You know that overnight success usually takes at least 10 years? One man said, “My overnight success was the longest night of my life. I spent many days and

10、 nights just getting there. ” 1 Many people are waiting for their ship to come inwhen theyve not even sent it out of the harbor (海港). You see, winners simply do what losers dont want to do. 2 Success is mostly just hanging on after others have let go! So the most important trip youll make is when yo

11、u go the extra mile. Many people who have failed do not know how close they are to success when they give up. 3 One guy said, “The secret to success is to start from doing and to keep on doing. ” So dont give up because your trying times are hard. 4 If we keep doing, we can gain almost anything we w

12、ant. The American President Calvin Coolidge said, “Nothing can bring success like persistence (坚持). Talent cant, for there are many talented people who are not successful. 5 Only persistence and determination can give you the power to succeed. ” You see, you can succeed just like anyone else; just k

13、eep wanting it enough and keep working for it enough. So why not decide it today to start going the extra mile on the road to your success?A. They dont actually fail; they just give up too easily. B. They made all the efforts without any results. C. Remember, “Rome was not built in a day. ”D. Educat

14、ion cant, for the world is full of educated losers. E. And they keep doing it till they get the success they want. F. Never forget, it is persistence that matters. G. Give it all youve got and you can never fail. 【语篇概述】这是一篇议论文。主要讲述了成功不是一朝一夕的事,坚持是实现成功的关键。1. 【解析】选C。根据空前的You know that overnight success

15、 usually takes at least 10 years? (你知道一夜成名通常需要至少10年的时间吗?)可知此处想要表达的是成功不是一朝一夕的事,故C项(记住,“罗马不是一天建成的。”)符合本段主题,故选C项。2. 【解析】选E。根据空前的You see, winners simply do what losers dont want to do. (你看,胜利者只是做失败者不想做的事。)可知E选项中的they指代前文的winners,且和前文是并列关系,句意(他们一直这样做,直到他们得到他们想要的成功)符合上下文语境,故选E项。3. 【解析】选A。根据空前的Many people

16、who have failed do not know how close they are to success when they give up. (许多失败的人不知道当他们放弃的时候离成功有多近。)可知A选项中的They指代前文的Many people,且句意(他们实际上没有失败;他们只是太容易放弃了)承接上文,故选A项。4. 【解析】选F。根据文章结构可知,空处填段落的主旨句,根据空后的If we keep doing, we can gain almost anything we want. . . Talent cant, for there are many talented

17、people who are not successful. 可知坚持能带来我们想要的一切,天赋不能决定成功,因为有很多有天赋的人并不成功。故F选项(不要忘记,坚持才是最重要的)可概括本段内容,且选项中的persistence和下文相呼应,故选F项。5. 【解析】选D。根据空前的Talent cant, for there are many talented people who are not successful. 可知从句子结构上和D项构成排比句,且D选项(教育不能,因为世界上到处都是受过教育的失败者)和本段主题相关,故选D项。【素养培优】话题小写作根据以下要点,写一篇与本单元话题相关的

18、书面表达,词数60个左右。1. 我妈妈40岁的时候想当老师,但她没有受过正规教育。2. 所以妈妈决定去上大学。3. 在大学努力学习之后,她成为了一名教师。4. 在她的职业生涯中,她被选为年度最佳教师。5. 妈妈教我如何处理棘手的情况,并且永不放弃。My mother wanted to be a teacher when she was 40, but she had no proper education. So Mom decided to go to college. After studying hard in college, she became a teacher. During

19、 her career, she was voted Teacher of the Year. Mom shows me how to handle challenging situations and never give up. 阅读理解(2020宁德高一检测)This summer my mom and I did something meaningful and interesting. Because of the stresses of high school, I felt depressed from time to time. Whats worse, I began to

20、eat much junk food. As a result, I had gained a lot of weight. My mom decided to take me to work out, and she cooked delicious but healthy snacks for me. However, I broke my word to my mom not to buy high-calorie snacks. My mom found my snack wrappers in the garbage. She got really angry and told me

21、 something I will remember forever. She said, “My dear, I can forget the fact that you cheated, but you shouldnt. Remember its not all about losing weight but about your whole life. If you want to achieve something, take it seriously, and persist (坚持) no matter what happens. ”Since then, we have bee

22、n out running each morning, and we do some yoga in the evening. We sing and laugh while running along the empty roads. Day by day, I am feeling better. Exercise is helping to strengthen my body and refresh my spirits. At the same time, my mom and I cook different dishes together. Isnt it amazing tha

23、t Im making such tasty-looking foods myself? Cooking brings great joy to me. The time with my mom has changed my whole attitude to life. I have started to learn the importance of sticking to goals and how to relax. As the famous Brazilian soccer player Pele said, “With strong will, the feet are equa

24、l to a pair of wings. ”【语篇概述】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要讲述了这个暑假作者和母亲在一起相处,使得作者对生活的态度有了很大的转变。1. Which are the meaningful things the writer did this summer?Learning to make tasty foods. Learning to persist. Giving up junk food. Keeping running. Playing soccer. Joining in a singing competition. A. B. C. D. 【解析】选A。细节理

25、解题。根据第四段的we have been out running each morning,. . . Exercise is helping to strengthen my body and refresh my spirits. . . . Im making such tasty-looking foods myself? Cooking brings great joy to me. 可知作者在这个夏天做的最有意义的事情是做美味的食物和坚持跑步。故A项正确。2. What do you think of the mom?A. Modest. B. Humorous. C. Stub

26、born. D. Determined. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第三段妈妈对作者说的话If you want to achieve something, take it seriously, and persist no matter what happens. 可知作者的妈妈是一个坚定的人,故D项正确。3. Which sentence has the similar meaning to the underlined sentence?A. Where there is a will, there is a way. B. Happiness lies first of all i

27、n health. C. Running is mans best medicine. D. A close mouth catches no flies. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的I have started to learn the importance of sticking to goals and how to relax. 及文章的主旨可知,画线句子(有了坚强的意志,双脚就等于一双翅膀)与A选项(有志者事竟成)的意思相近。故选择A项。4. The author mainly intends to tell us _. A. being honest with parents is importantB. exercise builds up our bodiesC. parents can have a great effect on childrenD. cooking brings great joy to us【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句The time with my mom has changed my whole attitude to life. 可知作者的母亲改变了作者对生活的态度,故作者想要告诉我们的是“父母对孩子有很大的影响”。故C项正确。关闭Word文档返回原板块


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