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2011高二英语学案:MODULE 3 THE VIOLENCE OF NATURE 外研版必修3.doc

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1、Module 3 The Violence of Nature 学案 外研版必修3 自然暴力核心词汇1These chemicals have been found to cause serious environmental_(损害)2The government has issued a_(警告)that the fish may not be fit to eat.3The earthquake was one of the worst natural_(灾难)the country has ever suffered.4_(满怀希望地),I managed to pay off all

2、 my debts before we got married.5Do you have any_(以前的)experience of this type of work?6I helped him choose the_(家具)for his new house.7It was so hot that sweat_(流淌)down from his face.8Strong_(水流)can be very dangerous for swimmers.9He is _the most famous writer of the generation,so it is_that he can w

3、in a prize.Theres _that he will win the first prize.(possible)10He was _to think of the_experience,which _him.(terrify)1.damage2.warning3.disasters4.Hopefully5.previous6.furniture7.poured8.currents9.possibly;possible;possibility10.terrified;terrifying;terrified高频短语1_卷起;掀起;拿起,捡起,拾起2_ 记下;放下 3._ 脱下,去(拿

4、)掉4_ 平均起来,一般说来5_ 到时为止6_ 以结束/结果为7_ 使着火;放火烧8_ 着火9_ 扑灭;熄灭;伸出10_ 发生11_ 总计,合计12_ 失去生命1.pick up2.put down3.take off4.on(the)average5.by the time6.end up7.set fire to sth.8.catch fire9.put out10.take place11.in all12.lose ones life重点句式1They can destroy houses,but_the furniture inside exactly _.它们能毁掉房子,却把房内

5、的家具留在原处。2_,there are 800 tornadoes in the US. each year,_about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.平均来说,美国每年发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1500人受伤。3_,more than 700 people_and 2,700 had been injured.等到风停时,已有700多人死亡,2700多人受伤。4Montserrat is a beautiful small island in the Caribbean,only_.蒙特塞拉特岛是加勒比海上的一个美丽的小岛,长仅16千米,宽10千

6、米。5When the lava reached the sea,_a huge tidal wave_could flood half the island.当岩浆到达大海时,有可能引起巨大波浪,它可能会淹没半个岛屿。6_there could be another earthquake there?那里有可能再发生一次地震吗?1.leave;where it was2.On average;causing3.By the time it ended;had been killed4.16 kilometres long and 10 kilometres wide5.there was t

7、he possibility of;which,6.Is it possible that知识详解1 experience nC(一次)经历,体验;U经验;阅历 vt.经受,体验,感受(回归课本P21)Have you ever experienced a flood?你曾经经历过洪灾吗?12归纳总结have much teaching/working experience教学/工作经验丰富,by/from experience凭经验;从经验中(得出),in ones experience据某人的经验看,experience in/of在方面的经验,experienced adj.有经验的,熟

8、练的,be experienced in在方面有经验例句探源Children need to experience things for themselves in order to learn from them.孩子们要学习新鲜东西就需要亲身经历它们。(2010年高考大纲全国卷)You will have your choice between hot or cold rooms,but you will be well advised to stay at least one night in a cold room for a true experience.你可以在冷房子和热房子之间

9、选择,但是你会被奉劝在冷房子里至少住一夜,做一次真实的体验。In my experience,these things never last very long.从我的经验来看,这些事情从未长久过。He had no experience of managing a farm.他没有管理农场的经验。即境活用1He is_as a leader but he doesnt have _in teaching.Asuccess;many experienceBa success;much experienceCsuccess;an experienceDsuccess;a lot of exper

10、iences解析:选B。a success“一个成功者”;experience表示“经验”是不可数名词。2We had _pleasant experience when my family were on _vacation last summer.A/;/Ba;aC/;a Da;/解析:选D。句意是:去年夏天我们家庭的度假是一次令人愉快的经历。experience指“经历”,是可数名词,所以前面要用不定冠词;on vacation是习惯用语,vacation前面不用冠词。2 occur vi.发生,出现;(想法、念头等)想起,浮现(回归课本P23)Almost all of them oc

11、cur in the US.,.几乎所有的龙卷风都发生在美国,归纳总结例句探源Such an idea never occurred to me.我从没想到过这样一个主意。Didnt it occur to you that your husband might be late?你当时没有想到你丈夫也许会晚到吗?I suppose it never occurred to you to phone the police.我想你压根儿就没想到给警方打电话吧。易混辨析occur,happen,take place,break out(1)occur属正式用语,它可以指偶然地“发生”,也可以指在指定

12、的时间“发生,出现”,还可以表示抽象事物,如思想等的“产生”。在以具体事物、事件作主语时,可与happen互换。(2)happen常用词语,指事物或情况偶然或未能预见地发生;其后接不定式或用在It happened that.句型中,意为“恰好,碰巧,偶然”。(3)take place 指发生了事先计划或预想到的事情。(4)break out指(战争、火灾、疾病等)突然发生。That accident happened/occurred yesterday.The meeting took_place at 800 as planned.The fire broke_out during th

13、e night.It occurred to me that I could invite her to dinner.I happened to meet her on my way home.即境活用3It suddenly_me how we could improve the situation.AstruckBhappenedCoccurred Drealized解析:选A。B项应为something happened to sb.;C项应为It occurred to me that.;D项应为sb. realized。It struck me.“我突然想到”。3 cause vt

14、.导致;引起 n原因,起因;理由;事业;目标(回归课本P21)Do you know anything about the events?For example,what causes them?你知道有关这些事件的情况吗?比方说,什么引起了它们?归纳总结cause sb. to do sth.引起某人做某事,cause sb.sth.给某人引来某事,cause sth./an accident/trouble,etc.引起某事/事故/麻烦等,cause and effect因果,the cause of.的原因;的事业例句探源I dont know the cause and effect

15、about it.我不知道此事的前因后果。Jimmys behaviour is causing me a lot of problems.吉米的所作所为给我带来许多麻烦。What was the cause of the accident?那场事故的起因是什么?Her life was devoted to the cause of justice.她为正义事业而献身。易混辨析cause,reason,excuse(1)cause意为“起因,原因”,指引起某种结果的必然原因,即主要事实方面的原因,常和effect连用,表示因果。(2)reason意为“理由,原因”,指用以解释某些已发生的事情

16、的理由或借口,这种理由可能是真正的理由,也可能不是,强调逻辑推理方面的理由。(3)excuse 指为免受指责和推卸责任而找的“理由,原因”,也就是我们常说的“借口”。Too much work is no excuse for absence.The cause of the fire was carelessness.There are many reasons for animals dying out.即境活用4According to the recent research,heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessaril

17、y_and effect.Areason BimpactCfact Dcause解析:选D。cause and effect表示“因果”,本句意为“根据最近的研究,喝浓咖啡与心脏病之间并没有必然的因果关系。”5.We do not yet know the _of the accident.Acause BreasonCpurpose Dexcuse解析:选A。根据句意“我们还不知道导致这场事故的原因。”可知应选A。reason强调做某事的理由;purpose指“目的”;excuse则表示“借口”都与句意不符。4 damage n损失;损害,破坏 vt.使受损(回归课本P29)Fires ca

18、used by the California Earthquake did the most damage.加利福尼亚地震引起的火灾造成了最严重的损失。归纳总结例句探源 My mother is right:dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.我妈妈说得对:不要为了苗条动人的身材毁了自己的健康。The fire badly damaged the town hall.火灾使市政厅遭到严重破坏。The problem is clear:man has done great damage to his home over

19、 the years.问题很明显:多年来,人类已对自己的家园造成巨大的损害。易混辨析ruin,damage,destroy三者都含有“破坏;毁坏”的意思。(1)ruin现在多用于借喻中,泛指一般的“弄坏了”,还可指价值、用途降低或外表损坏等。ruin作名词时常见于某些短语中:in ruins 成为废墟,bring sb.to ruin使某人失败,fall to ruin毁灭。(2)damage不一定全部破坏,损坏部分还可以修复。(3)destroy指彻底毁坏以致不能或很难修复,还指“破坏(计划,希望)”。He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined th

20、e table cloth.The heavy rain damaged many houses.That town was destroyed in a big fire.即境活用6The _to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.AruinBdestructionCdamage Dharm解析:选C。repair指“修复”,既然可以修复,说明建筑只是部分被破坏,而非完全被毁,所以用damage。本句意为“暴风雨对房子造成的破坏花了好几天的时间来修复。”7.“If you go on stealing,you

21、will_your bright future,young man!”said the judge.Adestroy BdamageCruin Dbreak解析:选C。destroy和damage表示“破坏;毁坏”讲时,常指具体的事物;而ruin既可指具体事物的破坏,也可表示对抽象事物的毁坏,如毁掉“希望;理想;前途;机会等”。本句意为“那个法官说道:如果你继续盗窃的话,你会毁掉你的前途的,年轻人!”5 possibility n可能,可能性;可能发生的事;潜能,潜力(回归课本P25)When the lava reached the sea,there was the possibility

22、 of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.当岩浆流到大海里,就有可能引起巨大的潮汐淹没半个岛屿。归纳总结例句探源Theres always a possibility that he might go back to Seattle.他回到西雅图总是可能的。Life on other planets is a possibility.其他行星上有生命是可能的。He is a man of possibilities.他是一个有发展前途的人。Is it possible to predict what will happen

23、in Russia?有可能预测俄罗斯将发生什么事吗?即境活用8Is there any possibility _you could pick me up at the airport?No problem.AwhenBthatCwhether Dwhat解析:选B。此处是考查possibility的同位语从句,因从句不缺少成分,故应用that引导,表示“你有没有可能来机场接我”,所以选B项。6 pick up 拾起,拿起;卷起;掀起;搭载;(无意中)学会;接收(无线电信号);收拾,整理;加(速度);取(物),开车接(人);(健康、生意、社交生活等)恢复,变好,好转(回归课本P23)Torna

24、does can pick up cars,trains and even houses and put them down in the next streetor even in the next town.龙卷风能把汽车、火车甚至房屋卷起,把它们带到旁边的街上甚至能把它们卷到邻近的城镇上。归纳总结例句探源It is an offence to pick up or set down a hitchhiker on a motorway.在高速公路上让搭便车的人上下车是违反交通规则的。I managed to pick up an American news broadcast.我设法收听

25、到一家美国电台的新闻广播。If you sing it several times,your children will begin to pick up the words.如果你把它唱上几遍,你的孩子们就会不知不觉地学会歌词。The economy is finally beginning to pick up again.经济终于又开始有所好转。The train was gradually picking up speed.火车逐渐加快了速度。I picked up the book from the floor.我从地板上把书拾起来。即境活用9She _Japanese when s

26、he was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.Apicked out Bmade outCmade up Dpicked up解析:选D。考查pick up表示“学会”的意思和用法。pick out表示“挑出;区别出”;make out表示“理解”;make up表示“组成,构成”,根据句意“她在日本时学会了日语,现在她能讲得非常流利。”可知应选D。10.This picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder if you can_my father.Afind out Bpick outBlook out Ds

27、peak out解析:选B。考查pick out表示“区别出,辨别出”的意思。find out表示“查清楚,弄明白”;look out表示“向外看;当心”;speak out表示“讲出来”。根据句意“这张照片是很久以前照的,我不知道你是否能认出我的父亲来。”可知应选B。7 end up以结束,以而告终(回归课本P23)The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the sea.掩埋科格伦的公墓被飓风所摧毁,他的棺材最后被卷入了大海。归纳总

28、结例句探源The party ended up with a beautiful song.晚会以一曲优美的歌曲告终。Our game always ends up in a quarrel.我们总是以吵闹结束比赛。If he carries on driving like that,hell end up dead.他如果继续照那样开车的话,早晚得死于非命。He sat there for hours on end.他连续几小时坐在那儿。We must put an end to this foolish behavior.我们必须终止这种愚蠢的行为。即境活用11.It is possibl

29、e that one day we will_disability,so we shouldnt look down upon the disabled.Aend up withBput up withCcome up with Dcatch up with解析:选A。句意:有可能某一天我们会成为残疾人,因此我们不应该歧视残疾人。end up with以结束,符合题意。put up with忍受,忍耐;come up with提出;catch up with赶上,均不符合题意。12(2010年泰安模拟)Each of us has to make _summary of our perform

30、ance in the past year since the year 2009 has already come to_end.Athe;an Ba;anC/;the D/;an解析:选B。make a summary of“总结”;come to an end“结束”。8 take off去掉,减去;脱下;(飞机)起飞;突然开始成功;休假(回归课本P23)They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.龙卷风能把猫背上的毛和鸡身上的羽毛吹得干干净净。归纳总结例句探源She forgot

31、to take off her makeup last night.她昨天晚上忘了卸妆。As the plane was taking off,he remembered he hadnt turned the light off.飞机起飞时,他才想起他没有关上灯。Im taking Thursday off to do some Christmas shopping.我星期四要休假,去买一些圣诞礼物。(牛津P2059)The new magazine has really taken off.这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。即境活用13用适当的介词、副词填空Id like to take three

32、 days _next week.She took _what the speaker said in shorthand.Henrys taken_the firm from his father.Mary really takes_her mother.答案:offdownoverafter句型梳理1【教材原句】They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.(P23)它们能毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。【句法分析】该句式意为“使保留,让/使某人(某物)继续处于某种状态、某地等”。

33、该句式中leave为及物动词,意思是“使处于;听任”,宾语后接形容词、分词、不定式、介词短语、名词或句子等作补足语。其常见结构归纳如下:(1)leave宾语形容词/副词。(2)leave宾语现在分词,其中宾语与宾补之间形成逻辑上的主谓关系。(3)leave宾语过去分词,其中宾语与宾补之间形成逻辑上的动宾关系。(4)leave宾语介词短语/名词。(5)leave宾语动词不定式。(6)leave宾语从句。Leave the door open and you will breathe fresh air.让门开着你就会呼吸到新鲜的空气。Dont leave me waiting outside t

34、oo long.别让我在外面等候太久。The bad weather left the project half finished.坏天气使工程只完成了一半。Teds parents went abroad and left him in the care of his grandmother.特德的父母都出国了,他由祖母照料。His parents both died last year,leaving him an orphan.他父母去年双双去世,留下他成为一个孤儿。What weve done leaves much to be desired.我们的工作还有很多不足之处。(朗文P11

35、70)Dont leave the water running while you brush your teeth.刷牙的时候不要开着水龙头。即境活用14Youd better not leave the medicine_kids can get at it.Aeven ifBwhichCwhere Dso that解析:选C。句意是:你最好别把药放在孩子能够找到的地方。leave.where.也是一个常见的句式,意为“把放在地方”。15.Was the problem solved at the meeting?Not yet.Im afraid it may lead to more

36、serious ones if_unsolved.Amaking BremainedCleft Dtaking解析:选C。句意是:“这个问题在会议上解决了吗?”“还没有,如果不解决的话,恐怕会引起更加严重的问题。”leave与it是被动关系,要用过去分词形式作条件状语。2【教材原句】The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,affecting three US states.(P23)有史以来最严重的龙卷风发生在1925年,它影响了美国三个州【句法分析】affecting three US states.是现在分词短语作结果状语。用现在分词作

37、结果状语时,其逻辑主语与句子主语一致,且现在分词表示的结果是一种必然的、顺理成章的结果。而不定式则表示出乎意料的结果。European football is played in more than 80 countries,making it the most popular sport in the world.80多个国家都踢欧式足球,这使它成为世界上最流行的运动。The fire lasted nearly a month,leaving nothing valuable.大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。He woke up and looked out of the w

38、indow, to find the world outside greatly changed.他醒了,向窗外看了看,结果发现外面的世界一切都变了。即境活用16(2010年高考江苏卷)The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu,_the students to return to their classrooms.AenablingBhaving enabledCto enable Dto have enabled 解析:选A。句意:那位退休的老人把他

39、的大部分积蓄都捐给了玉树地震中毁坏的学校,这样学生们就能重新回到教室了。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。不定式一般作目的状语,有时可作结果状语,故可排除C、D项;B项表示该动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,不合题意,可排除。故答案为A项。17.(2009年高考上海卷)A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city,_all four people on board.Akilled BkillingCkills Dto kill解析:选B。句意:一架小型飞机在城市以东五英里的山坡上坠毁,致使机上四人全部丧命。本题考查

40、非谓语动词作状语,首先排除C项,因为kills不能作状语;如果选A项,应在killed前加and;to kill常用作目的状语,不符合句意,不定式也可作结果状语,但表示“意外的结果”,而本句主句说明飞机失事,因此后面的结果并非意外,故排除D项;用现在分词killing作结果状语,故选B。作文指导倒装句和强调句倒装是一种语法手段,用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒装。完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。【佳句选粹】In_came_the_teacher and the class began.【分析】句意:老师走了进来,然后开始上

41、课。in放于句首,整个句子用了全部倒装的形式,came放到了the teacher之前。部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。【佳句选粹】Were_she_to_leave right now,she would get there on Sunday.【分析】句意:如果她立刻就走,她就能在星期天到达那里。此句前半部分省去了If,把were提前。【佳句选粹】Not until yesterday did_little_John_change his mind.【分析】句意:小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。否定词放于句首,主句用部分倒装,did提到了主

42、语little John之前。强调句是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式,写作中常使用强调句,常见的有:【佳句选粹】It was on_Monday_night that all this happened.【分析】句意:所有这一切发生在周一晚上。用强调句型:“It is(was)被强调成分that(who)原句其他成分”来强调说话人的意愿,强调时间“on Monday night”。【佳句选粹】He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方。Do write to me when you get there.你到那儿后务必给我来信。【分析】用助动词“do(does/did)动词原形”来表示强调。


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