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2021九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Great People测试(新版)冀教版.doc

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1、Unit 2 测试限时:60分钟满分:100分一、单项选择(每小题1分, 共10分)1. Class is over. There isnt _ in the classroom.A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody2. Im sure you will make a lot of _ in English if you work harder this term. A. decisions B. inventions C. mistakes D. progress3. Mr Brown together with his family _

2、 Sanya for a few weeks.A. have been in B. have been toC. has been in D. has left4. Zhangjiakou becomes a wellknown city _ the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.A. instead of B. because ofC. as a result D. because5. UNICEF was _ in 1946 to improve childrens lives after World War.A. given up B. put up C. set

3、up D. got up6. The four tools _ people use for Chinese handwriting are called “Four Treasures of Study”. A. that B. who C. what D. whom7. I am sorry to hear that his father _ three years ago.A. carried away B. put awayC. took away D. passed away8. The girl students are discussing _ the walls in the

4、classroom.A. what to paint colour B. to paint what colourC. which colour to paint D. to paint which colour9. The Smiths came to China in 2010. They _ here since then.A. live B. lived C. have lived D. will live10. Could you tell me _ yuanxiao in China?Usually at the Lantern Festival.A. when people ea

5、t B. how people eatC. when do people eat D. how do people eat二、完形填空(每小题1.5分, 共15分)Do you want to be a successful person? One of the _11 of successful people is that they have good habits. The good habits help them to be successful. What are good habits? _12can you get into good habits? Here are some

6、 suggestions for you. First, everyone _13 his advantages. You should always look for the _14 points in people and learn from them. Second, you should try to learn new _15 and new things every day. Reading a newspaper or _16 pages of a book every day also helps you. Third, _17 the day in the right wa

7、y. When you get up in the morning, look _18 yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you must keep your good habits today. Fourth, make a plan to achieve your goal. Making a plan is the _19 important step to achieve your goal. Each day you should follow the plan so that you are able to achieve your

8、goal. Last, no _20 what good habits you decide to have, you should try to keep them. Then you can live a successful and happy life.11. A. reason B. secret C. secrets D. decisions12. A. How B. Why C. When D. Who13. A. are B. is C. have D. has14. A. well B. good C. weak D. bad15. A. service B. air C.

9、poems D. skills16. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little17. A. end B. finish C. start D. arrive18. A. like B. up C. after D. at19. A. most B. many C. much D. more20. A. mistake B. matter C. stress D. energy三、(荣德原创)阅读理解(每小题3分, 共15分)Stephen Hawking, a world famous British physicist, also wrote a child

10、rens book with his daughter. Hawking said the book would be “a bit like Harry Potter” but without the magic. “It explains the wonders of the universe(宇宙), ” said Hawking, while he was on a visit to Hong Kong.Hawking, is probably the worlds most famous scientist after Albert Einstein. He is an expert

11、 on black holes. He put his whole life into digging into the beginning (and the end) of the universe. “My goal is simple, ” Hawking once said. “It is to understand the universe, why it is as it is and why it is there at all.”Hawking had a bad illness that stops him from moving or talking. For a peri

12、od of time, he had no way to communicate except by blinking(眨眼). Later he sat on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate, he moved two fingers to control the computers mouse. He chose his words from the screen, which were then spoken by a voice synthesizer.“I have had the disease fo

13、r most of my life, ” Hawking once said. “Yet it has not stopped me from being successful at my work.”Although Hawking was such a disabled man, he made great achievements. He received many awards and prizes for his work over the years. This included winning the Albert Einstein Award. It is the highes

14、t achievement in theoretical physics(理论物理学). Hawking died in 2018, when he was 76 years old. But he will be remembered by the world forever.21. The book that Stephen Hawking wrote with his daughter _. A. is based on Harry PotterB. is full of magicC. explains the wonders of the universeD. is about ch

15、ildren22. What does the underlined word “It” stand for?A. The goal. B. The magic.C. The universe. D. The book.23. Hawking was born in_. A. 1941 B. 1942 C. 1952 D. 196724. From Hawking we can learn that_. A. we should defeat diseaseB. we should try to be successfulC. we should never give upD. we shou

16、ld treasure our life25. Which of the following is right about Hawking?A. Hawking is as famous as Einstein in the world.B. Hawking hasnt received Albert Einstein Award.C. Hawking got the bad illness in his late years.D. Hawking moves his hand to control the computers mouse.四、任务型阅读(每小题3分, 共15分)The you

17、ng Mick Schumacher is following in his fathers footsteps. The 19yearold won the FIA Formula Three European Championship on October 13. Its the first one place in his racing career.Born in 1999, Mick started his racing career in karting at the age of nine. In 2015, he stepped up to F4 racing. He desc

18、ribes his father, the most successful F1 driver of all time, as his role model. Yet the surname of Schumacher also put a lot of pressure on Mick. Early in his career, the teenager raced under his mothers maiden name (女子的婚前姓) to avoid the extra attention. But now he has earned himself praise.“He has

19、shown that he can become one of the greats in our sport, ” said Mercedes F1 boss Toto Wolff. “Attention was focused on the youngster right from the start, and he was under great pressure.” Its not easy to cope with (应付) all that.With the F3 title, Mick has earned an FIA super license to compete in F

20、1. But he is more likely to race in F2 next year.Former F1 driver Gerhard Berger added: “Mick has the racing genes (基因) of Michael. If he can continue to deliver performances like these, he will find his way into F1.”We hope a new Schumacher will reach the F1 grid in the near future.2627题完成句子;28题简略回

21、答问题;29题找出并写下全文的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。26. Mick Schumacher won the FIA Formula Three European Championship when he is _. 27. His father is his _ in F4 racing.28. What is Toto Wolff?_.29. _.30. _。五、词语运用(每小题1分, 共10分)Helen Keller was a great woman. When she was a baby, she got very sick. Because of the _31(

22、ill), she became blind and d 32. She couldnt see or hear. A few years later, things got _33(bad). There was no way for Helen to talk _34other people. Then one day a teacher came to help her learn _35words. Helen was very bright and soon she learned to spell her _36(one) word. When she got _37(old),

23、she went to university. A 38she graduated, she traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman when she _39(die). The world remembers her today as a brave and _40(wonder) person.六、基础写作(共35分)A)连词成句(每小题2分, 共10分)41. the, kind, is, how, boy_!42. regret, isnt, filled, he, wit

24、h_.43. has, sing, ability, Tom, to, the_.44. always, something, he, new, tries_.45. made a decision, for, the, she, future_.B)书面表达(25分)假如你是Yang Fan, 你校英文俱乐部正在举行“Young Star Award”的评选活动。请你用英语写一篇短文, 介绍你的同学李明, 以供参评。内容要点如下:(1)高个, 擅长打篮球, 成绩优秀;(2)乐于助人, 积极参加活动, 热衷慈善(charity), 帮助贫困学生;(3)得到高度赞扬, 我们以他为荣。注意事项:(

25、1)短文须包括以上要点, 可作适当发挥;(2)词数:80左右。_参考答案一、1.B2.D3. C4. B5. C点拨:本题运用词语辨析法。give up放弃; put up张贴; set up建立, 成立; get up起床。句意:联合国儿童基金会于1946年成立, 为的是改善二战后儿童的生活。根据句意可知是“成立”于1946年, 故选C。6. A7.D8. C点拨:句意:女同学们正在讨论在教室的墙上应该涂哪一种颜色。“特殊疑问词动词不定式”结构作宾语, “哪种颜色”用疑问词which/what colour, 故选C。9. C10. A点拨:句意:你能告诉我在中国人们什么时候吃元宵吗?通常在

26、元宵节。这里考查宾语从句, 要用陈述句的语序, 再根据答语, 可知前面询问时间, 故选A。二、11.C点拨:根据前文的问题可知此句应回答“成功人士的秘诀之一是”。另外, one of后接可数名词复数。故选C。12. A点拨:根据后面列举的五条建议可知, 这里是问“你如何形成好的习惯?”, 用特殊疑问词how。13. D点拨:everyone作主语时谓语动词用单数。故选D。14. B15. D点拨:service服务; air空气; poem诗歌; skill技能。 这里建议努力学一些新技能, 故选D。16. A点拨:根据句意可知此处表示建议读几页书, 为肯定意义; 而且page为可数名词, 应

27、由a few修饰。故选A。17. C18.D19.A20.B三、21.C点拨:细节理解题。由第一段also wrote a childrens book with his daughter. Hawking said the book would be “a bit like Harry Potter” but without the magic. “It explains the wonders of the universe(宇宙), ”可知选C。22. A点拨:细节理解题。由第二段“My goal is simple, ”Hawking once said. “It is to unde

28、rstand the universe”可知it代指前面提到的目标goal, 故选B。23. B点拨:推理计算题。由最后一段Hawking died in 2018, when he was 76 years old.可知霍金出生于1942年, 故选B。24. C点拨:文章主要介绍了霍金在患重病后坚持做自己的研究, 从不放弃的一种精神。25. A四、26.19 years old27.role model28.He is Mercedes F1 boss.29. The 19yearold won the FIA Formula Three European Championship on O

29、ctober 1330. (人们的)注意力直接从一开始就集中在这位年轻人身上, 他承受着巨大的压力五、31.illness32.deaf33.worse34.to/with35.about36. first37.older38.After39.died40.wonderful六、A)41.How kind the boy is42. He isnt filled with regret43. Tom has the ability to sing44. He always tries something new45. She made a decision for the futureB)范文

30、:Li Ming is my classmate. He is tall, so he is good at playing basketball. And he gets good grades in each subject. He is willing to help others. He takes an active part in different activities at school. He likes doing charity work. Sometimes he organizes charity shows to raise money for the poor s

31、tudents. He won high praise from teachers and students in our school. We are proud of him. He sets a good example. I hope he can get the Young Star Award.点评:本文运用“三步法”进行写作, 条理清晰:第一步:引入话题, 简洁明了:Li Ming is my classmate.第二步:展开叙述, 详略得当:He is tall He isHe takes an active part inHe likesWe are proud of him.第三步:总结收尾, 紧扣主题:He sets a good example. I hope添彩点:文章开篇点题, 简洁明了。短语:be good at, be willing to, be proud of及句式He takes anat school.; He wonin our school.的使用使得人物刻画栩栩如生。


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