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1、徐汇区高三英语第1页2019 学年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷高三英语试卷(满分 140 分,考试时间 120 分钟)2019.12I.Listening Comprehension Section ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions wil

2、l be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.Buying a handbag.B.Trying on a piece of clothing.C.Taking a picture.D.Attending a fashion show.2.A.To

3、the library.B.To the school.C.To the cafeteria.D.To the cinema.3.A.Make a budget.B.Buy the painting.C.Decorate the living room.D.Bargain with the art dealer.4.A.She didnt get the promotion.B.She doesnt look attractive.C.She is not in good mood.D.She cant stand foggy days.5.A.The man needs to arrive

4、earlier.B.The woman has to work overtime.C.The woman dislikes air travel.D.The man wants to save money.6.A.He has earned a big fortune.B.He is good at saving.C.He has little money.D.He spends money like water.7.A.He didnt attend the ceremony.B.He took a lot of precious pictures.C.He forgot to take h

5、is cell phone.D.His recorded the ceremony with his camera.8.A.Set a deadline for the staff to meet.B.Encourage his staff to work harder.C.Ask for a progress report on the project.D.Hold a conversation with his employees.9.A.He doesnt need a vacation.B.The company is short of hands.C.He is afraid of

6、losing the job.D.The boss told him to take a chance.10.A.No seats are available now.B.Its not the right time to enter.C.Its too dark for him to find the seat.D.She cant get in until the interview ends.Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation,and y

7、ou will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation.The passages and the conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the q

8、uestion you have heard.徐汇区高三英语第2页Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A.More cheerful.B.Less stressed.C.More resolute.D.Less attractive.12.A.To find out how clothes can affect peoples feelings.B.To show how scientists pay more attention to details.C.To prove people make fewe

9、r mistakes in lab coats.D.To test the effect of clothes on peoples attention.13.A.Body movements change the way people think.B.How people dress can change their appearance.C.What people wear can affect their performance.D.People doing different jobs wear different clothes.Questions 14 through 16 are

10、 based on the following passage.14.A.Experts who specialize in preventing natural disasters.B.People trained to respond to medical emergencies.C.Super heroes devoted to defending the earth.D.Doctors and nurses who provide medical services.15.A.Decent and promising.B.Busy but secure.C.Tough and stres

11、sful.D.Demanding but well-paid.16.A.Passing a physical training program.B.Getting a certificate in CPR(心肺复苏术).C.Possessing a medical school diploma.D.Keeping calm in any situation.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17.A.18-26.B.27-35.C.36-45.D.46-55.18.A.Jogging.B.Swimmi

12、ng.C.Tennis.D.Cycling.19.A.Launch a new promotion campaign.B.Carry out another survey.C.Increase the production of athletic shoes.D.Hold more athletic competitions.20.A.Make products more appealing.B.Follow the trend.C.Focus on fitness business.D.Target older customers.II.Grammar and VocabularySecti

13、on ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Once upon a time.Once upon a

14、 time there lived in Germany two brothers.At school they met a wise man who led them to a treasure a library of old books with tales more fascinating than any they had ever heard.(21)_(inspire),the brothers began collecting their own stories,listening to the folktales people told them.Soon they prod

15、uced their own treasure a book of fairy tales that would charm徐汇区高三英语第3页millions in faraway lands for generations(22)_(come).The brothers Grimm,Jacob and Wilhelm,named their story collection Childrens and Household Tales and published it in Germany in 1812.The collection(23)_(translate)into more tha

16、n 160 languages up to now.The stories and their characters continue to feature in virtually every media:theatre,opera,comic books,movies,paintings,rock music,advertising and fashion.Such fame would have shocked the modest Grimms.During their lifetimes the collection(24)_(sell)few copies in Germany.T

17、he early editions were not even aimed at children.They had no illustrations,and scholarly footnotes took up almost as much space as the tales(25)_.Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm began their work at a time(26)_ Germany had been occupied by the French under Napoleon.The new rulers restricted local culture.As

18、 young scholars,the brothers Grimm began to work on the fairy tale collection in order to save the endangered oral storytelling tradition of Germany.(27)_ the brothers implied that they were just keeping records of tales,Wilhelm continued to polish and reshape the stories up to the final edition of

19、1857.In an effort to make them more acceptable to children and their parents,he stressed the moral of each tale and emphasized gender roles.To this day,parents still read them to their children because they approve of the lessons in the stories:keep your promises,dont talk to strangers,work hard,obe

20、y your parents.Yet(28)_ all Wilhelms additions,the most important part of these stories was left untouched.The cruel treatment of children and the violent punishments handed out to the stories bad guys are too much for some parents.So what accounts for their popularity?Some have suggested that it is

21、(29)_ the characters are always striving for happiness.But the truth probably lies in their origin.Grimms tales were born out of a storytelling tradition without boundaries(界限)of age or culture.The brothers skill was to translate these into a universal style of writing that seems to mirror(30)_ mood

22、s or interests we bring to our reading of them.And so it was that the Grimms fairy tales lived happily ever after.Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.distributedB.absolutelyC

23、.infectionsD.consumeE.harborF.relianceG.potentialH.specificI.originateJ.respectivelyK.revealedMicroplastic PollutionIn the past few years,scientists have found microplastics in our soil,tap water,bottled water,beer and even in the air we breathe.And theres growing concern about the31health risks the

24、y pose to humans.徐汇区高三英语第4页The new analysis in the UK have discovered microplastics widely32across all 10 lakesand rivers sampled.More than 1,000 small pieces of plastic per litre were found in the River Tame,which was 33last year as the most polluted place tested worldwide.Even in relatively remote

25、places such as the Falls of Dochart and Loch Lomond in Scotland,two or three pieces per litre were found.Microplastics are not a34kind of plastic,but rather any type of small pieces of plastic that is less than 5 mm in length according to the U.S.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.They

26、may35from a variety of sources,including cosmetics,clothing,and industrial processes.Humans are known to36the tiny plastic particles through food and water,but the possible health effects on people and ecosystems have yet to be determined.One study,in Singapore,has found that microplastics can 37har

27、mful microbes(微生物).Research by the National University of Singapore found more than 400 types of bacteria on 275 pieces of microplastic collected from local beaches.They included insects that cause gastroenteritis(肠胃炎)and wound 38in humans.“Microplastics are being found 39everywhere but we do not kn

28、ow the harm they could be doing,”said Christian Dunn at Bangor University,Wales,who led the work.“Its no use looking back in 20 years time and saying:If only wed realized just how bad it was.We need to bemonitoring our waters now and we need to think,as a country and a world,how we can be reducing o

29、ur 40on plastic.”III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Since 2008,the average labour-force participation rate of 55-to 64-year-olds

30、in OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)countries has risen by eight percentage points.A new OECD report,“Working Better with Age”,points out that the employment of older workers is 41 ,if prosperity is to be maintained.That can be taken as a sign that our society is finally 42

31、the value of its older employees.Retirement gives you the chance to sleep late and avoid the morning rush hours.No longer do you have to sit through endless meetings or check email frequently.But work can keep the mind active and gives people a 43 in life.The first month of retirement may seem pleas

32、ant,but 44 is sure to come.Grand plans to learn languages and travel the world can quickly lose their appeal.45 ,the company of colleagues provides a social network;spending all week at home can lead to loneliness.Working longer should be easier now that most jobs require 46 ,rather than manual,labo

33、ur.Of course,many people are working longer not because they enjoy what they do,but because they cannot afford to 47 .That is not just because governments have been pushing up the state 徐汇区高三英语第5页retirement age.48,the average age at which people actually retire differs from the official age by sever

34、al years.In part,that is because many people do not rely on the state pension as their only source of income and need work-related pensions to supplement it.However,companies are gradually 49 pensions linked to final salaries with“defined contribution”schemes.Under the latter,workers end up with a p

35、ot of savings at retirement that needs to be50 .The income from such pots has been reduced by very low interest rates.Women tend to have smaller retirement pots(thanks to their years spent raising children),making their difficulties even more51.They need to keep working.Older workers may feel 52,par

36、ticularly when it comes to promotion.Two issues seem to hold 53 back.The first is that older workers tend to 54higher salaries,because of the seniority system.The second is a55of skills;one in three 55-to 65-year-olds in OECD countries either lack computer experience or cannot pass technology tests.

37、Such problems can be resolved with proper training,but the over-55s should take it upon themselves to keep up with technological changes.41.A.shortsightedB.vitalC.adequateD.unnecessary42.A.recognizingB.assessingC.questioningD.transforming43.A.frameB.choice C.lessonD.purpose44.A.libertyB.boredomC.pri

38、orityD.motivation45.A.HoweverB.InsteadC.ThereforeD.Furthermore46.A.mentalB.simpleC.physicalD.routine 47.A.proceedB.continueC.persistD.quit48.A.In conclusionB.In other wordsC.In practice D.In particular49.A.replacing B.furnishingC.increasingD.combining50.A.registeredB.reinvestedC.refundedD.removed51.

39、A.personalB.severeC.emotionalD.practical52.A.competitiveB.dominantC.distinguishedD.disadvantaged 53.A.employersB.researchersC.employeesD.female workers54.A.commandB.ensureC.opposeD.ignore55.A.rangeB.disciplineC.shortageD.setSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is follow

40、ed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Agnes de Mille was a dancer and a choreographer(编舞).Early in her career,de Mille had creat

41、ed the choreography for a ballet called Three Virgins and a Devil.She thought it was good work,but nobody made much of it.徐汇区高三英语第6页A few years later,de Mille choreographed a ballet named Rodeo.Again,she thought her work was solid,but it resulted in little commercial fame.Then,in 1943,de Mille chore

42、ographed Oklahoma!,a musical show that enjoyed nearly instant success.In the coming years,Oklahoma!would run for an incredible 2,212 performances,both around the nation and abroad.In 1955,the film version won an Academy Award.But the success of Oklahoma!didnt bring her much happiness.She thought tha

43、t her work on Oklahoma!was only average compared to some of her other creations.She later said,“After the opening of Oklahoma!,I suddenly had unexpected success for a work I thought was only fairly good,after years of neglect for work I thought was fine.I began to think that perhaps my entire scale

44、of values was untrustworthy.I talked to Martha.”Martha was Martha Graham,perhaps the most influential dance choreographer of the 20th century.(Although not as well-known by the general public,Graham has been compared to other creative geniuses like Picasso or Frank Lloyd Wright.)During their convers

45、ation,de Mille told Martha Graham about her frustration.“I confessed that I had a burning desire to be excellent,but no faith that I could be.”Graham responded by saying,“There is a vitality,a life force,an energy,a quickening that is translated through you into action,and because there is only one

46、of you in all of time,this expression is unique.And if you block it,it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.The world will not have it.It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions.It is your business to keep

47、it yours clearly and directly,to keep the channel open.”56.What can be learned about de Milles ballet named Rodeo?A.It earned her a large fortune.B.It made her rise to fame overnight.C.It didnt enjoy much success.D.It laid a solid foundation for her career.57.How did de Mille feel about the great su

48、ccess of the musical Oklahoma!?A.Relieved.B.Ashamed.C.Confused.D.Proud.58.Picasso and Frank Lloyd Wright were mentioned in the passage to suggest that Martha Graham_.A.was outstanding in visual arts and architectureB.enjoyed the same popularity as themC.had been influenced greatly by themD.was the m

49、ost influential artist in her field59.Which of the following statements best represents Grahams words in this passage?A.Comparing with others prevents you from maintaining uniqueness.B.You should always keep yourself open to the urges that motivate you.C.Your action reveals the inner landscape,which

50、 is the soul of music.D.Choosing to be positive is going to determine how you live your life.(B)徐汇区高三英语第7页Shipping containers are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional houses.These 20-or 40-foot containers can be obtained for a little as several hundred US dollars apiece,and its not su

51、rprising that some industry professionals and even city planners consider them the future of home building.Below are details of some amazing homes made out of shipping containers.London Container City(I and II)Londons Container City first sprang up in the heart of the docklands in 2001.It took just

52、five months to complete the original 12 work studios.Shortly after that,a fourth floor of studios and living apartments was built on top of these.The first container city was so successful that another Container City II was added to it.Los Angeles Redondo Beach houseWith its modern lines and appeali

53、ng spaces,the award-winning Redondo Beach House is a luxury beachside showpiece built fromeight recycled steel shippingcontainers,along with some traditional building materials.According to the architects,the modified containers are“nearly indestructible”.Amsterdam KeetwonenAmsterdams massive Keetwo

54、nen complex houses 1,000students and it is the largest container city in the world.The housing project is a roaring success and features units that are quiet and comfortable.Each resident enjoys a bathroom,kitchen and separate sleeping and studying quarters.The complex even has central heating and h

55、igh-speed internet as well as areas for parking bikes.Mexico M2ATK Container HouseM2ATK designed this unique container house for an artist.Its fully equipped with heating and cooling,a kitchen and bathroom.On the bottom floor of the house are public spaces”such as the kitchen and living room.The sec

56、ond floor is the bedroom,and the top floor is a studio space in which to work,read and“let fly the imagination”.60.Compared to traditional houses,container houses are _.A.easier to maintainB.less expensive to buildC.more comfortable to live inD.more fashionable in style61.What can be learned about A

57、msterdams Keetwonen complex?徐汇区高三英语第8页A.It is the first container city in the world.B.Its equipped with modern facilities.C.It features a luxury and unique style.D.It includes living space and car parks.62.Which of the following is the best title for the poster?A.Recycled material for Ideal HomeB.Sh

58、ipping Container Home ChallengesC.Home in a Steel BoxD.Housing Options and Solutions(C)On August 29th,as Hurricane Dorian tracked towards Americas east coast,Elon Musk,the boss of Tesla,an electric-car maker,announced that some of his customers in the storms path would find that their cars had sudde

59、nly developed the ability to drive farther on a single battery charge.Like many modern vehicles,Mr.Musks products are best thought of as internet-connected computers on wheels.The cheaper models in Teslas line-up have parts of their batteries disabled by the cars software in order to limit their ran

60、ge.At the tap of a keyboard in Palo Alto,the firm was able to remove those restrictions and give drivers temporary access to the full power of their batteries.Mr.Musks computerized cars are just one example of a much broader trend.As computers and connectivity become cheaper,it makes sense to bake t

61、hem into more and more things that are not,in themselves,computers,creating an“internet of things”.Such a world will bring many benefits.Consumers will get convenience,and products that can do things non-computerized versions cannot.Businesses will get efficiency,as information about the physical wo

62、rld that used to be uncertain becomes concrete and analyzable.In the long term,though,the most obvious effects will be in how the world works.Ever more companies will become tech companies;the internet will become everywhere.As a result,a series of unresolved arguments will spill over from the virtu

63、al world into the real one.Start with ownership.As Mr Musk showed,the internet gives firms the ability to stay connected to their products even after they have been sold,transforming them into something closer to services than goods.That has already made the traditional ideas of ownership unclear.Wh

64、en Microsoft closed its ebook store in July,for instance,its customers lost the ability to read titles they had bought(the firm offered refunds).That shifts the balance of power from the customer to the seller.Virtual business models will jar in the physical world.Tech firms are generally happy to m

65、ove fast and break things.But you cannot release the beta version(测试版)of a fridge.Apple,a smartphonemaker,provides updates for its phones for only five years or so after their release;users of Android smartphones are lucky to get two.But goods such as washing machines or industrial machinery can hav

66、e lifespans of a decade or more.Firms will need to work out how to support complicated computerised devices long after their original programmers have moved on.Data will be another flashpoint.For much of the internet the business model is to offer“free”services that are paid for with valuable user d

67、ata,collected with consent(同意)that is half-informed at best.In the virtual world,arguments about what should be tracked,and who owns the resulting data,can seem airy and theoretical.In the real one,they will feel more urgent.徐汇区高三英语第9页Predicting the consequences of any technology is hard especially

68、one as universal as computing.The emergence of the consumer internet,25 years ago,was met with starry-eyed optimism.These days the internets faults dominate the headlines.But the people have the advantage of having lived through the first internet revolution which should give them some idea of what

69、to expect.63.From the passage we can tell that Tesla can _.A.drive faster than usual in extreme weatherB.adjust the range of its battery power C.charge the battery at the tap of a keyboardD.operate when the battery is fully drained64.Which of the following is NOT an example of the“unresolved argumen

70、ts”mentioned in the passage?A.Early adopters of certain apps find that they ceased to work after the firm lost interest.B.The insurance company uses data from fitness trackers to adjust customers premiums(保费).C.Computerized machinery cant predict its breakdowns or schedule preventive maintenance.D.A

71、 high-tech fridge company restricts its customers from repairing their fridges themselves.65.The underlined word jar probably means _ in this context.A.boomB.conflictC.vanishD.expand66.This passage is mainly about _.A.how the world will change as computers spread into everyday objects B.the adoption

72、 of electric vehicles and the possible problems to expectC.what should be done to prevent the breakdown of computerized devicesD.different views on the current application of Internet TechnologySection CDirections:Read the following passage.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.

73、Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.Creativity is associated with many factors.B.Rather,they should work to expand,grow,and exercise it.C.Without creativity,we are indistinguishable from the masses.D.However,creativity can be acquired at any age

74、.E.Its hard to work out where exactly creativity comes from.F.Everyone has the capacity to be creative.Essential CreativityIn a recent survey in America,62%of people said that creativity was more important to success in the workplace than they had anticipated it would be when they were in school.(67

75、)_ It is of course possible to scan peoples brains and see which parts are firing when an idea is created,but rather more romantically it can be thought of as something that cannot be identified.Creativity is what comes to you when you least expect it.You cannot demand creativity from your mind,nor

76、can you demand that you are creative in a particular way.徐汇区高三英语第10页One misconception about creativity is that it is reserved for a few special people.This is not true.(68)_ Another misconception is that creativity is all about the arts but this simply isnt true:creativity extends to maths and scien

77、ce in just the way it does to music andliterature.Those who see things differently to others and are confident enough to make their ideas a reality are the ones who make the greatest changes in the world.Consequently,it is incredibly important that schools do not prevent creativity.(69)_ Students sh

78、ould be taught to ask questions and investigate when things do not make sense.They need to learn to view mistakes as opportunities for learning rather than something that was unsuccessful.It is worrying that many schools are less concerned now with nurturing creativity when this is the most importan

79、t time in history for it.It used to be that people worked hard,went to university,and got a job.That was it.But now,everyone works hard,goes to university and there arent the jobs out there that guarantee a safe future.(70)_ We can use it to set ourselves apart,and channel it to face the challenges

80、of the future.IVSummary WritingDirections:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.The Decline of BiodiversityBiodiversity is the range of living things in an area.During the last 100 years,s

81、cientists have seen a great decline in biodiversity.Some studies show that one in eight plant species is threatened with extinction.It is estimated that 140,000 species of plants are lost each year.Most of the extinctions in the last thousand years are due to humans.The main cause is the chopping do

82、wn of tropical rain forests.Most of this destruction is done to create pasture(牧场)for beef cattle.Many rainforests in Central and South America have been burnt down to make way for cattle farming,which supplies beef to the rest of the world.It is estimated that for each pound of beef produced,200 sq

83、uare feet of rainforest are destroyed.The forests are also cut down to make wheat for bread as well as fruit for human consumption.The introduction of exotic(外来的)species is another threat.The latest research from the University of Southampton has revealed the impact of exotic species upon native wil

84、dlife,which could potentially lead to the extinctions of local species.When exotic species are introduced to a place,they try to establish a self-sustaining population.While the local species,which havent had a chance to evolve,often lack defenses and thus cannot compete against the exotic species.T

85、he disappearance of certain food animals can be disastrous not only to larger animals but also to the entire ecosystem.It is these small creatures which convert much of the energy in an ecosystem from unusable(i.e.microscopic plants,decaying matter,etc.)into usable forms,namely their bodies.徐汇区高三英语第

86、11页Their absence makes most energy and nutrients trapped in forms unusable to other species.This makes the environment less suitable for healthy living,and less capable of producing resources that humans need.V.TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words give

87、n in the brackets.1.我家门口的街道成天车水马龙。(crowd)2.中国女排成功卫冕世界冠军,给全国人民以极大的鼓舞。(succeed)3.本次“城市公共交通周”的活动旨在提高公众节能环保的意识。(aim)4.我实在想不通为什么大伙儿都觉得他这个人高不可攀,我印象中他挺和蔼可亲的。(strike)VI.Guided WritingDirections:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你是陈芳。你的好友王敏是新

88、华中学的学生,下个月将去英国的姐妹校交流访问。王敏想拍摄一个短片,向英国的同学和老师介绍自己的学校。她通过邮件向你征求意见。写一封回信,内容须包括:1、短片的主题以及与之匹配的主要内容;2、你选择这些内容的理由。徐汇区高三英语第12页2019 学年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷高三英语答案I.Listening Comprehension(每小题 1 分)1-10 BCBCC DCABB(每小题 1.5 分)11-13 CDC 14-16 BCC17-20 AACDII.Grammar and Vocabulary(每小题 1 分)21.Inspired22.to come23.has been

89、 translated24.sold25.themselves 26.when27.Though/Although/While28.despite29.because30.what/whatever31-40 GAKHIDECBFIII.Reading Comprehension(每小题 1 分)41-45 BADBD46-50 ADCAB51-55 BDAAC(每小题 2 分)56-59 CCDB60-62 BBC63-66 BCBA67-70 EFBCIV.Summary 参考答案(仅供阅卷老师参考)Biodiversity is declining fast.One major reas

90、on is that people cut down tropical rain forests to raise cattle for beef or to grow food.Another reason is that some local species may extinct because they cannot compete with exotic species.The disappearance of certain species can do great harm to the ecosystem and environment.(54 words)评分标准:1.本题总

91、分为 10 分,其中内容 5 分,语言 5 分。2.评分时应注意的主要方面:内容要点、信息呈现的连贯性和准确性。3.词数超过 60,酌情扣分。各档次给分要求:内容部分A.能准确、全面地概括文章主旨大意,并涵盖主要信息。B.能概括文章主旨大意,但遗漏部分主要信息。C.未能准确概括文章主旨大意,遗漏较多主要信息或留有过多细节信息。D.几乎不能概括文章的主旨大意,未涉及文中有意义的相关信息。语言部分A.能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述。B.基本能用自己的语言正确地表述,但连贯性较差,有少量不影响表意的语言错误。徐汇区高三英语第13页C.基本能用自己的语言表述,但连贯性较差,且严重语言错误较多。D.几乎

92、不能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述。V.Translation(15 分)1.The street in front of my house is crowded with people and vehicles all day long/all the time.1112.The Chinese womens volleyball team succeeded in taking/winning the world championship 11again,which was a great inspiration to all Chinese people.13.The campaign o

93、f the urban public transport week aims to raise public awareness of saving energy0.510.51and protecting the environment/energy conservation and environmental protection.14.I cant understand why people all think he is out of reach/inaccessible,because he strikes me as1111a very approachable and kind/

94、amiable person.1Writing:评分标准:1.本题总分为 25 分,其中内容 10 分,语言 10 分,组织结构 5 分。2.评分时应注意的主要方面:内容要点,应用词汇和语法结构的数量和正确性及上下文的连贯性。3.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次,然后对照相应的组织结构档次给予加分。其中,内容和语言两部分相加,得 15 分或以上者,可考虑加 4-5 分,15 分以下者只能考虑加 0,1,2,3 分。4.词数少于 70,总分最多不超过 10 分。各档次给分要求内容部分A.内容充实,主题突出,详略得当。B.内容基本充实,尚能表达出作文要求。C.漏掉或未能写清楚主要内容


96、连贯。听力文字I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the

97、question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.W:How do I look?M:Not bad.I really like the color.It matches your handbag.Q:What is the woman probably doing?2.M:Are we still going to have group study at the libra

98、ry tonight?W:Yeah.Im just gonna grab something to eat and then Ill come back to school.Q:Where is the woman probably going now?3.W:I think this painting would look good in our living room.What do you think?M:Sure.Lets take it.Luckily the price is within our budget.Q:What will the two speakers probab

99、ly do next?4.M:Did you see Catherine today?Why does she have such a long face?W:I dont have the foggiest idea.I thought shed be happy since she got a promotion recently.Q:What can we learn about Catherine?5.M:Do you want to share a taxi to the airport?We can save on expenses that way.W:Actually,I ha

100、te flying.Im thinking about going to the conference by train.Q:Why arent the man and woman going together?6.W:Youve gone through all your money so quickly?I thought you were rich.M:Not me!You know money always burns a hole in my pocket.Q:What can we learn about the man?7.W:Did you take any pictures

101、of the graduation ceremony yesterday?M:I would have recorded every detail of it if I had taken my cellphone with me.Q:What does the man mean?8.W:Arent you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is making?M:Yes.I think Ill probably give them a deadline and hold them to it.徐汇区高三英语第15页Q:What is th

102、e man probably going to do?9.W:Derrick,you look exhausted.Dont you think you should take a vacation?M:Oh,theres too much work!My chances would be better if they would hire more people.Q:What does the man mean?10.W:Excuse me,can you please show me to my seat?Its too dark inside and I dont think I can

103、 find my seat.M:Im sorry,Miss.But I cant let you in until the interval.Q:What does the man mean?Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation,and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the longer conversation.The passages and t

104、he longer conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 1l through13 are based on the following passage.Its surpri

105、sing how much simple movements of the body can affect the way we think.Using expansive gestures with open arms makes us feel more powerful and crossing your arms makes you more determined.So if moving the body can have these effects,what about the clothes we wear?Were all aware of how dressing up in

106、 different ways can make us feel more attractive or professional,but can the clothes actually make us perform better or is it just a feeling?Adam and Galinsky tested the effect of simply wearing a white lab coat on peoples powers of attention.The idea is that white coats are associated with scientis

107、ts,who are in turn thought to have close attention to detail.What they found was that people wearing white coats made only half as many errors as those wearing their own clothes.This opens the way for all sorts of clothes-based experiments.Is the psychologist smoking a cigar more insightful?Does a c

108、hefs hat make the food taste better?Maybe from now on,I will only be editing my term paper wearing a pair of glasses to help me make fewer mistakes.(Now listen again please.)Questions:11.How would people probably feel when they cross their arms?12.What is the purpose of Adam and Galinskys experiment

109、?13.What is the main idea of the passage?Questions14 through16 are based on the following passage.Some of the everyday heroes in the United States are the countrys paramedics.These young men and women are usually the first people who respond to medical emergencies suffered by citizens.They respond t

110、o emergency calls,performing medical services and transporting patients to medical facilities.They work both indoors and outdoors,in all types of weather.Their work is 徐汇区高三英语第16页physically tough,sometimes involving life-or-death situations.Peoples lives often depend on their quick reaction and comp

111、etent care.Paramedics must complete a very extensive physical training program that is designed to knock out those who cannot make the cut.A paramedic must be in fit condition,and be mentally strong to perform his or her duties in the face of danger.They must be certified in CPR techniques,and be tr

112、ained to handle all situations.Paramedics provide a valuable service to the communities they serve.Some of the equipment paramedics carry is very specialized.They carry basic and advanced life support tools so they can reach people in danger and other emergency equipment.(Now listen again please.)Qu

113、estions:14.What are paramedics according to the passage?15.Which group of words can best describe paramedics work according to the passage?16.Which of following is NOT mentioned as a basic requirement for paramedics?Questions17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.W:Simon,could you rev

114、iew the results of the survey on peoples sporting activities?M:Sure.The survey was conducted on 150 men and women between the ages of 18 and 55 years old.According to the result,the most active group involved in sporting activities are those between 18 and 26 years old,followed by those 36 to 45 yea

115、rs old.W:Okay.M:As far as particular sports are concerned,people in these two groups chose jogging as their favorite sport followed by skiing,tennis,swimming,and cycling.W:Hmm.Based on what youve said,I think we should consider targeting the 18 to 26-year-old age group more in the future.I also feel

116、 we should consider expanding our line of athletic shoes.Maybe we can come up with a more appealing design aimed at this age group.M:I see what you mean.However,when these results are compared with the survey carried out three years ago,we can see a growing trend among older consumersI mean 46 to 55

117、who are becoming more conscious and concerned about staying fit.I believe this trend will continue,so we should focus on this group instead.W:I see your point.Well,lets meet again on Wednesday to discuss the details.(Now listen again please.)Questions:17.Which group is the most active in sports according to the survey?18.Which sport is most popular among people?19.What is the womans proposal based on the survey?20.What is the man suggestion on the marketing strategies?


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