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新教材2020-2021学年高中英语外研版必修第三册学案:UNIT 3 SECTION Ⅳ WRITING WORD版含解析.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Section Writing如何写科学实验报告AimTo remove the shell from an egg without breaking it.MaterialsA glassa small saucepansome wateran eggabout 250ml vinegarProcedure1. Boil the egg for about fifteen minutes in the saucepan filled with water.2. Place the egg in the glass and cover it with vineg

2、ar.3. Leave the egg in the vinegar for 24 hours.Result24 hours later, the shell disappears completely.ConclusionThe shell is mostly made of CaCO3 and the vinegar includes acids. The egg shell dissolves because CaCO3 reacts with acid to form the gas,CO2.布局1话题特点实验报告是把实验目的、方法、过程、结果等记录下来,经过整理写成的书面汇总材料。实

3、验报告要明确体现实验目的、步骤和结果,对具体实验现象的描述要客观准确,分析要全面具体,语言要简洁质朴、通俗易懂。2话题词汇do/ carry out/ conduct an experiment做实验aim目的;目标material材料procedure步骤stage阶段result结果draw/ come to a conclusion得出结论3话题句式(试着替换方框中的黑体部分,变成你需要表达的意思)(1)描述实验目的、材料、结果、结论:The aim of the experiment is to find out and what happens when.实验的目的是观察水沸腾的温度

4、和现象。To do/ carry out/ conduct the experiment, you need the following materials:beaker, thermometer, alcohol lamp and .为了做实验,你需要下列材料:烧杯、温度计、酒精和火柴。 Some time later, when reaches 100 Centigrade.一段时间之后,温度达到100时开始出现气泡。We can draw a conclusion that reaches 100.我们可以得出结论:水在温度达到100时沸腾。(2)描述实验步骤:First,fill th

5、e beaker with about 100g water.第一,在烧杯里盛100g左右的水。Then,.然后,在水中放入温度计。Next,heat the water in the beaker and watch the reading of .接下来,加热杯中的水,并观察温度计的读数。Finally,write down the temperature when bubbles begin to.最后,气泡开始出现时记下温度。英语课堂上,老师要求写一篇英语实验报告。请根据以下要点,完成此项任务。实验目的:验证冰在融化后体积是否变化。实验材料:一个玻璃杯,一块冰,一些水。实验步骤:把冰放

6、在玻璃杯中,杯中倒满水,让冰浮在水上面;等待几分钟直到冰融化,观察是否有水从杯子里流出或杯子里的水是否有所减少。实验结论:水并没有从杯子里流出反而有所减少,故冰在融化后体积减少。注意:词数80左右,可适当增加细节。词汇:体积volume:减少decrease遣词1冰的体积_2融化 _3一块冰 _4杯中装满水 _5漂在水上 _6等几分钟 _7减少 _8增长 _造句1完成句子(1)在杯子里放上冰。Put the ice _.(2)杯子里放满水。Fill the glass _.(3)冰会浮在水上。The ice will _.(4)等几分钟直到冰融化。Wait a few minutes _.(5

7、)水的体积减少。The volume of water _.(6)冰融化了。The ice _.2句式升级(7)用and合并(2)、(3)句。_(8)用when引导的时间状语从句合并(5)、(6)句。_成篇_单元重点知识回顾.重点词汇1press vi. & vt. 按;压;逼迫n. 按;压;印刷;新闻pressure n. 压力press sb. _ sth. 敦促某人做某事press sb. _ sth. 催促某人做某事_ 按按钮_ 新闻自由2shoot (shot,shot) v. 射出(光、亮等)放射shooting n. 枪击,枪杀_ 发射子弹shoot sb. (dead) 击毙某

8、人_ 拍电影_ 投篮得分3flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的flexibly adv. 灵活地_ n. 灵活性;柔韧性;适应性4desire n. 渴望,欲望,愿望vt. 渴望,期望,想要have a strong desiredesire _ sth. 渴望做某事desire sb. _ sth. 想要某人做某事desire _ sth. 渴望5beyond prep. (表位置)在或者往另一边;(表时间)晚于;(表排斥)除以外;(表数目)多于;(表程度)超出的范围;(表范围)超出_ 超出某人的控制,不受某人的控制_ 够不着,超出之外_ 超出某人的能力_ 无法形容,难以言表

9、_ 毫无疑问_ 难以置信_ 无法修补6injure vt. 伤害,损害_ n. 伤害,伤口_ adj. 受伤的_ sb./oneself an injury_ an injury _ sb./oneself 使某人/自己受伤害_ 受伤_ 伤员7origin n. 起源,来源_ adj. 最初的;原来的,原先的originally adv. 起初;原来8cure vt. 治愈;治好n. 疗法;治疗cure sb. _ sth. 治好某人的病;矫正某人的不良行为a cure _ sth. 某疾病的治疗方法_ 接受治疗_ 寻求治疗9declaration n. 宣布;宣告_ 宣布某事declare

10、_. 宣布/宣告declare _ 声明赞成/反对declare war _ 向宣战declare. (_). 宣布是declare sth. open/closed 宣布某事开始/结束10attach vt. 系,绑;贴attachment n. 附属物,附件attached adj. 附属的,依恋的,爱慕的attach._. 把附加在上_. 认为重要/有意义_. 附属于;依恋于,爱慕11account n. C描述,叙述;解释,说明;账户vt. & vi. 认为_ 给予描述;进行说明_ 认真考虑某事on account _ 由于,因为_ account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)_

11、 an account 开一个账户account _ (在数量和比例上)占,占据;是的原因;对做出解释和说明12_ 此外,另外13_ 就来说;从角度14lead _ 导致15come up _ 提出,想出.教材原句1_, huge advances in solar technology mean it can be ecofriendly, too.更重要的是,太阳能技术的巨大进步意味着它也可以是环保的。2Franklin, _ many other scientists, has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments a

12、re important in order to establish the truth and to contribute towards later scientific discoveries and inventions.富兰克林和许多其他科学家启发并教导我们,科学实验对于确立真理是重要的并且它有助于后来的科学发现和发明创造。3In fact, more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple, _ it hit him on the head.事实上,不

13、止一种说法表明,虽然牛顿肯定是受到了一个下落的苹果的启发,但没有证明表明苹果砸在了他的头上。.单句语法填空1Its _ my power to make a final decision on the matter.2The _ (injure) driver was stuck in the damaged car, unable to move.3Even though farmers would seem better off nominally, in real terms they would actually be as badly off as they were _ (orig

14、in)4If you _ (come) earlier, you would not have missed the exciting scene in the movie.5Neither the students nor the teacher _ (know) this matter.6In Thailand, the normal greeting is a slight bow with the hands _ (press) together.7We desire that immediate help _ (be) given to the local villagers tha

15、t have been trapped by the flood.8His son is very naughty and has formed some bad habits. I think he should cure him _ them.9He retired _ account of poor health.10Many British people visited it and declared _ Chinese food was wonderful!温馨提示:请完成Unit 3单元质量检测Section Writing遣词1the volume of ice2.melt3.a

16、 piece of ice4.fill the glass with water5.float on the water6.wait a few minutes7.decrease8.increase造句1(1)in the glass(2)with water(3)float on the water(4)till/ until the ice melts(5)decreases(6)melts2(7)Fill the glass with water and the ice will float on the water.(8) The volume of water decreases

17、when the ice melts.成篇AimTo find out whether the volume of ice changes when it melts.MaterialsA glassa piece of icesome waterProcedure1Put the ice in the glass.2Fill the glass with water,and the ice will float on the water.3Wait a few minutes till the ice melts.ResultThe volume of water decreases whe

18、n the ice melts.Conclusion The volume of ice does not increase but decreases when it melts.单元重点知识回顾.重点词汇1for; to do; press the button; freedom of the press2shoot a bullet; shoot a movie; shoot a basket3flexibility4to do; to do; that.(should) do5beyond ones control; beyond ones reach; beyond ones pow

19、er/ability; beyond description; beyond question; beyond belief; beyond repair6injury; injured; do; do; to; get injured; the injured7original8of; for; take a cure; seek a cure9declare sth.; that; for/against; on; to be10to; attach importance to; be attached to11give an account of; take sth. into account; of; on no; open; for12in addition13.in terms of14.to15.with.教材原句1Whats more2.along with3.there is no proof that.单句语法填空1beyond2.injured3.originally4.had come5.knows6pressed7.(should) be8.of9.on10.that- 9 - 版权所有高考资源网


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