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《创新设计》2015高考英语(课标通用)大二轮复习高考倒计时 第27天.doc

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1、.常考句型【句型1】There is no doubt that.“毫无疑问,”仿写:毫无疑问,失眠是我国中学生的一个严重问题。There is no doubt that sleeplessness is a serious problem among the high school students of our country.【句型2】According to my personal experience,.Based on my personal experience,.“按照我个人的经验”仿写:按照我个人的经验,早锻炼已给我带来许多好处。According to my person

2、al experience,doing morning exercises has done me a lot of good.Based on my personal experience,doing morning exercises has done me a lot of good.完形填空体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率记叙文计划与愿望dream12分钟/20This is an adapted excerpt from Google cofounder Larry Pages speech in the University of Michigan:I have a story a

3、bout following 1 .Or maybe more accurately,its a story about finding a path to make those dreams 2 .Do you know what its like to wake up in the middle of the night with a(n) 3 in your mind? And if you dont have a pencil and a pad by the bed you will have 4 it by the next morning.When I was 23 this h

4、appened 5 me.I suddenly woke up and started 6 : what if we could download the whole Web,and just keep the links and.I grabbed a 7 and started writing.Sometimes it is important to wake up and stop 8 .I spent the middle of that night scribbling(草草记下) down the details and convincing myself my idea woul

5、d 9 .Soon afterwards,I told my advisor,Terry Winograd,it would 10 a couple of weeks for me to download the Webhe nodded knowingly,fully aware it would take much 11 but wise enough not to tell me.The optimism of the youth is often underrated(低估)Amazingly,at that time,I had no 12 of building a search

6、engine.Much later we happened on a better way of ranking and we made a really great search 13 it was 14 Google.When a really great dream shows up, 15 it! At the University of Michigan I have been taught 16 to make the dream a reality.The 17 people want to work on the biggest challenges.That is 18 ha

7、ppened to Google.Our aim is to organize the worlds information and make it 19 and useful to everyone.How can that not get you 20 ? But we almost didnt start Google actually because my cofounder Sergey and I were too worried about dropping out of our PhD program.None of you have that issue.【语篇导读】这是搜索

8、引擎Google的创始人之一拉里佩奇的一篇演讲的节选,主要讲拉里佩奇如何实现自己的梦想,关键是抓住自己的梦想并努力将其实现。1A.steps Bdreams Cexperience Dideas解析考查具体语境中名词的辨析。语境表示我有一个关于追逐梦想的故事。从下文中的“its a story about finding a path to make those dreams 2 ”可知答案。答案B2A.come true Bcome rightCcome off Dcome out解析考查动词短语辨析。语境表示实现那些梦想。come true“实现”;come right“变好”;come

9、off“成功,举行”;come out “出现,出版”。根据语境可知选A。答案A3A.belief Bvirtue Cthought Demotion解析考查具体语境中名词的辨析。语境表示半夜醒来,脑海里有一个念头。belief“信仰,信念”;virtue“美德”;thought“想法,念头”;emotion“情感”。根据语境可知选C。答案C4A.remembered BforgottenClost Dfound解析考查具体语境中动词的辨析。语境表示如果在你的床边没有笔和本子,第二天早上你会忘记的。forget“忘记”符合语境。remember“记得”;lose“丢失”;find“找到”。答案

10、B5A.at Bto Cof Dover解析考查具体语境中介词的辨析。语境表示在我23岁的时候,这样的事情就发生在了我的身上。happen to意为“发生在身上”。答案B6A.looking Blistening Creading Dthinking解析考查语境理解。语境表示我突然醒来,开始想。下文中的“what if.the links”就是想的内容。故选D。答案D7A.pen Bcoat Ccomputer Drecorder解析考查具体语境中名词的辨析。语境表示我抓起笔就开始写。pen符合语境。答案A8A.thinking Bwriting Cdreaming Dimagining解析考

11、查语境理解。因为是醒来了,所以此处表示停止做梦。stop dreaming“停止做梦”。答案C9A.begin Buse Cafford Dwork解析考查动词辨析。语境表示那个午夜我草草地记下细节,并确信我的想法会起作用。 begin“开始”;use“使用”;afford“买得起”;work“奏效,产生作用”。D项符合语境。答案D10A.take Bspend Ccost Dpay解析考查固定句型。我告诉我的顾问需要花几周的时间来下载万维网。it takes some time to do sth“花费时间做某事”。答案A11A.shorter Bsame Clonger Dless解析考查

12、具体语境中形容词的辨析。结合第10题和下文中的“but wise enough not to tell me”可知,此处表示需要更长的时间。答案C12A.experiment BintentionCinterest Dtemptation解析考查名词辨析。语境表示令人吃惊的是,在那时,我没有要建搜索引擎的打算。experiment“实验”; intention“打算”;interest“兴趣”;temptation“诱惑”。答案B13A.engine Bskill Cway Dmethod解析从本段中的“I had no 12 (intention) of building a search

13、engine”可知,此处表示我们做了一个非常棒的搜索引擎。答案A14A.kept Bmade Csaid Dcalled解析考查动词辨析。语境表示它叫Google。 call“称呼,把叫作”符合语境。答案D15A.push Bperform Cgrab Dsearch解析考查动词辨析。语境表示当一个伟大的梦想出现的时候,一定要抓住它。grab“夺得,抓住”符合语境。push“推”;perform “表演,执行”;search“寻找”。答案C16A.where Bhow Cwhy Dwhen解析语境表示在密歇根大学我学会了怎样把梦想变成现实。how to do sth“怎样做”。答案B17A.b

14、est Bbetter Cworse Dworst解析从本句中的“the biggest challenges”可知,此处表示“最能干的”,与the biggest challenges一致。答案A18A.that Bthis Cwhat Dit解析语境表示这就是发生在Google身上的故事。这是what引导的表语从句,what在从句中作主语。答案C19A.acceptable BavailableCwonderful Daccessible解析考查形容词辨析。语境表示我们的目标是使世界信息系统化,并让大家都能使用。acceptable“可接受的”;available“可获得的”;wonderful“精彩的”;accessible“可接近的,可使用的”。答案D20A.amazed Bexcited Csurprised Dfrightened解析语境表示那样的事情怎么能不让你兴奋呢。excited“兴奋的”。答案B


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