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《创新设计》2015高考英语(广东专用)大二轮总复习定时训练 7.doc

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1、定时训练(7).专题特训(形容词与副词)根据语境用所给词的适当形式填空,然后熟读深思。1How much _(good) she looked without her glasses!2The children loved their day trip,and they enjoyed the horse ride _(much)3Computers and mobile phones,though they are indeed making our life _(easy) and _(efficient),have reduced the need for facetoface comm

2、unications.4Mr.Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been _(popular)5Mr.Stevenson is great to work forI really couldnt ask for a _(good) boss.6It might have made it a little _(hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn to others for help.7I left it early b

3、ecause I had an appointment _(late) that day.8He must be _(mental) disabled.9His teacher took a deep drink,smiled _(warm),and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.10We drank together and talked _(merry) till far into the night.11These oranges are only a dollar.Well,they are _(cheap) tha

4、n others,but they dont look as _(good)12I think Wood is very stupid.He should have failed such an easy exam!No.In fact he is _(lazy) than stupid.13The boy is excited about the coming music festival and he enjoys pop music _(much)14Of the two digital cameras,I would prefer a _(small) one,which is ver

5、y easy for me to carry.15There is no doubt that Im trying to do what is best,but _(equal) I have got to consider the cost.答案1.better2.most3.easier;more efficient4.more popular5.better6.harder7.later8.mentally 9warmly10.merrily11.cheaper;good12.more lazy 13most14.smaller15.equally.完形填空 体裁:记叙文话题:人生感悟时

6、间:15分钟(2014广州模拟卷)Learning experiences happen to us throughout our lives.Not long ago,I had one that I would like to_1_I was going to Marblehead with my sailboat team.The team was racing down the highway when we realized we were_2_Luckily,we saw a rest area ahead,I was very _3_that I had a brandnew $

7、20 bill.But spending it on_4_seemed like throwing it away.We all rushed into the pizza line._5_I got a pizza and a drink,and walked to my table.About halfway through the meal,I_6_I had not actually handed any money to the cashier.I had just walked out,and nobody had noticed.My conscience opened its

8、mouth and _7_me in one big bite.I just couldnt go back to the cashier and _8_for my stolen pizza.I was so upset that I _9_to give myself the pleasure of an ice cream for fear that someone would say,“Hey,Jeff,why dont you use the change from the pizza instead of that nice,new$20 bill?”I was not _10_o

9、f my cash now.For the next two years,whenever I was _11_ of the“pizza incident”,I would say to myself,“Dont think about it.”I have learned two things from this_12_Maybe I was a fool for giving in to my conscience,and being too stupid to appreciate a _13_pizza.But the real lesson is that even if you

10、get away from what you have done,your conscience will _14_ up with you.This reflects the saying,“A coward dies a thousand deaths,a hero dies one.”I was a coward and have felt terrible about that incident at least a thousand times.If I had been a“_15_”and gone back to pay for the pizza,I would have f

11、elt a little uncomfortable about it only once,or maybe twice.【语篇导读】一个人要终生学习。“我”自己的一次经验就让“我”学习到犯了错误要勇敢地去改正,如果不纠正,这个错误会常常折磨着自己。1A.say BtalkCshare Dexplain解析共享自己的感受和经历。答案C2A.lost BtiredChungry Danxious解析从下文看,“我们”很饿(hungry),于是去买pizza,引出了下面的故事。答案C3A.excited BeagerCsatisfied Dencouraged解析从I had a brandnew

12、$20 bill.看出,“我”很激动。答案A4A.rest BfoodCtravel Ddrink解析考查根据上下文推测的能力。“把这样稀罕的钱花在食物上可惜了”。答案B5A.Luckily BFinallyCImmediately DActually解析上文提到line,显然买pizza的人很多,需要排队,所以用“终于(finally)”买到了。答案B6A.thought BrecognizedCnoticed Drealized解析吃到一半时,才意识到(realized)未付钱。答案D7A.murdered BswallowedCdigested Dfed解析由上文“opened its

13、mouth”可知此处用swallow(吞下,咽下)。答案B 8A.ask BpayCapologize Dsend解析从语气上可以看出主人公的后悔“没有回到收银台付钱买我偷来的pizza”。答案B9A.refused BintendedCdetermined Doffered解析从upset看出“我”拒绝(refused)再买冰激凌来安慰自己。答案A10A.sure BupsetCproud Dpleased解析现在不再为我的钱币感到自豪(proud)了。答案C11A.warned BremindedCconsidered Dinformed解析remind使想起。答案B 12A.experi

14、ence BexperimentCstory Dmistake解析呼应首句中的Learning experiences。答案A 13A.free BcheapCplain Ddelicious解析a free pizza“一个免费的比萨饼”。答案A 14A.make BwakeCcatch Dput解析catch up with“赶上,跟上”。答案C 15A.coward BfoolCloser Dhero解析“如果我当一回英雄,回去付了钱,就不会这样终生遗憾了”。这正是作者要告诉读者的哲理。答案D .阅读理解 体裁:记叙文话题:如何给残疾孩子选择度假地时间:8分钟One of the bes

15、t ways to build strength and refresh oneself is to take a relaxing vacation.Taking a child with a serious disability on the wrong type of vacation,however,can leave you feeling as though you need a vacation from your vacation.To avoid this,plan a disabilityfriendly vacation.What do I mean exactly? T

16、hat depends greatly on the individual childs likes and dislikes,characters,needs,and so on.However,disabilityfriendly vacations have some things in common.First,choose a place where people expect and accept childrenthose with disabilities and those without.Go to a place where children are running up

17、 and down,making noise and enjoying themselves.Avoid places where children are hardly seen,where people walk around in knickers and end every sentence with “maam” or “sir”,and where careless steps could result in breaking the pricey things.Next,the vacation place should have a disabilityfriendly att

18、itude or at the very least an awareness that people with disabilities are okay and that you dont have to pick up your toddler(学步的幼儿) when one walks by.A good sign is a mechanism(机制) that allows people with disabilities to go to the front of the line,thus avoiding the long wait that many would be una

19、ble to tolerate.Also,the vacation place should have builtin places where the family can take some time off,out of direct sunshine,to cool down and relax.There should be lots of restrooms too.Family restrooms are best.Consider which places suit your child.Does your child love to play around? Or is sh

20、e fearful of movement or loud noise? Plan accordingly.Our family has a lot of fun at theme parks,the seashore,and the outdoors.Danielle really loves vestibular stimulation,so for her (and for us) we go to any place where she can run around,bounce up and down,or swim.When we come back from such place

21、s,we all feel rested,refreshed,renewed,and strengthened.You can too!【语篇导读】作者给家有残疾孩子的父母提出了一些度假建议,要考虑适合残疾孩子玩耍的地方。1According to the passage,taking a wrong type of vacation can _Amake a persons child get tiredBprevent a person from planning to take another vacationCleave a person feeling as if to need a

22、nother vacationDcause a person to regret having taken the child解析考查细节理解。第一段第二句话说“带残疾孩子选择不合适方式度假会让你感到劳累不堪,你需要另外一次度假才能放松下来”,由此可知C项正确。答案C2When you plan a disabilityfriendly vacation you wont consider the place where _Apeople expect and accept childrenBpeople with disabilities have some special fightsCc

23、hildren are almost never seenDthere are a lot of restrooms解析考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Avoid places where children aye hardly seen”可知应该选C。答案C3A place where people end every sentence with “maam” or “sir” is a place where _Achildren may not be welcomedBchildren will be well receivedCyoud better take a vacationDth

24、ere are not any children解析考查推理判断。第三段第一句表明,度假要选择欢迎孩子的地方,第三句则列举了一些避免选择的地方,无论是小孩很少的地方,还是人们每句话结尾都使用彬彬有礼的敬语的地方,还是一不小心就会打碎贵重物品的地方,都可能不欢迎孩子。故A项正确。答案A4It isnt stated but can be concluded that the author _Ais a child doctorBhas a disabled childCused to be tired of vacationsDis planning to take another vacati

25、on解析考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段的内容可推断出作者家有残疾的孩子。答案B5The passage tries to _Atell us disabled children should be carefully looked afterBshow parents how to choose vacation places for disabled childrenCremind that disabled children need suitable vacationsDinform parents vacations are useful to disabled children解析考查

26、主旨大意。根据文章的内容不难看出,本文作者给家有残疾孩子的父母提出了一些度假建议。答案B【长难句解读】原文Taking a child with a serious disability on the wrong type of vacation,however,can leave you feeling as though you need a vacation from your vacation.译文然而,带重度残疾的孩子却选择不合适的方式度假的话往往会让你感觉,由于这次度假,你需要另外一次的度假(来弥补这次度假所导致的疲惫)。分析Taking a child with a serious disability on the wrong type of vacation是一个动名词结构,作主语:as though you need a vacation from your vacation是方式状语从句。


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