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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc

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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc_第1页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc_第2页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc_第3页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc_第4页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc_第5页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc_第6页
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《名校推荐》湖北省襄阳市第四中学人教版高中英语必修五:UNIT 1 GREAT SCIENTISTS 词汇讲义 学案 .doc_第7页
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1、Unit 1 Great scientists 词汇讲义1. put forward 提出;提前;拨快(时钟);推荐Who put forward a theory about black holes?谁提出了黑洞理论?My watch was slow so I put it forward 3 minutes.我的表慢了,因此我把它拨快了三分钟。思维拓展put up 举起;张贴put off 推迟,延期put down 写;让某人下车;镇压put aside 放一边,搁置起来,积蓄即时演练完成句子。1) Weve _ (提前日期) of our wedding by one week.2)

2、 Can I _ (推荐你) for the secretary?3) They decided to _ their differences (抛开分歧).4) The bus stopped to _ (放下一些乘客). 2. conclude vt. & vi. 结束,推断出conclude sth with sth/conclude sth by doing sth以结束某事conclude sth from sth/ conclude (from sth) that 从某事推断出、得出结论即时演练1) She _ (结束他的谈话) a funny story.2) We can sa

3、fely _ (从他的外表推断出) that he is a heavy smoker. 思维拓展conclusion n.draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论bringto a conclusion 使结束;谈定(买卖等)You should bring the matter to an early conclusion 你应当早些了结此事。in conclusion 最后come to the conclusion that 所得出的结论是;断定即时演练完成句子。3) Ive (得出结论) hes not the right pers

4、on for the job.4) _ (最后), I would like to thank my parents.3. defeat(1) vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫The proposal was defeated by 16 votes to 5.提案以16票对5票被否决。即时演练1) Our team _ (险败) in the final.2) His lack of cooperation _ (使我们的计划受挫).(2) n. 失败,(希望、计划等的)挫折 ofthe of ones plans /hopes 某人计划的失败/希望的落空I never consider the

5、possibility of defeat.我从来没有考虑过失败的可能性。4. attend vt. & vi. 出席,参加;照料,护理I have a good doctor attending me.有一个好医生照料我。The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. 有百分之九十的股东参加了该会议。即时演练短语翻译。1) 参加婚礼/葬礼 _ 2) 上学 _ 3) 去教堂 _思维拓展attend to sb. /sth. 处理,对付;照料;接待;专心,注意即时演练完成句子。4) Could you _ (处理这件事) immediately?

6、5) He was very tired after the long run and expected _ (有人照顾他).6) Are you being _ (有人接待您吗)?7) _ (专心工作) and stop talking.5. expose vt. 使暴露于,揭露,使接触 expose sth.揭露某事expose to 使暴露于;使接触到 be exposed to 暴露于She was exposed as a liar and a fraud.她暴露了,是一个撒谎者和骗子。They had not been exposed to most diseases common

7、 to urban populations.他们没有接触到对城市居民来说常见的大多数疾病。A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger.明智的妈妈决不会让她的孩子暴露在丝毫的危险之下。即时演练完成句子。1) He _ (他透露了这个计划) to the newspapers. 2) Keep indoors and dont _ (不要让皮肤暴露在太阳下).6. cure (1) n. 治愈;疗法; a cure for a disease 医治某种病的药/疗法(2) vt. 治愈

8、,改掉(坏习惯)cure sb of 治愈某人的病;改掉某人的坏习惯I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car. 我最终设法去除掉了我的车发出的咯咯的噪声。即时演练完成句子。The lesson _ (改掉了他粗心的习惯). 思维拓展辨析 treat/curecure 强调痊愈 cure of treat 强调治疗过程 treat for思维拓展与cure sb. of sth. 类似结构的短语:remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人某事rob sb. of sth.

9、 抢了某人某物inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事7. challenge(1) n. 挑战He has taken on some exciting new challenges with this job. 他接受了工作上的一些令人兴奋的新挑战。I accepted his challenge to a game of chess.我接受了挑战,跟他下一盘棋。 (2) vt. 向挑战;反对;向挑战;对质疑She challenged him on his old-fashioned

10、 views.她向他那过时的观点发起质疑。即时演练完成句子。1) Schools must _ (迎接挑战) of new technology. 2) This new discovery _ (对传统观念提出了异议).思维拓展challenger n. 提出竞争要求的人(尤指体育运动中);挑战者challenging adj(为考验某人的能力)提出难题的;激励的;挑战的即时演练短语翻译。3) _激励人的工作、考验、任务8. absorb v. 吸收,吸取;理解Plants absorb carbon dioxide. 植物吸收二氧化碳。Clever children absorb know

11、ledge easily.聪明的孩子能容易地吸收知识。思维拓展absorbed adj. 注意力集中的,专心致志的absorbing adj. 非常吸引人的,引人入胜的absorber n. 吸收器;吸收者absorb.from. 从中吸取be absorbed in专心于,全神贯注于即时演练1) Aspirin _ (很快吸收) by / into the body.2) When I came in, the teacher _ (在沉思中).3) The company _ _ (逐渐吞并了那些小公司).9. suspect (1) vt. (通常不用于进行时) 怀疑;认为 sth. /

12、thatI suspect the truth of her statement. 我怀疑她陈述的真实性。I strongly suspect that theyre trying to get rid of me. 我十分怀疑他们试图摆脱我。思维拓展suspect sb of sth/doing sth 怀疑某人有某种罪行或做过某事suspect to be猜想/怀疑 是I suspect 常常作插入语,意思为“我想”即时演练完成句子。1) What made you _ (怀疑他偷了钱)? It seems that the man dressed in blue is the suspe

13、ct.2) What he said sounded convincing, but _ (我怀疑是谎话).(2) n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯The police are interrogating two suspects. 警方正在审讯两个嫌疑犯。即时演练完成句子。3) Hes _ (主要怀疑对象) in the murder case.10. blame (1) v. 责备,谴责;把归咎 blame sb. for sth./doing sth.因为某事责备某人/责备某人做了某事blame sth. on sb. 把归咎于某人be to blame (for sth.) 应(为)承担责任;该

14、(为)受责备不用被动语态(2) n. 过失;责备put / lay the blame on sb. for sth.将归咎于某人思维拓展blameful adj.有过错的,该受责备的blameless adj.无可责难的,无过错的If you are not to blame, then who is?如果不是怪你,那怪谁?We were ready to take the blame of what had happened.我们愿意接受所发生之事的责任。The police blamed the traffic accident on Jacks careless driving.警方把

15、交通事故的责任归于杰克的粗心驾驶。即时演练完成句子。1) _ (因学校网络故障受到责备), Alice was in low spirits. 2) Shell _ (怪罪我们) if it turns out badly.3) Which driver _(该受责备) for the accident11. link (1) v 联系,连接link.to/with. 把与连接或联系起来be linked to/with与有关联link together使连接在一起link up把连接起来,汇合Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.指纹证实了

16、嫌疑犯的犯罪行为。We link up with the company.即时演练完成句子。1) Television stations around the world _ _ (通过卫星联系一起).2) The two spacecraft will _ (互相连接) in orbit.(2) n.(链的)环,圈;关系,联系Keep close links with the masses.即时演练完成句子。3) Police suspect there may be _ (之间的联系) the two murders.12. announce vt. 宣布;宣告;通知The governm

17、ent yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs. 昨天政府对媒体宣布了创造一百万个就业岗位的计划。A ring at the doorbell announced the late arrival of Jack.门铃响了一声表示杰克来晚了。思维拓展It is announced that据宣布announcement n.make an announcement即时演练1) _ (据宣布) new speed restrictions would be introduced.2)I have go

18、t _ (一个宣布重要的通知).13. instruct vt. 命令;指示;教导instruct sb to do sth 命令某人做某事instruct sb in sth 在某方面指导某人instructthat从句(从句用shoulddo形式,should可以省略)as instructed 按照指示那样instruct sb that 通知某人思维拓展instruction n. 命令,指示,用法说明instructive adj. 指示性的,有教育意义的即时演练完成句子。1) When I came in, he _(知道他儿子) how to repair a car. 2) T

19、he teacher _(命令学生出发).3) I _ (已吩咐他们) the room locked. 14. contribute vt. & vi. 捐赠;贡献The writer personally contributed 5,000 to the earthquake fund.这位作家个人向地震基金会捐赠了五千英镑。He offered to contribute to the Red Cross.他主动提出向红十字会捐赠。Why dont you contribute to English Weekly?为什么你不向英语周报投稿呢?思维拓展contribute sth to/t

20、owards sth 有助于;有益于;促成make a contribution to. 对作出贡献即时演练完成句子。1) Plenty of fresh air _ (有助于健康).2) The old man _ (为他的公司做出了很大贡献). 15. construction n.建设;建筑物under constructionbeing built在建造中He works in a construction firm.他在一家建筑公司工作。思维拓展constructive adj. 建设性的He has played a valuable and constructive role i

21、n the project.他在该工程中起着宝贵的、有建设性的作用。construct v. 建造,构成即时演练完成句子。1) They _ (要建一座桥) over the river.2) There are two new houses _ (在建中).16. apart from除之外,此外apart frombesides, in addition to, except for, as well asApart from them, I had no one to talk with.除了他们,我没有可以说话的人。Apart from the cost, it takes a lot

22、 of time.除了成本外,还需要花许多时间。Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.除了在伦敦的住所外,他们在西班牙还有一处别墅。思维拓展fall apart 散开,拆散set apart储存;放在一边tear apart撕开,拆散tell apart区分开17. be strict with对严格的be strict with sb.对某人要求严格be strict in sth.对某事严格思维拓展strictly adv.严格地,严厉地strictly speaking严格地讲;按道理来说即时演

23、练完成句子。1) _ (按道理来说), I shouldnt be here. 2) Dad _ (对我们要求严格) about table manners. 18. make sense有意义;讲得通;有道理What you said makes good sense.你所说的很有道理。This sentence doesnt make sense.这个句子讲不通。Your story doesnt make sense to me.你的讲述我听不懂。思维拓展make no sense无意义,行不通make sense of sth. 明白,理解(不易懂的事物)in a sense在某一方面

24、;就某种意义来说in no sense决不是,决非There is no sense in doing sth.做没有道理/必要a sense of humor幽默感即时演练完成句子。1) My English teacher is a man _ (很有幽默感).2) No matter how you read, this sentence _ (都讲不通).3) _ (没有必要) worrying about it now. 19. positive adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的I have positive attitude to everything.They are not po

25、sitive of/about my honesty.We couldnt be sure if her reaction would be positive.思维拓展be positive of/about.确信,肯定be positive about. 对乐观/积极a positive result良好的结果即时演练完成句子。1) _ (你确定) that theres been no mistake? 2) You have every reason _ (对未来感到乐观).20. cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的He was cautious when he was ridin

26、g the bicycle.Companies seem cautious about investing money in research and development.思维拓展be cautious about对谨慎caution n. 小心,谨慎with caution小心地cautiously adv. 小心地,谨慎地即时演练完成句子。1) He was _ (对工作非常谨慎).2) We were instructed to _ (小心行事).21. reject v. 拒绝;不接受;丢弃;抛弃;排斥The government has rejected the plan out

27、 of hand.政府摒弃了这项计划。Fear of rejection prevents many people from forming close relationships.害怕遭受冷落使许多人不敢与人建立密切关系。思维拓展reject sth. out of hand坚决拒绝,彻底否决reject n. 废品;下脚料;落选者rejection n. 拒绝接受;否定;冷落Unit 1 词汇讲义1. 1) put forward the date 2) put you forward 3) put aside 4) put down some passengers2. 1) conclu

28、ded her talk with 2) conclude from his appearance 3) come to the conclusion that 4) In conclusion3. 1) was narrowly defeated 2) defeated our plan4. 1) attend a wedding/funeral 2) attend school 3) attend church4) attend to this matter 5) somebody to attend (to)him 6) attended to 7) Attend to your wor

29、k5. 1) exposed the plan 2) expose your skin to the sun6. cured him of his carelessness7. 1) meet the challenge2) challenges traditional beliefs3) a challenging job / test / assignment8. 1) is absorbed quickly2) is absorbed in thought3) has gradually absorbed the small ones9. 1) suspect him of having

30、 taken the money2) I suspected it to be a lie3) a prime suspect10. 1) Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network2) blame us/put the blame on us3) was to blame11. 1) are linked by satellite2) link up (with each other)3) a link between12. 1) It was announced that2) an important announceme

31、nt to make13. 1) was instructing his son2) instructed the students to start off 3) have instructed them to keep14. 1) contributes to health2) has contributed a lot to his company15. 1) are going to construct a bridge2) under construction17. 1) Strictly speaking2) is very strict with us18. 1) with a good sense of humor2) doesnt make any sense3) Theres no sense in19. 1) Are you positive2) to be positive about the future20. 1) very cautious about his work2) act with caution


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