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《创新设计》2015高考英语(广东专用)大二轮总复习 第3部分 完形填空 专题4 语法填空专题训练.doc

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《创新设计》2015高考英语(广东专用)大二轮总复习 第3部分 完形填空 专题4 语法填空专题训练.doc_第1页
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1、专题四语法填空.体验高考(2014广东)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Last year,my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation.Some of my friends who had been there before said _1_ was a wonderful holiday destination.Before we went,we had planned for months.When the day came,we were ready.After

2、our plane landed,we went to the hotel.We had made our reservation six months _2_(early),but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake.We _3_(tell)that our rooms hadnt been reserved for that week,_4_ for the week after.I didnt understand _5_ this would happen and my credit card had alre

3、ady been charged _6_ the reservation.Whats worse,the hotel had been fully booked.When we were wondering what to do,the manager came out.She was _7_(surprise)helpful.She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on _8_ top floor.We had never stayed in such an amazing room,and we werent

4、charged extra.The next day,my brother and I went to the beach _9_ we watched some people play volleyball.We got a little _10_(sunburn),but the day had been so relaxing that we didnt mind.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,记述了我和我兄弟去Miami(迈阿密)旅游,当到达目的地后,来到六个月前订的宾馆,却意外被告知订的房间是下个星期的,且该宾馆房间已订满。正当不知如何办时,经理出来了,将他们安排在留出来的VIP房间

5、,且不另外收他们的钱,真是喜出望外的事。1解析在said后的宾语从句中缺主语,应填代词;指代前句中的Miami这个地方,应用it。答案it2解析在句中作状语,依然用副词;不变词性,因为是较早的做的事,所以用比较级。答案earlier3解析由句意可知,是“我们被告知”,由上下文的时态可知,用一般过去时的被动语态。答案were told4解析根据上下句意,意为“不是为那个星期订的,而是为后一个星期所订的”,为not.but.结构。答案but5解析意为“我不知道为什么会发生这样的事”,故用why引导宾语从句。答案why6解析charge.for.是习惯搭配。答案for7解析因本句已有作表语的形容词h

6、elpful,所以应当用副词来修饰形容词helpful,指“令人惊讶地,意外地”,故填surprisingly。答案surprisingly8解析特指“在顶楼”。答案the9解析先行词是地点the beach,且在定语从句中作状语,故填where (on which and on the beach and there)。答案where10解析在表示“变化”的got后作表语,要用形容词;sunburn是名词,其形容词形式是burnt或burned。答案sunburnt/sunburned.仿真模拟Passage 1A certain man planted a rose and watered

7、 it faithfully and before it blossomed,he examined it.He saw the bud _1_ would soon blossom,but noticed thorns (棘刺) upon the stem and he thought,“How can any beautiful flower come _2_ a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?” Saddened by this thought,he _3_(neglect) to water the rose,and just _4_

8、 it was ready to bloom.it died.So it is with many people.Within every soul there is _5_ rose.The Godlike qualities planted in us at birth,grow amid the thorns of our faults.Many of us look at _6_ and see only the thorns,the defects.We despair,_7_(think) that nothing good can possibly come from us.We

9、 neglect to water the good within us,and _8_(event) it dies.We never realize our potential.Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show _9_ to them.One of the _10_(great) gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns of another,and find the rose withi

10、n them.【语篇导读】本文讲述每个人心中都有一朵玫瑰。我们要透过自己的缺点,看到自己的优点。1解析引导限制性定语从句,指代先行词bud。答案that/which2解析根据come from“来自于”可知。答案from3解析由与之并列的谓语died可知,用一般过去时。答案neglected4解析因在and后有it was.和it died两个句子,且这两句之间没有关联词,故填关联词;表示“在之前,还没来得及”,用before。答案before5解析每个人的灵魂深处都有一朵玫瑰,用不定冠词。答案a6解析前有us,我们很多人审视自己,用反身代词。答案ourselves7解析前已有谓语动词desp

11、air,think前又没有连词,故用现在分词表示伴随。答案thinking8解析此处需要用副词修饰谓语,故要作词类转换。答案eventually9解析代词it指代前面的rose。答案it10解析根据句意,尤其是“one of”可知用最高级。答案greatestPassage 2When we do not understand each others language,we can talk with the help of signs.A Frenchman was once traveling in England.He could not speak English at all.One

12、 day he went into a restaurant and _1_(sit) down at a table.When the waiter came,he opened his mouth,put his fingers in it and took _2_ out again.He wanted to say,“Bring me _3_ to eat.”The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea.The man moved his head _4_ side to side.The waiter understood him and took

13、 the tea away.In a moment he came with a cup of coffee,_5_ the man again refused it.He shook his head _6_ the waiter brought him something to drink,for drinks are not food.When the man was going away,_7_ man came in.This man saw the _8_(wait),and he put his hand _9_ his stomach.That was enough.In a

14、few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him._10_,you see,sometimes we can understand the language of signs as well as we can understand the language of words.【语篇导读】本文介绍当两个陌生人彼此之间没办法理解对方的语言时,可以借助手势进行交流,但有时也会产生误会,造成误解。1解析用过去时,与前面的动词went into并列,前后时态一致。答案sat2解

15、析指代前面的his fingers。答案them3解析不定代词“一些东西”,下面一段有提示。答案something4解析与to连用,构成“from side to side”。答案from5解析表转折,因为后面有一个动词refuse。答案but6解析根据前后的关系,可知引导时间状语从句“无论什么时候”。答案whenever/when7解析表示“另一位,另一个”,接单数名词。答案another8解析在冠词后用名词,表示“侍者,服务员”。答案waiter9解析表示,“把手放在肚子上”。答案on10解析因此,承上启下,表示“总结”。答案So/ThereforePassage 3Wealth has

16、always been what some people long for.It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labour._1_ efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth,and hence to their happiness.There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness

17、,especially in the modem society.Various kinds of uptodate household appliances,_2_(late) fashions and recreations make their appearance with each passing day.All this makes our life more comfortable and colourful.Therefore,without money we cannot turn _3_(admire) into reality.But there are exceptio

18、ns _4_ wealth does not go hand in hand with happiness.Wealth may tempt weakwilled persons to be addicted _5_ harmful habits,such as drugtaking and gambling,and result in their own rain.Besides,a person may lose his reason and go astray (误入歧途) if he intends only to seek wealth and indulges himself in

19、 leading a luxurious life.For example,there are some government officials _6_ take advantage of their positions to take bribes (贿赂) from _7_ people turning to them for help.All these _8_ (bring) about the negative effect of wealth if we dont take a proper attitude to it.In my opinion,_9_ no account

20、can we identify wealth with happiness.I also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth _10_(achieve) happiness.【语篇导读】本文是议论文,主要论述幸福与财富的关系,说明幸福与财富没有多大关系。1解析指代前文的most of them且与后面的efforts构成修饰关系,故填their。答案Their2解析作定语修饰后面的名词fashions,故填形容词latest(最新的)。答案latest3解析词类转换,作谓语动词turn的宾语,故填其名词形式。答案admirat

21、ion4解析两者之间没有关联词,必定是填关联词;根据两句之间的逻辑关系应填when。答案when5解析固定搭配,be addicted to“沉溺于”。答案to6解析引导限制性定语从句,先行词为officials,故填who/that。答案who/that7解析因为people后接turning to them for help,作后置定语,故填the。答案the8解析位于主语后面且缺谓语,故填will bring。答案will bring9解析固定搭配,on no account意为“决不”。答案on10解析从句中已有谓语动词,该空为非谓语动词且作目的状语,故填to achieve。答案to

22、 achievePassage 4Money may not buy you happiness,but having a happy childhood can make you lots of money.A study has found that children _1_ a sunny temperament (性情) go on to earn more as adults,even if their parents were not educated or high earners.And within the same family,_2_ is the happiest wh

23、o tend to earn the most.The study examined the happiness levels of 90,000 children and young adults in the US.,and _3_(compare) the data to their levels of income as adults.Even when _4_ factors were taken into account,the economists _5_(carry) out the study found that happiness levels when young cl

24、early determined higher earnings in later life.For example,those _6_ life satisfaction increased by one point on a scale of one to five at the age of 22 were likely to earn 1,200 more _7_ year by the age of 29.Professor Andrew Oswald of Warwick University,the studys coauthor,said: “This research pro

25、vides yet another reason for the need to create an _8_(emotion) healthy home environment.” Economists have long recognised that those with higher incomes tend to be _9_(happy),but this is the first study which shows the economic benefits of being happy when young.The authors said happier people tend

26、ed to be more productive,which may explain _10_ they were promoted more quickly than their more pessimistic colleagues.【语篇导读】研究表明,钱可能买不了幸福,但幸福的童年能够让你长大后赚更多的钱。1解析空格后是个名词短语“a sunny temperament”,这个名词短语既不作主语,也不是动词的宾语,那么它的前面就应该是个介词,由它和前面的名词children可知,是指“性情开朗的孩子”,介词短语作定语。答案with2解析由句式结构可知,此句是强调句型。答案it3解析连词

27、and连接并列的两个谓语动词examined和compared。答案compared4解析由上下文可知,幸福快乐的童年是成年后赚钱更多的关键因素,但不是唯一的因素,别的因素也要考虑(take into account)进去。答案other5解析句中的谓语动词是found,carry就应是非谓语动词了,它的逻辑主语是the economists,二者之间是主动关系,用现在分词carrying,分词短语carrying out作定语修饰the economists。答案carrying6解析此处是定语从句,先行词是those,由于从句中已有主语life satisfaction,那么关系代词就不是

28、who,而是作life satisfaction的定语的whose。答案whose7解析此处a有“每一”的意思,.earn 1,200 more a year,每年多赚1,200英镑。答案a8解析修饰后面的形容词healthy要用副词形式,然后emotionally healthy再修饰后面的名词短语home environment。答案emotionally9解析由句意可知,经济学家们认识到收入更高的人往往更幸福,要用比较级。答案happier10解析由句意可知,更快乐的人更高效,这也就是他们为什么比他们那些更悲观的同事更容易获得升迁的原因,why引导一个从句,作谓语动词explain的宾语

29、。答案whyPassage 5Some people have very good memories,and can easily learn quite long poems by heart.There are other people who can only remember things _1_(make) they have said again and again.A good memory is _2_ great help in learning a language.Everybody learns his own language _3_ remembering what

30、 he hears when he is a small child.Some children dont live in their own country; they seem to learn two languages almost as easily as _4_.In school,it is not so easy to learn a foreign language _5_ students have so little time for it and they are busy with _6_ lessons,too.A mans mind is rather _7_ a

31、 camera,but it takes photos not only of what we see but also of _8_ we feel,hear,smell and taste.When we take a real photo with a camera,there is much to do when the photo _9_ (finish) and ready to show to our friends.In the same way,there is much work _10_(do) before we can keep a picture forever i

32、n our minds.【语篇导读】人的记忆力各不相同,好的记忆力对学习有很大的帮助。人的头脑与照相机一样,必须把所看到的一切东西记在脑海中并加以处理。1解析引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语。答案that/which2解析不定冠词泛指“一个”帮手,前后对应。答案a3解析表示方式,手段,后面接动词的ing形式。答案by4解析表示一种语言,与前面对应,说明学两种语言跟学一种语言一样容易。答案one5解析引导原因状语从句,因为后面讲到学生们在学校里学习语言的时间很少。答案because6解析不定代词“其他的,别的”,后面接复数名词。答案other7解析介词“像”,指人的头脑就像照相机一样。答案like8

33、解析作介词of宾语又引导宾语从句,含有两层成分。答案what9解析用一般现在时被动语态,因主语是相片,所以用被动。答案is finished10解析不定式被动式作定语,修饰work。答案to be donePassage 6(2014深圳高三第二次模拟考试) A couple had been married for over 60 years.They shared everything,talked about everything and kept no secrets _1_ each other except that the woman had a box in a drawer

34、_2_ she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.Hed never thought about it ever since.One day _3_ woman got very sick and the doctor said she wouldnt recover.To sort out their affairs,the husband took down the box and _4_ (bring) it to his wifes bedside.She agreed it was time that h

35、e should know _5_ was in the box. _6_ (open) it,he found two small table mats and a sum of money totaling $25,000.He asked her about the contents.“When we were to be married,”she said,“my grandma told me the secret of happy _7_ (marry) was never to argue,and I should just keep quiet and make a mat _

36、8_ I got angry with you.”The man was so _9_ (move) that he had to fight back tears.She had only been angry with him twice in all those years of living and loving!“Honey,”he said,“that explains the mats,but what about the money?Where did it come from?”“Oh,”she said,“thats the money I made from sellin

37、g _10_ .”【语篇导读】本文为记叙文。讲述一对夫妇的故事,妻子临终前把一直对丈夫保密的一个盒子的秘密告诉了丈夫。1解析考查介词。固定搭配:keep sth from sb瞒着某人。句意:他们分享一切,谈论一切,彼此没有秘密。答案from2解析考查定语从句。先行词为a box,故用关系代词which或that都可以。句意:除了那位妇女的一个抽屉里有个盒子,她警告她的丈夫不要打开或问她。答案that/which3解析考查冠词。用定冠词the特指那个妇女。答案the4解析考查动词的时态。由并列连词and可知,此处应用bring的过去式brought作took的并列谓语。答案brought5解析

38、考查宾语从句。此处用what引导宾语从句。句意:她认为是时候让他知道盒子里面是什么东西。答案what6解析考查非谓语动词。open和逻辑主语he是主动关系,此处用现在分词作伴随状语。答案Opening7解析考查词性转换。前有形容词happy修饰,此处应用marry的名词形式marriage,happy marriage:幸福的婚姻。答案marriage8解析考查连词。用if引导条件状语从句或用when引导时间状语从句。句意:如果/当我生你的气时,我应该保持冷静然后做一个垫子。答案if/when9解析考查动词。用动词的过去分词作形容词表示the man的感受,moved:受感动的。答案moved10解析考查代词。用them代替the mats。答案them


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