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1、开封高中2017届高三英语小卷练习(1)第I卷(选择题)ADivorce rates (离婚率)are far higher among modern couples who share the housework than in those where the woman does the lions share of the chores(日常事务), a Norwegian study has found.In what appears to be a slap in the face for gender equality, the report found the divorce r

2、ate among couples who shared housework equally was around 50 per cent higher than among those where the woman did most of the work.What weve seen is that sharing equal responsibility for work in the home doesnt necessarily contribute to satisfaction, said Thomas Hansen, co-author of the study entitl

3、ed Equality in the Home. The lack of correlation between equality at home and quality of life was surprising, the researcher said.One would think that break-ups would occur more often in families with less equality at home, but our statistics show the opposite, he said. The figures clearly show that

4、 the more a man does in the home, the higher the divorce rate is, he went on. The reasons, Mr. Hansen said, lay only partially with the chores themselves. The deeper reasons for the higher divorce rate, he suggested, came from the values of modern couples rather than the chores they shared.In these

5、modern couples, women also have a high level of education and a well-paid job, which makes them less dependent on their spouse financially, Mr. Hansen said.They can manage much easier if they divorce, he said. Norway has a long tradition of gender equality and child rearing is shared equally between

6、 mothers and fathers in 70 per cent of cases.1、What does the underlined part in the first paragraph mean?A. What a lion should do. B. Most of the chores.C. A small piece of cake. D. A tiny part of housework.2、According to the passage, .A. sharing equal responsibility for work makes for contentmentB.

7、 break-ups would occur more often in families with less equalityC. the less a man does in the home, the higher the divorce rate isD. values of modern couples can explain the higher divorce3、What would be the best title of the passage?A. Divorce Risk for Couples Sharing Chores B. Equality in the Home

8、C. Strong Demand for Gender Equality D. Less Dependent, Lower Divorce RateBAre you an optimist? Do you look at your glass and see it as half full? Do you believe that every cloud has a silver lining and that things generally turn out for the best? Do you believe that if something is meant to be, it

9、will be? If you reply “yes” to all of these questions, then you are an optimist. You probably are enthusiastic, cheerful and outgoing. You may be successful at work and in love.But you may be misguided because things dont turn out for the best. You may believe that when one door closes another one o

10、pens (for example, you may fail to obtain a new job; another chance will come around soon). Wrong. When one door closes, another door slams (砰然关上) in your face. Thats bitter reality.Now a book has been published which confirms what pessimists (悲观者) have suspected all along. Its called The Positive P

11、ower of Defensive Pessimism. Its author argues that defensive pessimism can lead to positive results. Defensive pessimism is a strategy used to manage fear, anxiety and worry. Defensive pessimists prepare for the things by setting low outcomes for themselves. They carefully consider everything that

12、may go wrong and plan for ways to handle these problems. And this gives them a sense of control. Lawrence Sanno, a psychology professor, says, “Whats interesting about defensive pessimists is that they tend to be very successful people, so their low opinion of the situations outcomes is not realisti

13、c. They use it to motivate themselves to perform better.”So far, so good. This is not rocket science. Defensive pessimists prepare carefully and consider what might go wrong, whether at work, on date or even in a sports game. It makes sense to have a back-up plan. There are many sayings in English u

14、rging caution. For example, “Dont put all your eggs in one basket.” And “Dont count your chickens until they hatch.” To have a confident and optimistic approach to lifes problems is good. But listen to what Woody Alien, the American comedian says, “Confidence is what you have before you understand t

15、he problem.”There are pros and cons to being an optimist and a pessimist. Dont feel bad if you see the glass half empty. You are a realist. But lighten up and hook up with someone who sees the same glass half full.4Whats the passage mainly about?A.A book that has recently been published.B.How to bec

16、ome successful in life.C.The dangers of being too optimistic.D.The benefits of defensive pessimism.5The underlined sentence “This is not rocket science” (Para. 4) means _.A.its not a dangerous thing to doB.it is quite simple to understandC.the cost is not so highD.there is no real proof6Which of the

17、 following English expressions would a defensive pessimist believe?A.Dont put all your eggs in one basket. B.The glass is half full not half empty.C.Whatever will be, will be. D.Every cloud has a silver lining.7The writer would probably describe himself as _.A.an optimistB.a defeatistC.a realistD.a

18、scientistCFriends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take friendship for granted(认为理所当然),we often dont clearly understand how to make friends. While we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a very few of themfor example, the average among student

19、s is about 6 per person. In all the cases of friendly relationships , two persons like one another and enjoy being together ;but beyond that ,the degree of intimacy(亲密)between them and the reasons for their shared interests vary greatly. As we get to know people, we take into account things like age

20、, race, economic condition, social position, and intelligence. Although these factors(因素)are not of great importance ,it is more difficult to get on with people when there is a marked difference in age and background.Some friendly relationships can be kept on argument and discussion, but it is usual

21、 for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, the same opinions and interests. They often talk about being on the same wavelength. It generally takes time to reach this point. And the more intimately involved people become, the more they depend on one another. People who want to be friends h

22、ave to learn to put up with annoying habits and to stand differences.In contrast with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two persons. But the supporting and understanding of each other that results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to crea

23、te a powerful bond ,which can overcome differences in background, and break down barriers(障碍)of age ,class or race.8According to the passage,_.A.friends are those who must share their interestsB.friends are closer than people who just get on well with each otherC.all the people know how to make frie

24、ndsD.every student has six friends9We can learn from the passage that _.A.there are no special ceremonies to strengthen friendshipB.friendship can overcome all differences between two personsC.only standing differences in opinions can lead to friendshipD.friendship can be strengthened by smiles and

25、soft voices10When people talk about being on the same wavelength,they mean that they_.A.watch the same TV programsB.are the same in all waysC.have the same backgroundD.share the same way of thinking and the same interests11Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?A.Even friends may have

26、different opinions.B.Friends never argue with each other.C.It generally takes time for people to become close friends.D.Someones habits may annoy his friends.二. 七选五Nothing succeeding lacks confidence. When you are truly confident, it attracts success to you.Its important to believe in yourself. Beli

27、eve that you can do it under any circumstances, because if you believe you can, then you really will. 1 Some people say confidence is just an attitude. 2 It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with confidence. 3 It comes fro

28、m a strong commitment to take responsibility, rather than just letting life happen.One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you. 4 Confidence is knowing you can do it. Know that you are capable of accomplishing anything you w

29、ant, and live your life with confidence. 5 If your life is not what you want it to be, you have the power to change it, and you must make the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live with your goals and your plans of action. Act with your own purposes, and you will have the life you want.A. Confide

30、nce is not just believing you can do it.B. Anything can be achieved through self-confidence.C. The belief keeps you searching for answers.D. Confidence is understanding and comes from strength.E. Actually, it is more than an attitude.F. Live each moment with your plans in mind.G. It comes from a str

31、ong sense of purpose.三. 完形填空While I studied at school, I felt a great difficulty in learning my Latin translations. I was always very 1 in using a dictionary, and 2 it most difficult, while to other boys it seemed no 3 .I formed an alliance (盟友) with a boy in the Sixth Grade. He was very clever and

32、4 read Latin as easily as English. My friend for his part was almost as 5 troubled by the English essays he had to write for the headmaster as I was 6 these Latin words. We agreed together that he could 7 me my Latin translations and that I should do his essays. The arrangement 8 wonderfully. The he

33、admaster seemed quite 9 with my work, and I had more time to myself in the morning. On the other hand, once a week 10 I had to compose the essays of my friend. For several months no difficulty 11, but once we were nearly caught out.One afternoon, the headmaster 12 my friend to discuss one essay with

34、 him in a lively spirit. I was interested in this 13 you make here. I think you might have gone further. Tell me 14 you had in your mind. The headmaster continued in this 15 for some time to fear of my friend. However, the headmaster, not wishing to 16 an occasion of praise into 17 of fault-finding,

35、 finally 18 him go. He came back to me like a man who had had a very narrow 19 and I made up my mind to make every effort to study my 20 .1A.quickB.slowC.hardD.good2A.madeB.gotC.foundD.left3A.troubleB.differenceC.labourD.worry4A.mightB.wouldC.shouldD.could5A.veryB.littleC.muchD.few6A.forB.byC.inD.to

36、7A.changeB.takeC.forgiveD.tell8A.workedB.triedC.happenedD.developed9A.angryB.satisfiedC.frightenedD.sad10A.or soB.or elseC.as usualD.as far11A.becameB.seemedC.layD.appeared12A.calledB.taughtC.arrangedD.sent13A.aimB.goalC.pointD.opinion14A.whyB.howC.whichD.what15A.excitementB.wayC.meaningD.disappoint

37、ment16A.turnB.leaveC.growD.become17A.noneB.oneC.eitherD.some18A.orderedB.askedC.tookD.let19A.surpriseB.escapeC.hopeD.chance20A.readingB.writingC.translationsD.essays四. 短文改错With computers widely use in many fields, more and more people now type everything on the computer instead of write on paper, th

38、at has caused the level of students handwriting skills to drop sharp.Some think handwriting contests are not necessary because we are in the computer age and we type more on the computer than writing by the hand. Beside, writing on the computer is quicker than writing on paper, and the printing word

39、s are more standard and beautiful.Other think its necessary to hold such contests. For one thing, it can improve students handwriting skills and developed their interest the art of calligraphy. For another, it can make students love Chinese characters.答案A篇:B DA B篇:DBAC C篇:BADB CEGAB1-5 BCADC 6-10 BD

40、ABA 11-15 DACDB 16-20 ABDBCWith computers widelyin many fields, more and more people now type everything on the computer instead ofon paper, has caused the level of students handwriting skills to drop Some think handwriting contests are not necessary because we are in the computer age and we type mo

41、re on the computer than writing bythe hand., writing on the computer is quicker than writing on paper, and the words are more standard and beautiful.think its necessary to hold such contests. For one thing, it can improve students handwriting skills andtheir interestthe art of calligraphy. For another, it can make students love Chinese characters.


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