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2020-2021学北师大版高中英语选修七教案:UNIT19 LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Unit 19 Languagepunctuation n. liberty n. for agescheers inter.royal adj. directory n. cab n. diagram n.curriculum n. jungle n. pat vt.&n. caption n.brochure n. cafeteria n. eyebrow n. booth n.explicit adj. dedication n. upper adj. barbershop n.rigid adj. dedicated adj.unrest n. barber n.transparent

2、 adj. manual n. certificate n. stewardess n.outline vt. theft n. registration n. steward n.ambiguous adj. mate n. diploma n. bingo inter.candidate n. cream n. marketing n. haircut n.constitution n. razor n. overview n. amateur adj.academy n.1(2020新高考全国卷)However,well adjust the influence.适应2(2020全国卷)

3、While Queensland Rail makes every effort to ensure trains run as scheduled,there can be no guarantee of connections between trains or between train services and bus services.保证3(2017全国卷)Through the years,Id run into former students who would provide updates on old classmates.最新消息单词拼写运用核心单词语境运用1fold

4、v折叠;交叉 2trend n趋势,倾向3adequate adj.足够的,充分的4ensure vt.保证,确保 5accelerate vt.& vi.加速6target n目标7unconscious adj.不知不觉的;无意的8resemble vt.像;与相似9purchase vt.购买10adjust vt.调节;调整11thankful adj.为感到高兴的;感谢的12relative n亲戚,亲属13register vi.登记;注册14fasten vt.束紧15regulation n规则 16output_n(信息)输出17input n. (信息)输入18nation

5、wide adv.全国性地19decade n. 十年20theory n. 理论;学说21attain vt. 获得;达到22merely adv. 只;仅仅23purchase_vt. 购买24punctual adj. 准时的,守时的25upwards adv. 向上地26bent adj. 弯曲的27acquisition n(语言)习得用所给词的适当形式填空。1He quickly folded(fold) the map and put it in his pocket.2Do you know about current trends (trend) in language te

6、aching?3She strongly resembles(resemble) her mother.4.There were other targets(target) for Mr.Livingston.5The livelihood of retired personnel is_ensured_(ensure) by the state and society.6This button is for adjusting (adjust) the volume.7The collection has been in storage for decades(decade)by the o

7、wner.8He_purchased(purchase) a ticket and went up on the top deck.9I was eager to get involved and to bring some_theories(theory) into practice.10We launched a nationwide(nation) forestation campaign about 10 years ago.派生单词语境运用1sincere adj.真诚的sincerely adv.真诚地2fluent adj.流畅的fluency n流利度,流畅度3absent a

8、dj.缺席的,不在场的absence n缺乏;缺席4surround vt.环绕,围绕surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n周围的环境5large adj.大的enlarge vt.扩大6inform vt.告知,通知information n信息7announce vt.宣告;通告announcement n通告;宣告8congratulate vt.祝贺congratulation n祝贺9approve vi.& vt.赞成;赞许;批准approval n赞成;赞许;批准10apply vi.申请applicant n申请人application n申请书11

9、embarrass vt.使窘迫embarrassed adj.感到窘迫的embarrassing adj.令人窘迫的embarrassment n窘迫;尴尬12guarantee vt. 保证;担保guaranteed adj. 必然的v.保证;担保13accurate adj. 精确的;准确的accurately adv. 准确地accuracy n. 精确度;准确度14offend v. 得罪;冒犯offence n冒犯;得罪15globe n. 地球;地球仪global_adj. 全世界的;全球的16medium n. 媒介物;渠道media (pl.)媒体17person n人;个人

10、personal adj.个人的;私人的personnel n. 全体职员18compete v竞争;对抗competition_n. 角逐;比赛;对手competitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的competence n. 能力competitor n对手;参赛者用所给词的适当形式填空。1When he was asked to answer that embarrassing question,he became very embarrassed.(embarrass) 2Fluent English is the ideal course for developing native

11、like fluency in English.(fluent) 3Our factory is determined to take full advantage of all the opportunities to enlarge our investment,and put in large amount of cash into reproduction annually.(large)4We will use detailed information to inform you the process of the project.(inform)5I am here to ann

12、ounce my retirement from the game of basketball.It wont be another announcement to baseball.(announce) 6I dont need approval all the time.If someone does not approve of me,I will still be okay.(approve)7He stood out in terms of_competence(compete) from all his fellows. 8Any event attended by the act

13、or received widespread media(medium) coverage.短语理解运用高频短语语境运用1keep_in_mind记住2be_aware_of意识到,觉察到,明白3rely_on依靠,依赖4adjust.to.调整以适应5on_purpose 故意地6regardless_of不管,不顾7on_the_other_hand另一方面8get_ahead取得成功;获得进步选用左栏短语的适当形式填空。More and more parents are_aware_of the importance of helping their children adjust_to

14、 the new school life before they go to university.On one hand,they ask their children not to rely_on them for everything.On_the_other_hand,they remind themselves to keep_in_mind that regardless_of what happens,they should not give up.9take_the_form_of 以形式出现10inform_sb.of_sth. 通知某人某事11consist_of由组成/构

15、成12._catch_on学会;受欢迎13congratulate_sb.on_sth. 就某事向某人祝贺14I_bet 我肯定15more_than 不仅仅;超过;非常16stand_out 出色;突出选用左栏短语的适当形式填空。Our dance team consists_of more than fifty students.On behalf of our school,we took part in a competition last week.Our teacher informed_us_of the result yesterday.We won the first pri

16、ze because our dance stood_out among all the dances.And our headmaster congratulated_us_on our success.句式辨识运用教材原句背诵句式结构仿写1.whether.or.Quality input ensures quality output,whether it is speaking or writing.他要留下来还是要走,我真的不在意。Whether_or_not_he_will_stay,I really do not care.2.provided that.Thirdly,you s

17、ay that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.只要情况允许,我们下周将举行会议。Provided_that_circumstances_permit,we shall hold the meeting next week.1absence n不存在;缺乏;缺席 (1)absence from.缺席;离开during/in ones absenceduring/in the absence of sb.在某人不在的时候(2)absent adj.缺席的;茫然的be absent from 缺席;不存在;缺少absence o

18、f rain 缺乏降雨be absent from work 旷工基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错 We were worried by the absence(absent) of definite figures in the report. In the absence of any further evidence the police were unable to solve the murder. How many students are absent from class today?Learning Chinese is very difficult in the absent

19、 of a native language environment.absentabsence_链接写作一句多译我为自己在爸爸不在场的时候所做的事感到骄傲。I took pride in what I had done in_my_fathers_absence.(in sb.s absence)I took pride in what I had done in_the_absence_of_my_father.(in the absence of sb.)2surround vt.环绕,围绕;包围 (1)surround sb./sth.with sb./sth.用某人/某物包围某人/某物

20、be surrounded by/with sb./sth.被某人/某物包围(2)surrounding adj.周围的,附近的surroundings n周围的事物;环境;气氛new surroundings 新环境基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错I walked in the door and saw a brown sofa surrounding(surround) a low glasstop wooden table.He loves to be surrounded with his family and friends.Only in this way can we live i

21、n more comfortable and beautiful surroundings (surround)Nowadays it seems as if we are surrounding by different kinds of online votings.surroundingsurrounded链接写作句式升级(普通表达)Because it is surrounded by flood plains,there is nowhere else for it expands.(高级表达)Surrounded_by_flood_plains,there is nowhere e

22、lse for it expands.(过去分词短语作状语)3inform vt.告知;通知 (1)inform sb.of/about sth.通知某人某事inform sb.that.告知某人(2)informed adj.了解情况的;消息灵通的keep sb.informed of sth.使某人知道某事(3)information n信息(不可数)inform them of his arrival 通知他们他已到达a piece of information 一则消息ask for information 询问信息基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错The sales manager as

23、ked his men to inform him of everything concerning the sales in time.The Internet can keep us informed(inform) of the latest news in time.Can you give me any information(inform) on this matter?He has informed that he doesnt qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.has后加been链接写作

24、一句多译他报告公司轮船已平安抵达。He informed_the_company_that the ship had arrived safely.He informed_the_company_of the ships safe arrival.4embarrass vt.使窘迫,使尴尬;使为难 (1)It embarrasses/embarrassed sb.to do sth.做某事使人窘迫(2)embarrassment n困窘,困惑to ones embarrassment 让某人感到不好意思(3)embarrassed adj.难堪的,尴尬的be embarrassed at/ab

25、out(对)感到为难/尴尬embarrassing adj.令人困窘的give me an embarrassed smile 尴尬地朝我笑了笑an embarrassing question 令人难堪的问题ease ones embarrassment 缓解某人的困窘基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错He was acutely embarrassed about/at being the centre of attention.I was embarrassed(embarrass) to borrow some money from her.He wore an embarrassing e

26、xpression when he heard the result of the exam.embarrassingembarrassed链接写作一句多译令他难堪的是,他对所发生的事情一无所知What_embarrassed_him was that he had no idea of what was going on.To_his_embarrassment,he had no idea of what was going on.5resemble vt.像;与相似 (1)resemble sb./sth.in.与某人/某物在方面相似(2)resemblance n类似resemblan

27、ce between A and BA与B之间的相似之处bear a resemblance tobe similar to与相似名师点津resemble是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语;不能用于进行时,也没有被动语态。基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错She resembles her teacher in the way speaking and writing English.There is a strong resemblance(resemble) between the two brothers.His appearance resembles with his brother,but t

28、hey have different characters.去掉with链接写作词汇升级(普通表达)The accident was similar to one that happened in 1973.(高级表达)The_accident_resembled_one that happened in 1973.6guarantee vt.保证;担保 n. 保证;保证书;抵押品 高考原句2020全国卷While Queensland Rail makes every effort to ensure trains run as scheduled,there can be no guara

29、ntee of connections between trains or between train services and bus services.(1)guarantee sb.against/from保证某人免受(损伤或伤害)guarantee sb.sth.保证某人某事guarantee to do sth.保证做某事guarantee that.保证be guaranteed to do sth.必定做某事(2)under guarantee在保修期内give sb.a guarantee (that.)向某人保证()guarantee of happiness 幸福的保证a

30、twoyear guarantee 两年的保修期guarantee to behave ourselves 保证好好表现基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错I guarantee to_be(be) here tomorrow.Trust me!I guarantee that youll enjoy yourself.This insurance guarantees you against loss in case of fire.We guarantee them to reply in full within 10 working days.去掉them链接写作一句多译我们保证在一周内将货物

31、送到。We_guarantee_to_deliver_the_goods_in_one_week. (guarantee v;简单句)We_guarantee_that_we_will_deliver_the_goods_in_one_week.(guarantee v;复合句)We_give_a_guarantee_that_we_will_deliver_the_goods_in_one_week.(guarantee n)7adjust vi.调节;调整 vt.适应 (1)adjust to 适应于adjust (sth./oneself) to (doing) sth.使(某物/某人自

32、己)适应(做)某事(2)make an adjustment 做出调整try to make the necessary adjustment to the new situation努力适应新环境基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错She must learn to adjust herself(she) to English life.We made a few minor adjustments(adjustment) to the plan.When a child is studying abroad,he must learn to adjust to live on his own.l

33、iveliving链接写作句式升级(普通表达)Tom adjusted himself to the new life and he became one of the best students in his class.(高级表达)Adjusting_himself_to_the_new_life,Tom became one of the best students in his class.(现在分词作状语)(高级表达)Adjusted_to_the_new_life,Tom became one of the best students in his class.(过去短语分词作状语

34、)8congratulate vt.祝贺 (1)congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺某人某事congratulate sb.on doing sth.就某事向某人祝贺congratulate oneself on(doing)sth.庆幸自己(做)某事(2)congratulation n祝贺,恭贺(常用复数形式)congratulations(to sb.) on sth.祝贺(某人)某事offer/send my congratulations to you 向你表示祝贺accept your congratulations 接受你的祝贺基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错He c

35、ongratulated himself on having survived the air crash.We congratulated him on having_passed_(pass) the examination.I send you my warmest congratulations_(congratulation) on your success.He congratulated on himself that he had found a job.去掉on链接写作完成句子我们为你通过高考向你表示祝贺。We offer our_congratulations_to_you

36、_on_your_passing_the College Entrance Examination.9negotiate vt.谈判;协商 (1)negotiate with sb.about/for sth.与某人商谈某事negotiate an agreement/contract商定协议/合同(2)under negotiation在商谈中基础练习单句语法填空We have been negotiating with the manager for/about a short working week.The pilots are negotiating with the airline

37、 managers.The details of the contract are still under negotiation.链接写作完成句子我们英语老师正在同校长商谈使用图书馆的事。Our English teacher is_negotiating_with_the_headmaster_for/about_the_use of the library.10catch on学会;理解;受欢迎;流行起来(1)catch on to.理解catch on fire 着火(2)catch sb.doing sth.发现某人在做某事catch sight of 看见catch up with

38、keep up with 赶上,跟上be caught in 陷入;被卷入;遇上基础练习写出下列句中catch on的含义 I dont quite catch on to what she is saying.理解 He invented a new game,but it never really caught on.流行起来 The peasantsinger has caught on with lots of people all over China.受欢迎链接写作完成句子昨天我撞上我的同桌在读我的私人信件。I caught_my_deskmate_reading my priva

39、te letters yesterday.11on the other hand 另一方面 on the other hand意为“另一方面”,常与on (the) one hand配合使用。for one thing.for another(thing).一则再则one.the other.一个另一个some.others.一些另一些基础练习单句语法填空On (the) one hand I want to sell the house,but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving.I didnt buy that car.F

40、or one thing,I didnt like its colour,for another thing,I didnt have enough money.链接写作完成句子一方面,我们应该努力学习。另一方面,我们学生应该积极参加社会活动。(on the other hand)On_the_one_hand,we must study hard.On_the_other_hand,we students should take an active part in social activities.12keep to 遵守,遵循,按行事;坚持(做某事) keep away 避开;不靠近ke

41、ep back 保留;阻止keep on 继续keep fit 保持健康keep off 避开;防止;挡住keep up 保持;继续;维持keep up with 跟上;不落在后面基础练习写出下列句中keep to的含义He always keeps to his promise.遵守Once having made a plan,you should keep to it.按行事Keep to it! You must not stop till the job is finished.坚持链接写作完成句子不管你怎么争辩,我都将坚持自己的决定。Whatever your argument,I

42、 shall keep_to_my_decision.13(教材P6)Quality input ensures quality output,whether it is speaking or writing.不管是说还是写,高质量的输入确保高质量的输出。 句法句式whether.or.引导让步状语从句,意为“无论是否”。另外,它还可以引导名词性从句。引导让步状语从句的还有:though,although 虽然,纵然as if/though 虽然但是,纵使even if,even though 即使,纵使no matter疑问词/疑问词ever.不管都基础练习单句语法填空Whether or

43、 not were successful,we can be sure that we did our best.Wherever I went,my dog followed.链接写作一句多译不管你做什么,别让妇女们烦恼。Whatever_you_do,dont upset the women.(whatever)No_matter_what_you_do,dont upset the women.(what)14(教材P12)Thirdly,you say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.第三,你们说我只要预付

44、款就有折扣。 句法句式此句中的provided that为连词,引导条件状语从句,相当于on condition that/so long as。provided可以换成providing。在英语中类似的连词还有:如果;假如基础练习单句语法填空Supposing/Suppose(suppose) that there is no pure water; what shall we drink?Given(give) good health,I hope to finish the work this year.链接写作句式升级(普通表达)Your oral English is to be i

45、mportant if you practice more. (高级表达)Your oral English is to be important provided/providing that you practice more.(provided/providing)夯基固本基础强化.用所给词的正确形式填空。1The boy said he would keep me informed (inform) of the things that happened in the classroom every day.2There is no point in asking (ask) such

46、 a silly question.3I guarantee to_pay (pay) off my debts on time,no matter what happens.4It is a beautiful city,surrounded (surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.5Its a shame that he was caught sleeping (sleep) in class.在空白处填入一个适当的词。1He asked me to tell you the contract is under negotiation.2

47、My uncle sent me a card to congratulate me on my eighteenth birthday yesterday.3We did not receive any news during/in his long absence.4This is a novel,but on the other hand,it can be looked on as a biography.5It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 查缺补漏知识拾遗.用所给词的正确形式填空。1Because it w

48、as his first offence (offend),the punishment wasnt too severe.2They found him lying unconscious (conscious) on the floor when they broke in.3The article accurately (accurate) reflects public opinion.4What should our marketing (market)strategy have achieved so far? 5All students are_guaranteed (guara

49、ntee) campus accommodation for their first year.6We need to take a more global (globe) approach to the problem.在空白处填入一个适当的词。1It is reported that a mine accident happened in a town in Shanxi Province.2The dictionary which your uncle bought for you is of great use in your study.3I wont stand for his u

50、nreasonable demands any longer despite his seniority.4In the absence of definite evidence, the police had to set the prisoner free. 5The key_to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.6Whether_you like the decision or not, you have to accept it at present. 强技提能语言应用.语法填空根据P6教材

51、课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It has proved to be the case in the last few decades that English would be the global language.1.However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the 2.absence (absent) of a native language environment.Some 3.respected (respect) theories on language a

52、cquisition believe that to learn a foreign language,you need to 4.be_surrounded (surround) by it.Sadly,most of the English learners can not live in the native country,5.which means we can only depend on our school resources.So teachers have to guarantee 6.an adequate amount of input in English,which

53、 can be conveyed to the students through 7.various (vary) mediums.Since extracurricular work may accelerate language learning,here are some 8.suggestions (suggest) to English learners:listening to an English song several times in one week after reading the words.Trying 9.to_adjust (adjust) the langu

54、age to English in parts you know well while 10.watching (watch) a favourite DVD.Studying with friends.Rewarding yourself,including informing your friends of your targets so they can help motivate you as well.书面表达Step 1.要点提示(黑体字部分要使用本单元所学词汇)为了实现目标,杰克快速地适应了新环境,使自己了解最新的信息。To attain his goal,Jack adjust

55、ed_himself_quickly_to_the_new_surroundings and kept himself informed of the latest news.他参加了英语夜校,但不久发现在没有英语母语的环境下学英语很难。He attended English evening classes,but soon he was aware that it was hard to learn it well in_the_absence_of the native language environment.为了确保他能达到要求,他在学校期间尽量多与外教交流。To_ensure_tha

56、t_he_could_meet_with_the_approval,he talked with his foreign teacher as much as possible.杰克工作很努力,使得工作进展顺利,这使他更加突出。Jack worked hard and his work went along well,and it made_him_stand_out.最终,他的努力得到了回报,他的朋友们向他表示祝贺。At last,his hard work paid_off and all his friends congratulated_him_on his progress.Step

57、 2.表达升级(改变所给句子的结构以使表达升级)(1)用分词短语升级句To attain his goal,Jack adjusted himself quickly to the new surroundings,keeping_himself_informed_of_the_latest_news.(2)用定语从句升级句Jack worked hard and his work went along well,which_made_him_stand_out.Step 3.衔接成文(利用恰当的过渡衔接词语连句成篇)To attain his goal,Jack adjusted himse

58、lf quickly to the new surroundings,keeping himself informed of the latest news.He attended English evening classes,but soon he was aware that it was hard to learn it well in the absence of the native language environment.To ensure that he could meet with the approval,he talked with his foreign teacher as much as possible.Jack worked hard and his work went along well,which made him stand out.At last,his hard work paid off and all his friends congratulated him on his progress.


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