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1、四川省射洪市20192020学年高二英语上学期期末能力素质监测试题(英才班,含解析)本卷分为第卷和第卷两部分。考试时间60分钟,满分100分。考试结束后,第卷和机读卡一并收回。注意事项:1.答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。2.请将选择题答案填涂在机读卡上,请将非选择题答案写在第卷答题卡上,否则不予给分。第I卷第一部分 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、和C )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFun with Shadow PuppetsPeople around the world have been making shad

2、ow puppets (皮影戏) for a very long time. In a shadow puppet show, the puppets cannot be seen. Only their shadows can be seen.HOW TO PREPARE THE STAGEA cardboard puppet stage can be made using a piece of poster board.Lay the poster board down flat.Fold the edges in 6 inches on each side.Cut out a recta

3、ngular opening from the center of the poster board.Cover the opening with a piece of white cloth. Fasten it with tape (胶带). This cloth will be the stage “curtain.” The puppets hide behind the curtain. Have a bright light set up behind the puppets. When the light behind the puppets is turned on, blac

4、k shadows that resemble, or look like, the puppets appear on the white curtain. When the puppets move, the shadows move.HOW TO MAKE SHADOW PUPPETS1.Choose a story with two or three talking characters.2.Draw the shape of each person or animal on a piece of black poster board. It will be easy to follo

5、w the lines if you draw them with a white pencil or crayon.Make the characters so that they are facing to one side.Make each character different. Remember that only the shadow will show. so the outside shape is what is important.3.Use scissors (剪刀)to cut out the puppets carefully.4.Attach a drinking

6、 straw (吸管) to the back of each puppet with tape. Let the bottom of the straw hang below the body of the puppet. This will be used as a handle. Use it to control the movements of the puppets across the stage.5.Have a friend read the story while you move the puppets. Then you can take turns.6.You are

7、 now ready.LET THE SHOW BEGIN!1. Why does the stage need a light?A. The light helps locate the puppets.B. The light gives the stage a fancy look.C. The light signals that the show has started.D. The light helps to make a shadow on the curtain.2. Which item could best be used in place of a drinking s

8、traw?A. A broom.B. A ribbon.C. A pencil.D. A string.3. It can be learnt that to make a puppet show .A. a white pencil is a mustB. at least two people are neededC. the characters should face the same sideD. the color of the characters is very important【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了皮影戏的起源,皮影戏的准

9、备和制作皮影戏的步骤。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据文章HOW TO PREPARE THE STAGE部分的“Have a bright light set up behind the puppets. When the light behind the puppets is turned on, black shadows that resemble, or look like, the puppets appear on the white curtain.”(在木偶后面设置明亮的灯光。当木偶背后的灯被打开时,像木偶一样或看起来像木偶的黑影就会出现在白色幕布上。)可知,舞台需要灯光是因为光

10、线有助于在幕布上留下影子。故选D。【2题详解】推理判断题。根据文章HOW TO MAKE SHADOW PUPPETS部分的“Attach a drinking straw (吸管) to the back of each puppet with tape. Let the bottom of the straw hang below the body of the puppet. This will be used as a handle. Use it to control the movements of the puppets across the stage.”(在每个木偶的背面用胶

11、带粘上一根吸管。让吸管的底部挂在木偶的身体下面。这将用作手柄。用它来控制舞台上木偶的动作。)由此判断出,铅笔最适合用来代替吸管。故选C。【3题详解】推理判断题。根据文章HOW TO MAKE SHADOW PUPPETS部分的“Have a friend read the story while you move the puppets. Then you can take turns.”(当你移动木偶时,请一位朋友读故事。然后你们可以轮流替换。)可推知,制作皮影戏至少需要两个人。故选B。BI got married just after I graduated from college an

12、d found a job to support our family at the nearby Massachusettes Institute of Technology (MIT). It was in the laboratory of Prof. Edward Lorenz that I learned what a computer was and how to develop software.One day my husband saw a newspaper advertisement. The MIT Instrumentation Laboratory was look

13、ing for people to develop software to “send man to the moon”. Deeply attracted both by the idea and the fact that it had never been done before, I became the first programmer to join and the first woman the lab hired.At the beginning, nobody thought software was such a big deal. But then they began

14、to realize how much they were relying on it. Our software needed to be very reliable and able to detect an error and recover from it at any time during the mission.My daughter, Lauren, liked to intimate meplaying astronaut. One day, she was with me when I was doing a simulation (模拟) of a mission to

15、the moon. She started hitting keys and all of a sudden, she selected a program which was supposed to be run before launch. The computer had so little space that it wiped the navigation data taking her to the moon. I thought: my Godthis could happen by accident in a real mission. I suggested a progra

16、m change to prevent a prelaunch program being selected during flight. But the higher-ups at MIT and NASA said the astronauts were too well trained to make such a mistake.On the very next mission , Apollo 8, one of the astronauts on board accidentally did exactly what Lauren had done. The Lauren bug!

17、 It created destruction and required the mission to be rearranged. After that, they let me put the program change in. It was the program change that had a crucial influence on the success of the mission of Apollo 11.During the early days of Apollo, software was not taken as seriously as other engine

18、ering disciplines (学科).It was out of desperation I came up with the term “software engineering”. Then one day in a meeting, one of the most respected hardware experts explained to everyone that he agreed with me that the process of building software should also be considered an engineering disciplin

19、e, just like with hardware. It was a memorable moment.4. What do we know about the author?A. She taught Lauren to write software.B. She got her masters degree from MIT.C. She is the first woman ever hired by MIT.D. She created the term “software engineering”.5. “The Lauren bug” in Para.5 refers to _

20、.A. a pet to accompany LaurenB. a mission to land on the moonC. a mistake causing data lossD. a software ending prelaunch6. What greatly contributed to Apollo 11s success according to the passage?A. The in-time upload of data.B. The program change.C. Astronauts rich experience.D. Experts new attitud

21、e.7. What can we learn from Margarets story?A. Honesty is the best policy.B. A good beginning is half done.C. Two heads are better than one.D. Chances favor the prepared mind.【答案】4. D 5. C 6. B 7. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者是一个学习软件开发的女性,一次偶然的机会她从事了开发“载人登月”软件的工作,作者基于女儿在游戏中犯的一个错误建议更改程序以防止在飞行过程中选择预启动程序,事实证

22、明这对阿波罗11号任务的成功产生了至关重要的影响。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“It was out of desperation I came up with the term “software engineering”.”可知,作者在绝望中提出了“软件工程”这个词,故D项正确。【5题详解】词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“she selected a program which was supposed to be run before launch. The computer had so little space that it wiped the navigation dat

23、a taking her to the moon.”可知,作者的女儿劳伦犯了一个错误选择了一个程序,这个程序应该是在启动前运行的,计算机的空间太小,以至于它抹去了带她去月球的导航数据,再根据画线词前的“one of the astronauts on board accidentally did exactly what Lauren had done.”可知,一名宇航员不小心做了劳伦做过的事(犯的错误),由此可知画线词词义为“造成数据丢失的错误”,故C项正确。6题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“It was the program change that had a crucial i

24、nfluence on the success of the mission of Apollo 11.”可知,正是程序的改变对阿波罗11号任务的成功产生了至关重要的影响,故B项正确。【7题详解】推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的 “I suggested a program change to prevent a prelaunch program being selected during flight.”及倒数第二段中的“It was the program change that had a crucial influence on the success of the mission o

25、f Apollo 11.”可知,作者建议更改程序以防止在飞行过程中选择预启动程序,正是程序的改变对阿波罗11号任务的成功产生了至关重要的影响,由此可知,作者的故事告诉我们机会总是垂青有准备的人,故D项正确。【点睛】本篇第2题词义猜测题难度较大,抓住作者的女儿劳伦在操作过程中犯的错误是关键,根据第四段中的“she selected a program which was supposed to be run before launch. The computer had so little space that it wiped the navigation data taking her to

26、 the moon.”可知,劳伦犯了一个错误选择了一个程序,这个程序应该是在启动前运行的,计算机的空间太小,以至于它抹去了带她去月球的导航数据,再根据画线词前的“one of the astronauts on board accidentally did exactly what Lauren had done.”可知,一名宇航员不小心做了劳伦做过的事,也就是说他也犯了同样的错误,由此可知画线词词义为“造成数据丢失的错误”。CWalk through the Amazon rainforest today and you will find it is steamy, warm, damp

27、and thick. But if you had been around 15,000 years ago, during the last ice age, would it have been the same? For more than 30 years, scientists have been arguing about how rainforests like the Amazon might have reacted to the cold, dry climates of the ice ages, but until now, no one has reached a s

28、atisfying answer.Rainforests like the Amazon are important for mopping up CO2 from the atmosphere and helping to slow global warming. Currently the trees in the Amazon take in around 500 million tons of CO2 each year: equal to the total amount of CO2 giving off in the UK each year. But how will the

29、Amazon react to future climate change? If it gets drier will it still survive and continue to draw down CO2 ?Scientists hope that they will be able to learn in advance how the rainforest will manage in the future by understanding how rainforests reacted to climate change in the past. Unfortunately,

30、getting into the Amazon rainforest and collecting information are very difficult. To study past climate, scientists need to look at fossilized pollen, kept in lake mud. Going back to the last ice age means drilling deep down into lake sediments (沉淀物) which requires specialized equipment and heavy ma

31、chinery. There are very few roads and paths, or places to land helicopters and aeroplanes. Rivers tend to be the easiest way to enter the forest, but this still leaves vast areas between the rivers completely unsampled (未取样). So far, only a handful of cores have been drilled that go back to the last

32、 ice age and none of them provide enough information to prove how the Amazon rainforest reacts to climate change.8. How will the Amazon rainforest react to future climate change?A. Itll get drier and continue to remove CO2.B. There is no exact answer up to present.C. Itll get warmer and then colder

33、and drier.D. Itll remain steamy, warm, damp and thick.9. Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Its important to drill deep down into lake sediments to collect information.B. Its impossible to prove how climate changes in the Amazon rainforest.C. Its hard to collect information for studies of

34、the past climate in the Amazon rainforest.D. Its necessary to have specialized equipment and machinery to study the past climate.10. What is the best title for this passage?A. Studies of the RainforestsB. Climates of the AmazonC. Secrets of the Ice AgeD. Changes of the Rainforests【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A

35、【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了Amazon rainforest对吸收二氧化碳,抑制气候变暖有着重要的作用,但是在将来它如何应对气候变化。不幸的是,进入亚马逊雨林并收集信息是非常困难的,专家还在进一步的研究中。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Scientists hope that they will be able to learn in advance how the rainforest will manage in the future by understanding how rainforests reacted to climate change in the

36、past. Unfortunately, getting into the Amazon rainforest and collecting information are very difficult.”(科学家们希望,通过了解热带雨林过去对气候变化的反应,他们能够提前了解热带雨林在未来将如何应对气候变化。不幸的是,进入亚马逊雨林并收集信息是非常困难的。)和“So far, only a handful of cores have been drilled that go back to the last ice age and none of them provide enough inf

37、ormation to prove how the Amazon rainforest reacts to climate change.”(到目前为止,只钻取了少数几个可以追溯到上一个冰河时代的岩心,没有一个能提供足够的信息来证明亚马逊雨林是如何对气候变化作出反应的。)可知,亚马逊雨林如何对未来气候变化做出反应到目前还没有确切的答案。故选B。【9题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“Scientists hope that they will be able to learn in advance how the rainforest will manage in the future by

38、 understanding how rainforests reacted to climate change in the past.Unfortunately, getting into the Amazon rainforest and collecting information are very difficult. To study past climate, scientists need to look at fossilized pollen, kept in lake mud.”(科学家们希望,通过了解热带雨林过去对气候变化的反应,他们能够提前了解热带雨林在未来将如何应对

39、气候变化。不幸的是,进入亚马逊雨林并收集信息是非常困难的。为了研究过去的气候,科学家需要观察保存在湖泥中的花粉化石。)可知,最后一段主要讲述很难为研究亚马逊雨林的过去气候收集信息。故选C。【10题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“For more than 30 years, scientists have been arguing about how rainforests like the Amazon might have reacted to the cold, dry climates of the ice ages, but until now, no one has reache

40、d a satisfying answer.”(30多年来,科学家们一直在争论像亚马逊这样的热带雨林会对冰河时代的寒冷、干燥气候做出怎样的反应,但直到现在,还没有一个令人满意的答案。)以及下文中每段反复出现的关键词“rainforests”可知,文章文章主要讲述了Amazon rainforest对吸收二氧化碳,抑制气候变暖有着重要的作用,但是在将来它如何应对气候变化。不幸的是,进入亚马逊雨林并收集信息是非常困难的,专家还在进一步的研究中。A项:Studies of the Rainforests(雨林的研究)为短文最佳标题。故选A。第二部分 语言基础知识运用第一节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短

41、文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Parents, they are here to clothe us, feed us and, embarrass us Sixteen is a_11_ ripe age for embarrassment and poor Rain Price of Utah was no_12_It was the beginning of his high school year and his first time to_13_the bus So it was really embarrassing when his d

42、ad Dale_14_him off After school , he_15_ his mom Rochelle to stop Dale from doing it again Guess who overheard?To Rains_16_,not only did the father decide to go on waving his son goodbye,_17_he decided to send him off dressed in costume But this wasnt a onetime_18_:Dale dressed up in different cloth

43、es every_19_day for 170 straight school days,When he did it the first day, I was in shock You don t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress, waving at you on the_20_ Rain told the Metro,to which his dad_21_,I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life Dale made his_22_goodbye on a

44、nd on, from the Little Mermaid to the Wonder WomanDale became_23_as the Wave At The Bus Dad,coming out in the most strange and funny costumes and never repeating the same_24_ He said he only spent around $ 50 the whole year and relied on friends and neighbors to_25_ him costume and other materials S

45、o the family could_26_ the incidents with the rest of the world Rochelle created a blog to_27_ all the costumesRain is now all grown up at 19 He still_28_ Dale as a blushing bride, In the end, it was just_29_I was laughing on the bus the whole way I am_30_ of him11. A. hopefullyB. slightlyC. particu

46、larlyD. quietly12. A. useB. wayC. excuseD. exception13. A. rideB. seeC. followD. choose14 A. kissedB. wavedC. huggedD. chased15. A. orderedB. beggedC. advisedD. persuaded16. A. joyB. sorrowC. reliefD. disappointment17. A. andB. butC. soD. while18. A. eventB. incidentC. accidentD. affair19. A. otherB

47、. busyC. singleD. happy20. A. busB. bikeC. subwayD. train21. A. stuckB. objectedC. respondedD. adapted22. A. specialB. beautifulC. considerateD. valuable23. A. regardedB. treatedC. scoldedD. known24. A. timeB. lookC. placeD. location25. A. handB. showC. lendD. award26. A. learnB. discussC. shareD. o

48、vercome27. A. documentB. houseC. bookD. name28. A. doubtedB. confusedC. blamedD. remembered29. A. funB. popularityC. reputationD. complaint30. A. criticalB. confidentC. ashamedD. proud【答案】11. C 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. D 29.

49、A 30. D【解析】这是一篇记叙文。短文主要讲了Rain的父亲Dale每天穿着各种奇特的服装送他去公车站上学,最开始Rain感到很尴尬,最后回忆起来觉得很有趣,现在他倒以父亲为荣。【11题详解】考查副词辨析。A. hopefully有希望地;B. slightly轻微地;C. particularly特别;D. quietly安静地。16岁是特别能理解尴尬的成熟时期,故答案为C。【12题详解】考查名词词义辨析。A. use使用;B. way方式;C. excuse借口;D. exception例外。Rain Price也不例外,故答案为D。【13题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. ride乘坐;

50、B. see看见;C. follow跟随;D. choose选择。这是他第一次搭公共汽车,故答案为A。【14题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. kissed亲吻;B. waved挥动;C. hugged拥抱;D. chased追逐。所以当他爸爸戴尔挥手和他道别时,真的很尴尬。故选B。【15题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. ordered命令;B. begged乞求;C. advised建议;D. persuaded说服。放学后,他乞求母亲让父亲不要这么做了,故答案为B。【16题详解】考查名词词义辨析。A. joy乐趣;B. sorrow悲伤;C. relief减轻;D. disappointment

51、失望。根据下文父亲决定继续挥手跟儿子告别,因此使用令Rain感到失望,使用disappointment,故答案为B。【17题详解】考查连词辨析。A. and 并且;B. but但是;C. so因此;D. while当时候。此处使用not onlybut (also),故答案为B。【18题详解】考查名词词义辨析。A. event大事件;B. incident事件;C. accident事故;D. affair私事。而且这并不是一次偶然事件,故答案为B。【19题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。A. other其他的;B. busy忙碌的;C. single第一次;D. happy快乐的。当他第一次这么穿

52、的时候,我感到很震惊,故答案为C。【20题详解】考查名词词义辨析。A. bus公交车;B. bike自行车;C. subway地铁;D. train火车。你不想看到你爸爸穿着婚纱,朝着公车上的你挥手吧,故答案为A。【21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. stuck卡住;B. objected反对;C. responded回应;D. adapted适应。后半句是父亲对此作出的回应,故答案为C。【22题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。A. special特别的;B. beautiful美丽的;C. considerate体贴的;D. valuable有价值的。Dale使这种特别的告别一直持续下去,故答案为

53、A。【23题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. regarded看待;B. treated对待;C. scolded责骂;D. known知名的。Dale因送孩子上公车而出名,故答案为D。【24题详解】考查名词词义辨析。A. time时间;B. look样子;C. place地方;D. location位置。他总是以最出奇和搞笑的服装出现,从没有重复的样子,故答案为B。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. hand递给;B. show展示;C. lend借;D. award授予。他是依赖朋友和邻居借给他那些服装和材料,故答案为C。【26题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. learn学会;B. discu

54、ss讨论;C. share分享;D. overcome克服。所以这家人可以跟世界上的其他人分享这些事件,故答案为C。【27题详解】考查名词词义辨析。 A. document文件;B. house房子;C. book书;D. name名字。根据语境Rochelle创办了一个博客来记录所有的这些服装,因此使用document,故答案为A。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. doubted怀疑;B. confused疑惑;C. blamed责备;D. remembered记得。此处指Rain仍然记得父亲穿成害羞的新娘的样子,故答案为D。【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。A. fun有趣;B. pop

55、ularity流行;C. reputation名誉;D. complaint抱怨。最终仅仅是有趣,故答案为A。【30题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。A. critical批评的;B. confident自信的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D. proud自豪。现在我对他感到自豪,故答案为D。第卷第二节 语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(请将答案填写在答题卷相应的位置)The US is paying the price for launching a trade war. China has announced that it will slap a

56、dditional tariffs (附加关税) on U.S. imports worth about 75 billion U.S. dollars,_31_(cover) 5,078 U.S. products,_32_will start on Sept. 1 and Dec. 15, respectively. The new tariffs will cover vehicles, auto_33_(part) and farm produce such as soybean and corn. U.S. farmers and manufacturers will soon fe

57、el the impact.Through more than a year of trade war between the two countries, China never gave in. When the U.S. side tried to intensify trade bullying and increase pressure on China, it only_34_(strengthen) Chinas determination, making China stand more firmly against the U.S., and defend its right

58、s and interests.China has always believed that cooperation is the only means of solving trade issues, but such cooperation comes with preconditions. China strongly opposes U.S. trade hegemony (霸权)_35_will never compromise on its fundamental principles. The_36_(far) some people in the United States g

59、o on their dangerous road, the stronger the pushback they will meet.There is no winner in a trade war. Companies from both sides_37_(pay) prices. Farmers in some parts of the United States have suffered serious impacts_38_the trade war with China.Some people in the United States had imagined their t

60、rade war would be “easy to win.” They have proved wrong. The only way_39_(end) the trade war is to find a solution through consultations on the basis of_40_(equal) and mutual respect.【答案】31. covering 32. which 33. parts 34. strengthened 35. and 36. further 37. have paid 38. from 39. to end 40. equal

61、ity【解析】这是一篇新闻报道,讲述了美国正在为发动贸易战而付出代价,中国将对价值约750亿美元的美国进口产品加征关税,涵盖5078种美国产品,自从两国贸易战以来,中国从来没有屈服,中国坚决反对美国的贸易霸权,也绝不会在根本原则上让步。【31题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:近日,中国宣布将分别从9月1日和12月15日起,对5078件美国产品加征约750亿美元的关税。分析句子结构,已有谓语动词will slap,空处需填非谓语动词作状语,it和cover构成主谓关系,需用现在分词形式。故填covering。【32题详解】考查定语从句。句意:近日,中国宣布将分别从9月1日和12月15日起,对5078

62、件美国产品加征约750亿美元的关税。分析句子结构,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词指代前面整个句子,需用关系代词which引导从句。故填which。【33题详解】考查名词。句意:新关税将涵盖汽车、汽车零部件以及大豆、玉米等农产品。空处需填名词作cover宾语,auto parts(汽车零部件),这里用复数形式表示泛指多种汽车零部件。故填parts。【34题详解】考查动词时态。句意:美方强化贸易霸凌,加大对华施压力度,反而增强了中方的决心,使中方更加坚定地反对美国,维护自身权益。空处缺少谓语动词,根据前文中的tried可知,时态使用一般过去时,strengthen的过去式为strengthene

63、d。故填strengthened。【35题详解】考查并列连词。句意:中国坚决反对美国的贸易霸权主义,决不会在其基本原则上妥协。上下文之间是并列关系,空处需填连词and,表示并列关系。故填and。【36题详解】考查比较级。句意:一些美国人在危险的道路上走得越远,他们遇到的阻力就会越大。“the+比较级,the+比较级”为固定用法,此处需填比较级further,故填further。【37题详解】考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:双方的公司都付出了代价。结合语境,付出代价是已经完成的动作,时态要用现在完成时,主语为复数名词both sides,谓语动词使用have paid。故填have paid。【3

64、8题详解】考查介词。句意:美国一些地区的农民在与中国的贸易战中受到了严重影响。suffer from为固定短语,意为“遭受”。故填from。【39题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:结束贸易战的唯一途径是在平等和相互尊重的基础上通过协商找到解决办法。分析句子结构,is为谓语动词,空处需填动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词way。故填to end。【40题详解】考查名词。句意:结束贸易战的唯一途径是在平等和相互尊重的基础上通过协商找到解决办法。空处需填名词作of的宾语,equality意为“平等”,是不可数名词。故填equality。第三部分 写作41. 假如你是校学生会主席李华,你校要举办一次汉服(Ha

65、nfu)表演。请你写一封电子邮件邀请在你市做交换生的英国好友Chris观看演出。内容包括:1.发出邀请;2.演出时间,地点和目的;3.建议他上网搜索,简要了解汉服。注意:1.词数100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr. Chris,Im Li Hua, chairman of student union. Yours sincerely,Li Hua【答案】Dear Mr. Chris,I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students Union. Knowing that you are interested in traditional

66、Chinese culture, I am more than delighted to invite you to enjoy a show which will be hosted by our school. The details about it are as follows.In order to enrich our school life and promote traditional Chinese culture, a Hanfu performance will be held at 9:00 a.m. next Saturday in the hall of our s

67、chool. It will be a great show played by senior two students dressed in Hanfu. There is no doubt that it will be a visual feast. Therefore, would you please be so kind as to surf the Internet for the introduction of Hanfu ,which will be helpful to appreciate the show?Id appreciate it if you could co

68、nfirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求给英国好友Chris写一封邀请信,邀请他观看演出。详解】第一步:审题体裁:应用文时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般现在时和一般将来时。结构:总分法总分法是指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。要求:1.发出邀请;2.演出时间,地点和目的;3.建议他上网搜索,简要了解汉服。第二步:列提纲(重点词组)Be int

69、erested in;more than delighted to do sth.;invite sb.to do sth.;in order to;enrich ones school life;there is no doubt that;be helpful to;at ones earliest convenience;look forward to第三步:连词成句1.I am Li Hua, chairman of the Students Union. 2.Knowing that you are interested in traditional Chinese culture

70、, I am more than delighted to invite you to enjoy a show which will be hosted by our school. 3.The details about it are as follows.4.In order to enrich our school life and promote traditional Chinese culture, a Hanfu performance will be held at 9:00 a.m. next Saturday in the hall of our school . 5.I

71、t will be a great show played by senior two students dressed in Hanfu. 6.There is no doubt that it will be a visual feast. 7.Would you please be so kind as to surf the Internet for the introduction of Hanfu ,which will be helpful to appreciate the show?8.Id appreciate it if you could confirm your pa

72、rticipation at your earliest convenience.9.Looking forward to your early reply.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态的问题。第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)表因果关系:Therefore连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。第五步:润色修改【点睛】高分句型1Knowing that you are interested in traditional Chinese culture, I am more than delighted to invite you to en

73、joy a show which will be hosted by our school.(knowing为现在分词作状语,that引导宾语从句,which引导定语从句)高分句型2There is no doubt that it will be a visual feast.(that引导同位语从句)高分句型3Would you please be so kind as to surf the Internet for the introduction of Hanfu, which will be helpful to appreciate the show?(which引导非限制性定语从句)


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