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1、2015云南省昭通市高考英语一轮阅读理解训练(5)及答案【2014高考英语陕西省西安市第一中学二模】 Do you know how to use a mobile phone without being rude to the people around you?Talking during a performance irritates (激怒) people. If you are expecting an emergency call, sit near the exit doors and set your phone to vibrate (振动). When your mobil

2、e phone vibrates, you can leave quietly and let the others enjoy the performance.Think twice before using mobile phones in elevators, museums, churches or other indoor public placesespecially enclosed spaces. Would you want to listen to someones conversation in these places? Worse yet, how would you

3、 feel if a mobile phone rang suddenly during a funeral! It happens more often than you think. Avoid these embarrassing situations by making sure your mobile phone is switched off.When eating at a restaurant with friends, dont place your mobile phone on the table. This conveys the message that your p

4、hone calls are more important than those around you.Mobile phones have sensitive microphones that allow you to speak at the volume you would on a regular phone. This enables you to speak quietly so that others wont hear the details of your conversations. If you are calling from a noisy area, use you

5、r hand to direct your voice into the microphone.Many people believe that they cant live without their mobile phone. Owning a mobile phone definitely makes life more convenient, but limit your conversations to urgent ones and save the personal calls until you are at home.50. What should you do when y

6、ou need to answer a phone call during a performance? A. Call back after the performance. B. Answer it near the exit door. C. Talk outside the exit door. D. Speak in a low voice.51. Putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think_. A. you prefer to talk to your friends at

7、the table B. you value your calls more than your friends C. you are enjoying the company of your friends D. you are polite and considerate of your friends52. When you are calling in a noisy area, you are advised to _. A. use a more sensitive microphone B. shout loudly into your microphone C. go away

8、 quietly to continue the phone call D. use your hand to help speak into the phone53. The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be_. A. limited B. expected C. encouraged D. recommended【参考答案】50-53 CBDA 阅读理解I am a German by birth and descent. My name is Schmidt.

9、But by education I am quite as much an Englishman as a Deutscher, and by affection much more the former. My life has been spent pretty equally between the two countries, and I flatter myself I speak both languages without any foreign accent. I count England my headquarters now: it is “home” to me. B

10、ut a few years ago I was resident in Germany, only going over to London now and then on business. I will not mention the town where I lived. It is unnecessary to do so, and in the peculiar experience I am about to relate I think real names of people and places are just as well, or better avoided. I

11、was connected with a large and important firm of engineers. I had been bred up to the profession, and was credited with a certain amount of “talent”; and I was consideredand, with all modesty, I think I deserved the opinionsteady and reliable, so that I had already attained a fair position in the ho

12、use, and was looked upon as a “rising man”. But I was still young, and not quite so wise as I thought myself. I came close once to making a great mess of a certain affair. It is this story which I am going to tell. Our house went in largely for patentsrather too largely, some thought. But the head p

13、artners son was a bit of a genius in his way, and his father was growing old, and let Herr Wilhelm - Moritz we will call the family namedo pretty much as he chose. And on the whole Herr Wilhelm did well. He was cautious, and he had the benefit of the still greater caution and larger experience of He

14、rr Gerhardt, the second partner in the firm. Patents and the laws which regulate them are strange things to have to do with. No one who has not had personal experience of the complications that arise could believe how far these spread and how involved they become. Great acuteness as well as caution

15、is called for if you would guide your patent bark safely to portand perhaps more than anything, a power of holding your tongue. I was no chatterbox, nor, when on a mission of importance, did I go about looking as if I were bursting with secrets, which is, in my opinion, almost as dangerous as reveal

16、ing them. No one, to meet me on the journeys which it often fell to my lot to undertake, would have guessed that I had anything on my mind but an easy-going young fellows natural interest in his surroundings, though many a time I have stayed awake through a whole night of railway travel if at all do

17、ubtful about my fellow-passengers, or not dared to go to sleep in a hotel without a ready-loaded gun by my pillow. For now and then - though not through me - our secrets did ooze out. And if, as has happened, they were secrets connected with Government orders or contracts, there was, or but for the

18、exertion of the greatest energy and tact on the part of my superiors, there would have been, to put it plainly, the devil to pay.12. The writer preferred to be called _.A. a GermanB. an EnglishmanC. both a German and an Englishman D. neither a German nor an Englishman13. Which of the following words

19、 cannot be used to describe the writer?A. Talented B. Modest C. Reliable D. Wise14. The head of the company where the writer works is _.A. SchmidtB. Moritz C. Wilhelms fatherD. Gerhardt15. The writer often stayed awake on the train or kept a ready-loaded gun in the hotel, because _. A. some people s

20、ometimes let out the secrets of his companyB. the writer occasionally didnt keep the secrets of his companyC. patents and the laws are strange things to have to do withD. the secrets were connected with Government orders or contracts【参考答案】1215、BDCA阅读理解 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该

21、项涂黑。AThis is an open letter to the three people who stole my handbag from the department store I am employed as a shop assistant.When you took my bag, I dont know what you thought you were going to get. With my wages, theres not much left on a Tuesday. I hope the 5 was useful to you . I have informe

22、d the social security office so you wont be able to cash the child benefit next week. I hope that wont leave you too short. But if you really need a couple of pounds, I suppose you could always cash one of the two checks left in my check book. Of course, I phoned the bank right away and the check-ca

23、sing card is no longer valid, so it wont be much use to you. Actually I dont mind about the money too much. We single parents who work to support our families understand only too well what it means to be short of cash. However, I dont suppose it went very far among the three of you. Sorry about that

24、!I wish you had left the bag behind and just taken the wallet and check book. There were all kinds of papers in it, and notes and things that I really need. I really think that was very inconsiderate of you. I mean, how would you like something like that to happen to you?Well, perhaps the bag will t

25、urn up. It wasnt even an expensive one, just a plain, old brown leather shoulder bag. You probably dumped it in the nearest rubbish bin or threw it into the bushes. Weve looked around, of course, but no one saw which way you went after you left the shop.Im not really angry with you. I know how the p

26、ressures of modern living can affect us, but I am sad at the loss of my personal things. I feel violated and helpless. The police were very icy, and they just shrugged their shoulders. “It happens all the time,” they told me. Some small comfort, I suppose. But Ive lost just a little more faith in hu

27、man natureAnd as my young son said when I told him what had happened, “Why? Mummy, why us?” I couldnt answer that question. I wonder if you can.1. In writing Paragraph 2, the writer wants to .A. describe the contents of the bag in detail.B. give some suggestions to the three thievesC. state the fact

28、 that she was careless with the moneyD. tell the thieves hardly any money was available 2. Which of the following is the most valuable to the writer?A. The cash in her bag.B. The handbag itself.C. The papers and notes in the bag.D. The check books in the bag.3. What can we conclude about the police?

29、A. They think the case quite common.B. They show sympathy for the woman.C. They have doubts about human nature.D. They are unable to find the thieves.4. Why does the author write the letter?A. To give the thieves a serious warning.B. To express her affection for her valuable bag.C. To call peoples a

30、ttention to their belongings. D. To complain about the fall of morality.【参考答案】1 4 DCAD阅读理解BEIJING, China (CNN) - Chinese workers and army soldiers were racing to sweep snow-covered highways and unclog railway routes for millions of travelers trapped by cold weather. More than 67 million people have

31、been affected by the weather and economic losses are expected to reach as much as $3 billion, Chinese officials say. The snowstorms have damaged power lines, houses and farmland, causing fears of food and energy shortages. Twenty-four people have died and some 827,000 people have been evacuated in 1

32、4 different provinces, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said Monday. In the past week, the snowstorms have hit the provinces in central, eastern and southern China.Weve never seen such a cold weather lasting for such long a time, said Tang Shan, a man in his 70s in Changsha, the capital of Hunan provin

33、ce. The last time we had one here was over 50 years ago, and not this bad. The snow and sleet have paralyzed(使瘫痪)roads, railways and airports, leaving tens of millions of travelers marooned, officials say. Many of them are bound for home ahead of the traditional Lunar New Year, also known as the Spr

34、ing Festival, which falls on February 7. The Lunar New Year travel is Chinas busiest travel period of the year. But the cold weather is delaying travel plans. In the southern city of Guangzhou, as many as 500,000 train passengers had to stay in the station. About 100,000 packed the square in front o

35、f the train station while others found shelter in schools and other public buildings while waiting for their trains. Chinese premier Wen Jiabao has ordered urgent measures to unclog the transport jam and ensure a steady supply of food and energy. “Lets unite as one to fight against the disaster,” he

36、 said in an emergency meeting.“Lets ensure that the people enjoy the Spring Festival.” But more terrible weather is expected. On Monday Chinas Weather Station issued a rare“red alert”warning of more serious snowstorms in the coming days. If so, the number of trapped travelers will surely increase.1W

37、hat is the passage mainly about?AThe transport jam before the Spring Festival.BThe terrible effects of the snowstorms.CThe travelersfears of food shortages.DThe measures to fight against the disaster.2According to the passage, which of the following are mentioned?aA large number of passengers suffer

38、ed from snowstorms.bMany house sand fields were damaged by the terrible snowstorms.cNo such heavy snowstorms have ever happened in China.dThe snowstorms are expected to come to an end in the following days.eRoads, railways and airports were strongly influenced by the snowstormsAa,b,cBb,c,dCc,d,eDa,b

39、,e3What does the underlined word“unclog”in the first paragraph mean?AclearBcleanCcoverDclose4The government has taken the following measures except .Afinding shelter in schools and other public buildings for the passengersBtrying their best to ensure a steady supply of food and energyCcalling on peo

40、ple to stop work to fight against the disasterDwarning people of more terrible snowstorms in the coming days参考答案 B D A C【2014高考英语陕西省西安市第一中学二模】CWhen a rare disease ALD threatened to kill the four-year-old boy Lorenzo, his parents refused to give up hope. Doctors explained that there was no cure for A

41、LD, and that he would probably die within three years. But Lorenzos parents set out to prove the doctors wrong.The parents devoted themselves to keeping their son alive and searching for a cure. But doctors and the families of other ALD patients often refused to take them seriously. They thought the

42、 efforts to find a cure were a waste of time, and drug companies werent interested in supporting research into such a rare disease.However, the parents still refused to give up and spent every available hour in medical libraries and talking to anyone who would help. Through trial and error, they fin

43、ally created a cure from ingredients (调料) commonly found in the kitchen. The cure, named Lorenzos Oil, saved the boys life. Despite the good results, scientists and doctors remained unconvinced. They said there was no real evidence that the oil worked and that the treatment was just a theory. As a r

44、esult, some families with ALD children were reluctant to try it.Finally, the boys father organized an international study to test the oil. After ten years of trials, the answer is: the oil keeps ALD children healthy. 54. Doctors said that Lorenzo might die within three years because_ .A. they had ne

45、ver treated the disease before B. Lorenzo was too young to be curedC. no cure had been found for ALD D. ALD was a rare disease 55. The families of other ALD patients thought that _ .A. the research for the new cure would cost too much moneyB. the efforts of Lorenzos parents were a waste of timeC. Lo

46、renzos parents would succeed in finding a cureD. Lorenzos oil was a real cure for ALD 56. Scientists and doctors believed that Lorenzos Oil_. A. was really effective B. was a success story C. only worked in theory D. would save the boys life 57. From the passage we can conclude that_. A. doctors remain doubtful of the effectiveness of the cure B. many ALD patients still refuse to use the oil C. various cures have been found for ALD D. the oil really works as a cure for ALD【参考答案】54-57 CBCD


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