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《创新设计》2015届高考英语(外研版新课标)一轮总复习配套活页练习:选修七 MODULES 1~6 WORD版含答案.doc

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《创新设计》2015届高考英语(外研版新课标)一轮总复习配套活页练习:选修七 MODULES 1~6 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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《创新设计》2015届高考英语(外研版新课标)一轮总复习配套活页练习:选修七 MODULES 1~6 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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《创新设计》2015届高考英语(外研版新课标)一轮总复习配套活页练习:选修七 MODULES 1~6 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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《创新设计》2015届高考英语(外研版新课标)一轮总复习配套活页练习:选修七 MODULES 1~6 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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《创新设计》2015届高考英语(外研版新课标)一轮总复习配套活页练习:选修七 MODULES 1~6 WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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《创新设计》2015届高考英语(外研版新课标)一轮总复习配套活页练习:选修七 MODULES 1~6 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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1、选修七Modules 16.单词拼写1We need to consider the use of the new product in order that it _(适合)more people.2She is new here,so naturally she is _(渴望)for friendship.3He took out the safety rules of the factory to _(为辩护)the workers at the meeting.4An _(平均数) of ten students are absent every day,which makes th

2、eir headteacher angry.5I was so disappointed that I intended to _(退出) the programme.6For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to _(参加)the meeting.7He looks very serious,but in fact he is very _(幽默的)8Only four people managed to _(逃离) before the roof collapsed.答案1.suits2.eager3.defend4.average

3、5.quit6.attend7.humorous8.escape.翻译句子1我一看到他就认出他就是警方在寻找的那个人。(the instant)_2你可以抱怨,但我看抱怨未必有用。(doubt)_3在会议上他们讨论了三种不同的解决这个问题的方法。(approach)_4他刚进屋,电话铃就响了。(no sooner.than.)_5老师建议我们读一下这本小说。(recommend)_答案1.The instant I saw him,I knew he was the man the police were looking for.2You can complain,but I doubt if

4、 it will make any difference.3At the meeting they discussed three different approaches to solving the problem.4No sooner had he entered the room than the telephone rang.5The teacher recommended that we(should) read the novel.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。体裁题材词数难度建议用时说明文家庭教育15分钟Pa

5、rents can help their child develop a strong base of selfesteem.Affection,acceptance and sincere statements of love are the _1_ of helping your child feel loved. Unconditional love is incredibly _2_. Even challenging teenagers need to know that their parents love them _3_ what mistakes they may make.

6、If every time your child _4_ something,praises like “Great job,John!”have no meaning. By pointing out specific things your child does that are _5_,your child will respond to the _6_ and genuine appreciation you show. Contrarily,when you need to offer criticism or _7_ your child,also be specific. The

7、 more specific you are in your _8_,the more your child will feel respected and that helps _9_ selfesteem too.Every person is _10_ and brings special strengths,gifts and contributions to the world. Complimenting our children and _11_ the ways in which they are special could be importantespecially if

8、it is a characteristic not seen by other people or often _12_My own eldest daughter used to love to play sports,but she wasnt a(n) _13_ athlete. She wasnt a poor athlete either. She was somewhat average,but she was always very eager to play. She _14_ enjoyed playing and being a part of the team. Whe

9、n she was young and just starting to _15_ sports,she would get frustrated _16_ she felt clumsy and could see that others were “doing better”. I chose to find time to praise her sportsmanship and she _17_ a strong sense of her value as a teammate. By the time she was an adolescent,she was consistentl

10、y _18_ “best sport” prizes. Now shes getting ready to go off to college. Ive seen how shes taken that _19_ in her ability to work as part of a team and _20_ it to other life challenges.【解题导语】本文介绍了父母可以帮助孩子提高自尊心的几个方法。1A.stage Bevidence Cfoundation Dbelief答案C关爱,接受和真诚的爱的宣告是帮助孩子感觉到被爱的基础。2A.strange Bimpor

11、tant Ccurious Dcomfortable答案B根据下文的Even challenging teenagers need to know that their parents love them.可知无条件的爱是很重要的。3A.instead of Bin case ofCregardless of Din place of答案C即使是年轻人也需要知道不管他们犯了什么样的错,他们的父母是爱他们的。4A.attempts Brefuses Cadmits Ddescribes答案A如果每一次,你的孩子尝试某件事时,你只会说“做得好”,这样的话语是没有意义的。5A.funny Bprai

12、seworthyCspecial Duseful答案B要指出孩子所做的具体哪些事是值得表扬的。6A.mistake BenthusiasmCcourage Dtruthfulness答案D因为具体指出了孩子值得表扬的地方,孩子才会对你的坦率有所回应。7A.correct Bchange Chelp Deducate答案A根据句中的Contrarily,when you need to offer criticism可知此处指你要批评或指出孩子的错误时,也要具体。8A.attitudes Bemotions Ccomments Dquestions答案C你的评论越具体,你的孩子才会感到受到尊重。

13、9A.build Breduce Caffect Dabsorb答案A只有孩子感到受到了尊重,这样才能帮助建立自尊心。10A.wonderful BreliableCgenerous Dunique答案D根据句中的special strengths,gifts and contributions to the world.可知每个孩子都是独一无二的。11A.figuring out Bpointing outCmaking up Dturning to答案B指出孩子在哪方面特别是很重要的。12A.suggested BrequiredCacknowledged Dmeasured答案C根据句中

14、的not seen by other people可知是不被别人认可的。13A.foolish BpositiveCoutstanding Dregular答案C根据下文的She wasnt a poor athlete either. She was somewhat average可知作者的大女儿不是一个出色的运动员。14A.roughly BdeliberatelyCmentally Dgenuinely答案D根据上文的she was always very eager to play.可知作者的大女儿真心喜欢运动并想成为队里的一分子。15A.get involved with Bget

15、 rid ofCend up with Dbreak away from答案A根据句中的When she was young.可知此处是说当作者的大女儿开始接触体育的时候。16A.if Bbecause Calthough Dso答案B作者的大女儿因为觉得自己笨,看到别人做得好,自己会感到沮丧。17A.lost BmisunderstoodCpassed Ddeveloped答案D作者会表扬她的团队精神,这让作者的女儿认识到她作为团队中的一分子的价值。18A.enduring BreceivingCimagining Ddesigning答案B现在作者的女儿经常得到最佳运动员奖章。19A.co

16、nfidence BmethodCadvantage Ddetail答案A上文提到作者的女儿由最开始的沮丧到后来得到奖章,所以变得更自信。现在她把这种自信应用到生活中的其它挑战中去。20A.updated Bcontained Capplied Dbrightened答案C同上。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。I always reflect on what happened in my life.I think this is importantto appreciate our wins,losses,new passions,insig

17、hts,etc._1_ Here are some tips for you on reflection.1Focus on the process and not the outcome.This thought was beautifully summed up by Srikumar Rao.He explains how we fail because we focus our energies on the outcome rather than the process itself.When an child learns to walk,she never focuses on

18、the outcome but on the process.2Failure is a lead,not a stop sign.When you hit a wall and things dont turn up the way they are intended,no one is saying to you,“This is where you stop because you failed”If you do,you are reading the wrong information.Failure tells us,“_2_ Try another method.”3Happin

19、ess is not the destination but the journey.We think that happiness is a result that comes after having acquired or achieved something we dont have.This is not quite right._3_ Its about stepping back and enjoying the ride rather than expecting it at your destination point.4Wisdom comes from the balan

20、ce between your knowledge and your heart.Let your heart talk more; its wiser than you think.You can be as knowledgeable and clever as one can be._4_ Wisdom is really having reached a stage where you balance all your knowledge with your heart.5Gratitude is the energydrink of the soul.Say “thank you ”

21、to the universe every morning.Appreciation can lift your soul from anxiety which weighs you down.Try it out._5_ It will help you appreciate life with more depth and perspective.AFailure is the mother of success.BHappiness is when we accept and enjoy everything as it is.CThis method and the intended

22、result do not match.DBe thankful to at least one thing in your day.ENot reflecting on our lives and experiences is a wasted chance for growth.FHappiness means achieving your goals and getting what you want.GBut if your mind doesnt go with your heart,you are losing energy in internal conflicts.答案1.E2

23、.C3.B4.G5.D.短文改错文中共有十处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加;在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该词下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意;1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词,2只允许修改10处错误,多者(从第11处起)不计分。It is known to all that nothing is much precious than time.A famous saying goes,“Time is money”,which shows that time is invalu

24、able.When time is gone,it will never return back.But it is pity that some people didnt make full use of their time.They spend a lot of time sleep,chatting or playing computer game.They dont realize that wasting time is actual equal to killing themselves.We always regret not having made great achievements.However,to be successful,they should first form the habit of being on time.Dont put down what can be done today until tomorrow.Being lazy will eventually lead to failure.答案


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