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《三维设计》牛津版2016届高三英语二轮复习专项训练:专题限时检测(一) 名词、冠词和代词.doc

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《三维设计》牛津版2016届高三英语二轮复习专项训练:专题限时检测(一) 名词、冠词和代词.doc_第1页
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《三维设计》牛津版2016届高三英语二轮复习专项训练:专题限时检测(一) 名词、冠词和代词.doc_第10页
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《三维设计》牛津版2016届高三英语二轮复习专项训练:专题限时检测(一) 名词、冠词和代词.doc_第11页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家专题限时检测(一)名词、冠词和代词(共3组,每组限时8分钟)1(2015盐城高三一模)The company should make _ showing clearly who is responsible if a fire breaks out in the workshop.ArecommendationsBregulationsCinstitutions Dinstructions2(2015苏北四市第一次联考)All the students clearly know that it is a(n) _ of principle for them to

2、 answer their teachers questions honestly.Asense BmatterCopinion Dcase3(2015南京师大附中一模)According to a scientific review, men who downed about five drinks worth of alcohol had a greater _ of abnormal heartbeat than nondrinkers did.Aburden BattemptCrisk Dtarget4(2015淮安第一次调研)A bird is known by its song,

3、and a man by his _.Aaction BfriendsCtalk Dnature5(2015南通四校第一次联考)Zinio is _ platform for digital magazines, with more than 5,500 magazines from _ wide range of publishers.Aa; a Ba; theCthe; a Dthe; the6(2015宿迁高三一模)Beijings bid for _ 2022 Winter Olympics has driven public enthusiasm for winter sports

4、to _ new heights.Aa; the B/; /Cthe; / D/; the7(2015苏锡常镇第一次调研)Though this is _ third operation he has done today, I need to fit _ fourth one into his schedule.Athe; a Ba; theCa; a Dthe; the8(2015常州高三调研)Because he is monitor of the class, Mark thinks _ his duty to help his classmates and settle their

5、quarrels.Athem BitCthis Dthat9(2015徐州高三一模)_ can be more exciting than the news that the Chinese national football team has reached the tournament knockout stage (淘汰赛阶段) at the Asian Cup.ANothing BEverythingCAnything DSomething10(2015南京高三一模)The young couple quarreled over where to go during Christmas

6、, _ of whom would give in.Anone BbothCneither Dall11(2015泰州第一次调研)Our every _ and mood can be effectively conveyed with the use of facial expressions and body language.Aemotion BpotentialCbelief Dmotivation12(2015无锡高三调研)When you talk about a persons _, you are referring to the country, race, or socia

7、l class of their parents or ancestors.Aorigin BnationalityCgeneration Drelation13(2015镇江高三调研)The viewers will have _ second chance to watch The Voice of China on _ Channel 4 tonight.Aa; the Bthe; theCthe; / Da; /14(2015苏州高三一模)How many of you made it to the top of the mountain in the end?_. It was re

8、ally tough.ANo one BNeitherCNone DNobody15(2015扬州高三一模)Nowadays, the approaches to language teaching are more advanced than _ in the 1960s.Athese BthemCones Dthose1(2015扬州高三二模)To our relief, the European company expressed their _ to cooperate with us.Aanxiety BconcernCwillingness Dcomplaints2(2015苏北四

9、市第二次联考)Due to the widespread _ of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.Apresentation BapplicationCqualification Dappreciation3(2015淮安高三第二次调研)As well as having a national flag, many countries use a certain flower as their national _.Asymbol BsignCmark

10、 Dsignal4(2015泰州第二次调研)Researchers at Harvard University found if women ate instant noodles twice weekly, they were at a higher _ of health problems.Arisk BchanceCdanger Dpossibility5(2015南京高三二模)The Arctic, which is abundant in oil, _ second only to the Middle East, is _ home to seals.Athe; a B/; the

11、Cthe; / D/; /6(2015无锡高三第二次调研)Luo Jiahui, _ typical Asian American, was elected governor of the State of Washington in 1996, the first to win _ honor.Aa; an Bthe; anCthe; the Da; the7(2015盐城高三二模)Chinese President Xi Jinping held a welcoming ceremony for US President Obama at _ Great Hall of the Peopl

12、e in Beijing, _ capital of China, on November 12, 2014.Athe; the Bthe; /Ca; the D/; /8(2015镇江高三第二次调研)You can choose _ of the two dictionaries, and then give the remaining one to your sister.Aeither BeachCany Dall9(2015南通高三调研)He is looking for a job, _ where he can make the most of his talent.Ait Bth

13、atCone Dthe one10(2015连云港高三二模)As an aging society, Japan sees _ as a must to build robots that take care of elderly people at their homes.Athis BitCthat Done11(2015苏锡常镇第二次调研)Combustible (可燃的) ice, which could ease our energy dependence on them, is seen as a(n) _ to coal and oil.Aadvantage Bchallenge

14、Calternative Dpromotion12(2015扬州高三二模)I hear that you have passed the theory test of the driving test.Yes, but I will need _ in three weeks.Aone BitCother Danother13(2015南京、盐城高三二模)If you grow your own vegetables, they are generally fresher than _ you buy in the shops.Awhich BonesCthose Dthat14(2015苏北

15、四市第二次联考)As to the development, our country is working hard for a _, from speed over quality to quality over speed.Adeparture BlimitCswitch Dlink15(2015常州高三二模)A teacher is supposed to treat all his students equally, with no _ for any individuals.Asignificance BperformanceCpreference Ddependence1The r

16、ising house price and the high income taxation rate have become the biggest _ of people in China today.Aconcern BinfluenceCinvolvement Doccupation2The school, more than 90 percent of whose graduates are usually admitted into key universities, enjoys an excellent _.Aoccupation BreputationCcontributio

17、n Dfoundation3At the graduation ceremony, our headmaster required us to raise our competitive _ in modern society.Aspirit BintentionCawareness Dambition4Our coach often underlines the importance of team _ in a football game rather than individual skill.Aagreement BcooperationCguidance Dconnection5If

18、 he wants to study abroad, he must work hard to win a(n) _ as his family cant afford the high fee.Aapproach BoccupationCscholarship Dpermission6It is recommended that we have an aim in study and life, or our _ will be wasted.Astrength BpowerCenergy Dforce7Nowadays in society where social roles are d

19、etermined, boys usually copy the behaviour of their father, and girls _ of their mothers.Athose BoneCthat Dthe ones8Fashion is not _ that exists in dresses only. It has to do with ideas as well as the way we live.Aanything BeverythingCnothing Dsomething9We should work together to build a society for

20、 kids, _ free from war and violence.Aone BthisCit Dthat10It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _ of the parents spoke the language.Anone BneitherCboth Deither11I dislike _ when I am left alone to start a conversation with a stranger.Athat BitCthis Done12_ new wave of Chinese mig

21、ration is under way, fuelled by everyounger students for whom English is not a piece of knowledge but a living language to unlock _ door of the wider world.AThe; the BThe; aCA; the DA; a13Parts of Route 66, _ mother road of America, were once closed because they were in _ bad condition.Aa; / Bthe; /

22、Ca; the Dthe; a14Our headmaster has put forward _ most challenging question for us to answer.Yes, it really is. Ive never heard _ harder one.Athe; a B/; theCthe; the Da; a15Going for an outing occasionally not only creates _ fun for the family, but also serves as _ effective means to strengthen your

23、 relation.A/; an Ba; anCthe; the D/; the答 案一模题组1选B句意:这家公司应制定规定以明确表明如果车间里发生火灾,谁应该为此负责。regulation“规定”,符合语境。故答案选B。recommendation“建议”;institution“机构”;instruction“指导,说明”,均与语境不符。2选B句意:所有学生都清楚地知道如实地回答老师的问题对他们来说是原则问题。“a matter of 名词”常常表示“一个问题,事关”。3选C句意:根据一份科学报告,喝下大约相当于五杯酒的男性比那些不喝酒的男性出现异常心跳的风险更高。risk“风险”,符合语

24、境。故答案选C。burden“负担”;attempt“尝试”;target“目标”。4选C句意:闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。选项中与语境“by its song”对应的是“人的言论”。故答案选C。5选A句意:Zinio是一个电子杂志的平台,里面的5 500多本杂志均来自不同的出版商。第一空后的“platform”表示泛指,所以其前用不定冠词;固定搭配a range of意为“一系列的”。故选A项。6选C句意:北京申办2022年冬奥会使公众对冬季运动项目的热情达到了新的高度。第一空特指“2022年冬奥会”,因此用定冠词the。第二空泛指“新的高度”,所以复数heights前面应用零冠词。不能用t

25、he。故答案选C。7选A句意:尽管这是他今天做的第三台手术,我还得在他的工作表上再加一台手术。从句中the third指的是“第三”,主句中a序数词表示“再一,又一”。8选B句意:因为马克是我们的班长,所以他认为帮助他的同班同学和解决同学们之间的口角是他的责任。根据句子的结构来判断,it在此用作形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语to help his classmates and settle their quarrels。9选A句意:没有什么比中国国家足球队在亚洲杯中进入淘汰赛阶段这一消息更令人兴奋了。形容词的比较级more exciting与含否定意义的词nothing连用表示最高级,意为“


27、C项意为“一代”;D项意为“关系”。故A项正确。13选D第一空“a序数词”表示“再一,又一”;第二空“Channel 4”是专有名词,其前不用冠词。故D项正确。14选C句意:“你们中有多少人最终爬到了山顶?”“一个也没有。那实在很难。”no one“没有人(用于回答who引出的问句)”;neither“(两者)都不”;none“一个也没有(强调数量,用于回答how many/much引出的问句)”;nobody“没有人(相当于no one)”。由此可知C项正确。15选D此处替代the approaches,为复数形式,表特指,且有“in the 1960s”作后置定语,因此使用those。注意

28、:ones代表泛指意义的复数名词。二模题组1选C句意:让我们感到宽慰的是,欧洲公司表达了愿意与我们合作的意愿。A项意为“焦虑”;B项意为“关心,担心”;C项意为“愿意,乐意”;D项意为“投诉,抱怨”。根据语境“To our relief”的提示,并与“cooperate with us”呼应可知,此处表示“愿意合作的意愿”。故答案选C。2选B句意:由于这项医疗技术的广泛应用,更多的疾病可以在早期就被发现并得到治疗。A项意为“陈述”;B项意为“应用”;C项意为“资格”;D项意为“欣赏”。根据句意可知,选B项。3选A句意:就像有一面国旗一样,许多国家都用特定的花作为国家的象征。symbol“象征”

29、;sign“迹象,征兆”;mark“记号,标记”;signal“信号”。根据“As well as having a national flag”可推知,国旗和特定的花都是国家的象征。故答案选A。4选A此处应指“出现健康问题的风险更大”。at a risk of意为“冒的风险”,为固定搭配,符合语境,故A项正确。5选D句意:北极,有着仅次于中东地区的丰富的石油资源,是海豹的故乡。second to是固定短语,意为“仅次于”;be home to .也是固定短语,意为“是的故乡/所在地/发源地”。故选D项。6选D句意:骆家辉是一个典型的亚裔美国人,他在1996年当选为华盛顿州州长。他也是第一个获

30、此殊荣的亚裔美国人。第一空修饰可数名词Asian American,泛指“一个”,故用不定冠词a;第二空表示特指,即被选为华盛顿州州长这一殊荣,故用定冠词the修饰。故答案选D。7选B句意:2014年11月12日,中国国家主席习近平在中国首都北京的人民大会堂为美国总统奥巴马举办了一场欢迎仪式。第一空后的“人民大会堂”是由普通名词构成的专有名词,其前应加定冠词the;第二空后的capital在此处指中国的首都,表示独一无二的职位或功能的名词充当同位语、表语或补足语时,其前常用零冠词。故选B项。8选A句意:你可以从两本词典中任选一本,然后把剩下的那本给你的妹妹。either表示“两者之一”,在句中

31、可单独使用或后接of短语。9选C句意:他正在找工作,一份可以让他充分施展自己才华的工作。根据句中的“a job”可知,空格处表示泛指,指同类不同物,且作“a job”的同位语。故答案选C。it指代同类同物;that相当于the one,表示特指,指同类不同物,相当于the job。10选B句意:作为一个老龄化社会,日本认为生产能够在家里照顾老人的机器人是必须的。四个选项中只有代词it可作形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式短语“to build robots that take care of elderly people at their homes”。故选B项。11选C句意:可燃冰能够缓解我们

32、对能源的依赖,它被看作是煤和石油的替代品。alternative“可供选择的事物”,符合句意。advantage“优点,有利条件”;challenge“挑战”;promotion“提升,促进”。12选D根据句中的转折词but可知,答话人还要进行一次考试,another表示“又一,再一”,符合题意。13选C句意:如果你自己种植蔬菜,它们通常会比在商店里买的更新鲜。根据句意可知,空格处指代“vegetables”,意为“那些蔬菜”。those可用来特指上文提到的可数名词复数,符合题意。故C项正确。14选C句意:关于发展,我国正努力从速度优先于质量向质量优先于速度转变。根据“from speed o

33、ver quality to quality over speed”可知,应选择C。departure“离开;违反”;limit“限制,减量”;switch“转变;转换”;link“连接,联系”。15选C句意:老师应该平等对待所有学生,不能偏袒任何人。significance “重要性,意义”;performance“表演,表现”;preference“偏袒,偏爱”;dependence“依赖,依靠”。根据句意应选C。押题题组1选A句意:如今在中国,不断上涨的房价和高收入征税率成了人们最关注的问题。concern“关心,关注”,符合语境。故A项正确。influence“影响”;involvem


35、正确。5选C句意:如果他想要出国留学,那么他必须努力学习以获得奖学金,因为他的家庭无法承担高昂的学费。C项意为“奖学金”,符合句意,故选C项。A项意为“方法”;B项意为“职业”;D项意为“允许,同意”,都与句意不符。6选C句意:有人建议说,我们在生活和学习中都应该有目标,否则我们的精力将被浪费掉。energy“精力”,符合语境。故C项正确。strength“力气”;power“能力,动力,权力”;force“武力,暴力”。7选C句意:如今在社会角色确定的社会里,男孩子们经常模仿父亲的行为,而女孩们则模仿母亲的行为。分析句子结构可知,空格处特指“the behaviour”,且是单数。故答案选C

36、。8选D句意:时尚不仅仅是存在于服装中的一种东西。它也与我们的想法和生活方式有关。D项意为“某事,某物”,符合句意,故选D项。9选A句意:我们应该一起努力为孩子们构建一个没有战争与暴力的社会。根据语境可知,空格处用来代替句中的“a society”,属于泛指。故选A项。one 表示同类中的泛指,相当于“a名词单数”;it常用来代替上文提到的同一件事(物);that表示同类中的特指,相当于“the名词单数或不可数名词”。10选B句意:对于他来说在家学英语很难,因为在家里他父母都不说英语。设空处表示:父母二人都不说英语,故答案为B项。11选B句意:我不喜欢把我自己一个人留下来和一个陌生人谈话。“l

37、ike, hate, dislike, appreciate等itif/when从句”为固定句型。故选B。12选C句意:由于年轻学生的推动,新一波的中国移民潮正在进行。对这些年轻学生来说,英语不是一种知识,而是开启一扇更广阔世界大门的一门活的语言。a new wave of为固定搭配,意为“新一波的”,故第一空应填a;door后面有“the wider world”修饰,表示特指,故第二空填定冠词the。故选C项。13选B句意:第66号公路,美国的母亲之路,其中的一些路段曾经因为路况不好而被关闭。第一空特指“美国的母亲之路”,故用定冠词;in bad condition为固定短语,意为“状况不好”,不用冠词。故B项正确。14选D第一空后的most不构成最高级,而是表示“极其,非常”,故其前用a,泛指“一个非常有挑战性的问题”;第二空也填a,表示“我从没听过比这更难的问题了”。15选A句意:偶尔进行一次远足,不仅可以给家庭带来欢乐,而且可以作为增进家人之间关系的一种有效方式。第一空后的“fun”是不可数名词,此处为泛指,其前不用冠词。第二空泛指“一种有效方式”,应用不定冠词;effective的读音以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an。故选A项。- 11 - 版权所有高考资源网


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