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《三维设计》2017届高三英语二轮复习(通用版)练习:第三板块题型五 完形填空专练(五)说明文 WORD版含答案.doc

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《三维设计》2017届高三英语二轮复习(通用版)练习:第三板块题型五 完形填空专练(五)说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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《三维设计》2017届高三英语二轮复习(通用版)练习:第三板块题型五 完形填空专练(五)说明文 WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家完形填空专练(五)说明文A(2016河北省衡水中学高三一调考试)Laziness is a state of inaction. It is something that you do, not something that you are. Being lazy means you have no _1_ to do anything.Many people are _2_ themselves to be someone who is lazy. In this article, I am going to _3_ with you something th

2、at will help you see this state of inaction in a(n) _4_ way.Lazy people are often seen as useless. _5_, are they really being lazy or are they acting lazy?Acting lazy is suggesting that your laziness is _6_. But being lazy suggests that it lasts long. Many people are not really lazy; they _7_ are pe

3、ople who are temporarily acting that way.So what _8_ a person to be inactive? The answer is a lack of goals. If you give someone a good enough _9_ to do something, he will do it. People who dont _10_ to do anything just havent found a good enough reason to do it. _11_ students dont study because the

4、y dont see the _12_ in studying. If you give them a reason, a strong enough reason, they will take _13_. For example, if you are too lazy to go to the gym, would you go if someone _14_ you a million dollars to go? If you are too lazy to clean out the garage, would someone _15_ a gun to your head hel

5、p you take action? The reason can be positive or negative _16_ its strong enough to induce (引起) action. The bottom line of knowing how to _17_ laziness comes down to finding enough reasons to take action. Action will _18_ success while inaction will result in _19_. To motivate someone who is lazy, w

6、hat you need to do is to help him find enough _20_ to work towards a certain goal.1.A.courageBquestion Ctime Dmotivation2A.agreeing Bdenying Cconsidering Drefusing3A.argue Bshare Ccompete Dcompare4A.different Binteresting Cordinary Dprimary5A.Otherwise BBesides CHowever DTherefore6A.correct Bfalse C

7、temporary Dinspirational7A.simply Boccasionally Coften Dhardly8A.stops Bcauses Cdiscourages Ddemands9A.worry Bgift Cfear Dpurpose10A.want Bdevote Ctake Dcome11A.Hardworking BLazy CYoung DConfused12A.point Bsuccess Csituation Ddifficulty13A.part Bplace Caction Dcontrol14A.lent Bowed Cborrowed Doffere

8、d15A.firing Bpointing Cshooting Dhiding16A.so that Bas soon as Cin spite of Das long as17A.win Bfight Covercome Dban18A.result from Bfight for Cask for Dlead to19A.influence Bfailure Cpressure Dhappiness20A.reasons Bmoney Cenergy DconfidenceB(2016广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试二) Ecotourism involves people traveling

9、 to beautiful but environmental sensitive places. Such trips are _1_ carried out with an experienced guide. Over recent years, this type of travel has been steadily gaining _2_ as more people search for new travel experiences.Ecotourism has many benefits. First, all the _3_ spent by the tourists is

10、used to_4_the important environmental spots they visit. Second, it helps_5_to better understand the environment, thereby _6_their knowledge of the world. Furthermore, this style of travel is also more_7_ of the local culture.Compared to_8_tourists, ecotourists use energy more efficiently, save water

11、 and produce less rubbish by finding ways to_9_it. These behaviours have a _10_ and lasting effect on the local environment.Two things are needed to make ecotourism a/an _11_. First, it should be done in small groups. And second, because it requires considerable effort, both ecotourists and locals m

12、ust be _12_ in their commitment to improving the environment.Green travel provides local people with jobs in parks, _13_and shops. One great achievement of ecotourism has been the _14_ of illegal hunting. Former hunters can now work as guides to help keep the animals_15_in their natural surroundings

13、. Green travel also _16_ local peoples quality of life, especially childrens.Peru is one country using ecotourism to promote respect for the _17_. Its now able to take better care of its rainforests because of a/an _18_on more sustainable (可持续的) travel. _19_ this, local peoples livingstandards have

14、improved. Many others are now following Perus _20_ and using ecotourism to preserve their environment for the future generations.1.A.finally Busually Csuddenly Droughly2A.pleasure Bsatisfaction Cpopularity Dfreedom3A.money Btime Cenergy Deffort4A.pollute Bprotect Cpurchase Dexplore5A.scientists Bhun

15、ters Cguides Dvisitors6A.approving Bconfirming Cenriching Dsupporting7A.respectful Baware Cuncertain Dindependent8A.rich Bcurious Clazy Dnormal9A.use Brecycle Ccopy Drestrict10A.challenging Bdisappointing Cpositive Drisky11A.success Badventure Ctool Dsymbol12A.polite Bsincere Cdoubtful Dgrateful13A.

16、mines Bfactories Cschools Dhotels14A.ban Bresult Cdecline Dappearance15A.close Bsafe Cfriendly Dactive16A.influences Bexamines Cbalances Dimproves17A.environment Blaw Ceconomy Dhosts18A.effect Btheory Cfocus Ddiscussion19A.But for BAccording to CIn spite of DIn addition to20A.example Brule Cadvice D

17、tradition完形填空专练(五)说明文A语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。主要说明了懒惰是一种无所事事的状态,分析了懒惰的原因,并提出了相应的改进措施。1选D根据语境可知,懒惰意味着你没有做任何事情的动力。根据文章最后一句中的“To motivate someone who is lazy”可推知,此处应选motivation,意为“动机,兴趣”。故选D。2选C根据语境可知,许多人认为自己是个懒惰的人。consider sb. to be sth./sb.为固定用法,意为“认为是”,符合句意。故选C。3选B根据语境可知,此处表示,在此文中,“我”将与你分享一些东西让你认清这种不作为的状态。sha

18、re with为固定搭配,意为“与分享”,符合语境。故选B。4选A根据下文所讲的内容可知,此处表示“我”将以不同的方式让人认识这种不作为的状态。A项意为“不同的”,符合语境。故选A。5选C根据语境可知,懒惰的人常常被认为一无是处。然而,他们是真的懒惰还是表现得懒惰呢?前后表示转折,且用逗号隔开,故应用转折副词however连接。故选C。6选C根据语境可知,不愿意做事表明你是一时懒惰,但是一直懒惰却表明懒惰是经常性的。由“But”一词可知,此处应与“lasts long”形成对比,且与下文“temporarily acting that way”照应。故此处应指“暂时的”,C项符合语境。故选C。

19、7选A根据语境可知,许多人并不是真的懒惰,他们只是暂时想懒散一下罢了。此处与上文中的“really”形成对比。A项意为“只是”,符合语境。故选A。8选B根据下文“The answer is a lack of goals.”可知,此处指的应该是其原因,即是什么让一个人变得不作为呢?B项意为“引起”,符合语境。故选B。9选D上文说一个人不作为是因为缺乏目标 ,此处表示如果你给某个人足够明确的目标去做些事情,他一定会去做。D项意为“目标”,符合语境。故选D。10选A根据语境可知,不想做事的人只是没有找到一个足够好的理由去做事。A项意为“想要”,符合语境。故选A。11选B上文主要讲的是懒惰的人及其懒

20、惰的原因。根据上下文可知,不学习的学生应该是懒惰的学生。故选B。12选A根据语境可知,懒惰的学生不学习是因为他们没有看出学习的意义。the point in doing sth.意为“做某事的意义”,符合语境。故选A。13选C根据语境可知,如果你给他们一个理由,一个有足够说服力的理由,他们肯定会采取行动。此处与上文的“he will do it”相照应。take action为固定搭配,意为“采取行动”,符合语境。故选C。14选D句意:比如,如果你太懒惰了以至于不想去体育馆,那么,有人主动给你一百万美元你愿意去吗?D项意为“主动提供”,符合语境。故选D。15选B句意:如果你太懒惰了以至于不愿意

21、清理车库,那么有人拿枪指着你的头会让你采取行动吗?point .to意为“把指向”,符合语境,故选B。16选D根据语境可知,无论原因是积极主动的还是消极被动的,只要理由充分,就足以让你采取行动。D项意为“只要,如果”,引导条件状语从句,符合语境。故选D。17选C上文分析了懒惰的表现和原因,文章最后一段讲的是如何克服懒惰情绪。根据语境可知,此处应表示如何克服懒惰,归根结底是要找到足够的理由采取行动。C项意为“克服”,符合语境。故选C。18选D根据语境以及逻辑关系可知,行动会带来成功。D项意为“导致,引起”,符合语境。故选D。19选B根据语境可知,此处应与上半句中的“success”形成对比,表示

22、“不作为将会导致失败”。B项意为“失败”,符合语境。故选B。20选A根据语境可知,为了激发懒惰的人,你需要做的就是帮助他找到足够的理由朝着目标奋斗。A项意为“理由”,在上文也多次出现,符合语境。故选A。B语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。近几年生态旅游越来越受到大家的青睐,文章重点陈述了生态游的好处。1选B根据下文“Over recent years, this type of travel has been steadily gaining”可知,这样的旅行通常在有经验的导游帮助下进行。A项意为“终于”;B项意为“通常”;C项意为“突然”;D项意为“粗糙地”。故B项正确。2选C根据下文“more

23、people search for new travel experiences”可知,更多的人寻求新的旅游体验,所以这种旅行受到大家的欢迎。A项意为“快乐,令人高兴的事”;B项意为“满意”;C项意为“普及,受欢迎”;D项意为“自由”。故C项正确。3选A根据下文“is used to _ the important environmental spots they visit”可知,游客所花的钱被用于重要的生态景点。A项意为“金钱”;B项意为“时间”;C项意为“精力”;D项意为“努力”。故A项正确。4选B根据语境并结合选项可知,游客所花的钱被用来保护生态景点。A项意为“污染”;B项意为“保护”

24、;C项意为“购买”;D项意为“探索”。故B项正确。5选D根据常识可知,应该是生态旅游有助于游客更好地了解自然环境。A项意为“科学家”;B项意为“猎人”;C项意为“向导”;D项意为“游客”。故D项正确。6选C根据上文“better understand the environment, thereby”可知,生态旅游帮助游客更好地了解自然环境,因此能够丰富他们的知识。A项意为“批准”;B项意为“确认”;C项意为“丰富”;D项意为“支持”。故C项正确。7选A根据上文可知,生态游帮助游客了解、保护自然环境,对当地的文化是一种尊重。A项意为“尊敬的”;B项意为“意识到的,知晓的”;C项意为“不确信的”

25、;D项意为“独立的”。故A项正确。8选D根据空格前的“Compared to”及语境可知,此处指与一般游客相比,生态游客能更有效地使用资源、节约用水等。A项意为“富有的”;B项意为“好奇的”;C项意为“懒惰的”;D项意为“一般的,正常的”。故D项正确。9选B根据语境可知,他们想办法循环利用资源,目的是减少垃圾的产生。A项意为“使用”;B项意为“循环利用”;C项意为“复制”;D项意为“限制”。故B项正确。10选C根据上文及空格后的“lasting effect on the local environment”可知,这些行为对当地环境有积极持久的意义。A项意为“具有挑战性的”;B项意为“令人失望

26、的”;C项意为“积极的”;D项意为“危险的”。故C项正确。11选A根据上文提到的两点可知,人们需要做到这两点才会让生态游成功。A项意为“成功的事/人”;B项意为“冒险”;C项意为“工具”;D项意为“象征”。故A项正确。12选B根据下文“their commitment to improving the environment”可知,生态游客和当地居民必须承诺在改善环境方面能够真诚。A项意为“礼貌的”;B项意为“真诚的”;C项意为“怀疑的”;D项意为“感激的”。故B项正确。13选D根据常识并结合选项可知,绿色旅游给当地人提供了在公园、宾馆和商店工作的机会。故D项正确。14选C本段列举绿色旅游的好

27、处。根据下文“Former hunters can now work as guides”可知,以前的狩猎者现在可以做导游了,所以生态旅游的一个成就就是非法狩猎行为有所减少。A项意为“禁令”;B项意为“结果”;C项意为“减少,下降,衰退”;D项意为“外表”。故C项正确。15选B根据上文可知,生态旅游使非法狩猎行为减少了,以前的狩猎者现在做导游,这样有助于保证动物的安全。A项意为“亲密的”;B项意为“安全的”;C项意为“友好的”;D项意为“积极的”。故B项正确。16选D本段列举绿色旅游的好处。根据最后一段中的“local peoples livingstandards have improved

28、”可知,绿色旅游也可以提升当地居民的生活质量。A项意为“影响”;B项意为“检查”;C项意为“平衡”;D项意为“改善,提高”。故D项正确。17选A根据下文“following Perus _ and using ecotourism to preserve their environment”可知,提升对环境的尊重意识。A项意为“环境”;B项意为“法律”;C项意为“经济”;D项意为“主人”。故A项正确。18选C根据语境可知,此处指秘鲁将重点放在可持续旅游上。A项意为“影响”;B项意为“理论”;C项意为“中心点,焦点”;D项意为“讨论”。故C项正确。19选D根据语境可知,此处指除了能更好地保护雨林之外,生态游还有一个优势,即提高了当地人的生活水平。A项意为“要不是”;B项意为“根据”;C项意为“尽管”;D项意为“除之外”。故D项正确。20选A根据语境可知,此处指许多国家都效仿秘鲁,利用生态游保护环境。follow ones example意为“仿效某人”,符合语境。故A项正确。B项意为“规则”;C项意为“建议”;D项意为“传统”,均不符合语境。版权所有:高考资源网()高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究


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